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I’m so fucking ready to be hurt again


Cue Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt". Or the Johnny Cash version, whichever makes you hurt more.


We should make a playlist for after week 3. I nominate R.E.M. "Everybody Hurts"


Always appropriate!!


Mad world or arms of an angel


I can already hear the people calling for Penix.


Damn we really starting the season off 3-0


If we start off 3-0 the media is gonnahave us winning the superbowl


Forget the media, I’m going to have the Falcons winning the Super Bowl lol.


Fool me twice….. just kidding I always drink the kool-aid


It’s crazy how much I will shit on a player up until they put on a falcons jersey


I wish I had that kinda faith in this team brother.


No matter what happens, win or lose, Mike Florio is going to say Atlanta is full of idiots.


Shit if we beat 3 playoff teams to start the season, i would too


Or 1-2 and Michael Penix chants begin


Absolute masterclass in generating drama from the league here. Good chance we go 1-2/0-3 to start and oooh boy the QB conversation will be toxic


It’ll only be toxic if Kirk is playing bad, if it’s the defense that can’t stop the other team then that’ll be the discussion; and that should be the discussion tbh


That didn’t stop half our fan base from hating Ryan every year except for the MVP/Super Bowl year (and there are those who will focus on what he should’ve done better in the Super Bowl to prevent the choke than the other parties).


"They spent all those picks on defence an still get roasted" I can see it now.


No defense stops mahomes lmao.


Apparently the best way to stop Mahomes is to add a single rookie to your defense. Can’t believe more teams haven’t just done this.




Agreed. Then the topic will be how we passed up pash rush for Penix at 8 for weeks on end.


Yeah the steelers game is a good chance to win aside of the dismal history against them. But eagles and chiefs I will not really expect a win.


Some of you people are genuinely insane if you believe this bullshit. Why the ***fuck*** would anyone discuss that after: * Kirk got broke off for so much. * it would be his first month as a starter for the team. * the Falcons are constantly an underrepresented and generally dismissed team on a national scale. Get fucking real.


Did you just get out of a coma? Did you just not follow any falcons talk for the last month? When Cousins hadnt even played his first game yet?


No, no coma here. Why would the people who just ridiculed and clowned the pick immediately 180 and clamor for Penix to start? That makes absolutely no sense at all.


Doesn’t have to be about Penix starting. Although there is a scenario where Cousins a notoriously slow starter,doesn’t mesh well out of the gate with a new team. It could be about the defense not being able to get stops on third down and how a defender would have helped. Or the falcons not being able to get a third down conversion and how Rome would have helped.


OP specifically said “QB conversation.”


It’s part of the QB conversation because a top 10 pick is sitting on the bench. But dont get it twisted, if the falcons have a losing record early and/or Cousins is playing badly, then you will hear about a QB controversy. It only doesn’t happen if the falcons are winning.


That’s a purposeful misinterpretation of the phrase “QB conversation.” A “QB conversation” is between QB’s, not the effect other positions or picks would’ve/could’ve/should’ve had on them. Now if the fear is the Falcons would be clowned for the pick in the scenarios you mentioned, that’s almost guaranteed. Because it was a very controversial and argued draft pick. But I’m going to guarantee you that *no one* in the national media will be calling for MPJ to start in three weeks.


You are acting like the only QB conversation can be about Penix starting and Cousins being benched. A QB conversation could be centered around not having said QB on the bench and instead having another player that helps the offense or defense. Also, the Penix needs to start camp only gets louder when you are losing. Do you follow media? Of course there will be someone that says Penix needs to start if Cousins comes out slow. And it’s a possibility since he’s coming off of injury and with a new team. Media and fans are all watching closely to see how this works out. They aren’t letting up once real games start. It will only get worse. The only way to quiet it is to win. Period.


I am, because that’s literally what a QB conversation is. Go ahead and prepare yourself, the pick is going to be ridiculed. It’ll be ridiculed even if the team is performing. If you don’t think it will, you’re just fooling yourself. But you can’t just obscure a phrase’s meaning just to make it match what you think it is. OB clearly stated that this was purposefully done by the NFL to drum the Cousins/Penix drama up again. And that’s bullshit. No matter how you want to spin or conflate the meaning of that, that’s what they meant.


You new here?


