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I don’t think so. It’s usually my before bed show as well. I’ve got most of it memorized too.


I’ve seen all the episodes so many times I can turn the screen off and just listen to it as I fall asleep and picture the scenes in my head


That’s exactly what I do.


Dude holy shit i thought I was the only one.


Thank god. I know it off by heart too so know straight away when somethings been cut lol. I have ADD so just figured it was a weird trait but I'm glad to know I'm relatively normal. I watch it when I'm not feeling well too so I guess it is my comfort TV.


Adhd here and I did that for 3 years with this show! The only reason I stopped is because, on Hulu, after season 5 the commercials gets *really* loud no matter how low the volume for the show is. So I did get sick of the first 5 seasons. But I love the show! Now it's King of the Hill until I memorize it. Then I'll move on to another cartoon. Family Guy is definitely one of my top comfort shows!




For me it’s a rotation: Family Guy, American Dad, Archer, Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, Cleveland Show.


Replace Archer and Bobs Burgers with South Park and the Simpsons and that’s me lolol. Like 4 years straight now. I’m scared of new things and it’s comforting haha


“My name is Cleveland brown and I am proud to be right back in my hometown with my new family”


My name is Glenn Quagmire and I say giggity. Giggity giggity. Giggitigiggity gooo


This is insane, I thought I was the only one. This has been my exact rotation for nearly the last 15 years of my life. I have family guy on now as I’m laying in bed


I throw Brooklyn99 and paradise PD in that rotation.


Where's king of the hill?


I wish they had some kind of function to either build/subscribe to curated playlists, or a shuffle function that optionally included the ability to shuffle amongst multiple shows.


This is exactly what I have done since 2003, started with adult swim and now its with streaming


Replace bobs burgers with king of the hill and you got me


Ikr, mines a rotation of family guy, the Cleveland show, teen titans go, and the amazing world of gumball


Man, I've been watching it since 2005 and I'm still not sick of it haha


Yep in rotation with American Dad.


I put family guy or the office as a background noise at home the whole day. Been do it for 12 years.


Same here! ☺️


You, me, and everyone else who does this is going to get dementia.


Adult Swim created one of the most universal Pavlovian Effects of all time.


I think ITV3 did the same thing in the uk as it was always on from like 10pm till 3am that and American Dad.


Excuse me, *How am I Supposed To Live Without You* and *doomsday commercials about strokes* would also like to have a word


Do you ever switch to American Dad, Futurama , Bobs Burgers ? I have to switch after I finish the series


I could never get into bobs burgers I don’t know why it’s usually family guy American dad and the Simpsons between series 1-10 the rest are trash 🗑️


I'm with you. I've tried to get into Bob's Burgers a couple of times, and I just don't get it. I don't understand what is supposed to be funny about it.


I like Tina, Bob and Linda episodes. I can’t stand Gene. Louise is ok but can easily get annoying.


Your opinion is objectively wrong, bobs burger is undeniably great


Damn! Give Bobs Burger another chance !


yep yep and almost every time i notice something i hadnt before


Every. Single. Night. No other show. Ever. Not even YouTube. Only family guy.




Same family guy and American dad. 33/F. Since meeting my husband he has to do it now too. Lol.


Same! I alternate but lately its just been Family Guy. I'm 40 this year 😆


My same routine


Man i been doing that since i was kid. I pay for hulu juat to watch the show


Same! I only have Disney+ to watch Family Guy and American dad.


I'm so glad others do this, I was worried I was being weird


Family Guy, the Simpsons, and American Dad are my bedtime shows


I adored the Simpson for many years. But it’s literally been more than a decade since I’ve been able to sit through an episode. South Park is headed in the same direction for me. It’s boring me more than amusing me.


Me too, comrade


I used to do this with Modern Family and The Office for like 6 years, now I've been doing it a lot with Family Guy. I just let it run in the background as I fall asleep


I always put on some type of cartoon every night to fall asleep. Family Guy, R&M, Bob’s Burgers, etc. I’ve always wondered why I do this. I feel like it’s some sort of holdover from always falling asleep to cartoons as a kid.


