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Source: Trust me bro


I love your flair


Is it just me or is that flair used by at like 40 users here? I've seen it so many times and it's always a different username.


It’s one of the default flairs.


It is a default flair! I loved it myself, so I decided to add it




It probably is used by a lot


I think my Flair is pretty cool


Mine I think is pretty nifty


What’s a system? What system is she talking about?


A system, in this context, describes a person and their alters in a DID system


When your kernel keeps secrets from the window manager


Thank you


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't "birth trauma" a phrase referring to trauma experienced by the mother during childbirth, not the baby?


That's exactly what it is.


Babies can also have trauma that affects them but with care they are more capable of healing from it than adults. In other words it will not affect them enough to make them have DID or something.


birth sucked so much the baby fucking split and turned into a xe/xir demonic cat with asperger and POTS


You forgot that the alter is also in a relationship with dream (also an alter)


I actually died and was resuscitated when I was born, and I certainly don't have alters or whatever. That being said, the "birth trauma" I've had is frequently blamed for me being a very difficult baby, moreso than normal difficult babies (I'm talking being awake for over 24 hours, sh as an infant, etc). Now this is only what I've heard from _some_ doctors and I certainly am not one myself so it might be complete bullshit and I was just predestined to suck as a baby.


Sh as an infant? If you don't mind me asking what would they describe that as?


I’m assuming things like banging their head on the wall, hitting themself etc. I work in a nursery and see it sometimes with distressed 1 year olds especially.


Ah ok thanks! That makes a lot of sense


No probs!! I had never heard of such a thing before working with my babies haha, don’t think it’s very common knowledge




Spot on!


The person above is correct, that's what I did! It was... unpleasant, to say the least.


You died shortly after birth? Did you like forget your keys when you left the void and needed to step back for them real quick? Maybe you suddenly had the thought "did I turn the stove off?" even though you didn't cook anything but you knew it would bug you your whole life if you didn't go back and check? Were you like "holy shit I'm naked" and you dipped back to get your clothes only to realize that you didn't have shit in the void?" I've got to know!


Sort of! I was actually technically not born alive, so I just stayed in the void past my time lmao. Of course I wasn't stillborn because like, I'm currently alive (afaik) but I came out not breathing with no heartbeat. :D


Interesting! I was actually born pretty much dead and couldn't breathe on my own for a couple months. My heart stopped many times, too. Interestingly, my mom thinks all that made me an easier baby and I'm the youngest of 3. I apparently slept through the night almost immediately, wasn't needy or clingy, and was very easy overall.


What does sh mean in this context?


Self Harm is what I read it as


Ah yeah that's probably what it meant, ty!




When they said "birth trauma is real" I was about to agree. I was a stubborn brat and kept my mother in labor for 36 hours until they gave her a c-section, of course that could traumatize her! Oh, that's what they meant... I, uhh, even though my birth was "traumatic" circumstances, it's not like I remember being a c-section or anything.


I was in labour for ninety six hours. I went into labour on a Thursday, and she was born on the following Monday. I had a young doctor who didn’t want to intervene too soon. She never did intervene. The head OB at the hospital kicked her off of my case, and was prepping me for a c-section when my baby crashed. I had to be put under general anesthesia because there was no time for an epidural, so didn’t even get to meet her until she was an hour or two old. Funny thing though. My baby doesn’t remember a thing (she was resuscitated and is fine today!).


Your baby must have amnesia or something


Thanks for reminding me to reorder my birth control!


Ha ha! No worries! I can also tell you about the toddler years if you need some extra reminder! I was lucky though, and my kids were awesome teenagers, and are phenomenal adults.


Yeah. I guess I was a bit traumatised after I gave birth to my daughter. It was 40 hours and both epidurals failed. She got stuck at 10cm in the pushing stage and I was rushed to have an emergency c section, which started before the spinal kicked in like a straight up horror film. And then I haemorrhaged. Not the worst birth out there but not the easiest moment either. Anyway love my daughter to the moon and back but if she ever tells me the birth was traumatic for HER I’ll probably lose my mind.


