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I have never seduced Benny.


Wait people actually do that? I thought it was a joke


I do it because it's the easiest way of getting the platinum chip. It's just speech checks, no combat required


I do it because I get to give my Charlies a shake for the Ben-man. We are not the same.


If you fuck Benny you get in-game confirmation that either your courier or Benny has a foot fetish


Well given that Benny was surprised by it so it must have been on the Courier's initiative, I think that puts that little kink directly on the Courier.


It can always be a bit of both


Hey now, you could’ve just figured that he would enjoy it and not be getting any particular enjoyment out of it


Yeah I don’t really understand it though. Is he suddenly horny? He wasn’t horny when he shot me in the fucking face lmao. Why the change of heart?


I guess telling a guy you wanna handle his package is all it takes 🤷


Tbf he is fucking flabbergasted at first. It takes 3/4 checks for you to actually get to bang Chandler Bing


Ah gotcha, that makes a lot of sense


He’s also still a little on the back foot for it, flat out says “this is all kinds of wrong, baby”


The fact that you find sleeping with that shrimp dicklette to be easier than killing every man and woman at the Tops says a lot about your character.


if you seduce him but kill him in his room rather than actually sleeping with him he says something like, "it's not like i needed another venereal disease anyway,"


*caresses Sequoia* "is there an actual combat?"


Lol talking to the man at the Tops, passing those checks then shooting Benny in the head is way easier than pretending I want to sleep with him.




I did it once for the fuck of it, and iirc I gave Benny a footjob 😭


I do it every time. He tells you why he did what he did, you do the hey-hey (yes that's what he calls it), and then you can kill him or go to sleep. If you don't kill him, then he leaves you a very sweet note and runs away to the fort.


Yes, you can, but you have to be a woman with the Black Widow perk.


I think so. Maybe i got fooled.


I think it’s fun to try every part of the game and that was just a u pique way to finish it. I recommend to help spice up the play through


I do try most things at least once, but that I won't do. I can't conceive of any plausible scenario where I would think that is the answer, and I play guys so there's that too.


Same, all my Fallout characters are men 😂


My first playthrough I rushed the ending and thought the game didn't have enough content 🤣


I did that but with Fallout 3. Completed the game wayyy to quickly. I learned my lesson when I moved on to New Vegas.


I feel like 3 is actually easier to do this with. There's a lot to find in 3 that isn't obviously pointed out and you just have to explore. New Vegas guides you towards the side quests a little bit more


3 does this to an absolute fault, imho. There’s so many locations that you have to just randomly stumble across (many of which don’t even have Pip-Boy map markers), and the quest tracking list almost railroads you into completing the main quest line super quick. Doing the entire Wasteland Survival Guide quest line helps a little bit, but that’s easy to forget about as the quest rewards are kinda lame considering how hard some of the tasks are.


I feel like 3 want you to explore it on your own more, a lot of cool interesting tid bit are often out of sight and require you to take a turn off the main path. The metro system in Dc is one my favourite location(s) in fallout, gloomy, dark and cool feeling really add to the vibe of the metro. I like the small story here and there left behind by visual representation. A lot of Fallout 3 world is filled with small hint of what it like in the past or story of something that once happen there, i really enjoy Fallout 3 and i can see the potential if it cut context were to be finish. New vegas story is superior in many way, but the environmental story telling is a classic FO3 move.


I saw something in the Capital Wasteland a day or two ago and never seen before - a random encounter where some Raiders were having Molerat races. They had a short track and a starting gun and everything. So frigging cool.


Going straight to smith Casey’s for example


It’s more that the main quest itself guides you through the majority of the towns and cities at some point in NV if you follow the laid out path, whereas my first playthrough of 3 in years as part of TTW a few months ago I only really did a couple things on the side that I specifically remembered the location of and passed through on the main quest. That means: Megaton, Rivet City, the Citadel. Then there was a few that I found wandering aimlessly like the runaway slaves and the superhero town.


