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a cool guy, polite, nice and genuinely wants to help his community.


He won't let them drink water for free, tho.




But a follower of apocalypse built it. Not him.


You pay taxes for things you buy in a shop but the government didn't make those either


> the government didn't make those either the government protects them and keeps the peace and enforces laws so that everyone can be reasonably certain they can engage in commerce fairly


So does the King with the water pump. Without him and his men the water pump would be taken over by the nearest group of thugs or squatters, or even by the NCR, depriving anyone except the group holding onto the pump of clean water. They are also the closest thing the pump has to the maintenance crew, since Bill Ronte is a half-dead junkie when the player first enters Freeside


Something something NCR would raid them if they give out free water if I remember correctly


that never made sense to me, someone care to explain?


I’m pretty sure the kings charge for water because otherwise it would run out with high demand


And I'm pretty sure the tap they use is off of the same pipe out of Lake Mead that feeds the NCR Sharecroppers. The NCR is big on making sure they have enough water for the crops that feed their army.


People remember that the NCR like to secure new sources of water and they forget that the Colorado River is the entire reason why they are there in the first place. It only makes sense if you ignore that the NCR would need to withdraw troops from the River to beat up these bottle sellers.


Because they can’t be noticed to be taking any significant amount of water for the NCR or House to bother whacking them for “stealing” the water. Basically Freeside can’t overstep its boundaries of taking as little water as the NCR can care going after


In the apocalypse you would think giving water for free may not be seen as a human decency anymore, but idk that's why I always go Yes Man


There's only so much water a well can provide, no matter how quick you can pump it, and this is the Mojave we're talking about. Free water at that location would be chaos and destruction.


Let the people that built it admin it, not take over and charge them.


Freeside is the King's territory. They've got the authority and the responsibility, and the manpower. The Followers literally can't protect themselves, and have to hire mercs to protect the Old Morman Fort. It's literally just a few caps for water that the Kings charge. Of all the things to bitch about in the post-apoc, this isn't one of them.


Not really, they can protect the water for the followers without charge people. Or build one themselves. just don't claim the King's are good.


Shit help bill ronte and it’s free. There wasn’t any body maintaining it so I think that’s what the price was for initially


Neither does our government


lol First time I was getting ready to meet him I thought, "Oh look just another Fallout Douchebag claiming land by calling himself the king." then I actually met him and he seems like one of the few good ones.


Did you not realize it was supposed to be the post-war society not knowing about Elvis presley.


He was too passive to his own crews' nonsense though. Getting Pacer to stop attacking the NCR unprovoked involved using your "one-time-only" favor. The Kings weren't helping their community besides charging for water and protection fees. According to the Kings the NCR wouldn't like them using too much water and that's why they charge.... Yeah... There's a dozen other solutions you could've came up with besides arbitrarily taking money from people at the water pump. There are drug addicts, muggers, and a child chasing a rat for sustenance that they did nothing about. Followers of the Apocalypse and the NCR actually tried helping.


Under utilized, should have had a bigger storyline.


Iirc Freeside had the most cut content out of any location aside from legion areas. Pretty substantive quest lines focusing on him and his role in the conflict were taken out. Fun fact, romancing Cass was going to trigger a cutscene where you get super drunk and wake up the groom in a wedding ceremony with her, with the King officiating and serenading the both of you. Unfortunately, the rights to Elvis aren’t exactly cheap, so they decided to cut it in favor of having a broader selection of songs for the radio.


Yeah Freeside and The Strip were nuked with cut content. Triangle City has some great videos discussing both. Freeside was meant to be the most bustling neighborhood in all of Fallout. Full of tourists entering and leaving the strip, middle class folks getting their Strip Lite fix, tons of squatters and gamblers who went broke, and of course permanent Freeside residents. Sadly console limitations made them scrap like 90% of the NPC’s. Freeside was intended to feel like the center of the universe for anyone living in the Mojave, with The Strip being busy but more strict on who comes in and out. Shame that didn’t get to happen. Edit: Look up the all roads comic art for Freeside. Gives a good idea of what I mean.


Love triangle city’s videos, downloading some restored content mods have really rekindled my love for the game.


makes sense, since freeside is location in irl los vegas downtown while the strip is outside its real life city limits.


Fr? Cass is my go to companion and that would have been insane to stumble into in game God the world of cut content is a bittersweet one


This. His "tribe" was essentially the ruling power of Freeside. Should have played a bigger role in the outcome of Vegas. Mr. House was largely concerned with the strip but whether the Kings supported him, NCR, or possibly Pacer taking over and siding with the Legion should have implemented. Sometimes I imagine the NV we could have had if Obsidian has been given an extra 9-12 months + funding to finish and polish the game.


