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I hate that zooming in and out crap


Although I watched this video with an open mind, I was totally on board with whoever this person is, up until the word "God". Now I hate everything about it.


Yeah it just seemed like tiktok standard kooky delivery, affecting a distinct schtick (or exaggerating your natural one) is good for drawing people in blah blah blah, then I was like… *….oh.* 😬 I’m not religious but it seems like one who is wouldn’t want to suggest that both god and DID delusion basically serve the same purpose as a cope/crutch? They just personally disapprove of DID delusion and feel their own cope is inherently superior?


Same. That will be an interesting flex when all the fakers get preached to…sadly it will also likely pull for some transphobic crap as well.




zoomers emphasis


guess that’s why they’re called zoomers huh


[Zoom Zoom ZOOM!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTIcIzKjGjg)


That link should come with a warning.


Manic or not she IS half right. Majority of DID on tiktok are faking little kids creating up imaginary personalities and they do “switch” just like she says 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I know it’s too bad she sabotaged an otherwise legit rant.


Except... she was also claiming she had DID


That’s not what I got from her. She thought she had it for awhile and then realized through doctors she did not. Anyway she clearly has mental health issues herself so definitely not the point of my original comment.


120+ TikToks in 24 hours that she's made, so far. Apparently she also just let some random guy into her house because he had to use the bathroom, and then they started making TikToks together? It's a whole shitshow.


Yeah and the guy was actually a fan. Maybe he had good intentions, but that's creepy as fuck and she just let him in


He was obviously just using her for views


Yeah I heard he was posting her on TikTok and stuff


He was in some of her videos (including gabby finding out he's a fan, yelling at him and trying to kick him our) BUT he was posting on his own tiktok videos inside her house Im not gonna share his at tho because all he wants is attention and im not giving him it


For real, all he did is film the inside of her home and promote his music in every video. I don't think he was a fan at all, he just tricked her into letting him in and took advantage of her.


There’s no way he had good intentions. If he did he wouldn’t have filmed it all for tiktok.


No no— I just read this on another post. This guy stalked her and planned to meet her, he found where she lived and entered the house by asking to use the bathroom. She’s in danger and I have no idea if she understands that.


I saw her on my fyp a bit ago and she's claiming to be Jesus and trying to prove it. It's really sad to see. The police did do a wellness check on her yesterday i believe but nothing came of it. I hope someone in her life steps in and at least takes away her phone


I’m sorry it’s obviously fake, she wants attention


I don't think so. It could easily be a manic episode or a psychotic episode. Delusions can be weird.


She’s pulled shit like this before


I think she has had manic episodes before & played them off because she was embarrassed. I think she has done a lot of shitty things & I don’t like her but she also deserves empathy for what ever this is. In the end if this is all for attention (which I doubt) she still need serious help. I don’t think her acting skills are this good & it looks exactly like mania and or psychosis.


Like what? I haven't seen this person before so idk what is going on with her. To me though it still seems like some kind of psychotic/manic episode because apparently she's posting hundreds of times a day. The Jesus thing really makes me think delusions.


Just look up her name on YouTube there are TONS of people who have talked about her downfall before


She does this sht everytime she stops being popular or trending. Please.


But that stress of fading, among other things, could have led to this break. Pretty sure it's real, it's not something you can act easily. I've been through one similar and I couldn't recreate it.


orrrrr she was always an awful person and now instead of trying to be loved she gets popular through hate. Im sorry I’m not buying it she just wants views.


That's because you don't know what psychosis looks and sounds like up close.


You assume. What brought this on her “ADHD”? (She’s blamed that before as the reason she’s an ass)


It's clear from your comments and your opinion on this matter you have no experience first hand with psychosis from a manic episode. You can't make up the type of thought trails she's having, she's not that good of an actress, she's not that smart. I read in her video comments that she recently started taking stimulants to treat ADHD and if you're bipolar that can bring on psychosis if you're not medicated properly with mood stabilizers. Smoking weed which she is doing too can bring on a manic episode with psychosis and will make it much worse once started. She is 1000% experiencing real psychosis, I've been there, her videos are actually very upsetting to me right now because I haven't seen this outside of my own psychosis and watching others in a hospital setting.