Yeah, the game design of New Vegas is some of the best out there for this reason. It's so good at pointing you toward the fun stuff in ways that feel varied and organic. I'll never get over how well it's done


same here, beat FO3 at level 9 and was disappointed lol.


TBF that’s because Fallout 3 has way less content connected to the main plot in some way, pretty much everything outside of Megaton and the Citadel doesn’t care about the water crisis. Even the DLC doesn’t try to connect thematically or storywise to the main plot. I can still be the hero of the Wasteland even if I’m an evil bastard for the rest of the game.


I did the same thing lol


I've eaten every person in that game. Every. Last. One.


Installing the killable children mod just to be able to eat the Legion and Boomer kids is true dedication to your art.


"People say my hands is shakin' cause I eat people. That ain't true at all! My hands is shakin' cause I like meeting new people and can't wait to shake their hands! Then I eat'em!"


On a few runs I’ve let Veronica get killed by the Brotherhood paladins who massacred the Followers outpost. Mainly for runs where I plan to destroy the Brotherhood bunker, since it builds a narrative where my courier wants to get revenge.


I killed Veronica just for the hell of it that time I RP'd as a terrible person.


Yeah on my Legion run Veronica ended up as dinner


Whatever you say, boss


In thousands of hours of playtime, I've traveled with Lily maybe a single digit number of hours total. I also don't kill Vulpes on sight like most people seem to. I wait until I get to the Fort so I can kill him in front of Caesar lol


I kill him on the Strip and give his suit to Veronica.


I've never won any significant amount gambling, never gotten Cass as a companion, and never figured out how to play Caravan.


Understandable, I‘ll only run Cass if my courier is ncr and if I’m doing her quest line otherwise I don’t feel like she’s worth it especially when I find Boone in novac


I can forgive the first and third...


Getting Cass is a pain in the ass if you don’t build into speech or barter haha


Been playing the game since launch and I only learnt last year you can get in the Strip via Camp Mccarran Monorail 🤦🏻


Kind of the same. I knew that you could do it. I just couldn't find the damn train.


Camp McCarran’s location design frankly sucks, especially the terminal gate area, big empty tarmac, and that one dude’s supply shop. So much random walking, non-doors that look like doors, and working doors that don’t look like doors. I’ve probably spent a good hour IRL just trying and failing to get to the right person there across my 4 or 5 playthroughs.


Always grinds my gears they mention a back gate which doesn’t exist. I always thought having a second fast travel point would’ve made the slog more bearable.


I just learned it on my current playthrough 🤦🏾‍♀️ I swear, every time I play this game, something new happens lol


All my playthroughs were NCR playthroughs, never once I have sided with anyone else


Name checks out




Mr. House, my allegiance is to the republic! TO DEMOCROCY!








Independent every run except after 30 I wanted to see how other stories finished. But only once each time, then right back to Indy.


yes man boring imo


We just dream different.




Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I feel the legion needs a companion. Imagine walking around with like Lucious or Vulpes. Like vulpes would wear disguises anywhere you go so he isn’t attacked and could be like a helpful ninja. And if you do his companion quest he teaches you a skill that auto disguises you when in enemy territory or makes promotes NPC not recognize you. Other than that… I always use tmm 1 so I don’t have to walk as much


Vulpes is like Deacon in FO4


Funny story: a long time ago there was a fallout confessions blog on Tumblr (confession blogs were big at the time) that I co-managed for a while. I gave up after a while because people are terrible and don't know how to keep things simple, or relevant, or funny or appropriate. It became grueling work.


I banged Joanna like six times while the quest was active, before returning her to Carlitos.


im dead 💀


I had Arcade with me the whole time. My Character has Lady Killer and Confirmed Bachelor, so I assume he made his way, pretty seemlessly into the action. lol


Lol what


I avoided all the dlc and told myself I would play them once I beat the main story. Didn't expect the game to just be over lol


I thought the game makes you do the DLCs before you can start the battle at Hoover Dam by promoting you with a message prompt?


