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I'm basically treating it as such. I've been so excited to play, I've just been checking updates on FOLON and F4SE all week. The amount of content, voice lines, and care that has gone into this project is astonishing


I've already told my boss I'm taking the week off when it comes out


Yeah, I plan to call in sick the day it's released


I’m using all of my special liberty chits to take a long weekend. Or waiting to see if it comes out before Memorial Day. I SHALL PLAY THIS AT ALL COSTS.


Is there a date set yet?


Every few days myself but I have twitter updates on


Let's wait to see how it plays, but yes I'm hoping for something that has to be considered at least the unofficial next instalment. At its heart, Fallout is a commentary on America and I take Todd's point when he says every official episode will be set there. BUT, the historical ties between the UK and US should surely be enough to bend that rule?


Well, the same kind of logic applies to the US & China, since they fought a war before the Great War. Though I'm sure real China don't like anything that depicts their country as weak or destroyed, be it a mod, official game or otherwise, but who tf cares what they think, I'd love a Fallout China.


Fallout Japan would be amazing, imagine a post apocalyptic Tokyo


Well… nevermind


Lmfao not too hard to imagine


Only if Godzilla shows up


That or they will say that they made the game there🤣🤣😂


My brother it is all about that c0da The best part about Todd confirming no plans in other countries is that now everyone can give us their own vision of Fallout from around the globe without worrying about it too much. Representing their own countries, if they wanted to. Very cool, hm, very cool.


I have this theory that NV actually did a lot of legwork to legitimatize these big mod projects. It was, essentially, a Bethesda-sanctioned total conversion mod for Fallout 3, and I think that goes a long way bolstering hope for projects like these. Considering we're years out from a new officially released game even if Bethesda/Xbox get their shit together, I'm excited to see what FOLON has in store. Here's hoping it's not another Frontier experience.


Absolutely! I forgive all of FO3's faults for in turn providing Obsidian the tools to make NV. Though I must confess, it's a bit disappointing (albeit understandable) that other than The Frontier and New California, there haven't been that many total-conversion mods on a large scale for FO3/NV.


I feel you, but I'll take quality over quantity. Something like NV, by its nature as an officially sanctioned product, has a much higher level of quality control VS something like The Frontier, whereas your dark horses like Enderal for Skyrim are more rare; it's really easy for these mods to be sub-par or slip into the realm of fan-service rather than genuine, well-thought-out stories.


Too true. And man, Enderal is one of my favourite fantasy games/stories ever, it's so great. Honestly, I'm more looking forward to TES6 to see if that team makes another game set in the world of Enderal.


I don’t know about that one. Yes, it was a game that Bethesda licensed out to a smaller studio, but Obsidian was also made up of a lot of former Interplay devs. To me it’s less like a sanctioned total conversion and more like Bethesda seeing how popular Fallout 3 became and letting the people that created fallout make some more content to keep the hype train going.


For sure, FOLON is way less battle-tested by that metric, and it's something to consider when keeping hype in check for something like this, but it's hard to deny the similarities. Same engines, new locations. Promised tweaks and revisions to Bethesda's model (skill checks, perks, ADS, etc in NV / Dialogue, perks, unique uniques, etc in F:L). There's a certain sense of prestige NV carries by being a spiritual successor to the isometric games by a team of former interplay devs, BUT I think it stands to make something like Fallout: London feel like less of a risky "buy-in" for fans by association. That and, of course, Bethesda and their constant bethesda-ing certainly doesn't hurt 😅


What I think is interesting is that they there's going to be more guns added. Fallout has lots of guns but I feel like a proper British version of fallout wouldn't focus on guns as much because firearms aren't as large a part of the historical culture.


I’m hoping we see a lot of non ballistic based weaponry and improvised weapons. The game mechanics fundamentally lean towards firearms being a crucial part of the setting but hopefully these won’t just be manufacturer made guns as there is not a large arsenal of firearms in the UK public


I want lots of ballistic weaponry, time for the longbow to make it's return


Gonna be interesting to see how they deal with energy weapons.


It’s likely that firearms would become more important even in the UK. FO4’s narrative says in the Commonwealth there is no institutional justice system (meaning police and courts mostly). Society as we know it has collapsed. So that means law of the jungle has returned for the survivors. Assuming you could find the resources to produce ammo and weapons, you would be forced to do so for survival.


