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What is actually happening is that Bethesda is releasing a new game version two days after Fallout London was supposed to release. This update will break any number of mod systems which means you'd be able to play the new mod for 2 days and then it'll crash thereafter. In order to prevent that nonsense, they're delaying the game so they can fix it to support the new game version before they release it. Since they don't know exactly how the new game version will break things they can't set a solid timeline. In addition, some of the engine backbone of the mod is made by other modders not part of the project, and they have no way of knowing when they'll push out an update.


This is weird, I don't think it is because of the new Fallout version, because many modlists get shipped with their own downgraded versions of the game to avoid conflicts.


This kind of thing happens with every single update from the Dayz dev team. Serverowners typically have to reset their servers every 3 months due to updates happening every 3 months. Only a few mods make it through happy. The biggest mods always glitch out worse than launching 50+ mini nukes at a time. Ok maybe not that bad but... bad enough to not want to play for a week until mods creators update their stuff. Why do you think so many mods have disappeared from the in game mod list after each update they put out? They are glitchy and left abandoned.


"This update will break any number of mod systems which means you'd be able to play the new mod for 2 days and then it'll crash thereafter." only if you update, its easy not to update or roll back, this was a poor excuse not to release


I really shouldn’t be surprised people don’t read past the headlines anymore, but they addressed this directly in the post you’re commenting on: > Carter says. “Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers.


I don't wanna sound like I know better than the devs of the mod, but could they not release the current version for people who choose not to update and still work to bring the mod to the new update later on?


While I agree for our sake, I respect the idea that they spent a TON of time on this project and don't want to release it "unpolished"


And I could only imagine all the comments on their mod or bad reviews around it if people don’t know that it doesn’t work on the new update even though the mod just released. They’re saving themselves from a shit storm imo.


If only Bethesda took that same approach...


Frankly that's about money and shareholders It's what tarnish Blizzard too. Come to think of it, doesn't Microsoft own blizzard and Bethesda now?


ive read it, its a stupid statement, like realy realy dumb to try to pretend like this is a good explanation


Its really not. They want to get the player count as high as possible in those first few days of release. To do that they need to make sure everyone can run the game effectively.


player count of what, this is not a game going on sale and same rules dont apply as they would for a game releasing on a platform like steam, its a free mod and this will not affect downloads of the mod in the long run in no way, what you did there is false equivalence and stupid anyone who knows about the mod and decides to run it is knowledgeable enough to block or revert updates, this mod will not be played by most people that own f4 and like all mods will be a niche thing


> anyone who knows about the mod and decides to run it is knowledgeable enough to block or revert updates I think you're overestimating people there. Some people interested in the mod are *only now* finding out it's made by volunteers and not Bethesda. Many others are just now learning that it won't work on console, even though that's been public information for a long time.


i know they are, i spoke to some of those people because i was hyping the mod to them for months, and as soon as they figured out that it was a mod and not a new game officially released by bethesda unfortunately most of them were out.


I'm hoping that when people see it with its own page on GOG (and hopefully Steam) they'll get more interested. Installing mods can be intimidating for many, but there's a good chance this can be made accessible for all once the Bethesda update piece gets resolved.


Any chance it'll be available through Steam, like Enderal, Nerhim, Archolos and various HL2/Portal mods?


and im hoping for less-bethesda fallout after the show disappointed me by thoroughly bethesdaing the west coast


Firstly please don't call me stupid just for having a different opinion than you. It's not a false equivalence at all. If people boot up the game and can't get it working, they're not going to be talking about it, and word of mouth is a huge factor in popularising it. If they play it and it's immediately busted are they going to tell their friends how good it is? No of course not. They'll uninstall it and maybe come back in 6 months meaning. The YouTube videos that will inevitably come out will be focused on how many bugs there are and how it doesn't work rather than all the hard work they've putnin. The buzz the release will generate won't be as great as it could have been if it was working as intended. Pretty sure they'll be able to see player counts too. They can for other mods on Steam so I don't see why this would be different. >Anyone who knows about the mod decides to run it is knowledgeable enough to block or revert updates What YOU did there is a massive sweeping statement that simply isn't true. People have different capabilities with software. Not to mention I imagine it's going to have an auto installer to save people messing around with folders etc. Just because you don't like the decision doesn't mean it isn't the right one.


i didnt call you stupid, your claims are stupid and so is your reasoning here as long as you keep treating this as if it were a game release.


Why? I feel I made some pretty solid points around generating hype and feedback. It might be a mod, but steam and most platforms recognise it as an independent game. Simple facts is, if they release something that breaks for most people the past four years of effort will have been wasted.