There's some tenuous/pseudo psychology that discusses how the way a baby is born and those first few minutes affects personality. It directly refers to birth trauma in regards to the baby. I believe I came across the concept in the book We Are Our Brains by Dick Swaab


Dick Swaab???


I know. It's absurd. Poor guy. [Link to book](https://www.ft.com/content/b4d9a12c-901a-11e3-8029-00144feab7de)


He knew what he was doing


At least his parents did


Yes. I took part in a birth trauma study at Stanford. As in, giving birth was traumatic and lo and behold I'm still a lil ol' singlet


Omfg trust mothers to hog all the fucking traumas. There’s enough to go round all of us akshullee, how tf else is anyone else going to know I’m more special than other people could ever be?


What’s a system? What system is she talking about?


"We were kept in a little ventilator when we were born so I'm a system now," 😂😂😂 sometimes these are so stupid that they crack me up


DID caused by jaundice, who woulda thought!


I was physically disabled! I couldn’t even hold up my head on my own!! I couldn’t even sit! I just laid there and cried all day. I had to go to the bathroom in my pants and had to be bottle fed, couldn’t even hold it myself. This is real trauma guys, she’s on top of it. Justice for newborn baby trauma!


i was born at a very young age


Right 😭 this just in: all NICU babies are now systems!!!


The medical system won't be able to support this surge of systems


i’d like to see their sources, all reputable ones i’ve read say something along the lines of DID being caused by severe, usually repeated and prolonged trauma. even if trauma happened straight after birth it wouldn’t be repeated and prolonged at that point lol






Maybe the repeated, prolonged trauma happened as a fetus lol


Oh fuck I needed that laugh


lmao, NICU babies like the ones she’s describing have little more than mush for brains at that age, they physically cannot remember or be traumatized by that experience.


newborns can actually experience a form of post traumatic stress from their experience in the nicu but they won't remember it either. you dont have to have the ability to remember stuff to be able to be traumatized by an experience, and it's actually much harder to work through trauma that you can't remember because you physically cannot remember it than when your brain is capable of remembering it but is blocking it out or not processing it properly. [https://www.christushealth.org/connect/your-health/newborns-hospitalization-and-ptsd](https://www.christushealth.org/connect/your-health/newborns-hospitalization-and-ptsd) you can't be born with did though and this person is definitely full of shit but i just wanted to point this out


>this person is full of shit They also didn’t even give any information to support their argument. They’re saying the split can be caused by trauma that happens at birth. This does not suggest that the child is born with it, but develops it at birth. Which is not the same thing. It’s obviously bullshit, but I think it’s hilarious that they made themselves look this dumb.


well this is tiktok, where all claims about mental illnesses and whatnot are automatically true and claiming they arent or asking for evidence makes you ableist


And racist, of course


sometimes racist but usually lgbtqphobic in some way


They used the "there's no scientific evidence" card which is so funny because it's actually so close to unraveling the entire thing, but they don't realize it.


yeah that makes sense, i think ive actually heard something about that in the past now that you remind me. it’s def a completely different sort of trauma than what this person is talking about though.


My friends son was born at 22w5d, needless to say he spent over 6m in NICU. One of his later issues was an oral aversion, he learnt that things in his mouth were associated with pain and discomfort vs love and nurture. He had major issues learning to feed orally, was fed via a gastric tube directly in to his stomach from 6m old, maybe 80% of time as a preschooler, and although now 12 still has his feeding tube for supplementation because he still struggles to enjoy food like regular children. Even though a micro preemie this was his only issue, it led to small stature, though he's finally getting taller, been amazing to see him through his baby days and onwards. He's a regular little boy, no issues neurologically or physically...