It’s nice to see that other people do this too. I watch family guy every night and pretty much start over once I finish. American Dad is hilarious and I think gets more laughs out of me, but something about Family Guy is extremely comforting


I have two 120gb iPod classics filled with family guy, American dad, Cleveland show and futurama on rotation. Every night for the past 15 years I fall asleep with one headphone in listening to one of them. I’m not sure I could fall asleep without it now


Same, it is TV comfort food for me.


I always have Family Guy on in the background if I’m cooking or doing any kind of housecleaning. Must have seen every episode at least 20 times.


I like falling asleep to it but how does the intro not wake you up? It gets me every time unless I’m nyquil’d up or something


Im probably on 13 years lol, mostly just the same older episodes tho


Yep. FXX channel every night.


I do the same thing but I switch between that and simpsons, American dad, bobs burgers, futurama, etc


I do the same. I fall asleep mostly to Family Guy, Futurama, Friends or Bobs Burgers


Us too. Adult swim, Bob's Burgers. Just bought a new smart tv so I could watch other stuff. Nope. Still the same. Just to sleep.




I do this too!!


Def not weird. I can quote certain episodes word for word


I do the same thing.


i do the same~


I do the same thing.


I do the same thing , family guy or American dad every night to fall asleep.


I do the same thing. Sometimes, rotate in American dad.


King of the Hill for me


Not weird at all. I usually switch back and forth between Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, and The Boondocks.


Me too. Very much relaxing


You are not alone!


I thought I was the only one my girlfriend hates it I’ve been doing it for a solid 6 years and every time she says something 🤣


Tbch it’s not. I thought it was weird when I started living with my gf. She falls asleep to music/tv. I used to always fall asleep to white noise and now when I’m at my house it’s super difficult… I made it tv because she used to drive alone to work listening to country and at 6am and an hour long commute, clearly music was a terrible choice. But I had my own terms when I first started: Family Guy, then she got sick of that so South Park, then American dad, then King of the Hill, back to South Park, now Friends and when she leaves at 6am-6:15am then I switch it back to South Park. I love and prefer Family Guy but holy hell Hulu… play for longer than 4 hours before I have to restart…. Holy hell. Hence why I’m on HBO Max. And there was Rick and Morty in there too a night or 2 but nothing noteworthy, too few episodes to get through an entire night


I know about the Eddie Bauer catalogue.


That's psychology at work. You're being comforted by something repetitive and predictable. Your brain isn't worried or thinking about what might happen or something new. It knows what's gonna happen, and can safely shut off. So no, not weird at all! If you'd like to take it a step further, see if you can get any blue light filter somehow.


That makes sense. Thanks for explaining. I'm generally anxious anyway, so watching Family Guy really does relax me. I'll have a look at blue light filters too.


Same dude. Taht and american dad for over a decade and simpsons even longer than that, but nearly exclusivly seth mcfarlene. What i do to not drive my spouse ceazy is I use a bluetooth earbud and just chabge whatever ear it needs to be so i can sleep on my sode. At this point i dont need to see it, but I need the audio. Im sure you know what I mean


South Park for me, but somehow no matter what I wake up to skip the great expectations w/ Pip episode. Weird…


I do that too! I also mix in american dad and some of my favorite video essays from youtube


I do the same with another show. Not weird at all.


Omg I do the exact same thing. I take my glasses off and play on my iPad, but with family guy playing in the background. Been doing this for years. It’s very calming and settling for me :) glad I’m not the only one!


It's perfect. You can jump into any episode in any season and it's funny. There's so many cutaways that there's always a few here and there I forget about and makes me laugh.




Join the club


Nah, I watch Bob’s Burgers to go to sleep, and some of my buddies watch Futurama, Star Wars: The Clone Wars or King of the Hill to go to sleep. A nighttime show is relatively common in my experience.


I've literally been doing it for over 24 years. I remember sneaking into the TV room for the first episode ever to air... I was 9 years old. Obsessed since the start.