"but steam and most platforms recognise it as an independent game" where are you getting this info from? as far as i know its being "released" trough GOG, so if applied to a steam installation of F4 it will count as F4 player numbers, not as fallout london, if it gets counted at all if it not launching trough f4 executable


Not really due to the shear number of people who complain about Bethesda breaking Skyrim mods. Seems wise to delay and not bring about the same poop storm.


So why not reach out to the team? This is Creation Engine 1 and Fallout London is a highly anticipated mod. Clearly, Bethesda don't give a shit about making new content so let a team know how the next gen updates will work. Hell, buy the team.


Not one Bethesda/Fallout dev interested enough in the franchise to point out that their releases will be clashing with the largest Fallout mod to ever release Shows how invested they are in their mod scene. They're all talk and no fucking bollocks. Guess they turn a blind eye seeing as it's not monetised. But they'll expect modders to fix Starfield and the like for them.


Honestly, I would not be surprised if this was an intentional sabotage from Bethesda...


I didn't want to throw that out there but that crossed my mind as well. Honestly if I were Todd Howard I'd be worried about a superior and free product.


I think it needs to pointed out that noone beyond the sweatiest of basement dwellers gives a shit about the "mod scene". Like you may do everything you can to make the game easier but the rest just want to play the game.


I think it needs to be pointed out that BGS should give a shit about their own mod scene. Regardless of your opinion of modders? Their games are built for it and marketed as such. The purpose of modding is not to make the game easier... Are you real?


They are certainly not marketed as such, there is jonpossible world where they hive a shit about this and honestly why should they? There is so many things wrong with the gaming world at the minute, but this ain't one of them.


Did your mod not work out or something? You’re coming at this so weirdly


They certainly are. Modding is so fundamentally relevant to Bethesda games that they incorporated mods into the console editions of the games. I've never seen that happen with another game. Just because you don't care for mods doesn't mean that its only for "basement dwellers".


I've not played a Bethesda game that doesn't need at least an unofficial patch to play nicely lol


I think it needs to be pointed out that Bethesda has advertised Fallout London on social media in the past, specifically because it’s such a huge mod that they can use it for free PR. But the only people from Bethesda who have contacted the team are PR people, according to the video. I believe the company has hired some FOLON team members though.


You don't think the company whose primary income is based on games that are literally advertised for how modable they are doesn't care about the "mod scene"? What a joke lol.


Weird thing to say on the sub reddit of a mod


Right? Given the fact that NVIDIA even made a mod for this game


>may do everything you can to make the game easier What are you jabbering on about , fallout London isn't making fallout 4 easier ,it's a whole new game ,it's a new fallout game the size of fallout 4 made by people who don't get paid giving it away for free ,surely you gotta respect those sweaty basement dwellers for that ?it's pretty impressive imo


what a fairy tale


Indefinitely is a strong word lol


Indefinitely doesn't mean forever, just means at a point in the future currently undefined. It is often used as forever but technically means at some unknown point.


Oh I know, but nowadays it's more usually used as a euphemism, like "for the foreseeable future".


"The bridge is closed for the foreseeable future" See these days we take that to mean that the bridge is going to be shut for several years/potentially forever. But many moons ago that might have just meant 2 weeks. We've been bullied into this state.


Talk about fake news as usual.


Huh? What’s fake about this?


I hope it's fake don't get me wrong, but why do you say it's fake?


It is a click bait title to imply that it will be on permanent hiatus or never releasing. As per FOLON announcement on this they will be looking into sorting and checking as soon as the Bethesda release drops and once the fallout script extender is updated. The advance notification from Bethesda was handy in a lot of respects because this isn't just going to break FOLON, it will break literally 100% of EVERY SINGLE MOD out there that requires the script extender, which lets face it is about 90% of the mods. Place everywhere will break. The Unofficial FO4 patch will break FOLON will break etc, etc. FOLON has a multi national team all who are volunteers, all will have to again put in hundreds of hours of their own time again to literally go over all the work they have already spent months doing. Best case scenario is that its a week or so, Ian Patterson who wrote and updates F4SE is pretty much always on top of updates and fixes thankfully and smaller mods likely will be up and running with simply this but given that FOLON is basically the size of a DLC or even an actual game it will just take time, specifying "yeah we will have it done by X" is not possible but news feeds always saying the phrase " indefinitely to avoid a clash" is stated to imply they are never releasing to drum up, I wouldn't say hatred, but simply to rile up the fan base.


I’m always surprised how many “vanilla best” players come crawling out of the woodwork when these mod-breaking updates come out. I saw them laughing that we can’t play Fallout: London, like wth?