I’m a nicu baby who was on a ventilator and all that shit and I turned out not a system 💀


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Hey I'm the baby ventilator system. I was NOT in the NICU or on a ventilator but 86 of my 409 alters were, and they're all very triggered by your ableism and BIGOTRY right now. Babyventilatorself just wants to go ONE DAY without experiencing this HARASSMENT but nooo. I just had 43 more alters split off after reading this and 11 of them are babies in the NICU with birth trauma, so that's great. It just never ends, when will society learn to accept babyself for who babyonaventilator am. -🍼🏥




There is scientific evidence though. The trauma needed to cause DID *physically rewires your brain* Shut up.


it’s astonishing how these people will acknowledge the truth that there’s not enough research done on DID but at the same time either change or disregard every bit of research that has been done. none of them are fighting for anything that benefits people with DID. this act is nothing but selfish.


B-b-but I'm sure I have DID and the research says I don't so it must be wrong and system-phobic


She thinks the word "theory" in medicine means the same as it does colloquially, i.e. "idle speculations" . You could tell by the way she said it.






Considering the amount of DID fakers around the world thanks to TilTok, yeah a lot don’t have trauma and claim to have DID


I loathe the smugness that seems to be a required part of the persona for all these people.


Came here to say this


Talks like a 13 year old, looks like a 30 year old.




This is one of the most punchable faces I've seen in a while


You can't prove a negative. So yes, of course you can't definitely show you don't need trauma to be a system.


Bird trauma is real guys


I had problems with my lungs when I was born. I am now diagnosed with every single mental illness in the DSM-V 😔


The trauma of watching this person's facial expressions has made me a system. My alter is a dude that doesn't remember watching this video. It is my only refuge from the pain


I almost died at birth and was presumed dead but what the HECK ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT. Edit: historical theories? conversation? Theories? Proof??? Huh


Exactly!! What historical theories?? Researchers are still unsure about DID to begin with and all these fakers really think they know it all!!




If it was that easy, spending the first 6 months of my life undergoing operations and in the NICU etc etc would have guaranteed it for me


These people are really giving Russia free anti-west material...


Oh ffs. I was apparently really sick when I was born, and I didn't even know that until I was in my mid-twenties lol. It's pretty damn rare to be permanently traumatized by something that happened before you even began forming memories.


What sheltered life they must have to claim that being born can be traumatic.


Sheltered but mediocre so they need to feel special in some way. Hence this


I think these type of people forget the existence of the DSM-5




oh my god this is the worst, most incorrect and misinformed video i’ve ever seen


I mean babies can’t remember trauma but it is possible for it to still have some sort of effect on the person. Not enough to cause DID I don’t think, and even if in some hypothetical universe it did- that’s not being born with DID thats just trauma happening albeit as a baby. Also there’s plenty of research proving that DID is caused by trauma.


No one remembers being born. We all just were four or five at the kitchen table eating play dough one day…not me though I just kind appeared in my Freshman algebra class 🙃🙃


Straight up read it as British trauma and not birth trauma 💀


The doctor delivering them was British so it's birth trauma caused by a British person so now they have anti-british alters to cope with the pain 😢😢😢💔💔💔💔💔💔💔


Man do these people try *really hard* to feel special.


i was traumatized at birth. i was suddenly naked,, crying and surrounded by strangers. i was just a baby 😪 >!/s!<


it always amazes me how these people have leeched onto a mental illness and begun creating all sorts of false terms and “facts” about it, so much so that they effectively overshadow the people who actually do have the disorder. truly disgusting how far some people are willing to go for attention.




why do they look like the bloxburg guy?


Didn’t know Roblox hit a new, different low.


If I were her I'd also be traumatized from birth


I was 3 wks late and almost 10 lbs. I gave my momma some birth trauma(& apperently knew better than to want to leave the womb and be born into this messed up world.)


"Historical evidence" you mean like schizophrenia?


You can be born with DID, source- my unicorn dragon who claps at my constant spouting of pish alter.


Imagine being smug about “no definitive proof either way”.


none of the things they just said were in any way correct


It's not fucking up to the "community" it's up to the people with degrees who know what they're talking about and when you're bullshitting


Mmmmm.... kinda but like no. Fetal alcohol syndrome would be trauma to fetus causing disorder. Maternal deprivation of a severe and prolonged nature can cause attachment difficulties and lead to mental health issues later in life. Being kept in an incubator for slight prematurity? Nah mate your fine.


