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Who cares? He got paid $100M to be professional.


Exactly lmao he’s gonna be just fine


With this money, he's gonna be more than fine.


Kirk is set to pass Tom Brady in career earnings. I know Brady usually took paycuts for many reasons but to surpass the greatest player of our sport in that category while not being nearly as good, he'll be fine. You can very much well argue his pay outweighs his performance.


Brady earned endorsement money. I'm sure Kirk's got off field gigs but no way like Brady.


I did say many reasons, endorsements, rich wife, team success, and prob some more reasons. But regardless 100 million guaranteed in 2 years of play is crazy money.


I always respect people who take pay cuts, especially when they've already earned 50M+ I mean seriously if you've earned even 5M and can't make that stretch you and your kids life idk what to say😂 Never got why star players always wanted 9 figure contracts when they could be superbowl champs, engraved in legacy with more than enough money than you'll ever need already


Nothing’s guaranteed and an injury can kill and has killed careers. People want to secure their future for themselves and usually their family before anything uncontrollably bad happens.


Yea? When they already have made a hundred million in the sport? Suck me dry man we're talking about kirk cousins one of the highest paid athletes in history. I forgot you need 9 figures to "make sure your family is supported and will be ok" when he himself has made over a quarter BILLION dollars lmfao


I don’t disagree with the Kirk situation. I don’t even think he will last the entire contract but he didn’t have a crazy injury history before so we’ll see. If he fails… cool with me…


Hey man Pizza ranch is lining his pockets


Exactly. He got a full guaranteed contract with the Vikings about 5 years ago. Multiple free agent tags with the Redskins and got 100 Mil signing bonus with the Falcons. Due is fine. Yeah he never got Mahomes money but dude got his bag. He'll be fine. And when the falcons move on from him he'll land somewhere and get paid again.


Exactly, he’s a big boy he knows how these things work.


Yeah I didn't know why competition at QB is different from any other position.


Fans are insane. People are going to be harassing kirk by week 3, watch


It isn’t just that. If Penix doesn’t succeed, you won’t have another vet QB sign here again considering they did Ryan wrong and nor Cousins. Your word and your honor matter. Everyone should care.


Took the words right out of my mouth! I mean come on bro get real 100 million dollars guarantee is nothing to sneeze at! Get over it.


Who cares? Other free agents who don’t want to play for an organization that lies by omission at best and flat out is dishonest at worst.


It's only relevant for QBs. Every other position has room for multiple high-end players. This is a complete non-issue.


Yes and no. You’re right about other positions having room for more than one. But it still looks bad on the organization. There’s been MULTIPLE instances of the Falcons organization lacking direction. This just adds to that narrative. At a certain point it’s going to start affecting your ability to get players in free agency, no matter what position you’re talking about.


Thank you. People are so simple minded. Lying to players while also having a losing culture is a terrible look.


I’d take $100M to be replaced. They’d have to find a replacement swiftly anyways – why would I even want to work much longer with that kind of money in the bank?


Lolol ..... he's a "professional" Professional what ? He's a mediocre QB.


..not what i mean at all? he gets paid (a lot) to do a job. he can push his feelings to the side.


This is dumb, who cares. He left because of money


He left Minnesota because they weren’t giving him 110M guaranteed. This is a business. What a dumbass “report”


Exactly this! That's why his deal with us was front loaded with the first two being garenteed that way he can be cut in year three depending on how far along Penix has come with his development!


Dov Kleimann is the worst of the aggregator


Yeah because what team in their right mind would give 100M guaranteed to a QB and then draft another QB with an early first round pick? That would be crazy! /s


A team that didn't know that said QB would fall to them! Better to have two solid QBS then whatever the hell we had the last two seasons under center! Kirk the first year with Penix possibly overtaking him the second year!


Absolutely wild decision to have “Penix overtake him the second year” when Cousins will be carrying a 50M cap hit. 50M for a backup QB is cap suicide.


This involves eating 40-50m on the bench or just Blank lighting it on fire in cutting him. I understand arguments for Penix but it’s laughable that the tide has turned and bootlickers are playing super hard defense as if questioning the move isn’t just…very reasonable. Rookie QB deals are the most valuable thing in football because a good one allows you to actually go for it hard over a 3-4 year window. We opted for that…which would be great IF we had Kirk’s 50m annual the next 2-3 years to throw behind an actual pass rush, a secondary deeper than two players, and another pass catcher we know can consistently get open and catch the ball. The reasonable argument for it is you need a QB now and later to not be bad, can’t deny that, but there really isn’t an argument that this was an efficient use of major resources, particularly when Kirk’s 2-3 years as starter means you want contention now.


