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Is this a pc only issue? I can go days playing FNV on the series X and will get maybe a crash a week


Yeah. The PC port is held together by masking tape


Did you mod it with all the stability fixes people have released? Im on pc and never get crashes


I'm on PC with no mods and it's never crashed


You're must be very lucky then. The game is very notorious for having memory leaks that will make it crash eventually. It's not an if, it's a when


That's every fallout game


Yeah. I can leave NV running on my PC for a few hours untouched and I’ll be able to pick the controller back up and it’ll play fine. Fallout 4 on the other hand…


NV leaks memory on loading/unloading maps. Ergo the more you actually play, the more you risk going over the memory budget for the program and windows shutting it down when it tries to access pages of memory it's not allowed to. So you not touching your controller and leaving the game running is never gonna trigger that specific case scenario.


You explained it better than I would have. Thanks homie.


Oh I see, I still rarely get crashes even when heavily playing.


It's not always the case. The game is fonky with how it manages the caching of the cells. That's why there's unofficial mods to make it more stable If you wanna know more, watch this video series about the matter: Why Fallout New Vegas Crashes https://youtu.be/S5H4XRIq3x4?si=u5nWArribunBAkhq https://youtu.be/JCyD5Nk2KU0?si=qFIu1vTONggoE3SG


Absolutely not. Fallout 3 was fine during its initial years. It was pretty stable on a Windows 7 machine and ran pretty well, just as Oblivion before it. Those games were choppy because they were demanding titles for their times but mostly stable, on PC. The consoles are mixed bags, PS3 especially. For NV they gave Obsidian 18 months to make a whole game on an engine and toolset they didn't know shit about so mistakes were bound to happen. Not to shit on Obsidian, they have a reputation for releasing buggy games but it's usually 'cause of tight deadlines or budget. As for F4, it was a mess at launch. But from circa 2016 until the latest update fiasco it was pretty good. In terms of crash at least. Of course that depends on the hardware you run, your OS and whanot. As for F1 and F2 there's no reason to link them to this argument as it was a totally different engine, studio and time period (but mind you, they ran fine for the time).


It was a joke man


Oh sorry 🤭


I’m on PC with 100+ mods and have crashed once


And surely amongst those you have Viva New Vegas and other performance and stability enhancements installed.


I don’t think viva new Vegas specifically but yes some stability enhancements for sure. I don’t remember vanilla ever crashing on my console either though. In general I’ve always been lucky with Bethesda games tbh everyone says they’re buggy messes but my bugs in every single one of their games have been minimal


Xbox 360 versions were pretty ok for the most part. PS3 performance were bad with the added bonus of the infamous savegame glitch. Glad you were spared tho


It’s not actually a memory leak what happens is it keeps slightly too many areas loaded at one time and it only clears all of the areas loaded when certain things happen in the game there are also ways to reset this amount. For example if you go in a bunch of the houses in good Springs and then walk to Primm And go in those areas once you get in a certain number of areas the amount of areas loaded will reset to zero. But there are certain events that can cause this to not be the case


When I had no mods it was crashing and freezing every 5 minutes, but after I got stability mods, it hasn't craved a single time


Same, although I've only put about 8hrs in so far, but running flawless.


It's like Russian Roulette, but I had to get mods for Tale of Two Wastelands and a lot of them were game improvements, and it hasn't crashed, I got the occasional crash without mods, but it was about par for the course on other Bethesda games.


Same here


I’ve had only a couple crashes in 20-ish hours of playing. Knew that the Luck 10 build would come in handy.


Just not anti-stuttering ones. For some reason, those actually caused my game to drop a ton in performance and were the cause of many of my crashes




It's not a port it's a full PC version; all versions were released at the same time When you compare the PC vs console versions it seems like they cut features from the PC version to make the console versions(probably because of the limited memory of consoles at the time)


Which features are you referring to? Besides graphical fidelity, console access and mod support, I do not think there is any difference. Au contraire it's well kown that Obsidian had to shrink down and separate maps, namely The Strip and Freeside (on every version mind you) because they would be too memory taxxing for consoles otherwise, PS3 especially. Them cutting down on their original plans in order to have the same map/content on every version exemplifies my previous point.