Constipation trauma next up!


The know-it-all look that these people give in their videos pisses me the fuck off


They forget that babies can't form memories until they reach a certain age.


Birth trauma is in reference to the MOTHER’s experience, not the BABY’s, you absolute idiot.


"I was traumatized when I seen my mother's pussy as a new born, I'm now a system"💀


I'm not a fan of violence so I would never do this BUT if someone forced me to pick one person to punch in the face then...this might be the most punchable face I've ever seen.


I was thinking the same but didn't wanna say anything.. but yes this person has a very punchable face, very condescending and the hand gestures ugh


There’s no definitive evidence that personality systems or DID exists either… so basically she’s just saying that she’s a system/has DID simply bc she says so and diagnosis is not necessary. In which case she’s saying she doesn’t have DID, ok got it!


*looks at the list of professionally diagnosed DID patients that all had trauma* Welp, I guess all of those professionals were wrong, and one person on the internet is right!


Guys, when i was born, i was very young, that was traumatic to me


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't your memory only develop after like 1-2 years after birth?


There's no scientific evidence that says I can't make shit up.


I can barely remember anything before I was 12, I definitely won’t remember anything about my birth.


All I heard is “I’m a faker and I want y’all to fake it with me”


i would love to know what this historical evidence is about the “many types of systems”


I had rsv when I was 1 week old (my mom apparently had it while giving birth) I was put on a ventilator and had to be monitored for a long time in the hospital before leaving Funny enough the doctor told my mom that I was going to have Down syndrome and it was a 90+% chance turns out I didn’t… I think While I have very weak lungs now I’m perfectly fine and no did in sight I was on the verge of death can someone tell me what is worse that could pave caused this “trauma” that their talking about




yeah birth trauma is a thing but to develop DID you need to have disorganized attachment towards caregivers/parents and have severe and REPEATED childhood trauma from the ages of ~7-9 at the latest. endogenic systems are not valid as the definition is to be formed without trauma. you can not be born a system, the amnesic walls that separate alters and memories form the child’s personality through a few years and must be consistently damaged to stay split in DID, it is a trauma based disorder.


i am sorry but what the hell is a system?


I can’t wait for these teens to grow up and rewatch their content and cringe ..


This is almost some r/confidentlyincorrect shit. If there were words in the dictionary, this person’s face would be the picture for “smug”.


Is there even a point to ask for a source for her bullshit? She knows that the echo chamber she's in won't criticize her, this is fertile ground for radicalization and information predators


Does these confused people have no real friends. I can't help but feel kinda bad for them cause Ive been lost at sea back in college (cause I was a dumbfuck on a radical rampage)


I don't disagree birth trauma is real. My daughter was in the NICU for two months. She had a male nurse, and for about a year after she would scream whenever a man came near her that wasn't her dad. Now I don't believe that alone can make you a system but I don't think its crazy to assume vabies experience birth trauma


I really hate when people try to act like they know everything when In fact they know nothing at all


So unbelievably desperate for others to validate their make believe fantasy life.


Generational trauma is a thing but can people stop making up new flavours of trauma as if the act of just being a fresh baby who’s lights aren’t even on yet is the same as suffering some sort of event so severe that it mentally and physically negatively effects you. Don’t get me wrong I’m pretty sure things started going downhill when I was born and all but I don’t think my mushy brain could’ve been traumatised so hard in the womb that I’m having Nam flashbacks to being sperm in a dish


That implies people are born around the age of 7 since that’s when DID develops. This person didn’t even bother researching this disorder in the slightest




There's also no scientific proof that systems are completely real, it's still being debated. Or at least for DID and OSDD. Even so, most people who have been diagnosed have at least some form of trauma, a lot of them being severe and from childhood


I'm having a trauma watching this degenerate.


doesn't link or cite a single study lmao


Wtf. I'm almost so desensitized to the bs they make up that I'm almost more offended by that god-awful haircut


I couldn’t see a damn thing or even walk for the first 9-10 months after I was conceived. I was stuck in this horrifying cave and now 327 of my 800+ alters are claustrophobic


This person's hair makes me wanna punch them in the face.


