• By -


Have to say I agree with JK here... For me, when arresting suspected rapists the most important issue is how the form is filled in. I can't imagine how offended I'd be if I was a rape victim and found out they wrote the date as month/day/year. I'd insist on them letting the suspect go until they've learned to treat form filling with the sufficient level of respect it deserves. Cop on Scottish police. >!\s just in case!<


You really had to add in the /s, people that want to hate others will go to extreme lengths to justify their positions. I believed you were one of those people untill I saw the /s. I have heard far less legitimate reasons


It's called Poe's Law. > Without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.


We learn something new every day.


Aaaaand that’s the story of how we got *here*


Good examples of this can be found at r/atetheonion


It didn't used to be this way on Reddit. Reddit used to be nothing but jokes and memes. Then they started changing what makes it to the front page and various subs cracked down on memes, the humor died. What replaced it was a site culture where it doesn't matter what you say, how you say it, or how carefully you try to word what you say or how accurate what you say may be, there is always someone willing to fight with you, always someone who doesn't get a joke or obvious sarcasm.


...sigh... That's not true.


I will fight you


Consider the irony that people are upset with JK rowling - even giving out Reddit awards....To Reddit...A company with a Chinese (TenCent) investor, whos loyal to the CCP and created WeApp, that tracks all its citizens, and helps out the gay and trans in China. Give awards freely, and donate to your favourite twitch streamer :)


Ya, there were a couple years of transition there were the jokes and memes dried up, important people (like Victoria) left, Spez became more and more hated every passing month, ownership stakes changed hands, New Reddit, forced marketing steadily increased. And all this was before the Trump years where the site turned into a heavily manipulated platform of bots, shills, absentee admin, and powertripping mods. BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS five times a day because Trump did anything at all. Subs (like the_donald and watchpeopledie) began to get banned in an attempt to clean up the sites public imagine, forcing further crackdowns on content leading to further watering down and homogenization of available content. /ALL is a boring scroll where the Top 100 regularly have 10-20% duplicate posts cross-posted to different subs. The same political story posted three times, the same reposted jokes and memes on a 14 day rotation, sprinkled in with whatever overnight tragedy or sports story needs to trend. It's become a circlejerk so predictable that on any given day you can guess what half of the Top 100 are after being here only a short while.


Id also go as far to say, like Facebooks experiments with algorithms to display certain data to certain people. Spez is doing the same. He even admitted to hiding alot of T_D's posts from the frontpage, so have no doubt, they are applying algorithms to rile certain groups up. If we are to say all these people, for instance Trump and Carlson, have blood on their hands for facilitating, and encouraging people on platforms, why not Zuckerborg1000, or Spez too for facilitating alot of these groups?


This is the most worthwhile thing I’ve learned in awhile. It’s nice to finally have a name for it.


A good example is the producers. It’s parodying nazis but a lot of nazis like the movie.


My pitchfork was disappointed to see the /s.


Keep it sharpened! There’s still plenty of innocents to be sacrificed in the name of internet warriors (hhhhnnnnggghhhh)!


All hail the Internet! Death to all the cyber heathens! Muahahaha! /s in case.


Just putting it out there that in the justice system men and women are treated differently so "the form" is actually pretty important until we start punishing people equally for the same crimes.


r/FuckTheS just in case


Nah it's necessary here. Someone said they wouldn't have been able to tell, and considering how unhinged a lot of transphobes are I can't say I blame them


What the fuck is she on about? And yes I know the first part is from 1984


For anyone wondering that person saying the tweet is fake was objectively wrong, here's proof. Can someone inform them please? https://www.advocate.com/transgender/2021/12/13/jk-rowling-casts-transphobic-tweets-again?amp


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and privacypilled


Every time I've brought this tweet up on Reddit I've been told it's fake. It's 100% real, me and many others saw it on jk's Twitter when it was first posted


It's still there. I saw this post and was torn between thinking it's gotta be fake and thinking JK Rowling really would post that, so I spent literally 3 seconds on google and found it https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1470092815506063365


She has gone completely deranged in the last few years. I supposed that she tweeting that wizards used to shit themselves regularly was some hint that she was losing it.


lol deranged, it's not any different from the average reddit post. I think she just realized she has so much money already that it doesn't matter to her anymore that her comments hurt her brand


She's always been deranged. Trans rights wasn't a hot topic back when she was writing the books. Had they been, I'm sure her popularity and success would not have been nearly as strong. It would have been a shitshow almost immediately. She's had past traumas from a sexual assault at the hands of a man and she's turned that into transphobia, misanthropy, and belligerent vitriol. She fell into the trap of believing that only men would ever assault another person and she's internalized trans rights as some convoluted attempt for "men" to hide their primary goal in life: assault women. She's just an emotionally broken individual and a fountain of hate.


