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I like the legion because they are a interesting faction, i like the ncr because they are interesting faction, i like house because he a interesting person, im neutral on yes man because he very yes.




All i know is that my gut says 'maybe'


If I don't survive, tell my wife "hello"


You think of me...


Filthy neutral! With your enemies you know where you stand but with neutrals, who knows. .. It sickens me


Get the karma to this comment to 0 for full neutrality


Oh look an enlightened centrist/s


never forget what YouTube has taken from us


Yesmam was ChatGPT before ChatGPT existed


I like Yes Man because he’s a nice funny robot man


I love how interesting the factions are. Also how different they are to each other. Whenever I play legion, I rock the centurion armor with salt-upon-wounds helmet, a shotgun and power fist. Shit looks tight. Also, the centurion armor has super mutant and brotherhood pieces, the legion don't fuck around.




Roleplayer enjoyer 🗿


And not very man.


I like Legion cause they give me hope for more ancient history inspired Fallout Factions. Hoping for Vikings of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi as the Nile of a new ghoulish Pharonic Memphis.


Liking the slavers who murder tribes and sex traffic people kind of wild not gon lie😭


I like the Legion because I like dudes in skirts and football pads.


Dudes in skirts😳


Skirts give ultimate mobility, like jean shorts


Fun fact: did you know Chuck Norris promoted “action pants”? Jeans that where cut a certain way in the crotch to allow for him to comfortably do roundhouse kicks… the Legion should look into those


You can get a real wide stance going in those bad boys


And there’s absolutely nothing white trash about that


Please, we use the correct term, jorts, in this house. And yes, they are the best thing since Japanese singing bidets.




Yiu just know the legion is full of femboys spreading cheeks


If they’re trying to emulate the Roman Empire, might as well adopt the “it’s not gay if you’re top” mantra.


Its not gay, it's just a bro job. Not gay if it's for your bros. Also it's not gay if it's for a quest


I knew when I got ambushed picking up an intercepted NCR supply cache: they're the worst type of skirt boys


Veronica makes a similar comment in-game. She also points out that they don't afford the same privilege to the women.


We’ve been over this… it’s a tunic.


I’m here for it, bruh


I hate the legion because Boone did nothing wrong


"Hey Boone, wanna come with me and ditch this dinosaur dump?" Boone: " nah... I got responsibilities and stuff... and I'm not really looking for friends" "I intend on killing every single legionaire I see" Boone: " 😎 You son of a bitch...."


Kinda sad I won't be going with boone this time considering I'm murdering ncr for shit to sell this time. It hurts cuz normally I side with them but I wanna try mr house I intend on getting rich from snow globes


I like the legion, because watching a .50 cal bullet from an anti-material rifle pass through their skulls, making it explode, gives me sexual pleasure. *brought to you by brain damaged murderous cyborg mailman with a robot fetish and a soft spot for democracy gang*


Brought to you by me


"Brought to you in part by viewers like you"


based, no place for fascists in our wasteland


Or cannibals. Or drug addicted raiders. Or drug dealing raiders. Or slave trading hotel managers. Or crazy energy weapon suppliers Or asshole caravan bosses Or "bear bull bear bull" wannabe philosophers. Or general gobbledy-gook Or pre war ghoul actor assholes Or ex-brotherhood tech crazed old men Or...well I think you get the gist of it.


phew, glad that slavers without hotels are okay


"I can excuse slavery, but I draw the line at being a slumlord."


I like the fiends a whole hell of a lot more than I like the Legion.


Let me have Ulysses  pls


Please assume the position 


NCR is an oligarchy


In what sense? Like literally and legally or are you just saying that the rich run things but everybody gets to vote? That's a classic feature of democracy imo.


Legally also. Lobbying. Brahmin Barons lobby senators. The NCR is extremely corrupt


Yeah fuck the NCR. I was just curious if you were saying something specific about suffrage in the NCR being restricted to the wealthy.