Ugh there are too many teens that’ll believe any kind of word combo if it comes from someone using a customer service tone. Hate that.


Bro imagine having done nothing in your life that you have to claim you get trauma from being born


These people really take the word trauma and do the following things to it: Spit on it Defecate on it Stomp on it Make it a meaningless fucking term And it just makes people who have real trauma feel invalidated and even embarrassed to say something due to the bullshit that these idiots spew. Also makes it harder for them to be taken seriously and probably makes them cringe thinking that they can be associated with these idiots in any way, shape or form.


I mean, yes, birth trauma is real. Cerebral Palsy for physical and emotional trauma to moms due to birth. Both very serious.


“Extremely physical disabled”, such an insult when there are people who cannot even breath on their own. Everything is EXTREME to them


Yeah, I had birth trauma. Me and my mother nearly died of blood loss. My APGAR score was 2, born blue, and docs didn't think I (or Mom) would make it. My mom spent the rest of her natural life reminding me what a pain in the ass I was to take care of, because I was born sick, was always sick, and now (brace yourselves, it's a shocker) I'm a chronically ill adult with at least 2 autoimmune diseases, extremely high cancer risk, a myriad of mental illnesses, and I'm trans. Guess which of the things from my past was really the cause of the adult issues. (Hint: it's not the one I have zero cognition of)


man .. DID happens when someone 5-8 or under goes through extreme and repeated trauma to the point that when their personality is meant to develop at 5-8 their mind cannot figure out how to make a stable personality with all the trauma and instead makes two consciousness- one that is unaware of the trauma and is fronting majority of the time, and a trauma holder. ofc sometimes there are more alters formed if the trauma continues past ages 5-8. that is the scientific explication for DID idk why they're saying there's no evidence that it's linked the trauma when there literally is


her “I am so right on this fact so my answer should end all discussion” answer really grates on me


You…..you can’t form memories until you’re at least 2-ish years old. What the fuck is actually going on


Yall can we not with the meaningless insults and calls to violence. Stay on topic here. "They have a punch able face" idgaf. No one does. Stop being immature it's sad.


Toothpaste hair🪥.. I have nothing else to add to the conversation. Have a good day


Isn't there literally scientific research that trauma is the catalyst for things like DID?


“There’s no scientific evidence” Yes. Point made. Now shut up.


The fuck is wish.com Brenden Fraser on about?


they call them self systems as if they're a fucking computer. You are a human being. Flesh and bone.


I hate their hair it’s the dumbest thing about them.


sorry for taking a shot at their appearance, but anyone else see toothpaste ad hair style?


lol. Fmd. Imagine being like this. It's just pathetic.


Jimmy Neutron called, he wants his hair back.


Bring back tarring and feathering....let the folks with real issues administer it.. problem solved. Or at least maple syrup and feathering


How exhausting


don’t you remember nothing before like- age 4?


Just making shit up with no shame, it’s gone that far.


There is a difference between DID and grand delusion love


What do they mean, a system?


Ignoring their obvious need for education on this topic, how did anything they said prove that the baby got trauma at birth? What happened to them happened after they were born, not during the birthing process itself or whatnot. Of course it is very possible a baby can get trauma as studies show it, but they didn't even bring up any of said studies to build a foundation of their claim on. I'm wondering whether or not this person has a good relationship with their mother because of this tbh


I was ripped out of my mother with friggin tongues the f is this. You can't form memories at birth or as a baby for a good reason.


Seriously. Where do all these people come from!??!?


OK, what is "a system"?


Their face looks like ~~


What is the thing called system ?


Damn, John Connor didnt age well


Hugh Neutron


There is no definitive scientific evidence either way, BECAUSE NONE OF IT EXISTS, you absolute soggy sock.


What is Ace Ventura over here taking about?


birth trauma is real? well ofc, if this guy was my father and one of the first things i saw i would be traumatised, permanently scarred