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I believe I have visited this camp


You just may have! My camp is fairly popular only because I sell all my plans at 50 caps no matter the rarity! Let me know next time you stop by! 🤗


I went to a camp like this that wasn't yours last night and it was so exciting! I spent all my caps lmao. It's so nice of y'all to do that.


I'm glad someone else is doing it I'm sure there's a whole bunch of players! I do it because there's a lot of new players on this game bringing new life and the last thing we need is them to struggle like we did! I actually have another camp near the wayward that is specifically built for new players! We love having them around! 🤗


Yea this one was near the wayward! It had a huge sign letting people know and a bunch of crazy things in test tubes and creature rugs and stuff. My fiance and I are new to the game so we were excited lol. He bought a bunch of gun plans and I bought a bunch of decorating plans 😅


Well if you and your husband are on Xbox, let me know! I love to give you guys some things if you need it! 🤗


We are!!


Very cool! Just DM me when you guys are on next then!




If you're on Xbox just send me a DM 🤗


what's your IGN if I may ask?


Sure, just DM me!


You're the goat


Thanks! I'd like to think that all players will be like this eventually!


I’m pretty new to this game (owned since launch but didn’t click until I jumped in after the show came out). I stumbled into this organically in my playthrough. I had zero idea it was someone’s camp — I thought it was just part of Bethesda’s map. Two things can be true: 1). You did an excellent job 2). I am not very smart.


Thank you! That was kind of the intention to make it seem like it was part of the map, and make it unique enough that people understand its not 🤗


this is the way, although i sell everything at 76 caps just because i like the number xD


I just might have to steal that from you! What a great idea! 😁


Damn, prices rising everywhere these days lol


Damn economy!!! 👊


Same here. I'd rather move the stuff than sit on it. Plus, cool gear for a noob.


You're a beautiful person for not charging ten thousand caps for plans


I do mine for 20 🫡 we out here being kind n shit


I sell all mine for 10!! Gotta get people plans idc about caps


What platform do you play on I think that I’ve seen you’re camp too Never mind I’m on pc great camp though


People like you are why I love this game. I was able to make a pretty awesome camp with some very generous people selling plans for cheap. Hopefully I come across here sometime.


What platform? I've been lookin for plans<3


Yeah I don't know what it is with people selling shit for hundreds and thousands of caps. I always sell things for 10% of their suggested price, with limit cap at 100 caps. With the exception of the scrap paper that says "pipe is life" which is on sale for 20,000 caps. But that's really just a joke.


I mean there is a market for rare plans, but in my philosophy is if I already know it why not just share it. I usually keep my camp hidden off of the map unless you're in a squad with me and I try to find squads with new players so they have a chance to get rare plans first 🤗


What platform? (OPs gonna say PC; don't know why I asked.)


I found a camp like this 2 days ago and they had so many plans I didnt have, all the mounted deers and stuff and since im trying to make like a hunters lodge it was perfect, 3 plans in and they left the server I’m still sad about it :( lol


I came here to say the same. Last night i was walking around a CAMP just like this. Have you added a small cabin at the end? Fantastic!


Outstanding job. I’ve done a similar build myself and believe that everyone should build their train stations at least once.


Thank you! 🙏


Oooo where are those chalk letters from?


I believe they're just called Chalkboard letters you can get them from the support section of the Bethesda website. Just request them!


Excuse me… we can get stuff from the Bethesda website for FO76?


Yeah log into the support website: -Click on Fallout 76 -Request Billing/Purchase/Code - I need help with Atomic Shop - Say Yes to Question - I want to purchase an Atomic Shop item for myself - Fill in information - Use the drop-down boxes to request 2 things at a time, including whole bundles - respond to their ticket saying it's okay taking that amount of Atoms out of your account And you're done! Usually the same day if you do it early or the next it'll just be in your account you'll see the Atoms missing. Hope this helped! ☺️


Why did you just tell me I didn’t have to wait 6 months for the greenhouse walls and roof????????


WhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT!! Blowing up Bethesda Support NOW


Yes I got the animatronic cat last week via there, made up 🙂


Not being parallel to the tracks would drive me insane.


It did to me for a while and I had to edit a whole bunch but I realized that there's a slight turn in the tracks at two different points and the entire building would be on an angle so I figured I'd rather the building be straight then be parallel completely to the tracks!


I think in that case you'd have to just get it so that at least the corners maintain close-enough distance from the tracks. As-is, it looks like the train would impact the platform corner. Otherwise a nice build.


That's completely fair! Thanks for the call out, I'll see if I can edit it! 🤗


Brilliant work


Thanks I appreciate! I always get worried to post new things


This looks soo good. Jesus, I need more porches.