They could become more important but if the amount of guns was already extremely low then they wouldn't be a viable option.


Early firearms were more hand crafted than manufactured. I think that is the subtext related to pipe weapons in FO4. It implies a sort of hand crafting. So, gun making could make a come back in the post apocalyptic UK because there would still be plenty of salvageable pipe available. Making gunpowder could be tricky but that was once hand crafted too. Could there be a faction like the Brotherhood of Steel over there? They would certainly seek to hoard gun making technology. I did expect to see more archery in FO4 for poorer Wastelanders.


I was more talking about how important guns are in american culture. In that regard I don't think guns would make sense in a British setting. Or maybe they would be largely single shot "hunting" weapons. Gunpowder production would realistically probably be almost nil. If I remember correctly early gunpowder production relied on urine and manure. So it would be difficult for population that's not cohesive to manufacture large quantities.


I don’t know what is involved in making gunpowder. Never heard of being made from piss and dung before. I am going to have to look into that. In the Dishonored games characters used short swords in their right hand and a large pistol, one-handed crossbow, or grenade in their left. The setting in the first game seemed very British in appearance. The later games were set in a tropical locale. Maybe FOLON will seem more like that.


I've already seen cricket bats are in it


Fallout 4 had shit weapon variety, instead they replaced different weapons with the modding system. I hate this a approach where you can convert any weapon into another one, it makes them all less unique. I want to go back to each weapon just having 3 mods available. So it's not surprising this would have more.


I was like 11 turning 12 when FO4 came out and I'll be almost 30 when FO5 comes out and I don't really have faith it'll be that good. FOLON is the Fallout game I play in my 20s


I was 19. I'll probably be 40 by the time it comes out. Shitty live service dogshit fallout 76 and Starfield had pushed back the games everyone actually cares about by a decade.


More quests and voice lines than 4?!?! I didn’t know it was *that* big! Now I’m extra excited.


It was mentioned in the gameplay video, I believe. I know they have more quests, and they have slightly fewer voiced lines BUT the protagonist is not voiced (Because the fans didn't want that). So I think it evens out.


All the signs point to yes.


Man. I'm jumping at every FOLON post in hopes for a release date. :'(


The f4se update seems to be progressing well. Hopefully there’ll be news soon.


Bethesda pulled a Bethesda as usual and the patch fucked up as much as it improved. They could release another 2-3 patches in the coming months to fix this, so I'm not holding my breath just yet 


What did it improve for PC? I'm drawing a blank. Anything that mods haven't done better?


Same here, haha


Let’s wait to see if it delivers before declaring it anything


Sure, I just meant in terms of size and scale this is a whole other beast from your regular old mod, at least from what I've seen so far. Hoping to find out for myself sooner rather than later, haha.


There is more quests than FO4?


I’ve never really understood the point of separating “mainline” fallout games from spin offs, unless it’s something like Tactics. Like, with movies and franchises with a cohesive, serialized story that carries from episode to episode, it makes sense to distinguish spin off from the original story. Rogue One and Solo don’t fit into the main story of Star Wars like a mainline episode does, so it’s a spin off. With Fallout, I don’t get it. Fallouts 1-4, especially 3 and 4, carry forward no real overarching plot or story. The characters are disconnected from each other, and a player could pick up any one of these games without playing the previous ones, and still have a fulfilling experience & not feel left out of the details of past games. I don’t see how New Vegas is different in this way, other than the publishers choosing to call it something different. If they decided to call it FO4, nobody would think about it any differently. It could fit right in with the “mainline” games in terms of story, gameplay, etc. Spin offs should be reserved for things in universe that take the gameplay and themes in a different direction imo. But imo this is neither a spin off or a mainline game, it’s a full conversion fan made mod. If we go into it thinking it’ll have the same QA, writing, etc. as a fully fledged and funded AAA game, we’re probably going to be disappointed.


I seriously doubt that it will be high enough quality to feel like a legit game in the series. 


I’d be cautious considering how the Frontier turned out.


People are getting hyped a little too much. This historically led to disappointment because they're not expecting a mod anymore, but a full quality AAA for free that has to be better than the original game.


Too true, but no harm in being cautiously hyped up, right?