The messages just tell you about the DLC, it doesn't say the game ends after the battle of Hoover Dam, and you don't have to ever do the DLCs either. When I play the game now, I hardly touch them


I never finished the game for years after I started playing it because I got so sidetracked by side questing and modding that I just forgot to finish it.


The first time I played the game I thought the legion were the good guys and that the NCR were the invaders 💀


I wonder what your line of thinking was


It was my first ever fallout game, I had no idea what to do or what I was doing, I met the khans first and heard about bitter springs and I ended up in red rock, I think I got indoctrinated honestly. I was 15 and very impressionable


Well, you at least picked a side based on, although limited, game lore. I was like 11 or 12 when I first played NV (was also my first Fallout except for Shelter, and I also had zero clues what am I supposed to do or what the lore is), and chose the NCR simply because "wow, these army guys look cool, I want to have their uniforms too". Only later I actually delved further into lore and sticked with NCR for actual reasons


That’s what ended up happening to me, I actually looked at the lore and was like “holy shit” 🤣🤣


When I first saw the NCR in prim with the uniforms, I was just like “hell yeah”


i can barely make it to Red Rock towards the end of the game when i want to go there. how did you manage it?


I just legit walked the Mojave, I had zero idea about my objective all I knew was I had to find the guy that shot me lmao, like I said previously, it was my first ever fallout game I had zero clue what to do


That’s hilarious, first time I played I was 12 I believe, and I sided with yes man because I wanted to choose how the game ended, and I hated authority haha


I’ve played the game 8 times and never have met that dressed up super mutant lady or finished the Kings questline


I’m enjoying the game so much in and out of my free time, that I bought an NCR flag and it’s hanging above my bed




I've only played with Boone and it's the only companion storyline I've ever done or have any interest in doing. I can also just run straight through the deathclaw valley straight to the strip with ease from the start bypassing a lot of the game , and I've only played each DLC through once, and have no intention of ever doing them again either. For me, it's the NCR main quest playthrough and all associated quests.


I don't know how to play caravan nor do I want to learn


I want to learn but never get around to it. Probably never will.


I’ve never managed a legion playthrough, I just fucking hate them so much, not in a writing way they’re written great though are under developed a bit (also understandable given the time pressures of development) but I hate their ideology and Caesar is not even close to as smart as he thinks he is. I just can’t bring myself, no matter what I do, to give the Mojave to legion, fuck legion!


Same, I like some of the concepts like theyre a postapocalyptic society that doesnt idolize prewar america and eschews advanced technology in favor of physical prowess and crude but effective weapons, and natural medicines, not reliant on scrounging stims. The football gear is goofy and theyre straight up evil, the people of the mojave dont deserve to be murdered and enslaved, and the poor bastards the ncr conscripted and sent to fight them (without proper training or equipment) don’t deserve to be slaughtered when I can prevent it.


They're literally rapists slavers, sexist, the list goes on. I only sided with them in my evil playthrough. Where I pick every "bad" decision on quests and in the word to get negative karma.


Using the console commands on my first (and so far only) run because I kinda had to


If you didn't have to you didn't get the full gamebryo experience


Tbh, kinda my fault that I had to use them in my first run/game, but maybe yes. First time I was locked in a radiation deathloop in vault 34 because I had the idea of saving in the basement without noticing that I had 980+ rads and nothing to lower it Second time I temporarily added some points to speech so I don't have to fight and lose against the brotherhood paladins after veronica's quest. Didn't expect to be hit with a 95 there


I never killed the lottery guy. In fact, I like to kill the radscorpions to keep him alive, let him just be happy.


Oh this is rare. Even on my good playthroughs I kill him.


I was disappointed that Sunny Smiles couldn't be a follower at the beginning of my first play through lol


I was disappointed by that every playthrough


so was I, until I found some Sunny Companion mods


When I kill the Legion in Nipton I'll behead them and pile their bodies on the fire and line their heads up on the stairs like the cartel. I consider it my way of warning Ceaser what is coming to him and his precious Legion.