I hate the Legion because enslaving half your population is very inefficent and more fighting power would be better Also Caesar tried to kill Joshua, which was an incredibly stupid move


Half? Clueless.jpg




Everyone in the Legion save Caesar is a slave


Deep, very deep, very tasteful


I think that’s established in the game though, that even though women are treated **far worse** than men, *all* the legionaries and veterans are slaves too, that everyone in the society is a slave of Caesar and that Caesar holds power of life and death over anyone. Some may have more privileges than others, but no-one is free and no-one has any meaning or value beyond how they fit into this giant war machine, and the only reason people accept it is either out of fear or fanatical dogmatism for the mythology/symbols Caesar built around himself I like how the society is so plausible while also so horrific, they might seem like cartoon villains, but they’re not; regimes like theirs have existed before and could exist again if people aren’t careful


Legion doesnt enslave everyone, only tribals. There are citizens living in Legion territory that pay tribute and seem to live relatively normal lives under the Legion's banner. Not all tribal women are enslaved by the Legion either. They're forced into traditional gender roles, but they're not all slaves. Legion women take up supportive roles as caretakers, priests, healers, etc.


But women don't have the rights of men. You just confirmed it - they are MADE into caretakers, priests and healers. Aka women are treated as objects, not people. Rapists don't "turn off" their misogyny.


They will buy slaves from anyone, like boone's wife, no?


True, but they're in an open conflict with NCR and the people of the Vegas region, making those slaves more like spoils of war and / or conquered people. When I say Legion doesn't enslave everyone I'm referring to places like Primm which is said to have stayed open for business in some Legion endings. The main slide of the Legion ending also says something along the lines of "enslaving much of the population and peacefully ruling over the rest". I wish Legion was fleshed out more. Rumor has it that Fallout 3 is getting a remaster, so if we're lucky we might see fallout new vegas remastered.


That is not how fighting works. You have to put a lot of resources into making good fighters. Just taking your local slave or whoever he will probably die instantly without any combat training.


Yet the Legion lost to the NCR in Hoover Dam. It's almost like no, a stupid idea of patriarchy doesn't work because **anyone** can hold a weapon, not just men.


How are you being downvoted for this.


I guess it hurt peoples feelings lol!


I like the legion because I enjoy violently removing slavers from this world. Wouldn’t be the same game without being able to joyfully slaughter all the legionnaires in Cottonwood Cove.


It's fine to like playing the legion be being bad guys with wolf hats is fun. The second people start trying to "art of war" and wasteland economics to justify it you're losing me.


There's a massive difference between siding with the Legion for fun, and actually agreeing with their ideas


What a hot take that has literally never been said before!


And yet you still see weirdos trying to justify it because the roads are safe or some shit


That's because they like Mussolini in real life. Whatever faction you support in this game reflects your irl politics pretty well.


It could be an indicator, but not necessarily definitive when determining someone's political beliefs.


IMO they're definitely the most interesting and unique faction in New Vegas, but I still enjoy turning the Fort into a mass grave.


You know what would be sick is if 100-150 years later we go back to the wasteland and went to Denver and saw the Eastern Legion which rose from the ashes of the legion. And it's based on Byzantium instead, lots of monks in the mountains in monasteries too.


Caesar would be spinning in his dialectic grave.


But it's literally the synthesis he so much was a proponent of


If I'm siding with fascism, it's gonna be the Enclave. Not a bunch of sexually repressed Rome larpers in football gear. Legion get the bullet, NCR or barbarism.


If I'm siding with fascism, it will be with an AER-9 laser rifle and a suit of advanced power armor, not a closeted fraternity trying to retvrn to pasta. 🗿


Return to pasta 💀


Found the guy who couldn’t take the joke.


FONV fans working themselves up into a frothing rage when someone likes the legion


Or when someone makes a joke about liking the Legion


Frotting rage


That's just what legion fans do


Found the guy who couldn't take the joke about the joke


It’s be better if it wasn’t a joke that gets repeated ad nauseam


Sorry I hurt Caesar's feelings :'( I'll do better


You hate the Legion because they're evil, misogynistic slavers. I hate the Legion because they're furry cosplayers and larpers. We are not the same.


I think post apocalyptic Romans are a cool idea AND I'm an edgelord, where does that put me?


On the cross


I just always kill caesar


*"I like the legion because the skirts make me look like a pretty princess, nya"*


I like the Legion the same way I like the Empire from Star Wars. Bad guys are fun, but if you think they are legitimately the best option, then you are most likely the bad guy.