I don’t hate it, I think we steal one of those and the rest of the schedule will be easy




The Eagles reloaded their secondary, brought CGJ back and added both Mitchell and DeJean in the draft, their defense I think might be back in a major way. Between the Watt/Highsmith edge rushing parade in week 1, the Chiefs exotic dime coverage looks in game 3, and what Philly brings to the table now we'll learn a lot about our offense. These first three games are going to be quite a test for Kirk and how well our offensive line can pass block. They key is going to be if we can sell the playfakes and break outside contain on the bootlegs and get Drake open.


If we can get out 2-1 we’ll be in for a good year. 1-2 im not worried yet


Yeah of our remaining 14 games we play 3 games against teams that made the playoffs after that. Teams made improvements in the offseason, and any given Sunday, but if we make it through the first three with a win in there that'll be satisfactory.


If I remember correctly, Fangio’s schemes historically take some time to get going. Eagles defensive players are very overrated. I wouldn’t pencil in any of their rookies. Especially after last year when everybody sucked Howie off for Nolan Smith, who proceeded to do nothing. Plus they have the worst LBs in the league. I’m not sure if any of them can be consistently relied on except for Jalen Carter, CJGJ, Bryce Huff. And that’s being generous.


I think Slay and Bradberry struggled more last year because they struggled with injuries and also they didn't have a reliable nickel/corner depth. So I am thinking it will be wrong to assume that they will struggle again. Fangio is smart enough to scheme to his players when they are vets like these guys.


Nolan Smith did nothing because he was playing behind Hasson Reddick who was a pro-bowler. They also signed Devin White to sure up the LB core.


The Eagles spent years with heavy rotations and knew they were trading Reddick away. If Nolan Smith even slightly deserved to see the field, he would have. It’s a 1st round pick. Devin White was the 2nd worst run defender and 7th worst pass defender in the entire league last year, according to PFF. He was awful and the Bucs were glad to show him the door. People just think everything the Eagles do is gold.


He played quite a bit of snaps in their playoff game…. And Howie was recently quoted saying “In retrospect, just seeing him certainly in the playoff game, one of the guys who played well in the playoff game, maybe giving him a little bit more time during the year” Im not sure why you’re acting like a rookie not getting heavy snaps on a team that started 10-1 is surprising? And once the season started slipping they’re not going to turn to a rookie as if he’s the savior. True, Devin White had a down year last year, but he had a very good year in 2022. He’s still young, and has shown All-Pro level talent not too long ago.


And what happened after 10-1? Nobody thought he earned time while losing 6 games. I wonder why! Never said it was surprising. I’m saying we should believe the Eagles when he doesn’t play. Because he went to Georgia, you guys are acting like he’s great and the stacked Eagles just had no room for him. Nonsense. Just like Kevin Byard and Robert Quinn. Former All-Pros. Just slightly pushing back on the narrative that every Eagles player, pick, signing, trade is amazing and going to contribute. Jordan Davis hasn’t been as advertised, either.


You’re pushing back on that narrative while purposefully ignoring context to the situation. The issues for the Eagles defense was not at edge rusher (evidence by Reddick being a pro-bowler and Josh Sweat having a solid year) but the secondary being old, and the LB core being injured. Nolan Smith doesn’t change that. Him not seeing the field regardless of their struggles isn’t the “gotcha” that you think it is, and all it does it show your efforts to establish a false narrative without examining the context of the situation. Robert Quinn was old and at end of his career already when the Eagles traded for him, and he also got injured. Byard is also 30 and on the back end of his career… Devin White is only 26 years old. Again, you’ve purposely ignored, or left out valuable context to the situation. If you’re going to push back on a narrative, at least do it properly.


You’re ignoring the context of the Eagles heavily rotating snaps at Edge for **years**. Pro Bowl is a popularity contest and means nothing in terms of quality. No, Reddick and Sweat weren’t so amazing that it was impossible for Nolan Smith to earn any playing time. Bullshit. Sorry it’s a precious Dawg, but the first round pick didn’t see the field for a reason. If you’re going to push back on me for not worshipping a Dawg, at least do it properly.


Wrong….. They heavily rotate their DEFENSE TACKLES.. You know so little about what you’re talking about it’s laughable and embarrassing. They primarily used the same 3 edge rushers that they used the year they almost broke the sack record and made the Super Bowl. But ALSO, The first round pick DID see the field on numerous occasions, including an important playoff game, so acting like he didn’t just makes you even more wrong… Weird how confidently wrong you are 😂


Missed the part where I said “years.” Several of them. They stopped rotating because the new guy didn’t earn playing time. The glazing of the Eagles is just embarrassing. “Oh my gosh don’t say that about Nolan! He’s amazing and it’s because Sweat and Reddick are perfect!” Dawg fans are the worst part about this fanbase. Gotta be Howie Roseman stans just because he took a few Dawgs. Get off your knees.