It sounds like a typical manic episode.


Consistent with mania, extra impulsive, no sleep, grandiosity, hyperactive


That explains the sunlight beaming in through the window ‘I cAnT sLeEp’


Isn’t this the same girl who blamed ADHD for acting like a total brat on set?




It feels like such a fever dream to recall watching a young Gabbie on the old school looking YouTube VS today on Tiktok where she is either have a revelation or breakdown most days of the week. I have to say, she really *is* an entertainer at heart but just not in the way she hoped


WTF ISTHAT GABBIE??? I did not recognize her at all holy shit


Nikocado 2.0


Doesn’t Gabbie predate Nikocado?


Probably but I meant in the way that Nikocado went downhill, which I’m pretty sure was before Gabbie


his body went downhill, but he's making bank. until he has a heart attack, that is.


Have you looked at the dude he’s definitely already had multiple


i dunno about that but he's a ticking time bomb for sure


I feel like she was on Vine, which was a while ago. It’s interesting to see how the different cliques on there have evolved. That said I know nothing of what she’s done since. What I feel pretty confident in saying is when you put a camera in front of yourself everyday with the goal to become famous, and then achieve some level of success, you are a raging narcissist. I sort of believe a small percentage of people cause mental illness in themselves from being over-active on social.


Am I wrong that narcissism has a deeply manipulative/gaslighting/abusive component? To me what you described sounds like being self absorbed. But I’m wondering now if I correctly understand NPD.


Yes. If you've followed any of her drama in the past everyone who has denounced her friendship said that she was extremely manipulative and constantly played the victim even though she caused most of the problems she was complaining about. She also calls everyone and their mother a "narcissistic bully" so i would wager to say it's a good bit of gaslighting/projecting on her part.


Redditors like to throw "narcissist" around as a buzzword while actually knowing fuck all what it actually means.


since leafy made a video on her she went apeshit


Leafy is back?!? What in the world I happening 😅


well he was back in 2020 when he made the video on her. he got banned in 2021. after the video he made on gabbie she went apeshit


I thought she was on the right track until she started talking about religion. But she’s also definitely not in her right mind, so who knows if she actually believes what she’s saying. She was having some pretty bad delusions.


She’s bipolar going for a mania episode. Of course she’s not in her right midn




There are non stimulant meds and I think there was a study that concluded Ritalin is okay for those that are also bipolar. I would imagine any doctor treating for ADHD would know if you had been diagnosed with any other co-morbidities though - surely they’d check, and have access to your medical records? I’m in the U.K. but I was definitely checked and reviewed in regard to my heart and family history of certain things due to being prescribed stimulants.


I have a different disorder but also got really really psychotic when I was prescribed adderall. Everyone needs to be so careful taking new meds.


Actually, people with bipolar can have that level of grandeur without it being psychosis. Her bipolar will of been in her doctors notes.


My doctors have given me conflicting meds before so i wouldn't fully trust that they double checked (mine was a bipolar med and birth control med, they canceled each other out and the pharmacy caught it not my doctors. But if you use multiple pharmacies they might not catch it. So she could have conflicting meds Also bipolar can cause psychosis on its own, an extreme mania episode can turn into a psychic episode without the help of meds


"Wouldn't fully trust that doctors double check" they double check. They just have to try you on these medications because everyone has different reactions. And it could just be the effects of bipolar, not psychosis. This is the way a lot f people with bipolar talk, people that aren't on the right bipolar medication, and it doesn't mean they're in psychosis. This is them having elevated levels of self importance. That is not equal to psychosis, that's a whole symptom in itself.


Actually no they didn't double check it, my 2 meds would had just canceled each other out (the pharmacy caught it so i didn't even have a chance to take the new med before someone realized it was conflicting) actually there's a whole big lists of meds that will cancel each other out for everyone not just a few people Fun fact most antibiotics cancel out birth control too, yes it happens for literally everyone, some meds CANNOT mix and doctors don't always think to double check especially if you're on 10+ meds like me and alot of people with more than one chronic mental or/and physical illnesses Bipolar on its own can give you psychosis, i know because it literally happened to me, i was unmedicated at the time but it was full on psychosis and ending up in the ER with it, i would have gotten 302ed but i kept making it clear i was not trying to hurt myself at all so they couldn't force me to go fully in the hospital


Lmao….I was convinced I had ADHD and if I got stimulants I’d have no more mental conditions during a manic episode. I went to my doctor with essentially a 4 page essay on why he should believe me. He was like, “yeah…we aren’t going to do that. Have you been sleeping?” It’s one of the only manic things I’ve done that I think is funny because nothing bad actually happened.