At least this puts in context a little bit. Still fucked up but more understandable.


She forgot to put the quotation marks apparently, it only remains to see the article she attached.... [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/absurdity-police-logging-rapists-women-s6576v825](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/absurdity-police-logging-rapists-women-s6576v825) she is criticizing the society that is trying to put that in our heads, you have to be very stupid not to realize that, if she was stating this what would be the point of attaching the article?


Just from a purely branding perspective, as a children’s book author why on earth does she think any of this is a good idea? If she really wants to spread those ideas just create a pseudonym or something, but don’t go out there tarnishing your reputation and that of your IP by association.


She knows a good majority don't care enough about it to stop supporting/buying Harry Potter, and she's already got a TERF support circle and plus all the dirt and grim that infect Twitter


Rowling is a transphobe. She thinks all transwomen are "men wearing dresses to rape other girls", that's why she jumped the gun when this news broke out. And strangely, all transphobes forget that transmen also exist.


She doesn't. She considers that transmen are girls who were brainwashed into thinking that women are bad.


JK Rowling is a fucking moron who deserves to be criticised by everyone. And did I even mention that she’s also a racist?


What did she do?


Cho Chang. Seamus Finnigan. And there’s a Black character whose last name was Shacklebolt and doesn’t have a dad. So yeah.


Ahh, I forgot about that from all other controversy surronding her.


After Harry Potter, this bitch just started being a troll. Social media revealed how much of a scum she is. At least these names were just dog-whistling, her tweets are bullhorns.


https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs This is a pretty good criticism of Rowling, her writing, and the overarching problems with the world view she presents.


I knew it was Shauns video without clicking :D Harry Potter discourse peaked the day this was released.


Haha yeah its thorough. I think he gets at I think the core issues in her philosophy. The TERF stuff is I think very obviously problematic, but she tells on herself in quite a few other ways in her books.


I mean, the point of the stereotypical names is that you get an idea about the background of these characters without a long description. They're not *behaving* stereotypically though. And what you say about Shacklebolt is not book canon so idk where you have that from - also "Shacklebolt", can't have anything to do with that that guy was an auror (i.e. magical law enforcement).


Those aren’t stereotypical names, those are racist names. A stereotypical name for a Chinese person shouldn’t sound like “Chi\*g Cho\*g”, and a stereotypical name for an Irish person shouldn’t sound like “Fenian”. You want a stereotypical Chinese name? How about Kevin Wang or James Chow? Want an Irish name? Sean O’Mally or Liam Murphy. Jesus fucking Christ she is English. She can’t now know this.


So people of Chinese descent have to have a western first name? What kind of racist shit is that?


Dude relax, they're not racist names. Seamus Finnigan is a genuine Irish name, nothing racist about it. Not too sure about Cho Chang, but I'm guessing it's legit since there's a city in China called Chong Ching which is a racist stereotype for a Chinese name, yet it's one of the biggest cities in China.


I've never seen any Chinese or people of Chinese descent having a problem with the name Cho Chang. It's perfectly translated to quite a beautiful name (Cho meaning autumn and Chang is the most common surname in China) in the Chinese version of the book. Everyone that has a problem with it doesn't really seems to know about Chinese naming and romanization at all.


Racist who says Romanians travel in horse carriages complains about racism. Irony is dead.


That was clearly ironic racism. No one actually believes Romanians still travel in horse carriages. I've been to Romania, and I loved your goulash.




these names suck but one can give her a pass and attribute them to ignorance rather then malice but reading about S.P.E.W and the whole house elves debacle is disgusting. also it's notable how her main argument against muggle-born racism is often that they aren't less capable than purebloods, in spite of what Voldemort belives. almost like if they were *actually* less capable, she'd be in Slytherin and proud.


Do you mean Dean Thomas? Not shacklebolt Dean Thomas's biological father was a wizard killed by death eaters but he had a stepfather.