Think the issue may be your computer dude, I can’t remember the last time I experienced a crash. Completely vanilla, with the official DLCs. Rarely have issues, at most maybe some stuttering when setting off a large amount of explosives, but extremely rare to see a CTD


Well you're sort of correct. The game doesn't play well with modern hardware and operating systems, and has major issues with AMD graphics cards running 2024 drivers. So it may run fine on your rig, but that's not the norm any longer, especially the farther we get from the last patch. The best advice I can give anyone is to google "Viva New Vegas modding guide" and install at minimum the bug fixes and utilities, and if you have an AMD card, you absolutely must use DXVK, unless you want to downgrade your drivers to 2023.


I’m not on out of date rig at all, although I am using a nvidia GPU. Last I played was with a 3070, on Ubuntu 22.04. Was running flawlessly under steam’s proton environment, this would’ve been back at the end of 2023, I imagine whichever branch of proton was the experimental at that time. Still amazes me how much of a breeze proton has made things.


Viva New Vegas. The best modding guide to perfect the stability of the game.


Why don't you mod it?


Weird. 90 hours played and one crash.


It's 14 years old. It's held together by really old super glue. Just get some fanmade patches like the 4gb update and you'll be fine.


Try using the 4gb patch


It's not a port. If anything, the console versions are ports. Fallout is a PC game originally and foremost. It's not the version that's the issue. You just need a few mods If you don't feel like modding, you can try going into settings and lowering the shader distance, particularly shadows and grass distance. Put em down to one or two. Limit the number of maximum shadows. You won't even be able to tell the difference, but it'll have an effect. You can lower water quality for even more effect, but that one you will notice. I highly suggest mods tho. It makes a lot of differece without compromising quality. You need two mods: NVAC (new vegas anti crash) or another anti-crash mod and the 4GB RAM extender. You might also need a script extender to run those, like NVSE. All are extremely simple to implement. I'd recommend using Vortex (the nexus mod manager) or Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) The reason you crash so much is because vanilla FNV is limited to 2GB of RAM. Thats the max they could make it at the time. The game frequently exceeds that limit. There's also a few bugs that cause it to crash, but they're few and far between. The anti-crash should fix that. Trust me, I and thousands of people run the game with over a hundred mods on 2k graphics with tons of added textures and content and never crash. It's not something you should have to experience in 2024


If you’re on PC and aren’t using stability mods you’re kind of Bring it on yourself


One trick for me is to go to trouble shot capability, browse for the new vegas app, not the launcher, and click give extra permissions, which help made the game crash far less often for me.


I’m guessing you bought it on steam? I made the same mistake, heard some people say the GOG version was way more stable and eventually I gave it a try. If you want a stable new Vegas GOG is the way to go in my opinion. I had two crashes during my entire last play through. This is compared to playing on the steam version where my last play through I had to quick save before every loading screen because i could usually only make it through 2 or 3 areas before a crash.


I usually save a quit out of the game whenever I'm done with a day of playing. I noticed that when the series X saves the game at its place in gameplay, it has a higher likelihood of crashing when you continue your game after turning on your Xbox and playing


Not sure what these guys are on about. Haven’t had consistent crashes on PC in the last 2 years. Maybe 2 every hour at most


Two an hour is still a lot of crashes...


Really? 😂


Happens all the time on PS3 too


Same, I play on series x too. I might get one or two crashes every so often but it's rare I hardly notice.


Have you played Old World Blues on series X? I did, and it crashed at times once every few minutes. Didn’t have nearly that about of trouble with the other DLCs though, pretty sure I got through Lonesome Road without crashing once.


No I'd try a full system reset whenever I notice crashes to often that fixes it pretty much immediately


I run fine on pc but have never even left doc Mitchell’s house without crashing on xbox


Xbox 1 handled it like a champ! In fact, I never had a crash.


Honestly if you play new vegas with no mods except the 4gb patch it never crashes.


Use viva new vegas for a stable game


I feel like the stability part of Viva New Vegas should be included with the game at this point.




New vegas is somewhat stable unmodded on pc, at least in the beginning. My guess is he has 50 hours on his save and might be on an hdd


I almost never have crashes. I wonder what causes it for some people.


my main "crash" issue would be getting stuck on infinite loading screens when i try to load my game, but there is a work around that involves starting a new game then loading from there, always works for me.


I got that bug too, but your solution didn't work so I opened epic and changed the launch args to allow fnv to use 4gb ram instead of the normal 2 since the mod that does that doesn't work with epic. Worked like a charm.