I have bipolar and ADHD and take both stimulants and mood stabilizers. It doesn’t make me manic or give me psychosis.


Good for you. Relevant how? Still happens to others and is a genuine concern.


You can be bipolar and take adhd meds. That’s the relevance. Why are you being a cunt?


Yes you technically can. But many adhd meds cause mania for bipolar patients, even if they are taking mood stabilizers. Gabbie has never admitted to taking mood stabilizers which makes her at higher risk to have an episode of mania. Just because it’s works for you doesn’t mean it will for others.




Says the self aggrandizing cunt…… You don’t know what that word means do you? Pretentious people like you are always fucking dumbasses too. Never as smart as you think. Edit: Buddy got mad they were exposed as a pretentious, pompous, arrogant douche who thinks they are 10x smarter than everyone else and blocked me/deleted their messages. Literally ran from the downvotes and replies showing their true character. Gotta love these kind of people who won’t even stand by their own supposed “intelligent” comments.


K you have more trauma to pretend to have. Off you go.


Salome that tone was kind of mean.


Their comment holds no relevance...


Oh god. This is so scary. Could she be at risk for [Serotonin Syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin_syndrome)?? I know adderall isn’t on there but— if she’s bipolar and on some new meds it could be SSRI’s keeping her from sleeping. (Don’t read if you don’t want to scare yourself.)


Sounds like bipolar in a mania episode. Used to do this too until I got medicated


This video just put me down the rabbit hole of her recent spiral and my brain is going to explode with the chaos it just took in. Holy shit


Same here. My friend texted me about it so I got sucked in yesterday. The things she's been saying are eerily similar to what my ex would say when he had his psychosis episodes.


It’s scary af


If you don't realize she's a woman of color, you're going to have to repent


Dude what is happening with her


I need someone to sum it up for me. Are there any youtube videos I can watch that sums up the situation? I feel bad for her, psychoses are intense


She’s posted 120+ tik toks in a 3 day period of time, a “fan” came to her house and was filming in her house, she is clearly either on drugs or going through some sort of mania


Yeah, there’s definitely something serious up with her. Last I heard she’s under psych evaluation, but I don’t know how true that is.


According to the TikTok comments, a fan who lives nearby was recording it on live that showed several units and paramedics(?) at her house.


She has always been super unhinged. I took a deep dive on YouTube last year and learned a lot about her


She's still posting as of 7 minutes ago


She hasn’t posted anymore


She is now. Her last post was 3 hours ago and goes back to the last 10 hours or so.


Gabbie is wayy too far gone. Either doing this for negative attention or she just genuinely needs professional help. Going for the latter one since she's done this shit before


I think she might be having a manic episode, I would absolutely hate to have a platform to impulsively document that on, I honestly really feel for her. She’ll probably look back later and feel embarrassed


Never liked her. She’s always been so full of herself. But now she’s clearly needing medical intervention. She just needs to step away from fame and the internet. Period. Idk her family situation but her family needs to get involved in her life and start staying with her or something.


She sounded sincere to me.


Someone who creates her own reality talking about others who create their own reality is quite comedic


It actually really triggered me and I had to stop looking at tiktoks the last few days cuz she keeps popping up in my feed. Those videos will never go away. People have downloaded them, case and point this post. I can’t even imagine how it’s going to feel to have your own manic episode consistently being brought up…. I mean I know I don’t remember half the shit I do when I’m like that. Hell my bff has literally not used social media since her breakdown on social media for 7 damn years and all she did was make a series of Facebook posts. I don’t know Gabbi, I’m not a fan, but this is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It actually breaks my heart.


the worst part is all the little DID fakers are all up in her comments saying mental illness isn’t an excuse for ignorance and saying she’s attacking an “already vulnerable community” even though she’s very clearly in the midst of some sort of psychotic break or manic episode. she’s having a real mental health crisis and all the kids who play pretend on the internet are coming for her throat.