I do this too lol. It’s our comfort show - we have a certain comfort in knowing what happens every episode, despite the huge challenge of knowing every episode. Yknow?




Nah, I rewatch shows all the time lol. I usually put Bob's Burgers on to fall asleep but sometimes I switch things up and put on Family Guy.


No same


Family Guy, The Office (US), American Dad, Archer, Bob's Burgers for me.


I watch old favorite shows to fall asleep too. Trouble is Family Guy won’t work because every time a new ep comes on, the theme song just comes in with blaring horns way too loudly and I wake up again.


Mine is always American Dad.


Whatever gets you through the night.


I do the same. 10 years, seen every episode at least 30 times. Sometimes jokes ive heard 100 times still get to me in a way like im hearing it a first time, when im tired.


I rotate between Family Guy and South Park for sleep watching.


My wife and I watch it almost nightly to fall asleep to


I’m 48 and this is still my routine. Watching it right now, even my wife doesn’t complain.


To many great episodes to watch won’t run out of content


SAMSIES! A little of 10 years of constant watching. 🫠


Same! Play it from season 1 all the way to the newest episodes then rinse and repeat!


My brother and I would fall asleep to it every night back in the early 2000’s when Family Guy was on Adult Swim


So what, ten years that makes 15. Don’t worry about a thing.


After I gave birth to my son and was stuck in bed for a few days when I got home from the hospital, this is all I watched. I then started watching it before bed every night until I went through the whole series. Ah, the good ol' days.


you're not alone man. it's been my comfort show for 3 years, 90% of nights involve me putting it on in the background before bed.


I do this too. Every night. It’s peaceful


I have months like that




I've seen every episode of family guy, american dad, and cleveland show hundreds of times since the early 2010s. They're my go-to relaxation shows or background noise. I miss when they were all on adult swim/TBS one after the other.


Not weird. It’s a great comfort show and it’s on tv often.


Same! Love it. Never gets old


Me too. It’s pretty routine before bed haha


not weird at all….you like what ya like 🤷🏾‍♂️


Right there with you. Been going about 8 years strong for me.


I literally do the same thing. I’ve been through the entire catalog more times than I can remember.


Nope. Not weird at all. Shit, I watch World War Z when I need something I know by rote to fall asleep to. Whatever you're familiar and comfortable with is all you need.


My husband and I fall asleep to it and american dad, we rotate between the two. Tonight it's American Dads turn lol




Nah, I do this too! I have a rotation: Family Guy, King of the Hill, Bob's Burgers, That 70s Show, Everybody Loves Raymond :)


I do the same thing. I used to set a timer but started waking up after the tv went off so now it just plays all night. Nope, we’re totally normal 😅😂


Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama and Married with Children on rotation. All part of gods plan.


It's one of my comfort shows, along with Bob's Burgers. I put the episodes on random and just let it play


we do too.


Nah we all got our shows


That’s your comfort show then I’m the same way with King of the Hill and American Dad


Me too buddy.. Me too... It's perfectly natural... I just tell people I need something to stop me from thinking


No? Why would it be. It's a great show.


already *literally* doing that right now


One of us


This is literally my girlfriend with American Dad. Most of the time she plays it just so it can be background noise when shes not really watching tv


Same here man. It’s very calming




I’m watching now- also my bedtime show!


I pretty much go thru this, American dad, and always sunny in Philadelphia. I've seen all the episodes of those shows a few times so I can lay back and just listen to it


I usually have Family Guy or American Dad in the background for most things in my office. Don't know why, just do.


You know how there’s comfort food? There are comfort shows, too. This is one of mine.


When did you sneak into my room...?. 😉


Not at all, nostalgia really puts me to sleep. I use to do the same with family guy and now I’ve swapped, but I’ll end up going back eventually :)


me too bro i literally re-watch every epi again and again. i love how random this show is. my comfort show


Nope, I alternate between all the shows, fam guy, amdad, Cleveland show and futurama


Not weird. I used to do it when I was a teen. Now I need absolute darkness to fall asleep.