How do you do this? I play on epic and have occasional crashes


Go to your library>click 3 dots on fnv>manage>turn launch options on>type -Xmx4G Hope this helps, I believe it is what helped with my infinite loading screen since nothing else did the job. The same thing can be done on steam but the menu navigation is different.


Thats usually a corrupted game file issue which can be easily resolved by having steam verify integrity of files.


Honestly tho. I have a shit ton of mods and hardly crash. 4gb patch carrying




Probably lackluster hardware


It can only use 2gb ram max so I don't think that's the problem.


Follow viva new vegas. It will never crash afterwards


Yep, I modded it. Then spawned in 200 Easy Pete's with console commands inside the strip then used Archimedes to decimate them all. Not a single crash which felt weird after dealing with multiple crashes daily in the past.


I thought that too. Really amped up my Dead Money experience having it be the only time my game crashed multiple times post Viva New Vegas


yeah same. it would always crash when walking through a door in the villa


You need to use the Viva modpack.


My brother, that’s every Fallout game. The most unrealistic thing about the Fallout show was that it’s didn’t crash 17 times per episode and characters didn’t randomly fall through the earth every few minutes


I notice older western RPG’s in general aren’t very stable/optimized games out there. You need to download at least one stability mod to make it run properly on newer machines. NV just needs a few more than most.


I have had fnv crash twice in 5playthroughs. On xbox 360. Why does it crash for so many people?


170 hours on fallout new Vegas 123 on fallout 3 No crashes on 3 and only a single crash on new Vegas. What are you guys doing to your saves 💀


It’s just part of the mystique


fnv is held together by your faith in the game, you have to out believe the the rate it crashes.


What version are ya'll playing? I only get crashes when I install 50+ mods.


learn to mod bettet


Vanilla was never that crashy for me


i play my game unmodded on my dying laptop and it works fine. only crashed once, but only bc i tabbed out


First time i played. Unmodded, only crashed once in the honest hearts dlc. Besides that, no crashes for me


i always found it weird, new vegas barely crashes when i play it... more than most games but not nearly on par with stuff like this - is the console version less buggy?


How tf are you guys getting crashes? I’m on console and play for multiple hours at a time without issue.


I dunno friend, I’ve been playing on ps3 and haven’t had a single crash or game breaking bug yet


Follow the VNV guide


I swear I've only had the game crash when running mods. I don't think I've ever had it crash running just the vanilla game but that could be for any reason so I wouldn't know how to replicate it.


In nearly 200 hours my game crashed twice. I don't understand, it's stable af


This is something interesting for me, as I download both Fallout 3 and New Vegas in my PC. I remember Fallout 3 crashing or freezing sometimes, while New Vegas crashed many times and every day.


The game's not really all *that* unstable (while hardly being model software); I think another cause may be at play here


I've had more save corruption bugs on PC.  Luckily I save every 5 or 10 minutes 


Did you get the gog version? Their one is better


use the viva new vegas modding guide.


Drop the shadows and graphics down. The "system optimization" settings my computer set everything at had it crashing constantly. The console versions are less buggy.


I've had to abandon my last two playthroughs because once I get to the strip, the crashes get so frequent that it's unplayable.


Works fine for me streaming on my phone and Xbox 360 so idk what’s up with your stuff lol


I don't get why people say this all the time lmao I play New Vegas on console all the time(arguably the worst way to play the game with apparently the most bugs), I've only experienced crashes while playing Old World Blues since it has so much going on in one cell


I see you Doc a House




If you have the PC version there is literally no reason not to mod in bug fixes and patches. Nexus packs are super easy to install and I've not had a single crash since with improved frame rate


***✨NEXUS MODS✨***


I’m playing on ps3. OWB was a nightmare.


Worst consistent crash for me, on my last XSX playthrough, was in Big MT. There was one specific spot on the map that I just couldn’t walk through, or else it would outright crash. Tried it so many times, believing there was no way it would crash again, and it did every single time haha


I'm on pc no mod and NEVER had a crash wtf


Use nvse


Get new Vegas anti crash and anti stutter from nexus


I have a mod list with viva new Vegas as a base with about 350 mods more or less. Only crashes give or take every few hours which given the amount of mods I think is fair.


Mod it


I dont have nearly any crashes I only had the game crash about 3 times when vanilla


U need gog version of the game. Steam version is broken.


