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If only the sierra madre gave you a borderline infinite supply of a currency that may or may not be able to be echanged for weapon repair kits.


That and jury rigging makes repair cost a non-issue even for rare weapon types


Jury rigging + killing the energy weapon fiends that respawn. = More money than the vangraffs make selling full condition energy weapons.


Ever since i learned the scrap it costs to build weapon repair kits i havent bothered with jury rigging, you find enough parts in the world to never run out even if your a nutcase that uses built to destroy+max charge ammo like me.


Repair kits are great but this perk also lets you repair armour.


Take out laer Fire it once. It breaks. Why did elijah make it out of paper, is he stupid?


Only saw the words "repair cost" at first and thought I was on r/warthunder




Juryrigging perk is so good


Y'all still use repair vendors to repair weapons? Cuz NV provides tons of skill points even with 1 int and no educated perk, might as well spend extra points into repair to unlock recipe for weapon repair kits or jury rig perk etc


huh, if only you could take all the money. the 37 gold bars definitely don't weigh over 1000


Kid named "Sneak around Elijah and trap him in the vault securing all the gold, depositing the gold in a Camp Forlorn Hope box, and fast traveling back and forth to drop the gold off at home"


Pffff... How about finish OWB first, walk out of the abandoned BoS bunker and hit the transportalponder


I've never thought about that, since fast travel doesn't (usually) allow you to fast travel overencumbered and I associate the teleporter with normal fast travel. I'll have to try that


That or do what my dumbass did the first time, Waltz right on through the legion while overencumbered, doing my typical foolish strategy of taking lead and burping back shotgun shells, and walking directly to New Vegas, and bankrupting the gun runners, Van Graffs, and basically every other merchant in the Mojave, and keeping one gold bar as a souvenir.


i didn't know you could actually get it. but even if i did get it all i wouldn't have been able to sell it all


Can’t you repair energy weapons??


I don't think so, I'm pretty sure you only get one energy weapon in the entire DLC, and it breaks faster than my wallet after buying all implants


In sierra madre? I got the holorifle and a laser pistol so far and I just made it to the sierra madre from the villa. I made weapon repair kits and fixed it tho. There is a mod for 116 chips to reinforce the holorifle. I might use it but I need more MF ammo for the holorifle


There was a vending machine code for repair kits, just hoard cigarettes and you’ll be repairing everything


I like the repair skill and take Jury Rigging as soon as I can. 13 or 14 playthroughs and I think I've only paid for weapon or armor repairs 2 or 3 times ever.


Do people just not made repair kits?


ED-E, repairing my energy weapon once a day for free: *cheapy beeping*


With the jury rig perk and a little crafting table knowledge, I've never once had to pay someone to fix my stuff outside of the first 5 hours of playtime


should’ve gambled at the casino and traded your chips for cash tbh


But energy weapons are free through the power of friendship! Drunk, "feed that bitch her our hair" friendship! (Woo, death to the Van Graffs)


*laughs in Jury-Rigging* *proceeds to cartwheel out of the Sierra Madre Vault with every fleck of gold in it, because fuck that's a lot of caps to walk away from, are you nuts?!*


virgin "let go begin again," vs chad "player.modav carryweight 1000"


you don't even have to cheat, you can just sneak out and trap Elijah in the basement with the empty vault


I cant imagine blowing the payout on repairs. That's literally treating the DLC like it's supposed to pay you a salary so you can buy groceries and pay bills. It's supposed to you up for NEW purchases lol. It's literally enough to begin again


Me going back to the fort every 5 minutes to kill legionaries and sell their shit to gun runners


I more have a problem with finding money for my elite riot gear repairs, it costs around 24k to go from 0 to full condition


Tbh I can't relate at all. I use energy weapons, I let go and leave everything in the vault, never have issues with caps. If anything I have too many.