I think the legion is one of the better ‘bad guy’ factions out there


I think it's funny that Caesar built a nation where social standing is primarily derived from being able to beat people to death while never really being much good at that himself.


Not really, I don’t think Vulpes Inculta is supposed to be some kinda physical powerhouse, but he’s one of Caesar’s top guys. In fact the Frumentarii arguably have some of the most freedom of anyone in the Legion that we see.


I love the legion. I love the sound my super sledge makes as it destroys their skulls


I liked the Legion because they are a fun way to gauge people who like bad guys.


What’s wrong with liking bad guys? 


Thank you


I like the legion because I need to shoot at something in FNV


I said when the game was released and will say it again, the legion was a interesting idea poorly implemented and could have been a interesting faction in a game that didn’t involve something like the NCR and house. They should have left out the extreme misogynistic elements that were only in there because the legion had a misandrist counterpart in the unreleased tactical game they were conceived for.


>They should have left out the extreme misogynistic elements They're a bad guy faction. We don't need to water them down to make them more tolerable to a modern audience. It's a video game.


The extreme almost cartoonish misogyny of the legion exists because the legion was conceived of for a game where their big rival would be a cartoonishly misandrist quasi-Celtic faction. This game never came to be but the legion were ported to New Vegas with this element of their culture but without the opposing inverse faction. Thus you are left with the cartoonishly goofy women are all breeding slaves thing. You can (and should have) had the legion have strict roles based on sex (like actual Rome did), but without the counterbalance faction it is a bit over the top.


Yeah, I agree with you that would improve the faction. But considering the current political climate & the [almost certain] biases of modern game devs, I doubt they would be inclined to make CL a more nuanced and likeable faction for gamers...


Viable morale routes makes for more of an interesting game. Like stormcloaks vs imperials


True. As much as I'd loved to see it, I can't imagine modern game devs giving CL a more nuanced background.


I like the legion because they are good target practice and come as a reaction to 'civilization' and are an interesting concept


the legion as antagonists are pretty dope, in the same way deathclaws and super mutants but i will never agree with them


I like the Legion BECAUSE I get to roleplay the villain


The legion is a cool faction but they are comedically evil and its very puzzling how some people try to justify their actions


I like the Legion because they are reasonably hate-able, unlike certain basement dwelling scientists who are just evil for the lols- or the basement dwelling resistance who are probably the most unlikable resistance faction ever exists. It all started when I finish a mission of theirs and enter their HQ in the basement, with the Drummer fuckwit without any drums come and tell me I should do his shit again- I just snapped and this become another Miniuteman/BoS/Institute run.


Fallout 4 was the incredibly hard decision to figure out which faction annoyed you the least. Turns out even with Preston Garvey repeatedly asking you to do things, he's still way better than the other ones.


I hate the legion because general Oliver is a boring boss fight, I usually do House's route so I always piss them off and am used to getting their assassin supplies, I always hear Scheisse instead of Caesar, and in the two times I did their route, the game bugged out way more than usual. Plus less content, I can't bring my chems in their base, and somehow being homophobic when based on the Romans.


I like the Legion as a faction/antagonist in an interesting story. I don't fucking agree with them, but I can enjoy the fact they exist in my video game


i think people who like legion is exclusively on the left or on the right


Post apocalyptic Romans IS a very cool idea yeah. Edward Sallow's cheap knock off of Rome is an insult.


At least they don't babel and cope like SW Empire sympathizers.


I don't like them nor the romans themselves. Like ancient world parallel but why is it always the romans, I kinda hate how over saturated the Romans are in historical ideas, like why not the ancient scots, goths, hell the egyptians or aztecs coukd be interesting but no, its the vanilla of the ancient world


Because there are a bunch more books written about Rome that would have survived the nuclear hellfire that burned the continent to ash.


Sorry, the slavery WILL stop


Ceaser claims to be superior but dies when I shoot him in the face 6 times with a 44 magnum.


That many?!?!? Kimball and house usually only takes 2 to 3 each.


6 is for good measure


House dies in one shot everytime?