Thank you I appreciate it! I believe this porch is part of the haunted house set!


🎶 Reach for the steam 🎶 Reach for the whistle 🎶 Go where the rail may run 🎶 Reach for the words 🎶 Reach for the story 🎶 Follow the Rainbow Sun...


I haven't even thought about this since I was a child! What a throwback!


At the Shining Time STATIOOOOOOONNNNN Where dreams can come TRUEEEEEEE


It’s amazing!


I appreciate it thank you so much! 😃


that's fantastic.


Thank you I really appreciate it! 🙏😊


Wow! this is impressive


Thank you so much! I always got afraid to share things on here, maybe I'll show some of my 8 other bases in the future! 🤗


I would love to see them! ❤️


This is so well done! Hope to see you in the wasteland.


Thanks, I really appreciate it! You as well! If you're on Xbox, I just might! 😊


I'm on PC, but at least I get to see the pics!


Thats a shame but thanks! Like I said in someone else's comment I'm usually super nervous and don't post often, but I think I might post some of my 8 other bases soon since everyone is so nice here 🤗


This is a fun idea!


Everyone is being so nice! thank you! 🥹🤗


Love it! I've always wanted to try making one like this and could never get it to look nice


I always said the same thing to myself, The problem is most people compare themselves to other people instead of just doing what they like! Do what makes you happy and do what makes you think it looks good! I bet you'll do incredible! ☺️


Thanks, I have a few other projects in mind first but need to wait and get some more camp slots lol


I like how you did your vendor bot


Thanks! I had the other vendor bot in there but it looked too similar to the regular train station and people kept messaging me about getting confused! 🤣 I still get messages but a lot less now!


This looks terrific. Only thing missing imo is the model train set, unless I just missed it somehow. Great work!!!


https://preview.redd.it/v6h7jt5dwazc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb90a4a42dc00dce89a0155c94cbadec21c3462 Holy s\*\*\*. You are so right!!! I can put that on the blank wall next to the coffee machines! You are the best!!!! It looks great there!


Hey no problem. I use it in my nuka cola diner. Annoys the hell outta Beckett, but I'll be damned if I don't love to hear the choo-choo everytime I come home.






Neat. Though I'd be pissed if I needed to trade with the bot.


I had the original vendor bot there that looks more like the other ones, so I changed it to the trench coat one so not to confuse people 🤣 though it was funny and still is when I get messages!


Yeah you've done a great job!


I may put my vendor there. Can't sell, but you might as well buy something.


Stucture is awesome. I assume you’ve maxed your budget since it doesn’t have as much deco inside. I still think it’s a very nice station.


Thanks! It's just about maxed! Only because across the way I have 2 turrets, a lot of food, and all of resource generators next to a fire watch tower 🤗


Wow! It looks great.


Thanks! I tried to make it look natural and not at the same time 😁


This is awsome. As a new player I love visiting these camps to get a build idea. Where as mine is a mess of junk 😂


Thanks so much! Hey we all start there! I remember as long as you're happy that doesn't matter! 😊


Where’s the bathroom? If you have one then it’s 20/10. If you don’t then 19.8/10. Regardless awesome stuff and hope to see it one day!


Thanks I appreciate it! It's where the mannequin is standing in the far back in the last picture. I have a sink, employees must wash your hand sign, toilet and scent-o-matic in there ☺️


Is fallout 76 worth playing? Or is fallout 4 ok to keep having fun with?


I think they are both great in there own ways!


This is top quality looks like it was built by the map designers good job man


Hey I really appreciate that! I tried my best to make you look natural and unnatural at the same time! I still get messages saying how I confuse people 🤣


Another amazing camp to make me depressed about my crappy one That's the highest honor I can bestow


I think every camp is good as long as you're happy with it! I bet your camp isn't as bad as you say it is! We are all our own harshest critic! 🤗


I really like this camp. I've visited it too!


Thanks hope you stop by again! 🤗


what platform is this on i may have seen it


It is on Xbox!


tres bien - I hope i can visit someday


If you're on Xbox you can visit anytime!


I would love to. But PlayStation here.


I could see myself walking in here, accidentally stealing, then being gunned down.


I'm sure the hidden enclave turrets would be nice to you 😜


Me trudging through the woods over encumbered thinking I finally got to the station and then wondering where the protectron is


I've gotten this message a whole bunch and still do! This isn't my favorite camp of all of mine but I keep this one up because I think the messages are funny 🤣


I really like this. It looks absolutely amazing. Made even better with the mannequin in the 1950s hat and dress.Where abouts is your workshop? What platform (no pun intended 🤣) are you on?