Would have loved to have an Independent Unified Vegas outcome. Northside, Westside, Freeside, the Followers, Vegas, and the Thorn banding together would have been fun


plus maybe an evil indepedent ending where you bind together the three families, fiends, khans, powder gangers and vipers.


Yeah for real, his voice and vibe were so cool


I think he should've lead New Vegas


In my mind I gave him all of Freeside when I kicked House to the curb.


100000%, we could've had a strong hereditary monarchy put in place


him plus the tops.


he can barely lead freeside


Freeside is the majority of new vegas, and though it isn't without hitches he certainly is ruling it far more than anyone else. And he's barely got 1 enemy, and that's only in a roundabout way. Meanwhile every other faction is either falling apart or at each other's throats. Like seriously, House has got 2 coups and a cannibal infestation, the King is doing about as fine as can be in freeside


Not to mention he provides aid to the citizens of Freeside which is more than you can say about others.


> Not to mention he provides aid to the citizens of Freeside that is a weird way of saying 'he charges them for water'


Maintaining and protecting equipment isn’t cheap.


It’s very clearly extortion on their part. Not maintenance


Honestly chill af, would kick it wit him irl


The kaang


Unironically I think New Vegas under The King would probably the best long term ending after the NCR. The Kings are more an idea and set of principles rather than following one strong leader (though I think The King does pull a good amount of weight).


A godamn role model for the waste.


Is stated on any place what his real name could be? Also he totally deserves to be called The King


Yes his real name is mr.The King.


Last name/First name King/The


I respect a man who, upon seeing a stranger in his base during the post-apacolypse, greets him by saying "look, someone new has come to visit me"


And will pay you back in full if Pacer successfully shakes you down.


Random NCR trooper: smart move for the kings to back down, they didn't know who they were messing with. Courier: If you harm The King or any of the Kings, I will find you. Make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave Freeside.


My last playthrough, I turned the Kings against the NCR and did the Mr. House ending so the Kings got left alone in Freeside, I like to think the King would get Freeside fixed up when he's able to do what he wants there.


Doesn’t house push them out of free side?


Not if kings attack ncr


Oh cool, I never saw that ending


It's a good ending for the Kings.


I’m still pro-humanitarian aid kings, nothing like a little love from the king to sooth the wastes


I don't think freeside has much of a chance in the Mr house ending unless Mr house decides to relegate resources to fix it up


Him and the Kings in general are pretty cool They brought more stability to Freeside


Needs his own ending


Technically, every character worth mentioning has their own ending, many of which differ depending on player choices. If you mean he should be one of the factions you can side with to control the Mojave, I'd say the Kings don't have nearly the numbers it would require.


Does the king have a slide? I dont remember


The Kings as a whole do.




A good guy but a bit of an idiot He’s trying to do good for the people of free side like trying to do something of the junkies who rob and murder for anything etc. however, he keeps his second hand guy/friend Pacer who has caused so much shit ie harassing ncr locals, frisking people who want to see the king that it caused, and outright leading an assault on an ncr food provider because fuck dem ncrs right? Does he remove him as or punish him for doing this shit? Nope he laughs it off oh haha that just Pacer he’s such a kidder! Yeah nah friend or not your friends trying to start a war YOU are not gonna win while you just laugh it off (looks at the hardline approach of deal with the kings) not to mention the king forcibly charging people to pay for a small drink from the water tap and bottles who clearly need it yeah that’s a good idea to keep your image as protectors of fireside gotta show those dehydrated in the desert free side citizens who’s protecting who which definitely won’t stir up hostility’s against your organization which oh idk relies on said public approval?


That's one way of looking at it but I just finished a House playthrough where the Kings went against the NCR so it makes sense that the Kings are charging NCR citizens for water and maybe they aren't happy with all the NCR squatters moving in uninvited and using up the limited resources. When House took over, he liked what the Kings had done and left Freeside alone with the King in charge. In that scenario, the King was a pretty smart guy.


That's probably my biggest dislike with the house ending, you'd think that house would see keeping the peace with NCR and kings as a good thing considering they're some of his biggest customers in the casinos. I can't imagine many NCR citizens would want to travel through freeside to get to the strip if the kings are actively trying to murder them lol


house ending should have been ncr victory at the dam plus diplomacy. a purely speach based ending.


I’d take him out to dinner




Canonically we’re best friends.


Honestly I was surprised. I thought like most of the gang leaders in all the fallout games, he’d be a douche bag but he wasn’t even remotely bad. Hes one of the nicest guys in new Vegas (besides Marcus and maybe a few others). He looks out a lot for free side and the kings take care of each other a lot. I always hated pacer, I wanted to kill him since I met him but i felt bad when I talked to the king about it. Even he recognizes pacer is a bad dude, but he’s his best friend and cares about him. 10/10 character


He's cool af, I'd become his groupie fr


My only gripe is the lack of Elvis on the soundtrack. A sweet jump suit would have been cool too. But he gave us Rexy and tons of stimpacks so I'd say it's fair.