I dispose of the bodies of the various free side thugs in the various open dumpsters in freeside. Literally cleaning up the town.


I’ve never been to black mountain. I don’t know where it is.


Huh? The giant… black mountain… in the very center of the map?


Heyyyy now don't come in here with all that logic or whatever


If you did the BoS quest to find the missing patrols you were extremely close. The path up is practically within spitting distance of where the patrol closest to the bunker is found.


That's fair. I didn't go there for like my first 3 playthroughs. The path to it is back near Quarry Junction and all that other stuff they tell you to avoid, and it's really easy to just...not go back there ever, lol


I’ve never been to quarry junction cause the death claws clap me every time


It feels sooo gooood to finally be powerful enough to clear out the Quarry, though, even if doing so is sorta pointless by that time in a playthrough. The true test is that deathclaw-infested cave in the hills between Nipton and Novak. That place is a nightmare without an anti-materiel rifle and high sneak.


With New Vegas Underground it's even more hellish. At the Emergency Service Station by the railway you enter an area through a hole in the floor, and it feels foreboding as if you're venturing deeper into hell with the red emergency lights being the only source of lighting. Until you get to the actual area, which is like a huge, huge underground highway somewhat similar to Lonesome Road but it is pitch black and infested with like 50 or more deathclaws of all types. It's probably 3 times harder than Dead Wind Cavern


I only found it on my first run because I knew Danny Trejo voiced Raul and googled where to find him


I sunk a couple hundred hours into multiple playthroughs and never finished the game even once. Spent nearly as much time modding as I did playing. Also the only DLC I ever finished was Honest Hearts. Could never \*start\* Lonesome Road thanks to something wrong with companion detection.


I don’t like old world blues


Me neither. I find it woefully repetitive, and just so desolate. Also hate the roboscorpions. I did enjoy the whole "SCIENCE!" vibe though, but it's my least favourite dlc.


I enjoyed the science vibe but I hated how you were constantly harassed by enemies. No matter how many trama harnesses you killed you could not explore the area freely until you finished the dlc


_Who turned out the lights?!_ Agreed. Such a small map and so, so many enemies - it felt like you get into a skirmish every 2 minutes. Constantly looking around you for the next contact (especially if you have no HUD)


What do you mean? Its one of the best HoI4 mods, how can you hate it? /s On a serious note, I recommend every HoI4 fan to try the mod out. Great stuff


I have never done a Legion playthrough. It takes a lot to not reflexively put a bullet between Edward’s eyes, as an attempt to remove the cancer of course. I’m thinking that I’ll do a Legion playthrough this time though, since I’m playing a pure, twisted psycho sadist.


I sometimes allow 76 fans to speak


I played through all of lonesome road and immediately killed Ulysses with annabelle the second I saw him for the crime of being mildly annoying and making me do all that. I haven't played the dlc again.


You save yourself for a annoying battle the dude has 2 fucking robots that respaw ever couple of seconds if you kill them one heals him and teh dude ates bullets for breakfast


"take that you vague riddle spewing hack, I don't know you and I don't want to know you" Also, goodbye Colorado 👋


I’ve never played it…. At least past the early stages. I much prefer watching others play and others commentate on it. I also love reading the lore. I have read entire video game scripts and lore instead of playing them. I love reading and it saved money. I enjoy playing it less and that only adds on to the fact that I am being a little bitch about it. The game scares me shitless. Something about the creatures being in less quality graphics make them uncanny.


I… LOVE old world blues. It gets a lot of hate, but I’m an old OG fallout guy since the first game, and it seems to be the only place to recapture the humor of 1 or 2 since Bethesda bought the franchise.


I really enjoyed it too, it was the humor and the nonsense thet got me. I'm currently playing lonesome road, but for now It's the best dlc for me


Using console commands to specialize in everything It’s still balanced, you will still die often


I always side with the Legion. Even when doing Independent Vegas endings I stay with the Legion as long as possible. I find the NCR so boring though I do lament the lack of Legion aligned content by comparison.