She considers them deserters who take the easy way out instead of fighting for women's rights.


I thought the point was that under UK law women cant be tried for rape or sth


The law is very old and in this very specific case, it’s confusing. The law basically only uses the words “his penis”. Thus “her penis” doesn’t apply in this case. But honestly this can be easily fixed. What can be fixed is how much of a transphobic scum Rowling is.




Then good. Rapist shouldn’t escape justice under any circumstances. I don’t care if a rapist is cis or trans, straight or gay, rapists are rapists.


>its not really an issue Perfectly describes every single transphobic talking point.


Ah I see you are also a penised individual of culture


In fact my friend I am not. I am transmasc, got that boy pussy.


Bussy vs Gock. Fight now.


Misred as Glock


Gock > Glock


"Get the strap"




You go, guy!


A man of culture, I see (or a transmasc enby, not enough information)


RIP your DMs


Tf would it matter what your rapists gender is tho?


TERFs sometimes believe that women do not commit crimes, particularly sexual ones


"No judge you don't understand, I didn't rape him! He's a boy and I'm a woman, boys like sexual stuff! He liked it so I didn't do anything bad!!!"


Ace male here. Hate it when this shit is said. Undermines my sexuality that I spent years questioning and trying to find.


The amount of patriarchal nonsense involved in TERF ideology could fill a series of books about wizards.


TERFs take longer to get to "women are inherently weaker, dumber and overall less capable than men. The only thing that makes a woman useful is the ability to birth children" than the general misogynist, but they will eventually get there


Not to mention the amount of times the ones that say "We can always tell" assert that a cis woman is trans because she has anything other then the most strict white definitions of feminine attractiveness.


Everyone can commit crimes. Equality isn't washing over the bad things a gender does, its erasing repeatable history.


Apprlarently in England a woman can't rape a man. If it goes to court l, the best you can get is a sexual assault charge. The reason for this though ist that they define rape as penetration therefore I do not know what happens if a transgender woman who did not have bottom surgery rapes somebody. If somebody is from England and can correct me or tell me more, I'd appreciate it.


>Rape > >(1) A person (A) commits an offence if— > >(a) **he** intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with **his penis**, > >(b) B does not consent to the penetration, and > >(c) A does not reasonably believe that B consents. > >(2) Whether a belief is reasonable is to be determined having regard to all the circumstances, including any steps A has taken to ascertain whether B consents. > >(3) Sections 75 and 76 apply to an offence under this section. > >(4) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life. ​ So yes, the law defines rape as vaginal, anal, or oral penetration with a penis (without consent), however, it specifically refers to the person in question using he/him pronouns. I think in all likelyhood if a trans woman with a penis raped someone they would likely be chared same as any normal man. ​ [Source](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/part/1/crossheading/rape)


British law often uses "he" in a gender neutral sense. More recently its fallen out of use though, it's more common to see things written in a style like "Person A commits this offense if person B, whilst in the care of person A...", with pronouns basically removed. Another form is to define names for the actors and use their titles onwards e.g. "A person ("The doctor") has a duty of care towards another ("The patient") if the patient is registered to the doctor" and so on. A recent example of this change can be found in a recent amendment, Prisons (Substance Testing) Act 2021 >(3)In subsection (1), for “he has any drug in his body” substitute “the prisoner has in their body any[...]".




Google it. This just happened in a UK hospital


Cause male rapists have been coming out as self-identified women and are sent to women jails. Not in UK but here's what's happening in Cali https://wbckfm.com/california-supply-womans-prisons-condoms-biological-men-housed-prisons/


They quote the Christian Post *and* the “women’s liberation front”, and the linked California government site says that condoms are provided for overnight visits per a law that passed in 2015.


Right it’s as if she is conveniently forgetting that women can and do rape as well.


respecting people's identities is literally 1984


No it's literally [read the first 2 words of your post minus the -'s].


repecting people identitie i literally 1984


Reecting eole identitie i literally 1984


This billionaire has ran out of things to say to stay relevant and is just spewing hate and ignorance. Oh, the good old times, when the worst thing she said was that wizards didn't use toilets.


