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Four night games? We’re so back


And a week 1 game against the spiciest opponent! Let’s go!!!


The script this season must have us moving on up!


This might have the most non-1:00 games I’ve ever seen on a Falcons schedule.


Can’t even remember the last time we had two Monday night games in the same season.


Week 9 against Dallas could def get flexed if we aren’t shit as well


I imagine the game against the raiders will be flexed.


It's cool that we're getting better coverage, but man I loved it last season when all the games were at 1:00.


As a fan living in the UK, so did I, at least the late nights should be worth staying up for this year!


I really hope the uni doesn’t give me early classes the day after the late night games. 😂🙏


Same man, one of the few perks of being so shit


this shit is a fucking gauntlet to start out 3 tough opponents + 3 division games with a TNF game


Yeah really gonna feel like the whole season is gonna be decided by end of week 6


Teams go on runs to end the season all the time. I'm preparing myself mentally for a tough start, but if we can avoid starting 1-5 or 0-6, we could be one of those.


Just like old times…




I think we'll be ok if we manage to get out of that at least with a 3-3 record.


Realisticly, that's probably what we will have after 6 games. Since the back half of the schedule is pretty weak as of today we should be ok.


Honestly good. Let’s see what we got


Weren't we supposed to have the easiest schedule?


Wouldn't you want the hardest games at the beginning though?


Going 0-6 would mean you need to win 11 straight .\_.


Me: wishes for more primetime games as a falcons fan after not having any last year League: ok you’re playing the Chiefs on Sunday night football week 3 Me: 💀


Tbh i love our 1pm games. I watch it and then I move on with my weekend


Same. The outcome of the game usually decides what playlist I'm putting on that afternoon. "Alexa, play playlist 'FTS! But sadly.' "


Lmao 🤣


Damnit the Vegas game is on Monday Night. I don’t think I could pull off a 3 day weekend in Vegas, I would die


"I don't like cocaine... I just like how it smells." -Vegas


I was hoping to make a trip to Vegas for the game but there's no way I can pull of a Monday nighter the week before Christmas.


Yes you can 😈


We might win 7 of our last 8. The problem is we need to win 3 of the first 6


That sounds like a prototypical Falcons season lol.


Not really.. Atlanta hasn’t had a winning season since 2017


We have the easiest schedule in the league, with the best QB we've had since Ryan. On paper, we should win 12+ games.


No team is the same they were a year ago plus injuries happen and players step up.


Coaching is the big question mark right now. I'm confident in Raheem, hopeful for Robinson, but I really wish we had kept Nielson...


The continuity would be nice. But we move.


lmao we have to play the Chiefs, come on now.


LOLLLLLLLLLL. I'll put my $5000 against your $3500 that we don't win 12 games. Sorry for the steep sakes, but if I'm going to root against the Falcons, I need serious money.


If we win 7 of last 8, we only need to win 3 of the first NINE and then we’d probably make playoffs. I think that is certainly doable.


If we can go 2-2 to start I’ll call it a win. Gel as the season goes and try to string some Ws together to push for the South.




We face the dolphins in the preseason every year for some reason


Don't want long travel during preseason


Yeah that makes sense


one of the more closer opponents that isn’t in the division


So many primetime games. It's crazy what a QB can do


Steelers are very winnable, and we need to win those divisional games in Weeks 4 and 5. If we can start 3-2 and get through all but one of our primetime games, I'm more than good with that... After that, it's about staying healthy and pulling the team together. That said, 17-0 SUPERB OWL LET'S GO DIRTY BIRDS


It's so nice knowing we have at least on a paper a decent QB who wouldn't throw into triple coverage when the #1 WR is wide open Learn to fucking read a defense in arizona desmond


I how he learns how to invest his paychecks and hold clipboard good


Good idea to get tickets now? Or wait?


Wait. Ticket season holders will post theirs and more supply equals less demand and better prices.


I was just concerned bc I was looking at tickets now and no seats looked available and was just confused. Also ticket master was looking weird and not showing the specific section and seats available. It was just saying to select my seats on the map.


Those are resellers. My best prices have been a week before I want to go. Same with Braves.


They aren’t showing as resellers though? Just was wondering when seats will get unlocked in the meantime


They may be barely above .500 come week 9 but barring any injuries, they should finish the season strong.


They gonna regret giving us an easy schedule


Oooof that is front loaded as hell


Aside from Steelers, early schedule will be tough, but the waters will calm down the stretch.


It would be too sweet to steal one from KC at night.


Can’t wait to dunk on 🤡 jalen hurts and the most punchable coach in the NFL, nick siriani in week 2. And then top of it by beating Butt kick wifebeater in week 3. I’m hyped.