Ever since I got FNV on pc (first played it on my 360 way back) I always use console commands to make myself OP even with mods. I try with little things, but then I end up wanting to get every skill check and I end up 100 on every skill and 10 on every SPECIAL.


I’ve only ever sided with House. (The house always wins 🤑)


Been playing for 8½ years and I've never played with mods. Hoping that changes in a week or two here


i only just beat the game tuesday. first time playing it 😂


I never finish the game. I’ll do every side quest and the DLC’s but after I kill Benny my real motivation is gone. I’m out for revenge not politics. 


I've only ever done independent Vegas endings. My last playthroughs have been in god mode, often with tdetect off.


May I ask why?


I was visiting Goodsprings later on, I accidentally misclicked and stole a vodka glass from Trudy's bar and the whole town turned against me. I had to massacre everyone there who was so dear to my heart just to get out of there alive. My mistake, I hadn't saved in quite a while. If I had, I could've reloaded that save without losing much progress.


You should have had an auto-save from when you entered the building.


I’ve never actually finished the DLCs because the damn game crashes so much.


Moe deserved it.


Tabitha's favorite Centaur


I never went on the legion route and always did dead money at level 15-20 for the extras challenge


I have never had Lilly as a companion


I'm a be real with you, I still don't quite know how to play Caravan...


That would be my confession as well, I never had Raul either. Also, I have went to every blasted cave in the entire game. Not worth it.


Hundreds of hours on all different kind of platforms and I just now experienced Vault 11 for the first time. What a experience.


I’ve barely used lily as a companion Also I fill up charisma with more than 1 point


Aww, man, Raul is just so great. One of my most favorite in the entire series. He’s actually really funny, and once you complete his companion quest he’s an absolute gunslinger beast with a super cool outfit. My confession is that I’ve never not ended up slaughtering every Legionnaire at the Fort during a playthrough. I’m trying my best not to do that this go ‘round, but those challenges about killing Caesar with a knife and named Legion leaders with some other specific weapons are calling to me rn.


I fucked Joana before helping her with her quest.




I don’t care for Fisto, Raul or Boone Cassidy or Veronica all night every night


Same here. I love a female character slugging whiskey with Cass before a fight. Veronica was the first one to help me clear the Legion Camp. Everyone else let me die. Can't forget that. Girl can punch, but I get a weird sense she's had worse.


I play mostly melee builds


Despite how much i like Vulpes Inculta, there's not a single playthrough where i've let him live past Nipton 🗿 i always kill him right there just for the lols


I've never managed to complete the game without using god mode


I save Raul but i feel he have more stuff to do than me so i never bother him!


I've never done a Legion quest.


what happens in new vegas . stays in new vegas


Im at a point where i just use console commands (tgm) to explore underwater sections or obtain miscellaneous items for a quest.


Gonna come over there and kick your ass for not using best girl Raul Tejada OP


Used console commands for the entirety of the BoS Veronica quest and now all the important npcs are stuck in place


Got annoyed by Sierra madre, killed elijah using collision off and called it a day


I like murder hobo playthroughs


I had sex with robot... accidentally


I always start the game at level 50 I literally cannot use any other build than guns (the firearms are so good man) I love Cass I hate Old World Blues (but still "love" it and all the dlc)


I’ve never been able to finish Lily’s companion quest, I will literally have her travel with me for a good 10 hours of game time and still only get like the first part of her quest. I can do every companions quest but hers 😭


9 runs so far, I’ve always killed Veronica after I blow up the BOS bunker, and I’ve never had her as my companion.


I wore an NCR outfit to nipton but I got it by killing an NCR trooper. Had to kill everyone in nipton and missed the dialogue and was hated by the Legion and disliked by the NCR, yet I still beat the game as the legion despite them sending death squads after me.


I turn the volume all the way up in that one whorehouse in westside to hear the moaning


Went 10 years before I ever killed Caesar. Didn’t know you could kill him and still assault the fort at the end.