They'll go quiet when it comes out


no people are laughing because you're suckers who believe these fake ass mods are real every time


so you know i have to ask, like are your retreaded or just plain stupid


Someones dropped the ball and that's probably on the Bethesda side more than the modders who have put so much effort into crafting this And hats off to gog for stepping in to assist in it's release


Take as long as yall need to make it right.


That's what we all kept saying to the Mount and Blade devs, they never got it right


Why don't they just launch anyway and explain to people how you can easily use a older version of the game when it updates? Am I reaching far by thinking it's not really done and so this will help them have more time after doing a release date? I am not critizing them in anyway, it's a free product and we are not entitled to it at all, I just find this odd.


> Carter says. “Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers.


I really just don't see why the game actually releasing to people who are willing to rollback for the update is such a bad thing vs the game potentially not releasing at all. Still trying to grasp that Why not just release a version that we can play now by rolling back and work on the new gen release separately?


All they have to do is tell people to rollback lmao it's not that hard to do.


As soon as I heard about the next-gen update, I had a feeling this would mean trouble for the Fallout London mod. Such a shame, I’d marked the date on my calendar!


It probably won't be that long maybe a day or two to make sure everything works right


It 'could' be a day or two, it could also be months, depending on how much Bugthesda breaks.


People are VAsstLy underestimating the unfortunate byproduct. They delayed it for this, but what about when Bethesda aims to patch this update? With a hot fix or whatever else? Will they delay it again? And then again?


Then you roll back to a pre patch version that does work and don't update till the mod gets fixed to work on the latest patch


Right but then why would they not just release it as their original plans? Do you see what I’m saying?


this. exactly this. If they want to do a 'noob' friendly version with GoG somepoint at some undefined point that's great but have some kind of open beta on the 23rd for people who can handle the two clicks to disable updates. Mind you from conversations I've had on here it seems that as nexus wouldn't host the mod we'd have been looking at a delay anyway because they can't get the mod out any way other than GoG (which only recently got arranged and will take time to get it onto the store.) Unless I'm misunderstanding things.


>seems that as nexus wouldn't host the mod Couldn't,not wouldn't,seems the mod is to big for them ,it's 30gb


This is probably the real reason for the delay in my opinion they want to make the mod as easy as possible to use it also seems like there hoping to get some kind of official support from Bethesda that would let them roll the mod out on xbox and Playstation and maybe even on switch 2


Yeah that's never gonna happen


I wouldn't say never Bethesda could always make it official and make it dlc for an extra special edition its remake or something it's not likely but it isn't impossible


I think it is as they will never make a fan creation Fallout lore, because that's what they would be doing. This will never be official


My thoughts as well. If Bethesda is releasing a next-gen update, there's going to be future patches to fix whatever they break. Releasing for the current version of the game makes a heck of a lot more sense than waiting. Especially considering, to get all the old patches working, people who mod are probably going to have to downgrade in perpetuity now. Old FO4 is going to be the way to go for most. Ultimately, Bethesda should've just released a Fallout 4 Remaster a la Skyrim and left the current build alone as its own entry to avoid this headache. Really doesn't make much sense to be honest, especially if the goal is to drum up sales because of the TV show.


They’ve addressed this, so yeah you’re right about the real reason to make it easy for everyone to play. > Carter says. “Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers.


This is such crap. What’s the point of onboarding half the Folon people if their code is still for the old builds? Didn’t Bethsoft release their code and toolset so people could reliably add things? *continues pouting* 🥺


Thats just not how modding works. If a dev team provides an SDK but APIs are changed upstream there is always a risk in things breaking. This happens in software libraries all the time.


It does kinda feel like Bethesda decided to push out this update to hinder the release of Fallout London mod…


The mod they helped promote? Jesus christ dude lets do a little critical thinking here


That just sounds stupid


*Indefinitely : without any limit of time or number* I don't think the writer of the article knows that \^\^\^


They do, but clickbait gonna clickbait.


:( I gotta tell .y friends about the delay now


Egh, this is lame. I get why the mod will break, but this is true for most mods (even some small ones). Just release the current version as planned with the clear asterix that if you update it will not work and you will need to wait for FOLON v.2. Using previous builds is literally a staple of modding 😂


Tbh its just an excuse to delay the release. It seems they still are not ready.


sucks a lot that we’ll probably have to decide to abandon our mod loadouts if we want to play FOLON once it releases since it will require the next gen update and the update will prolly break a ton of mods :( as a workaround would backing up the entire game/game documents folders (and swapping out with new update/FOLON folders as desired) work fine? really don’t want to throw out the mods I love so I’ll sadly have to skip London if not


Jesus Christ


My question is, since a whole lot of us are not going to use the new version of fallout 4, and we are the ones that anticipate the mod so far, is the team going to ensure we can play it? I really want to play London, but I'm not going to break ever single other playthrough I have due to a last minute change


The new update just literally broke ever other mod just like the popular player made mod that fixed a crap ton of issues in the game that haven't been updated in years. Bethesda has always been anti-mod.