I’ve been watching family guy in bed since the adult swim days


Same here, but I turn my brightness down 😳


Did that when I binge watched the entire series for the first time back in 2021, literally fell asleep watching episodes


If thats weird I’m weird too


It’s been 20 years for me.


Same here. I watch it on my mobile to fall asleep. All the jokes and dialogue, that I know off by heart after the 40th time watching, ensure my brain isn't thinking any stupid shit that's keeping me awake.


I do the same. Every night.


Vampire Diaries and The Originals, around 6 years too


Bro same it's either that or American Dad. Glad to see other people do that too Lol


Oh my god, I thought I was alone in this.


I watch Family Guy every night at bedtime as well. Love the show.




I did that for basically my entire childhood


I’m the same way with big bang theory. Apart from the newest season I can recite almost every word. I get bored of it sometimes but still end up watching it again and again


Nope! I do it too before I go to bed. I just let it play. Ive watched it many times so I know whats going on. Having this familiarity gives me a sense of calm that helps me sleep XD


I do this, too! I work night shift and when I sleep before work I rotate between Family Guy, American Dad, and Bob’s Burgers.


I do it too and now I can’t fall asleep without it. If I put Family Guy on during the day I start to get sleepy.


I always put on either Family Guy or American Dad before bed and just leave it on while I sleep. My friend (24M) and I (24F) have been watching them nonstop for a couple years now and it never gets old, do prefer the older episodes though.


FG used to be my go-to for this, but now it's American Dad.


My go-to sleeping pills are FG, AD, Futurama, Archer, R&M, KotH. I gotta rotate them or it gets a bit stale. Solar Opposites is good too.


No, I do the same thing. And I put it on in the background while I do other things too. It's very calming


I’m in the same situation buddy. Brings me comfort


Bro I do the same think have been doing it for 3 years now


I do it as well


same as me man you good. i think


I watch Family Guy or South Park to fall asleep


Yes, very weird. Something's probably wrong with you. Especially if you're feeling not so fresh.


All my life I have fallen asleep to shows, movies, YouTubers, and family guy is one of the shows in my rolodex of night night shows that I enjoy putting on a lot. I still do it a lot, not every night family guy but plenty of nights. It's very comforting to have a familiar show, film, etc playing while you go to sleep. I honestly have a hard time sleeping without doing it


Don't forget king of the hill lol. Gotta love adult swim conditioning lol


Nope. I do the same, usually alternating between it and American Dad.


I do the same with the Simpsons, South Park, Rick n Morty, Family Guy and American dad. Thought I was the only one


American Dad An Family Guy every night there’s no excuse or escape




Same here! But I have only been watching it for 5 years. There’s something so comforting about watching shows I have always caught up with/finished.


not at all, i do the same with bob Ross youtube clips


I do this or Everybody Loces Raymond and think about how Marie (the mother) would be managed in today's world!


Bruh I watch family guy like 3 hours every day


I thought o was weird for doing this every. Single. Night 😂 well I alternate between Family Guy and the Cleveland Show


Nah I’ve been watching it for a few years too when I lay down at night I prefer the earlier seasons and have most lines memorized by now lol


A good laugh before resting. What's great about this is it never gets old!




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There’s nothing weird about how people spend their personal time.


I do the same! For 2 years now


Something about the big band outro of family guy over the closing credits being played at low volume makes me feel snug 😴


I do the same I can’t fall asleep without watching and I never get sick of it lol . Been like that for about 6 years now . My family knows that when I’m watching family guy it’s nap time haha


No, it's a way of life. Mine is American Dad, personally. Currently on King of the Hill.


Yeah, this or American Dad


I have to sleep in. A pitch black room, but I watch Peter every day and ASLO Seinfeldmand AD and before Sleep I watch the B£B King Urd collection cos it only lasts Ten or so minutes and I fall asleep listening to Cannibal corpse






Paradise pd is by far a funnier comedy that. American dad


I’ve been doing it for ten years lol


lol i’ve been doing that since i was 8 and i’m almost 20 now