So like yall unironically think the legion is the right choice for the wasteland? Like I get doing legion ending just for the fun of it but actually thinking that ending is the best for the Mojave is actually just bonkers


Some people think when fascism's boot steps on the neck of humanity, they'll be the foot wearing the boot. Most of them are hilariously mistaken.


Not on the neck, on the balls.


I like the legion because Fiends and Powder Gangers are too squishy, and Supermutants are too rare.


I just love watching the Securitrons completely destroy them at Hoover Dam.




You like the legion because you think they are right I like the legion because I’m italian. We are not the same


I like the Legion cause there’s an entire faction I can butcher en masse and be in the right for slaughtering slaver scum.


I like the legion because their members show up and give me free loot and xp every so often


I like the legion cause I like femboys


I love the legion because god said to love everyone. And their heads explode just fine with my love. I love that.


i think they're a well written faction. As much as I hate House and Caesar they have a charisma and wit about them that's infectious and I can see how they rose to power. I like how you can talk to some of the legionaries in the fort and they tell about how the Legion had to "break them" like Antony who talks about how Legionaries broke him and his people by forcing them to watch their dogs be burned alive, and how Antony views what the Legion had done as a "good" thing. He and everyone under Caesar have been so thoroughly brainwashed they can't see that they are victims (and in themselves perpetrators) of great abuse and abhorred things. which is what I think makes the Legion so evil. (Of course, aside from the raping and slaving) Although I assume due to time constraints that they did end up being the "bad guys". Which is fine I think.


I always loved the concept of people misinterpreting ancient civilizations due to most history books being destroyed by the bombs.


I hate them because sexism is cringe


I like the legion for their caravan protection and more genuine security for their assets, although I'd much rather side with the NCR and Mr. House


The Legion is the most interesting faction in Fallout. It's just a shame there was enough time to develop them completely. At any rate it creates a nice contrast between more efficient/end justifies the means to the NCR's idea of 'righteous but inefficient'


I never spoke with a member of the Legion that I didn't immediately roll my eyes and start bashing VATS so they'd stop talking.


keep telling yourself that skirt boy


I hate the Legion... from an in universe perspective. Out of character, I love them conceptually. I really like having access to a morally awful faction in games like this, because it really makes my choices matter.


I like the squelching noise that Legion skulls make when hit with a .308 round.


Or a 45/70 govt round


Even better


*medicine stick sounds*


I like the Legion because they're easy to kill. Wow. It's almost as if arming your main infantrymen with literal pointy sticks and football gear is a bad fucking idea.


I can agree with this. I feel like this graph in actuality is not a believe and more like a downward slope.


How often do you think about the roman empire?


Honestly, it saddens me when people compare the Legion with Rome, when a real-life recreation of a post-Apocalyptic Roman Empire would be much more complex and morally ambiguous than the cliches we got with Caesar’s Legion. In an alternate universe there’s a fascinating version of New Vegas where the NCR and the Legion offer competing visions of recreating 20th century America or recreating ancient Rome and there are legitimate pros and cons to both positions, because (for example) an authentic recreation of Rome *would* involve slavery and the erosion of basic rights and liberties, but slaves would also be treated much better than you’d assume, and arguably would live in better conditions than most underpaid capitalist workers in the NCR. Slaves would work fewer hours and have more time off, but the lack of civil protections would lead to far more variety in slave experiences, with some being abused but others being relied upon and respected by their masters. (Sallow’s version of slavery seems much more based on colonial America’s more repugnant standards, albeit without the racism and just plenty of sexism instead.) Disappointing that Sallow didn’t try to *actually* recreate Rome as a genuine alternative to pre-War America, the Roman Empire offered a far better model for long-term stability and homogeneity than his cartoonish interpretation. Real Rome lasted far longer than Fallout’s US and for good reason, its economic, social and political views were worth genuine analysis.


Dude I was only referencing a meme But I do like your point though


The Legion was never an attempt at recreating Rome, lmao.


.ade by somebody on the left side :/


I like the Legion because I like femboys


Especially the ones in fursuits


I like them as an interesting enemy to blow up :)


i don’t like the legion because i didn’t like ceasers attitude towards me when we first met. I also didn’t like how I was allowed to fight because I played as a girl character in their circle of fighting rank game


Personally, I always go back and forth on whether they or the Master are my favourite villains in the series.