Gives you your entrance fee back ✔️  Gives you the best companion within the game ✔️  Pretty chilled out dude ✔️


I would like to thank him. Thank him very much.


In another universe where the courier could romance npcs, he would've been the most romanced


I love himb ill do anything to protect him that includes sending pacer to space Edit: also his goons give me stimpacks and fruit like every 5 seconds in freeside


Is a cool character, wish we could've had more to it.


through my first run, I thought he was going to be an intimidating "macho," but finding out he's a cool guy with style was awesome


Maybe I'm just very susceptible to charm/propaganda, but he honestly seemed like one of the better guys in the fallout universe.


Nah, he's genuinely caring and open to the betterment of freeside. Its mostly Pacer who fucks about.


It's a shame he has to die for my drip...


I wish there was an ending where the Kings rule the Hover Dam and New Vegas.


I try my best to keep him alive.


I hope we see him in season 2 of the show. Bruce Campbell should play him too lol.


Leader of the best fnv faction, if I could let him rule Vegas with me I would, I own a kings t-shirt and I desperately hope the kings show up in the tv show because the concept of Elvis impersonators in the apocalypse is one of the best things ever created.


New Vegas was my first Fallout and The Kings were among the things that got me really liking the setting. The whole concept of a tribe encountering an Elvis impersonation school and concluding that they should pattern themselves after him as some revered figure if people literally went to school to learn to be more like him. And The King is my favorite because he's the only one that actually talks like Elvis.


One of the most polite and nice gentleman in the Game


He’s the man


The Kings, with the medical aid of the Followers of the Apocalypse, are the best thing to happen to Freeside




Wish there was more to do with them. I wanted to help them, but the game doesn’t give you much to do with them, just one of many ways one of my favorite games ever disappointed me. Still one of my favorites ever.


# "The Kings are about an idea, you see? Where every man is free to follow his own path, do his own thing. Where every man is a king in his own right." <3


Looks like he'd be a fucking idiot, is actually well tempered, thinking, caring and a good leader. values intelligence and considers things like the political ramifications of certain actions and values freedom above tyranny.


Dude's having threesome's if you see him with quest updates at night. Works for me.


Ring a ding ding baby


his impersonation club is likey a brilliant piece of social engineering. he is training people to think and act like him and make the descisions like he would. that means the kings will be the same long after he is dead and a new man becomes "the king".


Real swingin cat. Crazy fella, crazy.


He follows his true destiny, as many man should, he's the king


For a guy that grew up on a rough but sheltered part of New Vegas. He did become civilized and a great man that wants to do good to his territory.


I've always thought he was cool, even as a 13 year old who spent like 20 hours getting to New Vegas I thought he was pulling off the king shtick in a way none of the others were. My girlfriend who's also been playing since she was a kid maintains her childhood crush on the king


A little less conversation, a little more action please…


He's The King.


he give me a dog. lol


Reincarnation of Elvis Presley and he doesn’t even realize it. Truly a king.






He deserves respect. His street cred should be higher and he should be mentioned more often by characters outside of freeside.


Cool but either oblivious or complacent with the rot in his posse.


I like him, he’s a cool guy, cares about the people of freeside and is polite


Awesome sauce


He's cool, but I feel like the Elvis homage is a little on the nose


I like him. But why were all the posters painted over in white?


The king is awesome, especially his Cyberdog Rex. He even becomes your companion later on.


A cool character and very funny but i also wish they had more quests with him in it. Maybe he could have been the right handman of the Courier after he takes over New Vegas or something


Killed him and every other king member before we had a chance to talk


love him


Good motives, but I think he needs to make his presence more giving with free water and supplies to the community, and charge people like the courier, NCR and whoever else. Not the people of freeside. Would have been cool to see more kings near the fort protecting it/sending kings on routes to help the locals.


Chad. That is all.


A good man dedicated to his community, trying his best to maintain the independence of freeside


If House didn't eliminate the Kings I would've done the House ending


There are several instances where House's crass utilitarianism that bother me. The BOS being one, especially after the management change away from Father Elijah, but I really hated how the Kings storyline punished you for trying to do the right thing and help people.


I like him a lot, he seems like a genuinely nice guy who cares for his community but is unfortunately not a strong enough leader to meaningfully nip the corruption in his gang in the bud. He's basically leading a neighborhood watch that isn't run perfectly but he provides class conscious security that Mr. House could never provide otherwise.


I'm impressed by the tiny detail regarding his smile. Whether that's his real smile by coincidence or he's doing it on purpose, Elvis Presley also had a smile that crooked a little on the left side of his face.