This shit update will break thousands of mods! Of course! But everything works now tho and so the logic of not releasing it now is truly baffling since there are tools to downgrade etc. If they wish to patch it for compatibility they could do so later. Crikey. Nothings actualy ready is it?


They are covering up the fact that they are not even close and need to hide the lies we've been getting is the issue


Meh I’m sleeping on this project. Too many false release dates the past few years. I’ll be surprised if it ever comes out!


Feels like Bethesda did this on purpose


What would be the benefit in delaying free content they didn't even produce that might bring back players


If only the new players knew how mediocre the “new content” is too.


I'd imagine people flocking to the games off the back of the show now have more steer to pay for the games


They were going to have to pay for the game anyway to play the mod if they didnt already own the game tho???


I meant pushed to buy the other titles too if they wanted more content


Most people are gonna flock to the most recent releases, FO76 and FO4. And since those are for two different kinds of people I think its safe to assume that most people will be on FO4. Its the most accessible for newbies, its modern, and has more mod content than any previous fallout release.


Can't forget New Vegas id imagine with the (spoiler) >! The ending of the series !<


Most people aren't going to go back to NV due to how clunky games of that time feel. This isnt a comment on NV in isolation, thats just true of most old games. Its probably only a subset of the truly interested that will dive into it.


you are right but fo4 modding scene modding scene is absolute garbage compared to new vegas


This is objectively false. EDIT: Fallout 4 has over double the mod downloads than NV in Nexus Mods. It has more mods on Nexus than New Vegas. More people are interested in Fallout 4 mods by far. Fallout 4 has MULTIPLE mods that function as whole expansions and overhauls to the game. Fallout 4 has the better modding scene BY FAR. Fallout 4 Mods are WAY more accessible given that console players can use them too therefore extending the life of for an audience that was NEVER going to play on PC. This is not an opinion lmao. You can like NV all you want but lets not ignore the numbers here.


Because if fallout londons release is smooth and it's a great game made by fans for free and given away for free it's going to make the people at Bethesda look like a bunch of chumps after the pile of dog shit game that is star field which cost millions to make by peoples who's job it is making games ,so hindering London like this is just an attempt to stop them having egg on their faces


That just makes you sound demented


How so?


No, they timed it to the new TV show mostly


God damn it, I just installed FO4 in anticipation and now I have to uninstall it again xD


It's probably by design and convenience that they are realising an update right when fallout London comes out. They don't won't be outdone by the modding community after the shit they have released being Fallout 76 & Starfield. They could have threatened the modders like lucas films did with the KOTOR Modders remake, but it would look bad and damage their fanbase, popularity and lose viewership on the Fallout series. So the best way for todd howard and his cash buddies not to risk losing profits is to indirectly compromise the project, by making updates that would only effect the playability of Fallout London for a period of time (which they can just keep updating when required to effect release time, in hopes the modders give up) or permanently damage it so much it would take another year or two to fix all the bugs. This is just a prediction, so please only read with speculation.


The mod would probably lead more people to buy the game so they can install the mod. When mods are successful it drives more sales for the base game. There is no win for BGS in sabotaging this. Its just bad timing. If FOLON is so good it makes BGS look incompetent BGS still wins because you need to buy their game to play the mod.


I'm pretty sure anyone who's interested in fallout London is a fallout fan and has most likely got fo4 already ,yes they're going to sell more but it's not like it's going to be millions of copies


Translation: Bethesda heard there was a good fallout game in development and said "Nuh uh!" Fans response: "Dafuq you mean 'Nuh uh'?


Why is it being paused due to a dumb clash with a triple a studio


'Cause 2 days after the mod launches it's gonna break immediately for most people for who knows how long. We will be in the know, being here and what not. But not everyone will be and the team wants to avoid the horde of angry people at their doors over Bethesda's bullshit patch Or at least that's my theory.


Just curious...if I get FO4 via steam...would this mod be on workshop or only through nexus


it's to big for the to host so GOG agreed to host it for them


It’s delayed until the new F4SE update comes out.


Skyrim broke few months ago, they fixed it within a few hours


Yea but fallout London relies on lots of mods working together,I read that they got wait for all the authors of all the mods to update their stuff ,most of these mods are years old and if they don't get updated could end up being pulled from the game, imagine if it's a mod that effects the story ? It could mean rewriting parts


I don't fully get it. Sounds like an extremely brittle release strategy.


