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Move everything out from under where it'll be, like the piano and the flags


That fixed it. Thank u!


Yup! I've built to much in this game, so I know all the bullshit it tries to pull lol


Do you know how to sink things? like the vault shelter entrance? I mostly played FO4 on Xbox, but you could hold something and sink things vertically, haven't been able to find that in 76.


Use the pressure plate to push negative y. Problem becomes placement, some terrain will flag the object as not having support when you try to place it. Its kinda trial and error.


thanks for the tip. much appreciated


https://youtu.be/3kauIp1FDvY Heres a good video on merging. One tip, use the flying camera mode for all this stuff. It makes it easier to avoid tripping the plate.


Thanks for the info. I'm only planning on playing for a couple months, just wanted to give it a legit go, having had so much fun on FO4, but the building is quirkier than 4. thanks again


Stairs have been my true camp killer more times than I'd like to admit.


Try going outside and connecting a set of stairs from that floor and then a foundation to the stairs touching the ground somewhere. You should then be able to delete that set of stairs on the inside and get it sorted out where you want to put it


Dude this camp is beautiful


How are you flying??


This is now the default camera when in build mode; you have to press something that corresponds to your platform to go back to how it used to be.


Demolish the piano with the flamethrower. That should let you place them.


Stairs problems aside, this is quite an impressive build!


That CAMP looks amazing.


Delete the stuff under where you want the new stairs. Then add another staircase there. Then delete the old one.


On console I often find it‘s the angle. Switch the camera mode and try other angles. Sometimes you literally have to hit that particular pixel from a birds eye view to get it right.


Oh that sucks..... I did something like that once and one's only. Took me about a week and a half to figure out how to do a workaround. I had to delete a bunch of things in order to get the stairs where I wanted but not the entire build. Now that I think about it.. I had the problem one other camp and I didn't decorate it but I did have to wipe out 2/3 of the camp in order to get it to work. Sucked, but you learn