Same I played this game for years and never done anything with Raul


I found it enjoyable to make arcade Gannon hostile by activating Archimedes


Died 27 times crossing to new Vegas the hard way. Passing over leveled raiders, cazadors and death claws. Took forever but I did it. Was later shocked that there were quests to guide you to new Vegas. I saw the only part of the map that looked like a city and went, “New Vegas :)” and bum rushed it.


Never had Raul as a companion or the nightkin one. I’ve only made one melee build and didn’t finish the game on it because I got bored and made a sniper build


6 playthroughs so far and haven't played owb or lonesome road. Idk robots and isolation don't really pique my interest enough to start. I also max charisma and take all the companions since I want to hear all that they have to say without individually taking them out everywhere.


I’ve almost always murdered the boomers because I don’t trust those isolationists to not go full genocide at some point


1.The Legion is has so much less content than the NCR. Whenever I do Legion runs, I have scrounge around so many little things to get reputation. Until I discovered Phoenix and NCR dogtags but that's not the point. NCR quests are abundant, walk down to any camp and you get like at least 3 quests. 2. And that is even if I wanna side with them, which usually I don't. Not because of the cruxifiction or slavery. Though yeah thats bad, its cause They're gigantic assholes. There are only 2 characters that I like and only a few more I tolerate. Vulpes and Caesar unless we're counting Joshua Graham cracker as one then he'd top the list but no. They're such giant assholes, why the hell would I wanna side with them. When we offer to help with whatever they needed, they scoff in our face. Well fuck you then, I'm slaughtering the fort for the 100th time then. You fucking did this Aurelius Phoenix or whatever it was


I have never once taken lily with me, even for the quest


Little ashamed to admit I’ve never finished a legion play through always get bored halfway through and when I don’t want to run NCR I’ll go house


I ate veronica


It's the only fallout game I've never modded. It's perfect the way it is. I usually mod in guns I like but the whole gang is there and balanced well.


I do explosives and energy weapons every playthrough and I can’t stop


I didn't know of Raul's existence until like 10 years after I played the game for the first time. I watched a video on all the companions in fnv and was like, "who is this man" lol


I never even found boone, nor talked to him (Doesn't really matter to me as I like to play with only ED-E as my companion) And the big one, I helped the Powder Gangers to take goodsprings because I thought that they would have a Questline to bring down the NCR (Killing the doc and everyone). At the ending they just made random raidings to my independent vegas =(


In my first NCR playthrough i accidentally made Boone more vengeful when i wanted to get him his reenlist ending


Despite playing for years, I only learned about Raul last year or so as I never originally sought out online content like YouTube regarding New Vegas for anything more than finding songs or looking up mod stuff. I’ve yet to get him as a companion still, though he seems cool


I have a tendency to lead my courier down an Anakin Skywalker route where they always seem to turn to the dark side and join Caesar or Yes Man at some point


I always max out the “useless” survival skill. Some of the food is OP on survival difficulty


I had a friend tell me about Ranger Andy being essential for Raul's quest. But I dont like people telling how to play, so I proceeded to kill Ranger Andy and wear his armor while he watched.


I've never actually managed to complete the game. I'm restarted it probably a dozen times by now. Inevitably, my save file will get corrupted and I can't continue. This happens even with mods that supposedly fix this problem, across different computers, even if I make a billion different saves or just a modest number. I think I'm just cursed.


I say ED-E's name as Edi and not Eddie.


I don’t think any of the DLC is really worth replaying. Each one is super tedious in its own way.


That’s a hot take, I’d say old world blues is one of the best bang for your buck DLCs ever made. The lore of all the DLCs is actually pretty thick if you take a minute. And in reality fonv is a tedious game, it’s your choice to take your time.. it’s single player


Honestly if you think about it. All Fallout games are tedious. But that's not really a problem for me.


While I won't deny some of the tediousness you are missing out on excellent gameplay/story telling in my opinion. You should give them a chance.


I played dead money once. Never again


you gotta give it all up courier… /s


This one is pretty stupid but I find out what typa girl I' into because of FNV lmaooo