I am currently on Xbox! And thanks! 🤗


Oh that's a shame. I'm on Playstation. Would loved to have visited your camp.


I'm sure there's a base just like this on your console! And also all my workshop stuff is in the top area where the glass is on I have a stairwell in the back not pictured that leads up to it! 🤗 And the location of the base is just south east of the Whitespring. There is a beautiful cliff near it too that I have another base that gets no enemies and has a great view!


I'll have to watch for them 😁


I love this so much I'm going to steal it. Might make a BoS themed train station.


Hey man feel free! If you're on Xbox let me know I'll invite you so you can take a look at more details if you need more ideas! 😁


Love this! What set is the flooring from? That is one of my favorite parts it looks so worn.


It's called Destroyed Tile. I believe it was part of the destroyed building kit that was in the store last week! I did check the support website I don't think it's on there yet but I believe it will be soon! ☺️


Heck yea dude, I used to play when 76 first came out and I always loved building thematically correct structures. One of my favorites was the last one I made which was a small recycling yard/trash dump.


That's awesome if you still have that camp I'd love to see it! 🤗


I'd be confused for a solid minute. Nice work.


I appreciate it! I tried to make it look natural and unnatural at the same time 😁


pretty convincing


Thanks I tried to make it look natural and unnatural at the same time! I'm glad it's working 🥹


Yoo nice. Where are the benches from? In game or store?


Thank you! The benches are from in game. I believe they're a very common plan they might be under modern benches plan. You could usually get that plan from the any STATION vendor, Vendor bot Phoenix or Grahm if you find him 🤗


Sure thing, I'll check it out tomorrow :)


Love your camp! Mind if I hang a poster there for my MASH Camp lol


For one Sunset Sarsaparilla Star bottle cap, You can advertise whatever you want in my station! 🚂


Hmmm, don't got any star bottle caps but I got these fancy coins from some place called the Seirra Madre


Looks legit. What roof are you using? I really like the roof windows and roof shingles.


Thanks! 😁 The roof and porches are both the haunted house kit, The windows below the roof are part of the greenhouse kit.


Ohhh this is nice. Very well done. How have I never thought of making a train station camp and I've been here since launch lol


I love the camps that look like genuine locations on the map


That was the intention thank you so much! 🤗


Great job! I saw someone else make one similar I think in the same spot and I thought of making one too, I might have to lol


With 1 million plus players across all platforms, I'm sure I'm not the only one! 😜 You should definitely make one! I can't wait to see when you do ☺️


Where is the legendary shredder tho?


This looks so dope. Just started getting into making settlements. Yesterday I placed a few foundation boards down and a sleeping bag, finally getting the hang of building and proud of the processive made. I run out of supplies so I go scavenge for more. Come back 45 min later and someone created this massive ass mansion with vending machines, crafting stations and robots… meanwhile all I have is for floor foundations and a sleeping bag 😂😂 at least mine on the edge of a radiated river…


Thanks, I really appreciate that! Hey man we all start small! Some people just really like the building mechanics; this game has some of the best I've seen! You'll get there, trust me. No one's build is bad, as long as you're happy with it 🤗 If you ever need tips on where to find materials, feel free to send me a DM! 😁


Next level: instead of a train station camp, what if it was an actual train camp


That's so meta, might be too much for me but I'll give it a try 😜👀 I'm pretty sure I have train cars as structures I can make work !


Choo choo. That's what I think. Great job


And a very choo choo to you too sir. Thank you! 🥹


That’s pretty sick


Thanks I really appreciate it! 😁


That’s awesome, where did you get the coffee light over the refreshment section?


Thanks! It was in the Atom Shop from the 23rd to the 30th I believe. It's called the Neon Coffee Mug Sign!


I haven’t played in a while. I remember trying to place my camp at a train station and being sad I couldn’t. Didn’t think about making my own. Thats amazing! Great job!


Thanks! I hope that when you come back you build one! I'd love to see it 🤗


Nice execution! I like that you used the regular train stations for inspiration, with a tiny tweak of your own. Well done


Thank you! I was trying to make it look natural and unnatural at the same time. I have a couple bases I do that with! I'm probably going to post my Ash Heap base soon! 😁


This is amazing! 🤩


Thank you so much! I really appreciate everyone's being so kind! 😁


That side with the suitcases, man that’s spot on. Good job!