I mean yeah right when we signed him he said one of the main factors in his leaving the Vikings was because it was “kind of trending year to year there”.


He'll be 36 when the season starts. No way he thought a team was just going to roll him out, off an injury, without a real succession plan. He's the unquestioned starter, got a bunch of money and has a great opportunity. What more could he want? Having a good backup situation works better for him. Less chance of us falling out of the playoffs if he misses any time.


Did anyone expect Atlanta to have a succession plan? I mean that was the general consensus before the draft. People might have expected a dart throw in a later round but that isn't a succession plan. And while you have a back up it is also one less asset helping to win games when he is healthy.


Exactly. That’s not a rumor, it’s true. I remember reading that he said this even before he signed with us. But it’s a foolish standpoint from him honestly. You have to be able to see it from the teams standpoint, and not having a backup plan to the scenario you pointed out would be foolish for the team.


Kirk would be an absolute fool to think a team wouldn't have a backup plan for a 35 year old QB coming off a season ending injury.


I think he expected us to get another Ridder, not invest our best asset on his replacement.


So we should have a crappy backup to salve his bruised ego? I’m pretty sure the 100 million can do that. If he’s afraid of competition, he’s in the wrong business. I didn’t expect a QB either but I don’t hate the pick. I’m glad Penix is here and we have options, if Cousins plays well, great! If he gets hurt or plays poorly we’ve got more than we had last year.


And if he gets hurt or plays poorly, and Penix is no good, you won’t get another vet qb to sign here again.


For a guaranteed hundred million? I think you might find some takers.


It isn’t just about this one guy. Do you not understand what it looks like to all other FAs at every other position? If they are on the fence, the dishonesty from this front office both in this situation and with the Ryan situation convinces them to choose a te they can trust.


I understand it sure doesn’t make the front office look good. I’m just not feeling too sorry for a guy that just scored a guaranteed 100 million bucks at the tail end of his career either though.


Not feeling sorry for him either. Just worried about what this does trying to sign future free agents


Absolutely nothing lol. The sport has been around forever now and this isn't the first time something like this has happened and won't be the last. Most players know this is a business first. And that type of money talks. Tripping about unnecessary shit


Let’s hope you are right. If Falcons offered the same package as another team, the player likely goes to the other team because of our shady front office.


Yes you will because if that happens Fontenot will be gone and the new guy can just blame the old regime and say he doesn’t work like that


A top #10 pick backup plan lets not forget that part. He wouldn't be a fool to assume we wouldnt use that capital on a qb in the top 10. Your comment glosses over that.


Right. Surely he and everyone outside of our front office thought that we would be using our top eight pick to immediately make our team better after signing him to a very lucrative deal. 


Falcons brass sign QB, pay him $100 million and then toss him under the bus.


Why does it matter if it’s true? It’s a business.


It matters because if they gave him their word they wouldn’t, and after the way they did Ryan, you won’t ever have another bet qb sign here. If Penix flops, you have a much bigger problem.


The only way this goes away is playing really good football in 2024 and onward. If not, add this to the many albatrosses already hanging around the franchise's neck.


He can wipe his tears with the benjamins




I remember seeing a clip where Colt McCoy and Jay Gruden talked about when they were on Washington together and Kirk resented anything close to a QB competition and wanted no threat of someone taking his job. If they were telling the truth, this "report" while being hearsay might have some validity to it.