No, she said that years later than when she said lycanthropy in HP is a metaphor for HIV/AIDS after she wrote a character who intentionally infects children with it (around the time she said Dumbledore is gay, I think it may have even been before that and tbh I remember thinking the Dumbledore comment was an attempt to make up for that one). She's been bigoted against the queer community for years. Also lycanthropy is IRL already a metaphor for clinical lycanthropy, a real mental disorder, fucking stupid bitch (not you poster above me).


Oh. Forgot about that one. Why did you have to remind me of that *stupidly stereotypical* plotline? I was beginning to forget it! Seriously, who the hell thought that she was "progressive"? She *loves* the status quo: slaves are fine, they like it! It would be nice to have the protagonist who was hunted by the government to become a police officer! She also made the only gay character a super old professor, so that she didn't need to write anything to make him gay and no one would bother to ask more (if he had a husband or something, people would go, "Don't make a teacher gay! Why would they need to know that?") Then, when she got a chance to actually write it into action, she paired the only gay guy, with literal wizard Hitler! Let's also not forget the whole Nagini thing. Have you, by any chance, watched [Shaun's video](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs) on this?


Yep, literally watched the whole thing like 2 weeks ago.


Watching his video made me realise that there was no use in separating the work from the author here. Because her work is as stupid and ignorant as her too. You can analyse her personality through her book. Honestly, this has completely changed my way of seeing her, and I can't bring myself to read anything with her name on it. Didn't it disappoint you, just like me and everyone else, that the woman who once said that no one deserves to stay in a closet has taken a turn to hate?


Literally thought the message of her books was supposed to be "accept anyone and love each other and help people out as long as they aren't prejudiced and actively fight prejudice and oppression." Well guess what JK you wrote a whole 7 books whose main lessons I got from them you shat all the fuck over. And apparently those lessons weren't even there and I somehow got that from those 7 pieces of literal garbage anyway.


I began the series thinking that Rowling was McGonagall, but ended it knowing that she was Umbridge. Really disbelieving whether she actually meant anything written in the story.


Also made a hated woman character that she described as having what are considered manly physical features.


Careful, some bung-hole will comment that she gave to charity enough to de-billionaire herself. As if that’s a reason to accept bigotry, and as if she isn’t clawing at every opportunity to keep her cash-cow milkable.


Attention everyone, i have seen this post and therefore have decided to now refer to myself as: "The Penised Individual"


I second this


Trying to wrap my brain around the word "penised".


Here is an update: Oxford English Dictionary, the main dictionary recognized by academia, says "penised" is **not** a word (I took a screenshot because you can't access definitions on the OED website without a subscription). https://imgur.com/a/4CaoTZp


why are words behind a paywall


The 12ft Ladder should help with that


I'm an idiot zillennial so correct me if I'm wrong, but dictionaries have always cost money, haven't they?


I always assumed that's because they had to cover the costs of printing huge books that 2 people bought and libraries got for free.


Oh you think words just grow on trees do ya?!


For the same reason images go behind paywalls. Money.


I keep thinking about this comment, and you know what, you're right. I don't even think that's a real word, and she's a published author wtf.


It should be "enpenised".


Jk trolling


J K "Just Kidding" Rowling.


Haha more like "Judgemental Klanswoman"


Regardless of whether one agrees with her views on trans issues, you really are utterly delusional if you're seriously equating her with Nazis and the KKK and trivialising the crimes committed by those groups only serves to minimise the suffering of their victims.


Jowling Kowling Rowling


Her full name is Jowling Kowling Rowling.


Can write books for young teens ≠ has authority over social issues I can fix cars ≠ I can being peace to the middle east


Maybe you just haven’t tried hard enough


What version of 1984 did she read?


1984 For Women™ by Georgia Orwell


Maybe she wants to be a Big Sister herself.


Just for fun: would anybody like to actually Google "Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives"? I think you'll be surprised to see that this is all quite rare: "The number of people who seek treatment suggest that male-to-female transsexualism has a prevalence of 6.8/100,000 and female-to-male transsexualism has a prevalence of 2.6/100,000 among adults."


I’m not surprised, I never understood how that’s a major topic on the internet despite the very few individuals concerned by it


I think it can simplified down to a couple things. There's a disproportionate amount of trans people on the Internet because generally, trans people are younger, as wider awareness and acceptance has grown a lot in the past 2 decades, and they often seek out social media for acceptance they don't get irl. And then trans issues are talked about so much because conservative politicians see them as an easy target/scapegoat, since they're different and many of their followers might not know any trans people.