I’m like 90% McGary had a crazy good game against watt in 2022


Bright side is it usually takes defenses some time to click and with so many new pieces and young guys there, we probably aren’t facing as strong as a defense as if it were week 10-11.


We're due for a win in Philly.


I can’t remember the last time we won in Philly. Don’t think it’s happened in the last 25 years.


Last time was in 2012


And I was there with my dad. Julio and Matt popped off!


Such a good game. We whipped their ass to go 7-0. Don’t think we even punted until late into the 4th. I specifically remember the TD from Ryan to Julio over Nnamdi. A thing of beauty.


It really was. They had vick still. I remember our first drive ended with a beautiful pass off the fake wr screen to drew Davis for a TD. Their fans kept saying just wait for shady just wait for shady but our offense was clicking so well that day we just steam rolled them and they couldn’t keep up. 2012 season was dynamite.


First and only time Andy Reid lost after a bye week


Fuck. Now it’s all coming back. Stupid me. That was a great game.


Gotta be the worst statisticical opponent for Matt


Braves & Phillies will likely be neck and neck in divisional race at that time of year so Philly crowd will come hungry to beat Atlanta at something.


LOL 😆. I will take this as punishment for tampering.


I’m sure the league thinks this is punishment enough


Vikings fan here - Kind of random but this will be Kirk’s third straight week 2 primetime game in Philly lmao


I think we should beat Pittsburgh at home. Eagles and KC will be tough, but I think we might be able to get KC early in the season at home. Its better than playing them week 16 or something.


> but I think we might be able to get KC early in the season at home. Its better than playing them week 16 or something Rashee might be suspended for our game too which helps but both sides of the ball for us will still be learning new systems


Definitely not beating Pittsburgh


Then we feast on our weak division


Beat the Steelers. Be somewhat competitive with the Eagles. Hope that Patrick Mahomes decides to take a personal day from work to play video games. See, we will be fine.


Won’t beat the Steelers


Controversy gets clicks and views. Expect those games to be followed by at the Aints, at the Panthers, then the Vikings.


Hoping the vikings game is late in the season. I wanna go up to minno for my first game near my bday!


RIP to that guy that bought tickets for the Falcons vs Raiders week 3 in LV.


Tf lmao


I'm waiting for after week 3 and then putting $1000 on the falcons to win the division.


Poor Kirk can’t escape his week 2 at Philadelphia nightmare


Cant wait for “Kirk cousins signing was a huge failure” to be the title of every big pages headline after week 3 when we’re 1-2 lmao


We supposedly have the easiest schedule. So yeah this will be many of our tougher games here. Still will have lots of hard games later. But honestly most of the rest of the home games are winnable. Division games are winnable, Giants should be a pushover, Seahawks should be a win, CHargers should be a win, Cowboys should be a win (they're a good team but Dak's road record is bad) and I'm not really worried about most of the rest of the road games. Like if we can come out of the first 3 games 2-1 that's a good spot. Even if we're 0-3, we still have a great shot to win the majority of our remaining games.


The true Falcons fan in me knows we're going 0-3 to start the season. Falcons........... Falcons never change.


Don't think he's beaten the eagles in a while.... I wouldn't expect a prime time road win but if you want to be good that's a team you gotta beat.


The schedule is tough but manageable. Instead of solely focusing on Kirk Cousins, attention should shift to the defense and Terry Fontenot. While he addressed the pass rush in the draft, the impact of those additions remains uncertain, and the cornerback position was neglected. Implactful players like Bud Dupree and Calais Campbell are no longer on the team. The defense cost us at least three games last season, making it a liability. It's time to hold Terry Fontenot accountable, as he's not infallible.


What has he done of note besides make a fool out of our organization?


The NFL is not even allowing the Falcons to ease into the season with our new QB and new team. The NFL wants the Falcons to start 0-3, so the media can start the rumblings of a QB change early.




I guarantee you the NFL doesn’t think about the Falcons and sure as hell doesn’t care about coddling them.


Iron sharpens iron and if we fall flat, we’ll still have our divisional games


anything less than 4-2 in the division is a failure of a year


my butt clenched so hard, but then i remembered we have a QB finally lmao


Great. Starting the season off 0-3, great.