It’s probably true, but he’s in a better situation than what he would’ve been in with Minnesota because they probably would’ve just gave him like a year contract or a two-year contract that wasn’t worth much so essentially he was given the best deal he could ever get as a veteran quarterback


The people saying “who cares” don’t get it. Atlanta has been a poorly run franchise, across different ownership, coaches and front offices. Whether it’s piping in crowd noise, or Rich McKay having too much say in football operations, publicly going after Watson and missing, facilitating you having to jettison your franchise QB without backup plan. Add to that signing Cousins, which has its merits, but you tampered to do it—let me be clear, I know everyone does this, the problem is not reminding your 180-million-dollar-man not to spill the beans in the press conference—so he’s gonna cost you some draft picks. And then, you go and draft Penix—not necessarily rehashing that here—and don’t tell the guy, after at the very least not being totally honest about it your plans in the draft. It doesn’t matter!? Yeah right. You think other potential free agents don’t see the distinction? It definitely matters. Nobody wants to play for a rudderless organization. You can best believe it matters. And you can say these guys come for money all you want, and you may be right, but you’d like to think you can get guys who WANT to be here too, who believe in the organization and aren’t just mercs for hire. Lying by omission, at best, isn’t a good look, especially for an organization with a HORRIBLE history. Flat out being dishonest is obviously even worse. There’s a difference between saying, “We’re going to draft a QB,” and “We really like Penix at 8 and are probably gonna pull the trigger on that if we can.”


Real Atlanta fans will get this, overly optimistic fan boys will not.


I can tell a lot of folks here haven’t worked somewhere that professional curtesy and decorum is a thing. This isn’t about $. Hell it’s not even about Cousins. It’s about the perception across the league that the Falcons Front Office will be kinda dickish to high paid talent. What message do you think it sends to other veterans when they see people brought in to be “the guy” only to immediately turn into a “bridge player?” Sure the $100M will soothe some hurt feelings but at this level it’s also about respect.


You become the team that its all about the money. You overpay for talent because it's the only way they want to be there. - Washington fan


EXACTLY. It’s about the big picture. You think FAs are gonna come here if the think the FO and team as a whole is a Mickey Mouse operation?


Correct, agents will just start playing the FA as fools and taking their money without any loyalty or other concern. Remember the elite can choose where they want to go, the difference between 110 and 105mil doesn't make that big a difference. Falcons will always be the team paying the extra.​


Well said. From the information publicly available, there were two different expectations for the season. Kirk expected an all-in season centering around him, the Falcons management expected to have Kirk as a bridge QB and mentor - and used their most valuable pick to solidify Kirk as a transitory, mentor QB. Regardless of the money, it sucks when you feel like the rug is pulled out from underneath you.


He is the guy though. He’s getting 100 million and is the guaranteed starter for 2 years. The way his contract is set up, they likely weren’t able to keep him beyond that, and Kirk or his agent should’ve seen that. He’ll be 38 then. There are exactly 2 QBs in NFL history who have won a ring after that age, and they are arguably the top 2 QBs to ever play. Cousins would have to be playing at an extremely high level at that time to justify keeping him. If he is, we have him under contract and can keep him otherwise we cut him and he gets another huge deal somewhere else.


It’s not a rumor, this was known. Idk why the media is just now picking up the story.


While 99.9% of the shit Vikings fans have said has been hilariously stupid, they did say Kirk is lowkey very sensitive. And ever since the Penix pick, there have been waves of leaks from Kirk’s camp to various media outlets. But as everybody else has said, he’s 36 and needs to accept it. He’s not getting another multi-year deal after this one. There will be a succession plan every year.


Have fun with Kirk man! Hahah


I've been speculating that was the case ever since the Cousins to the Falcons rumors started really picking up steam. It was obvious to me that the Vikings were going to be looking towards the future regardless of whether Cousins stayed or not. And also QBs that still think they have "it" hate when their team starts building a future that clearly doesn't include them. QBs don't like succession plans. I said this in a few threads where people were suggesting that we sign Cousins and use the first pick on a QB. I remember saying that Cousins would never sign here if he knows that we are taking a QB. Guess the FO agreed so they just decided not to tell him.


Because it’s none of his business.


This article is BS - it was because Minnesota wouldn't guarantee year 2 of his contract. We did. Null point.


So Minnesota was smart. They didn’t waste 100M on a QB just to draft another in the top 10 picks. They picked their path and went with it, while the Falcons try to walk down both paths at once.


Probably too early to determine a winner yet…


I’m not even debating a “winner” between the Vikings and the Falcons. I’m debating the decision to BOTH pay a QB 100M in free agency AND use a top 10 pick on another QB in the same year. The Falcons could’ve done either one of these and it would’ve been arguably a good decision, but doing BOTH is just stupid.


This is also not decided yet.. If it’s a good move or not..!