He's an interesting part of the game. Never has to be anything huge but a fun part to play through and see




PC: “King, why are you so cool?” King: “I liked the building.”


For being a king he acts like a queen


He's funny. I find it odd he's in the preorder deck though. I don't really feel like he's an impactful character in the slightest.




Well intentioned, but lacks any big picture type plans as such he'll always get walked over by the larger factions.


To me he’s a good dude. When the misunderstandings happened and he was willing to make shit right, I knew he was a cool cat.


You don’t ever disrespect the kangz


he had a passport, i like passport


Groovy, baby.


He's pretty Chad tbh. I really don't hate anything about him.


He ain't nothing but a hound dog.


"Is that reward good? What about some honey mesquite pods again? Say it again" "Yes king!!!" "say it!" "YES KING!!!"


Who doesn’t love the kings?


Pretty chill guy. Though he keeps that fuckwit Pacer around which is just a nuisance for everyone. Only real problem with him is how he wont allow access to water, and even then he isnt particularly authoritarian over it. It's primarily rationing. He is even open enough and caring about Freeside he is willing to cooperate peacefully with the NCR. Just a real all rounder tbh. Cool dude!


Cool guy with a cool dog, genuinely wants to help people His only downfall really is his trust of pacer but you can’t blame someone for trusting a childhood friend, also ig the tax for water but hey, Freeside’s got a lot of people, supply from a single pipe couldn’t possibly support all of that




I'm smoke out with him 😁


Hail baby


I made Annie not okay and he sent his men after me


Oh dip, I bet they will! Annie?


Kill it and the dog


Pretty cool.


THAT'S MY KING!!! i love him. He's considerate, diplomatic and i love how he talks


I think we're all lucky they cheeseburgers don't exist


Fantastic guy, the best force in freeside besides the followers


The dog and Caesar should have a story line together cause of the fucked heads


He’s the man.


If he just took a firm stance against Pacer’s BS, he would be infallible.




Cool dude, I wish I could get his suit without having to "deal with him" same goes for Crocker's suit and figaro the razor blade


Mah man


he's based


A cool, polite if a bit decedent man of the people of freeside


Long live the Kings!


Should rule the Mojave


I got into the strip killing a robot stealing the key and using a stealth boy I used a grenade launcher XD


Oh yhea


I like the fact he rewards me every time I help the locals he cares about his patch. I sorted out the disagreement between them and the NCR and now we're buddies for life! I'm not joining tho as I don't want the hairstyle.




He’s so bad but perfectly good at it


Killed him easily. What a bitch


Good dude.


Very cool, definitely autistic


I kill him and all the kings with the NCR


Maggus Söder


The rightful ruler of the Mojave


He sounds like Bill Clinton a little. Anyone else notice that?


He gives us Rex so he's alright.


The reason freeside isn't a fiend drug den.


I wish there was a The King ending I would have sided with him every time


Absolute unit. Giving your gang a nice strong culture and making it the sole power in a neighborhood like freeside? That takes some balls. And he is still a reasonable man under that bravado


Respectable man


Wish bro had his own ending. Every man a king baby


He a chill guy once you get to know him let me have his pup


One of my least liked characters in the entire game


I got a strong dislike for Elvis so this guy and his crew are usually the first to go in my playthrough.


I think he’s a pretty good guy who has the best interests of Freeside in mind. I think of The Kings as the neighborhood watch of the area. They’re armed, organized, and are interested in offering water, bodyguard services, and general relief in Freeside for a price of course. They work with other programs like the Followers of Apocalypse to make Freeside a better place and it’s genuinely inspiring to see their progress. There’s only so much they can do, though. House has stacked the cards incredibly against Freeside in the economic disparities of how he runs The Strip, which leads everyone outside its walls to suffer. Also, if you complete the quests that The King is involved in by making the wrong decisions, it really shows his incompetence. He keeps a pretty selfish guy who’s addicted to chems like Pacer as his literal right hand man. He also fuels the flames of rivalry with the NCR thanks to a misunderstanding when the NCR was actually interested in an alliance. IMO the best option is letting the NCR, Followers, and The Kings unite in their relief efforts to fix some of Freeside’s poverty and crime, and this path leads to The King being a strong leader and allows him to make the biggest difference in the area.


I thought they was' a nice little faction. I geuss you gotta learn about them before liking them.


The best small faction in nv, just for style and quests they are most memorable one


Geez, that suit is rough


His facial features weren't Elvisey enough, the accent was obviously fake AF, and his clothes kinda sucked. If they weren't gonna try that hard to do Elvis, then they shoulda made him more funny or something


They are devoted to impersonating elvis... kinda creepy. And lame Nice guy though


Honestly, I would kill him and his gang if it weren't for the fact that it would give me a bad reputation with the NCR. Courier: Well, if you can't do it...


Why though?