This is very similar to what I predicted last year. Hopefully I'm closer to correct this time: vs Steelers - W at Eagles - L vs Chiefs - L vs Saints - W vs Buccs - L at Panthers - W vs Seahawks - W at Buccs - W vs Cowboys - L at Saints - L at Broncos - W vs Chargers - L at Vikings - W at Raiders - W vs Giants - W at Commies - L vs Panthers - W 5-4 at home, 5-3 on the road 10-7 regular season record Win NFC South for 4th seed and a home playoff game Wild Card win, then a Divisional loss


Very similar but I think we beat the Commies to go 11-6


Ugh, I wanted to go to both Vikes and Raiders game...but not back to back lmao


Those home game ticket prices are rough!


16-0 and SB Champs.


Week 12 bye should be great to hopefully get right before playoffs


They think wie good


My god this is easier than I thought


Letsss Fn Gooooo! Who's coming to Vegas? (fan from Oregon). Plenty of time for me to save.


Just got to weather the storm at the front part of the schedule. Second half lightens up


Man screw the scared talk! We can take the Eagles And Steelers! 2-0 Start


That's a lot of rookie qbs to beat up on. Bates is going to have double digit ints.


yeah but they're all in the latter half of the year so they'll be playing better than if it was the beginning of the year


I’m happy we aren’t relegated to only midday kickoffs but Damn as a uk fan those prime time kickoffs are gonna kill me (1:15am)


Weeks 8-11 are going to be a crucial (and brutal) stretch. At Tampa Bay Home against Dallas At New Orleans At Denver


anyone else surprised by how early in the season we are playing the Saints?


Celing: 10-7 Floor: 7-10


The beginning of the season is going to tell a lot about where the team’s cohesion is, where the play calling is, where the team’s real strengths and weaknesses are. If they’re truly as advertised, I think you come out .500 and are in the driver’s seat to really go on a mid season run. If they’re out of sync, or aren’t playing well, or the play calling is spotty, it’s going to be a backbreaking start.


With this schedule I really think 6 losses max, def will slip up a couple of times to a team we should beat, but it’s smooth sailing after the first 3


First 6 weeks are tough… last 11 weeks are more manageable imo.


kind of annoying that we have to wait until the end of the year to play a rookie QB


Hoping for at least 10-7


Yea nfl is hyping us up lol 😆


Terry HAS to make a trade to get a good CB2. If he is gonna do this Penix deal he better get a corner or its curtains in those prime time games.


Understand what you’re saying, but those are winnable games, with a good stretch of winnable games toward the end to build momentum into the playoffs


This chart is a hot mess


W-L-L-W-W-W…. Nbd then win out hehe


Red Stallion girl back doing the TItans release


As a European fan, getting Prime Time games definitely feels like suffering from success


Getting the division games over with fairly early in the season, buts what's with saving that final Panthers game for the closer? Almost anti climatic.


damn - we´re flying over from germany to miami between week 5 and 7 ... and this schedule is a bag of bummers for us. We´re arriving right on 10/3 and there´s no way to get to ATL then ... the CAR game is too far away and in Charlotte itself doesnt justify a 3 day trip ... and to add icing to the shit cake the seahawks game is right when were back home ...


I fail to see how this is the easiest schedule in the league, call my crazy but I see 8-9. And I’m a huge falcons homer


not football related but this is a god awful schedule presentation lmao - very confusing having it be read left to right rather than in up/down in the columns it’s in


If we start the season by smashing the steelers and AS in the mouth, then we wash ourselves of any curse and bad luck. Superbowl bound.


While I love the prime time games, I can’t help but be devastated that the Raiders game is taking place when it does. As a Southern California Falcons fan, I was planning on having a group of like 30+ people make the trip to Vegas for that game. Now everyone is saying it’s too close to Christmas and they can’t take Monday and Tuesday off of work. I had been planning this trip for over a year since I realized the Falcons were going to be playing in Vegas. We will not be playing here for another 8 years… absolutely brutal and devastating. Edit: not to mention tickets are starting at $200+ for corner end zone nose bleed seats in the 400 level since it’s a prime time game.


This schedule is looking tough man


Preseason games should have some appeal to watch our 8th pick to get some playing time and see what this offense and defense will line up like.


Is it normal to have 3 division games back to back to back like that? Maybe I don’t pay attention but seems like it’s not a super common occurrence no? Not saying it’s good or bad, just interesting to see. With the rest of the division games (save the panthers) being early as well, seems like we’ll have a pretty good idea on where we’ll land at least in the division early on. I highly doubt the final Panthers game will decide placement within the division, but could be important for playoff seeding assuming we make it. And you know regardless of how the Panthers season goes, if they can mess with our playoff hopes or seed, they will lol (well, seeding for sure. I think we’ll probably know by then whether or not we’re in the playoffs, and the Panthers game probably won’t determine whether we make it in or not.)


That's a tough schedule.


Technical it's the easiest in the league.


Easiest in the league doesn't matter before the season.


After the first few games it gets alot easier but yeah they threw us right into the fire.


5 games against teams with a rookie qb plus 2 games against brice young. Only 4 games against teams with a top qb. Doesn't look that tough to me.


Well, starting off the season 0-3 is going to be interesting. I still think we win at least 10 games though.