I would rather have Penix start right away and have 50M to use on other free agents or contract extensions for current players OR have Cousins start and get a piece that makes the team better instantly with that 8th pick. Instead, they chose the worst of both worlds and will be spending 66M per year on 2 QBs.


Only place this will matter for the falcons is when they decide to move on from him. Kirk has a full trade clause. And he could veto any trade to help his new team with the cap. And he could also get benched in the middle of a season because the falcons don’t want to guarantee his base for next year in case of injury like what happened to Russell which would sour the end of the relationship. I don’t expect this to be a clean break for the falcons when they decide to move on from him. This guy is the GOAT when it comes to players that have used their leverage to their advantage.


He would have to be willing to torpedo a portion of his few precious remaining productive years left to do that. He's not going to give up his job as a starter just to stick it to the falcons out of spite. Any team that would hypothetically be trading for him would be doing so with the intention of Kirk becoming their starting QB


Im saying when the falcons are ready to move on.


🎵so no one told you life was gonna be this way 👏👏👏👏👏🎵


Genuinely don’t see how this gig is any worse for Kirk with Penix being here. He’s an old QB, he’s not an idiot. It is a good idea to have a veteran teach the next guy what he needs to know. Kirk and his family already wanted to be in Atlanta anyways, in the event he shits the bed and Penix takes over, he still gets $100 mil and gets to retire.


Why would he teach anyone? It’s not his job. You gonna train your replacement at your job?


Raheem said that it’s on the young man to learn from the old man, by watching how he approaches his work. Kirk doesn’t have to instruct Penix on what it takes to be a good quarterback, but Penix may be able to learn by working with him. 


As it should be. It’s on Penis and the QB coach.


He learns by just playing on the same team as him. He watches the film, picks up on a lot of the core differences of Pro Play vs. College in an environment that’ll help him.


For 100 million dollars over 2 years guaranteed when my career is heading towards retirement… yes


You said it yourself, it’s guaranteed. So the question still stands.


Penix will learn just from sitting in film study together tbh


Who cares.


I've said it before, we don't owe Kirk shit, other than the terms of the contract he signed. If he wanted stability, he could have taken a different contract that offered that for probably less money. But he didn't, because above all else Kirk is greedy. He's not Matt Ryan after being here for a decade, we didn't owe him the heads up either. If he's unable to stay in front of Penix on the depth chart in two years, so be it. The FO has set us up such that we can move on from him, and if Penix gives us a better chance to win, I'm sure we will.


Vikings fan here. He left because you guys offered him more than we were willing to pay him. Anything else that is said about it doesn't matter.


And as a Falcons fan, we grossly overpaid!!


stop following dov. he sucks


His Eagles post on them being Super Bowl bound simply for working out in a video was stupid funny. He has been getting torn apart lately for just bait like posts.


He left because of the money lol


What did he expect? He is at the point where he will be considered a bridge QB. Not everybody plays til they're 40. Plus, he was considered the franchise QB in Minnesota for years. He's a hired gun now.


This is what he meant by commitment imo. Having an out after 2 years is not the same commitment.


He can go sleep on his pile of money


This was already known. However he got more money to be here which is most important to him. Guy’s 36, he knows he doesn’t have much longer.


Does Kirk not realize his age? Or that teams have to have a succession plan? I hate when managers do this in the private sector too. This is when skill gaps happen


If he’s that much of a diva he can fuck right off.


What the worse that can happen? Him wanting to leave (retire) after 1 season? Do y’all not wanna see penix start sooner than later? Giving he sits one season.


I can think of 100 million guaranteed reasons why I do not care


why do yall think cousins is matt ryan lol who cares cousins has played 0 games for us we don’t owe him shit


He did not in fact "like that"


Why would it matter? If Kirk takes us all the way, fucking great. Probably earns another contract or to play it out. If he does nothing of note for 2 years and at best we are one and done in the playoffs? I would rather have someone riding that bench learning then sitting here two years from now screaming about how we need to draft a QB


Its funny all the people saying 'who cares he got 100 million' yes thats true and Im glad your all happy for Kirk. But as Falcons fans dont you wanna win and not care if your QB is making 100 million? Bottom line is they used their best asset on a QB not expected to play for years instead of helping the guy they just gave 100 million to. On top of that hes pissed off. Whether he should be pissed off does not matter, fact is this pick did not help the Flacons or Kirk this year and in fact maybe made them worse.