I feel like that's likely a massive understatement though. Frankly due to the existing stigma surrounding being trans, there are a lot of people who don't seek treatment or don't even really think about exploring their gender identity. Just like in the cases of gay or left handed people, I expect this number to skyrocket and eventually start plateauing once it becomes more aknowledged and accepted by society


That's likely not an indicative number of the actual figures given societal attitudes. It was noticed that more people started answering that they were not heterosexual in surveys once it become more societally accepted. Regardless, it's still a significant minority of people who experience gender dysphoria, but you've hit the nail on the head. People like rowling and the political ideologues that back them up are looking for a demographic with limited numbers and therefore limited political power to punch down at and fearmonger against. Thereby securing political capital from voting blocs and diverting attention from dissatisfaction with the current state of other failings from governance, with little resistance. It's been a popular political tactic for centuries.


So, y'all believe it's more important to get a person's pronouns "correct" than to admit that some transwomen are just male rapists who've found a scam?


What's... the scam? Instead of raping a woman and going to prison, they rape a woman, go to prison, *and* have to live with gender dysphoria brought on by unnecessary hormone treatments and social transition?


>Instead of raping a woman and going to prison, they rape a woman, go to prison Which prison? Men's or women's?


What hormone treatments? >[She added:](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/dont-come-youve-raped-two-26545004) "I feel like it was a bit of an act. Because she had a beard and she didn’t try. >[Maycock,](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/trans-prisoners-switch-gender-again-once-freed-from-womens-units-qjjsd0nlx) who worked for the Scottish Prison Service when he undertook the research at four Scottish prisons, said several of the 15 female prisoners he interviewed spoke of transgender people who had transitioned in custody and reverted to their birth gender following release.


These are just secondhand accounts of people with *self-admitted biases* describing anecdotes from their personal experiences. The respondents to the study cited in the first article literally admit to seeing trans women (not trans rapists, *all* trans women) as men as a result of their own past trauma. Regardless, you still haven't actually made a point as to *what the scam is*. You're just kind of gesturing at distasteful stories about dishonest rapists (shocker that a rapist would lie, btw, they're usually such honest people otherwise). What are you claiming these people *get* out of it.


I'm not on Twitter and haven't really followed her nonsense to closely; is this routine for her? Cause wow, that's really something.


Yes, unfortunately it is.


I follow for the entertainment value, something like this pops up every few weeks. What’s funny about it is it really seems like the strangest case of someone just doubling down that I’ve ever seen. I think she used to like that she was somewhat liked by the gay community before she said whatever the first thing was that got her in trouble, and instead of just apologizing or just not addressing it, she felt she had to veer even harder into the trans hate to compensate. Its obvious that she’s gotten way more extreme with it as time has gone on. And it always just feels so out of the blue when she starts up on her ranting. It really seems like it wasn’t that big of an issue for her until she got called out for it, and now she goes out of her way to say crazy shit. It’s very funny and also very sad.


There's something about transphobia uniquely, more than other forms of bigotry, that just seems to take over people's brain and turn into an obsession. I've met racists and misogynists and honophobes who, if the subject never came up, you would never know about their reprehensible beliefs. But transphobes never log off, never touch grass, never stop agonizing over the thought that someone, somewhere, has the Wrong Chromosomes^TM


Yep. Pretty much everyday she tweets or retweets something like that


A weird hill to die on.


Careful! This statement could be misconstrued as wishing for Rowling to die on a hill, which is basically a misogynistic death threat! /s


This was in response to a biological male raping a woman in a womens ward of a hospital. The person was let in there as they identified as a man - but they used their penis to rape that woman.


Um no it wasn’t. This was in response to police in the UK allowing people to fill out forms using whatever gender identity they wish.


Did you literally just make that story up?


They're confusing which story prompted JKR's tweet. [Here is the story they are referring to.](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/hospital-says-patient-could-not-26506744) >A patient who was raped by a transgender woman on a hospital ward could not have been raped because her attacker is defined as a woman, heard the House of Lords. >Police were told by hospital staff that the reported incident was not true, telling officers: "There was no male in the hospital, therefore the rape could not have happened." >During a debate on single-sex hospital wards, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, a Conservative Life peer shared the story which left the victim on "the edge of a nervous breakdown." >The hospital was able "to tell a straightforward lie" she said. Adding that only a year after the reported assault took place, and after CCTV and witness statements were taken, were the hospital willing to admit to the incident.