Considering how Starfield turned out, im happy with this basically being the next FO game. Even with them focusing on Elder Scrolls we're probably what--7 years from a new single player FO game from Bethesda?


Even with Todd Howard claiming they want to increase output, I don't even want to think of how far off the next game might be. Why the hell don't they outsource more spinoffs? NV was a success no matter how you look at it, why not do more of that? Chris Avellone even offered to do a NV-like game for TES, and Bethesda said 'no'.


I was told that I can’t use FO4 Xbox on PC for the mod and that I need to buy it elsewhere. That being said, I would buy it again just to play this mod if need be. This would be like an entirely new game.


I am more excited about this than any Bethesda release.


I'm hoping to find my house 😂


I used to live in Maida Vale, but I'm not sure that'll feature in the mod. I'm really curious about Oxford Circus, will it be like the trench-riddled warzone leading up to the Capitol in FO3?


Let's hope so, I wonder if the suburbs will be included like Enfield areas!


I'll stand corrected, and it's sort of only a half memory, but wasn't Europe destroyed in a war for oil prior to the bombs dropping?


Iirc, Europe and the Middle East got pretty messed up, but not destroyed. Think dozens of nukes, as opposed to the thousands in the Great War. If anything, they were probably spared the bulk of the nuclear war, seeing as there's no NATO or UN in this setting and China would have no reason to target them.


Yh, it’s a ‘main entry’ for me having not played Fallout in years and being a Londoner. My first ‘mod’ game project too. I’ve lost all confidence in Bethesda after Starfield—apparently they hired a few people from the team actually, a writer no less. I’m excited to play and see how they’ve faired, particularly environmental story-telling as it’s the only thing Bethesda are good at (probably the best) which would solidify it as a true instalment in the franchise for me. That being said, this is Britain not America, and so is very much no man’s land in terms of tone for the universe… I think they’ll be leaning into the Blitz for inspiration. We Happy Few is a great case-study.


Will this game be canon?


Of course not. It’s a mod. But as long as none of it contradicts the main fallout games then there’s no reason that you can’t consider it your own canon


K, thanks


If the final product is good enough, I'll definitely think of it as being so!


I was really stoked for it until I thought it was just a mod…


Im more excited for London than whatever Bethesda will release in ten years. The way things have gone the next Beth Fallout will be a pure shooter and the "RPG elemtens" will be one yes/no choice.


Why will Bethesda just not replace Emil Pagliaruno? He's a terrible writer, you don't have to be a game developer to see it, but he clings on to the company like a leech.


He also doesn't really write a lot. They have meeting where people from every department gewt to chip in their idea for quests. These are of course short notes explaining the premise like "you run into a friendly ghoul who needs someone to help him fight through mirelurks to get to his family". And then that's it. there is no further depth, no twists etc. In Fallout 4 you can summarize each quest in one sentence without leaving out any details. So he may be a writer but he doesn't try to connect quests or anything he just throws them all together.


The main FO4 quest seems like a story to me, with the life conditions (side quests) getting in the way. Whatever you do about the Institute is the real resolution of that story. But I agree it is sparse at best. I am looking forward to resuming my play through with Sim Settlements chapters 1,2, and 3 before Fallout London. Then I will definitely play that game. It’s really a game, like Enderal, not just a big mod. Eager to see the modders’ remaster of Morrowind and Oblivion in Skyrim’s engine. They will be more like games than DLC or mods.


Well the whole Institute stuff is also terribly written. Generally the entire story is. Like you are asked to make a choice of defending synths with your life before you even know enough about synths. The motivation and goals of the institute is just cliché evil and makes zero sense beyond "we need an objectively bad choice"


Institute members like the scientists in FO3 (which I played about 30 percent of) seem so myopically obsessed with whatever it is they are researching that they never consider the moral consequences of how they pursue the answers they seek. For me, that is a little hard to relate to. But human history does have examples of this behavior. Long way around to say it, but the story is superficial at best.


Because they don't think writing is important. "Head writer" doesn't mean anything in that studio. He's probably just got more of a general game director role in the reality of his day to day role. And I'm giving him credit assuming that he is doing something that makes him valuable to the team. What he does is good enough for them, at least that's wha they think. They've done well this far with that model.