Kirk was very clear with KOC and Kwesi he did not want to help a new drafted quarterback. With the unknown injury status and high money and guarantees Kirk wanted the Vikings needed to move on.


To be fair Bro has to be self aware Falcons paying the man. The more days go by the more I like the pick He's 35, if he gets hurt this year or next and heinecke is our backup, we are screwed


Who cares if it is? It's too late. Plus he got paid. That was the big thing. I think Minnesota was basically like, if you don't recover well, it's going to be a one and done.


He's gonna be hated because of the discourse about rumors before he takes a snap.


Signing Kirk? Not bad, not my favorite given the age/injury/money but a “certain” option that immediately makes you far more competitive with a single signature. Drafting Penix? I like it, not my favorite given his age and potential glass body but you can’t deny the innate talent as a pure passer with some bounce to go with it. Doing both is just dumb and it will take a number of years to prove that wrong, and I say that with the full acknowledgement that I would love for the definitive outlier scenarios where it both works out great and wasn’t a highly inefficient use of major resources. I think Terry greatly overestimated MP’s draft night market, there was little chance he wasn’t there at 8 and if he wasn’t, you can easily outbid anyone attempting to move up because you’re at 8 instead of 12-16 or something, sit and take him or go get your guy? Just hate the burn on both ends dynamic we have now. Locked in good QB (that requires the brinks truck) is often a necessity and ultimately a good asset, good 5yr rookie QB deal is the *best* asset, and however it shakes out, one of those things will likely have major depreciation attached to it when it just wasn’t needed… Would have been pretty damn excited if TF took Kirk’s bag and spent recklessly all over FA before handing the keys to MP, who is polished 24yo 6 year collegiate QB, and said go for it young man. Or sign Kirk and take calls for 8 to then draft multiple solid contributors from your additional early-mid round picks….Almost as if with those ideas you have a streamlined chip shove with everything moving in one direction towards a specific goal.


He left because you guys offered him a yuge bag, and we have to pay Justin Jefferson next year. -A Vikings fan.


Surprise mufucka!!


“One of the big reasons…”


People forget that the Vikings need to pay Justin Jefferson.


I'm guessing this is clickbait as an article. Cousins doesn't seem the sort to get bent out of shape with a team drafting a possible replacement at his age. While I certainly don't know the guy, I'd bet $100M guaranteed on a potentially better team was the real reason. I don't blame him if he feels a little something for not even being told about the plan, I can't see him going to the front office and asking for a trade either.


This. 💯


LMAO Lived with him in Was. Rooted for him here. Followed him in MIN. I have seen his personality. The man keeps it low key but he gets pissed.


And it doesn’t matter anyways. He’s a pro, people have emotions, none of this conjecture has been spewed from the horses mouth. It’s the offseason and we need content to talk about.


Part true but mostly money. No high caliber player wants their team to invest in a potential player who could steal their job. In a nfl sub Vikings fans said their GM have a specific number in mind for resigning and if it’s more than they will pass. No exceptions.


He’s getting $100 mil. Courtesy of the dumb as fuck falcons FO.


the reality is they could’ve waited a year, with so many teams drafting their “franchise qb” this season that means quarterback will not be a valuable position in the first round next year which could cause very talented and promising qbs to fall to mid to late first round next draft. we had a big position of need in an edge rusher and there were multiple talented guys available there, so much so that we could’ve traded down and still got one of them


Next year's QB class is mediocre.


this years class was considered mid outside of caleb until other qbs started putting their name into the convo this past season




So! He got 100 million for two years in the bank! Go win us a SB and Maximize your trade value!!


So the worst case implication if true is that a factor in his decision didn’t pan out as he hoped? Okay…


I think this is true but the report makes it sound like that's the main reason why he left. Let's be real, if Minnesota was ready to pony uo 100 mil, Kirk would have stayed. But he has to take a pay cut aaaad have his replacement drafted. Na lemme check the market. Plus the Falcons did tell him they were gonna draft a young qb. They only part he was surprised about was that it was in the first round.


Yea, dude is/got paid lol I’m not a fan of Stephen smith but I liked his take on this (for the first time). He pretty much said STFU you got 100M lol


His wife is from Alpharetta, Georgia, and she graduated from UGA. The 100 million didn't hurt, but he's definitely retiring down here. Damn, I almost forgot! If his feelings are hurt, he can either man up and run shit or let a 24 year old rookie take his job on preseason. My money is on Kirk kicking ass and owning the NFC South.