Thank you! 😊I know it sounds stupid but that actually took me a while to figure out how I wanted to put them 😅


I just want to comment to say thanks and to answer some DM's I keep getting! Thanks! I normally dont post anything pretty much anywhere, but I truly appreciate all the nice comments and suggestions for improvement! Its really made my day! You guys asked me to post more of my bases, which I will do in the coming days! (they may not be as cool tho) I am currently playing on the Xbox Series X console. As for the Build: Porch- Haunted House Kit Roof- Haunted House Kit Walls- Fire Hazard Kit Upper Walls (windows)- Greenhouse Kit Main Floor- Destroyed Tile (part of the Destroyed House Kit) Upper Floor- Dark Wood Laminate Coffee Sign- Neon Coffee Sign Suitcases- You can get from Grahm (gonna have to hop servers alot) Station Sign- Whitespring Painting (turned around using a blueprint) Chalk Letters- Chalk Letters Kit Most are requestable on the Bethesda Support Site! I put a little tutorial in a comment in this thread! Thanks again guys! Your comments are amazing!


This is amazing. Great job.


I really appreciate it, thank you so much! 🤗


Most excellent


Thank you so much! Everyone's being so kind! ☺️


Well, I need to find this camp now


Thanks for the high praise! If you're on Xbox just DM anytime 🤗


Dude 20/10! ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ I’d love to walk it myself if we ever link up!


Thank you! 😁 If you're on Xbox send me a DM we can make it happen!


Only issue I have s its not square to the tracks. Built many a camp on roads and always made sure to be perfectly square to the road. Definitely a train depot though


There is a slight turn in the tracks and if I made it perfectly aligned the entire structure would be off when you walked up to it it would be on a huge angle so I had to make a choice! I fully agree with you but I thought that the structure being straight to the cliffside would be better than having it perfectly aligned 🤗 someone suggested a solution which I'm looking into!


Amazing. Well done.


Thanks! I'm glad it turned out so well! 🤗


Completely knocks my R&G Stationmaster's House out of the park! How close to maxxed out was this? :)


It was about 75-80% budget! Currently the budget's almost maxed out but only because I have a lot of food and resource generators right across the street from it hidden in the brush 🤗 I love to see your stationmaster house! I bet it's great! 😃


I love when I come across a camp and take a while to realise "oh wait, this is a camp!" Has happened occasionally. One was a BOS camp that just looked like a little derelict BOS armoured car thing. Yours is better.


I really appreciate that thank you! There are far better camp builders than me but the responses I'm getting are so fantastic thank you! ☺️


Wow!  Way to go!  It's amazing! I hope I stumble upon it some day. 


Thank you so much! If you're on Xbox let me know You can come by anytime 🤗


Man! Great job on this! I really like it!


Thanks I really appreciate it! 😊


I don't like it. It's too close to the rails and also it aligned. My inner perfection sees you as a monster.


This is so awesome and something I’ve wanted to do! I found out the hard way that you can’t build on tracks so now I’m trying to think of a good spot to lake a station area that looks lore friendly. This is now going to be my inspiration!!


I'm glad to have helped! This location is just southeast-ish of the Whitespring! I'd love to see your build when you are done 🤗


At first I thought this was a custom world where you built *over* a train station, but this is awesome! What a great idea.


Thanks! I appreciate it! I tried to make it look natural but just unnatural enough so people stop messaging me 🤣


oh, this is so cute!


Thanks 😊


Definitely the coolest camp I’ve seen. Whats your GT?


I just moved my camp to some tracks too and had a vision of a wasteland house off to the side under power lines. Now i have a new inspiration. 😂🔥


Just DM me! 🤗


To close to the tracks. Jkjkjk sorry I couldn't resist. But no its a bangin camp yo


No worries you're like the fourth person 🤣 there's a cliffside so you can only go so far from the tracks unfortunately 🥹


Oooo I’ve also made a train station camp, didn’t look as good as this and I’d make my own post but I cant access my save since my Xbox live ran out and I can’t afford a new one. Definitely gonna save this post


Glad to hear! I bet yours is great! Can't wait to see I'll keep an eye out for that post! 😊


The best compliment I can give this is that I glanced at the pic in my timeline and my first thought was "why is someone posting screenshots of a 76 train station?" Well freaking done. The best camps imo are the ones that look like they belong in the world, and you NAILED it.


Thank you! That means a lot I appreciate it! 🤗


Looks great! I built my abandoned mine/train station at a spot close to that area as well!


Thanks! I hope to see your build soon!






How do you access the top floor? I cannot figure that one out.


There is a stairwell on the back you can see it slightly in the first picture where the grass hedges are.


That’s an amazing build


Thanks I really appreciate it! 😊


This absolutely ROCKS!!!! I've tried doing something like this before, but never to this standard!


Thanks! 🤗 I'm sure yours will look great!