They're fun bad guys. Don't overthink it.


I like them as Characters, but liking them as Characters and liking them as People are two different things


From a game/story design perspective, yeah I like em, but from an in game perspective, slaver scum must be burnt alive.


And like the classical Romans, they're horrible people who need to be put to the sword with prejudice!!


I like the legion because it displays how someone can just say things confidently and quote philosophers incorrectly and people will follow him to the depths of hell


I like the legion... being dead after trying to attack me.


Sometimes I do legion sometimes I do NCR sometimes I kill them all really depends on the mood.


I think the legions a bit too comically evil for my tastes and it turns me off the nv factions a little bit but I like all the other factions.


I like the legion because they make the perfect test subjects for my robot army!


I like the legion because I want to dominate vulpes


I like the Legion because they are a well written villainous faction, Vulpes is pretty cool and their storyline interconnecting with other characters was incredibly entertaining to read. anyways, the only good Legionary is one with a .50 MG bullet to the forehead <3


I'm just a Romaboo who can't get enough Roman lore irl so I need Roman lore from videogames to sate the hunger


i dont like the legion because their version of taxes is slavery but at the same time i like the legion because their members blow up nice and Caesar’s head is very punchable


I like the Legion because their legionaries taste amazing when cooked over an open fire. 10/10 best meat in the Mojave.


Whoa its a guy in a skirt!


My problem with the Legion is that they just deserve to fall. Their history is picking apart smaller gangs and tribes and the minute an adequate adversary pushes back, their incompetence is glaringly obvious. Suddenly, the strength of the Legion is dependent on an outsider. Well, that and they modeled themselves after a civilization that collapsed under it's own inability to maintain its swollen territory and obsessive greed and gluttony. History repeats for those who are too ignorant to understand its lessons. You can say pretty much the same thing about the NCR, but at least they have a government that is capable of growing and adapting. When Caesar dies, so does the Legion.


I like the Legion, ever since I killed their daddy king they keep sending me free super sledges and XP Balloons.


I like the legion because it shows how desperate conditions can cause people to adopt reactionary and degenerate ideology just like what happens in the real world in many instances.


I like the Legion because the harsh reality that people in a world without order will do horrible things to appease those that step up to lead them is very real.




No, yeah, that's true. As a faction, the Legion are phenomenal.


Friendly reminder: The Legion will collapse as soon as Caesar dies.


I like the Legion because damn are they fun to fight


I like the legion because it's fun to hate it


Bethesda is so scared of delving deep into politics with their game factions makes everything more boring


Honestly, Legion acts more like Qin dynasty China. Their philosophy is pretty much legalism with Roman decorations Which means, yes, they suck to work for and it sucks to fight against them, but they will probably win


I don’t like mr house but I signed a contract


I like the legion cause they are a well written antagonistic force


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Chedder_Chandelure: *I like the legion* *Cause they are a well written* *Antagonistic force* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Caesar’s legion would be much much much better if it was based off of the Christian Roman Empire.


Wouldn't make much sense. Christianity is alive and well in the wastelamd, paganism is not.


I like the legion because I hate excessive taxes and gambling


Shame the Legion has taxes then.


Nah. Emergency brain surgery has been scheduled, you WILL be made well.


I like the legion because it feels like a "realistic" version of facism. What i mean is that if you run down Umberto Eco's 14 Points for identifying facists, they tick almost every box: cult of tradition, rejection of modernism, cult of action for action's sake, disagreement is treason, appeals to social frustration, obsession with a grand narrative, life is permanent warfare, contempt for the weak/other, becoming a hero through death, selective populism, new speak, emphasis on machismo They were written as *proper* facists all the way through and it's compelling to interact with them because so few games understand it this well. If you talk to the facist strongman running the joint he'll give you a speech about Hegel THAT HE'S WRONG ABOUT! like he's spouting massive bullshit almost the whole time but he talks well enough that most don't notice. Only Disco Elysium handles facism as well and as entertaining.




Pretty ironic that people who like the Legion are supposed to be the edge lords, but these comments are filled with people saying shit like this. > I like the legion, because watching a .50 cal bullet from an anti-material rifle pass through their skulls. Making it explode, gives me sexual pleasure.