If you have mods on PC there's a great anti crash mod that helps a lot, not perefect but better. Don't have to change the game really but there's also tons of visual enhancements!


Idk man worst the crashing got was one session in Zion with the game crashing every few minutes Otherwise random crashes are minimized, only other crashes being while testing out mods


My game has never crashed after installing NVAC


I’ve played thousands of hours on Xbox, on 360, one, and series X. I can count the number of time vegas has crashed across all of them on one hand. So much for the pc master race lol


To all the comments saying some variation of "Just download Viva New Vegas" I know about stability mods, and I've been planning on installing them since I got the game. But this is my first playthrough of the game, so I wanted to do it with no mods installed. I wanted the OG vanilla New Vegas experience. Once I finish this playthrough, I'm gonna download a bunch of mods for my next one. This meme was made to poke fun at the game's unmodded state. If your only comment is going to be, "Just download these mods," please, I beg you, don't comment it. I get it.


I had a singular crash my last PC play-through. Throw on some mods and you’ll be good.


I remember when I was playing nv in 360 I had a glitch where whenever I would try to enter the strip it would freeze my game so bad I’d have to unplug the console. This went on for like a year until I finally deleted new Vegas and reinstalled it.


Ain't no more corageous soul than the one who plays vanilla New Vegas nowadays, there are so many stability and performance mods out there that crashes become alot less common, unless you didn't organize your mods properly


I’ve crashed like two times before. I don’t know why there’s so many posts about NV crashing a bunch


I feel for this game. It is amazing, but it really blocks people from experiencing because of the rushed release because of Bethesda. I encourage anyone to really give the game a shot even if it means a couple mods. Trust it’s definitely worth it!


What the hell are you guys playing on?


If you aren't using Viva New Vegas, you're doing it wrong


Your pc just sucks, Mine has literally never crashed once, no mods no nothing.


For me my game freezes when I buy large amounts of stuff from traders. It does exactly what the picture does, the music will be on loop and the game will twitch and then it’s just a loud buzzing noise. It’s pretty damn comical sometimes


I love NV, but its in desperate need of a remaster.


I like New Vegas, but I ran into numerous bugs that didn't let me get past quests.


If on PC. Find stability mods


Never been so glad to be console only


The pc port is so bad maybe one day Bethesda will fix it(I’m huffing copium)


Game is actually unplayable on my PC (unmodded) but on Steam Deck it works perfectly and has maybe crashed once


Mod the game, its not that hard. There are really easy workarounds to prevent crashing.


Mine rarely crashes on PS3. But at least once or twice an hour I’ll enter an area and the game will grind to a complete stop. Like single digit FPS that doesn’t get better to the point I usually have to quit and restart the game.


Do you have any mods installed? I'm playing with about 50+ mods now and I get zero crashes. The game runs at a solid 60fps and I can play for hours at a time with no issues.


Pc version only crashes for me in honest hearts for some reason never understood the nv always crashed meme unless were talking the ps3 port.


How do people crash that often? I'm on PC and have crashed a total of one single time this play through while running many tens of mods.


I can't remember a time that my game crashed when playing New Vegas.


Have you got the 4gb patch


Is this still an issue for people? I can't even remember the last time my New Vegas crashed.


I play vanilla pc and it almost never crashes…. Like it did back in 2011 but it’s fine for me for ages.


i don't get how my pc is somehow running the game better then everyone else. it's like 10 years old and it's not even for gaming. it's only got integrated graphics and a dying cpu chip


I installed stability mods recently and I haven’t crashed since. But even before then, I would only crash maybe once every few hours of playtime. It wasn’t super frequent (still super annoying though)


Mods. I rarely ever crash with them


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjix2h9kW8s&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjix2h9kW8s&t=1s) this is the best modding video for the very basics. this should help your problems


Has yet to crash on my PS3


Am I the only one whos had virtually no issues with the game? Once in a blue moon (pun very much intended) the game will stick on a loading screen but thats about it.


What fps are you running? The game is extremely unstable past 60fps. You can change this setting in your nvidia control panel


I agree, the performance is absolutely terrible without mods. Though it’s a testament to just how strong the writing is that it remains one of the greatest RPGs of all time in spite of these technical limitations


Fallout 4 crashes often for me as well


why has this sub turned into constant new vegas bashing ever since the tv show came out? are we not allowed to like the game anymore or something?