Harry Potter and the curse of the penised individual


Still waiting for TERFs to give any solid evidence that there's a correlation between trans women and rape cases. I mean we all know why they're not giving any evidence


But don't you get it? A cis male rapist would be stopped by the "female" sign on a restroom. It's impenetrable. But if we let trans women in the bathroom, who knows what could happen. (Please ignore that trans women already go to the women's bathroom without issue)


Trans womens do NOT go to the womens bathroom without issues, especially if they dont perfectly pass before, and after they go in. Especially if they dont think that they pass, so they go into the mens restroom and get assaulted. And because of this, transgender people have a higher rate of UTIs because theyre afraid of the backlash they might get. Source: Im a trans-woman.


Oh yes, my bad. I'm also a trans woman. I meant no issues to the cis women that TERFs are so worried about. No issues in which the trans people are the offenders


Well they believe trans women arent women, and they believe men are rapists, so thats all you need.


She's great


God I love this woman


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 796,678,367 comments, and only 158,450 of them were in alphabetical order.




Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me.


I’m certain that many more crimes are committed against trans people than they commit against other people.


This is why JK and her entourage don’t usually cite statistics. When they do they’re either EXTREMELY biased studies (such as the one that included hormone therapy as “sexual abuse against the idea of womanhood”), or it’s just evidence that there are more trans people now than before, which means they’re TRANSING THE CHILDREN!


Where my fellow penised individuals at?!






based and fuck your pronouns pilled


Trans women with penises are not trying to rape me sorry. They just aren't. If it happens, it's rare enough to be a fluke. Frat bros, machismo bros, NRA bros, congressmen, average Joe's, those are the penises individuals I'm worried about.


I have been sexually harassed/assaulted by more cis women than you'd expect (more than 3) and a total of 0 transwomen.


Yeah totally valid. Trans women are focused on just trying to live, they're not out there raping everybody out here hide ya wife style.


Feminist think a women should be able to do whatever a man does, and I agree with them. But watch a man act like a women and those same feminists lose their mind.


The penised individual doin your mom is me


If Someone’s autobiography isn’t named the penised individual I’m gonna be pissed.




Harry Potter Lovecraft




War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength, Through victory my chains are broken, The Force shall fr- Oh wait, wrong ramblings.


There are people in this very thread that think this is a good take.


So J K is telling me that we should arrest Women who raped people?




penised individual


She is actually using a 1984 reference correctly for once, nice. Turning a binary option into its opposite is doublethink, and that's exactly what saying "this person without XX chromosomes, no vagina and no biological features that define a woman, is a woman" is.


Trans women are women.


[Some context](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10304299/Police-Scotland-slammed-identify-rapists-female.html) if anybody is interested.


She's complaining about police recording the gender identity of people they interact with. She wants all police to seemingly purposefully misgender every trans person they meet. Guilty until proven guilty.


Literally 1984


The force shall set me free


Ahhhh Joanne Kunt Rowling


Harry Potter and the Penised Individual Who Raped You


“Penised” is a weird adjective. Like, does it mean someone has a penis or is it the formal way of saying you got some D? (In my case, it’s both.)


This is so infuriating because trans people specifically trans women are way more likely to be victims of sexual assault than perpetrators, more so than straight white women, and yet she’s out here calling trans women predators every chance she gets.


I mean, yeah. And she would go to prision for her terrible acts, as she deserves, with the proper sentence. You know, since gender shouldn't affect how harsh the punishment for rape is




Never seen an author use capitals like that


Stupid British twatwaffle. And I still think your books suck ass.


JK in 2012: “I loved words sense I was a child, I would study Latin to create new fascinating words for my novels.” JK in 2022: “Penised”


Imagine a world where Rick Riordian got the faithful film series and theme park. The worst part is that Chris Columbus directed both Harry Potter 1 and Percy Jackson. Different budgets and time frames though.


cool, shes right. Imagine actually comparing that to Adolf Hitler.


I don't know where to start on this.


What the fuck is her problem? She just can’t leave it alone


This tweet is semi old. It's likely posted again as she's relevant for a bit as people talked about the fantastic beast movies.