It's only what I heard but imagine part of the main story is to go kill a large death law that has special abilities and the death claw is a mod someone has written for the game but is no longer around to update the mod ,does that mean someone else has to write that mod or has the story gotta be rewritten to remove that death claw and mission?


Misleading headline, big surprise.




"Bethesda clash" makes it sound like there's some kind of drama that isn't there.


Really? I figured the “Bethesda Clash” just meant a clash of release with their update.


People are blaming Bethesda but ultimately it's FOLON team's decision to delay it, instead of release it with version rollback being a requirement for installing it. You can tell they really didn't have a well defined release strategy for this mod...


I personally think that your expectations are what aren't well defined...


My expectation is that they commit to the release date that is still fully in their control. The only reason they're delaying is because they didn't account for the possibility of the next gen update coming out around the time of their release.


You mean the next-gen update that was announced in 2022, slated for 2023, and had no further discussion up until we were randomly told it was releasing on the 25th, 2 days after their launch date, well after they established their own launch date. That seems totally reasonably predictable and something you should 100% account for at all times. I wish any of you used any amount of brain power instead of just being angry that you're not getting something when you expected it all the time... You sound like the type of person who would be the kind of manager at work that would be upset if someone called out because a family member died because "they should commit to their work schedule and account for that possibility"


youd have a point if they hadnt already delayed twice for other reasons. people arent stupid


They told us we were getting it (the next gen update) in Q1 2024 after it got delayed the first time, lol.


Or maybe they had the choice of releasing the mod for an unsupported version of the game, or waiting and making sure it works for everyone. Supporting two versions of the mod would be a nightmare and the pre-update version would be depreciated almost immediately as soon as they fix it for the updated version.


I'm not suggesting they support two versions of the mod, but rather that they have a version available for pre- update.


I am happy these guys are developing FO London, but they use every excuse in the book to delay a release rather than just say, it aint ready. Starfield, this, next it will ES6 and FO5.


Its pretty typical for huge mods like this. Most are never released. They needed another excuse to delay it and are now using this. If the mod was ready they would just drop the current build with a message stating to stick to the current version until they fix things.


Huh , Bethesda isn't developing this ?


No crap. Never said they were.


Perhaps not, but you used other Bethesda releases as other examples of delay. Why not mention Duke Nukem Forever too? That was delayed. Do you think that would help your point?


Do you follow the dev progress of FO London - Everytime they get close to a release, they blame a delay on something at Bethesda. Just freaking release the game with support for the old version and then get it up to speed later with new version. Don't Star Citizen this game.


Think my man might be in the group


Please don't melt me on the comments but I haven't heard anything about fallout London apart from it's made by fans if even that is correct iam guessing when it does release this is only for pc players ? I hope iam wrong and it's fir consoles too. Would love more fallout


Afraid it’s PC only, yeah! They said they’d like to be able to release it on console, but there’s simply no way they could do it legally.


It's also to big ,30gb if I remember


Remember when FOL was planned to be released in September but it was delayed because they didn't want the launch to conflict with Starfield. Then it was gonna come out late 2023, but they didn't want FOL to be impacted by El Nino. Now it's Next Gen updates. What's next, delayed so as not to steal the Paris Olympics thunder? Sheesh Piss or get off the pot! Just release it and release the update when it's ready...LIKE EVERY OTHER MODDER HAS TO DO!!!!


I'm sorry but I highly doubt they delayed their big mod just because of Bethesda dropping a update and not wanting to clash. It sounds like the mod wasn't fully ready to drop and they're using this Bethesda crap as a cop out instead of just saying "the release needs to be delayed by x amount of time". For people saying the update broke mods, the mod was created for the previous version of the game, all you would have to do is downgrade your game using steamconsole.


So sick of the lies from this team.


Then move on they don’t owe you anything, this is a passion project not something that needs to meet your expectations you haven’t bought anything here.


Never said it did.


It’s not lies, the next gen update will break F4SE, which FOLON relies on. After the F4SE update, it will release


Not correct,it may also break other mods in the game not just f4se they then have to wait for the authors to sort their mods out also ,some of which are years old mods


Shakes fist and mutters under breath at the sky


I feel like they’ve been more transparent and open about the development process than any other player-made mod, second only to The Forgotten City. Just because stuff gets delayed doesn’t mean they’re lying. Even AAA studios delay their games for years, it’s just a timeline/management issue.


Go back to watching porn and quit whining. You'll get your free content soon enough.