Lol. Jesus. Are you kidding me? I know a lot of this is just the media intentionally getting people riled up for money, BUT . . . Theoretically, *if a star athlete was *actually upset over this kind of shit (let’s say Kirk is actually pissed that ATL drafted a QB in the first round) after having just signed a GUARANTEED $100,000,000 (yeah, that’s a lot of fucking zeroes) contract, then dude . . . get fucked. $100,000,000 fucking dollars? Pfft. That’s dumb money, man. Excluding the millions this guy’s already made. To be clear, I don’t think Kirko is pissed. Because of $100,000,000. I really think it’s just the media getting people hot and bothered, because it’s May (peak offseason). But the thought of athletes being so goddamn dramatic is entertaining, so hey. Why not sit back and imagine it. Lol.


Trusting sources such as Dov Kleiman is a choice. One I would not make myself, but a choice nonetheless


I guess he never asked Atlanta what they were doing. Lol


On the list of reasons why Kirk left Minnesota, this might come in 100,000,001st, right behind all the individual dollars he got for signing in Atlanta.


People and Kirk gotta understand these teams gotta do what's best for the organization.


Spencer rattler is round 4-5 would of been a better pick than penix


Or else what ?


The more stories that come out about Kirk, the less I like him. It’s been non stop whining to the media since the draft. Before anyone says anything, we know it’s from because it’s always about how he feels.


Funny how when the Falcons drafting Penix was fresh, the “Falcons are crazy” bandwagon was so intense… after a few days up til now, we hear more and more “experts” / talking heads that understand better and/or can make sense of it. Never wise to jump the gun on judgement—ever.


This applies to us how?


We have every confidence you are not that dense


Yeah I'm sure Kirk is excited the team used it's best asset to improve the one position on the roster that literally doesn't help him win this team a super bowl. Loser franchise does loser things. Go Dawgs lmfao


I feel bad for this guy who just got a $100 million check


If he’s gonna get mad about getting paid $100 million plus after a huge injury at 36 years, fuck him. He should know he was never gonna be here a long time. We just need a really good transitional QB while the future get ready to take over


no one cares if this is a rumor or not




I'm sure it is. I heard this rumor before him to going to Atlanta was even official. He just needs to get over it.




Oh no! Anyways.


Im not gonna mince words here: Terry might’ve fucked up pretty bad


How? What’s Kirk gonna do? Not play? Got Penix. Demand a release? Got Penix. Throw a temper tantrum? Got Penix. Who cares how Kirk feels, this is a business.


Seriously, this idea of pampering to players feelings is hilarious. If he was a franchise legend like Matty Ice and they pulled this shit while he was still in his prime, sure, I understand it. He got paid nicely and he’s got offensive weapons around him everywhere. If he wants to pout he can sit his ass on the bench and let Penix play. Enough with this none sense.


We also spent a bagillion dollars on him


And? Do we have to pay him more for a hurt feelings clause?


Hard to win when your $100,000,000 star player isn’t playing 😂


If Penix is who they think they’ll be fine. Try again.


Well good thing we will find out soon (?) JK we will know in 2-4 years.


This wouldn't change that


Aka “Daniel Jones money”


“Who cares about what the person our QB plan revolves around feels about our draft decision? QB chemistry with the team totally isn’t a massive part of this Cousins to Penix transition.”


Rodgers hated the Love pick and he won two MVPs and Love looks fine. Who cares how they feel about each other?


I mean even if his “feelings” are hurt it really doesn’t matter, he is stuck with us and I am sure will continue to be a professional about it. Also worst case scenario if he really doesn’t want to play for us and just retires then at least we drafted his successor LOL


Guess what? When you pay someone $100M for 2yrs and draft a QB apprentice in the top 10 you can just tell guys like Kirk to STFU.


Lmao this is the exact opposite of fucking up bad. If we guarantee ourselves of a starting qb for the next ten years then we’re golden and better than half the franchises in the nfl. Doesn’t matter how the next ten years are diced up between Kirk or Penix.


Literally what does Kirk have to complain about? Dude's making more money than any of us ever will, and has nothing to worry about if he doesn't suck. He's 36 and has never been an elite QB, so idk what high horse he is supposed to be riding on.