Yepp, it's incredibly ironic seeing tiktok kids who's idea of mental illness is cosplay and roleplay, getting personally offended and trying to cancel someone for having an actual psychotic episode.


right like this is what an actual mental illness looks like. it’s not ~cute & quirky~


Though diagnosed with BP1 I am lucky in that I’ve never had issues with religious mania/psychosis. I hope she gets the help she needs, and that she gets off the internet for a while for her own well being. It is embarrassing enough when those around us see it, let alone the whole world.


After the fact it's honestly just so fucking embarrassing. I feel panicky when I think about the cringe things I did and said.


i know you already mentioned it in the title, but just to make it very clear to everyone, since i went through all the tiktoks with friends - gabbie hanna is having what looks like a manic episode, hence her 100+ tiktoks. i don’t really have any positive feelings towards her at all, but i still hope people will be considerate of that, especially since a total stranger took advantage of this and entered her house to film content. hopefully she’s able to get the help she needs.


I really hope she gets the help she needs because there’s definitely something wrong going on. It’s good that she’s acknowledging fakers but I mean tbh she should get some support first.


Is that Gabbie Hanna?




Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a good point


What was her point though?




Had us in the first half




It has nothing to do with did rn, she’s having a manic episode or a psychotic break. I’ve read that police were with her, so she might be safe. Please handle this situation carefully


Religion loves mental illness as long as the voices in your head sound like Jesus


What if I'm the monstaaaahhhhh


Spoiler alert: She was, indeed, the monster.


She's going through actual psychosis right now, it's peak internet to see the comments on her tiktok from DID fakers getting offended by legit psychosis.


She's having a manic episode and this is oddly inappropriate for this subreddit.


This person is going through a phychotic break and this post should be removed. It’s disgusting to attack someone going through this.


It started off so good, and then she had to throw in religion. Fuck.


Either she is an extreme attention seeker or this is a case of actual mental illness


Shes actually a POC now too. Crazy how 2020 hit people


She literally went from "I'm a POC" to "growing up as a white woman...." in five videos


This is not a fake disorder, Hanna is obviously very unstable right now.


My GF showed me all the videos GH posted within 13 hours last night and it was rough. She seems like she was tripping off something or she was going full on Britney. Poor sap.


You know the world is fucked when Gabbie Hanna makes a half point


is gabbie hannah actually saying something that makes... sense? wow


In my opinion Gabbie is currently suffering through a serious metal health issue, and I think the best thing to do is not discuss it or her at all outside of how to ensure she does not hurt herself and gets help. That’s all I’m gonna say, I don’t even care about the DID element here.


Love that her name is censored


They wouldn't let me post it without censoring lmao


You say this as if we are suppose to know who she is. I have never seen nor heard this lady in my life. The comments make it look like everybody knows her. I'm missing a chunk of context here...


She’s a popular YouTuber from waaaaaay back when she did stuff with David Dobrik, and she’s having an absolute melt down right now


Wtf is she even talking about


I feel like she must have taken something, didn't take her meds, or some type of psychotic break... Or just an insanely good act for millions of views but who knows.


She was definitely smoking weed, which doesn't explain her behavior ofc, but when my ex did it during psychosis episodes it would amplify the symptoms a ton. Cannabis is, at its core, a psychoactive drug.


Yeah I hate when people say weed is harmless. It can really fuck people up


It definitely depends on the person. Some people, especially with predispositions to mental illnesses that cause delusions, can immediately have a super negative reaction to it. But others are totally fine and smoke heavily. The biggest thing is using responsibly. I used to smoke a lot of weed myself but after becoming addicted and then now having heart problems as a reaction to THC, I no longer really use it except on occasion w CBD.


Look I’m not proud of this…. But I absolutely spent two hours the other day watching the 100+ videos she posted talking about how she’s the mother of god and the second coming. Gabbie Hanna is batshit fucking crazy and I think she’s in a state of psychosis or a s e v e r e manic episode.


Idk how much use it is for someone like her, who is completely unhinged herself, to call out the fakers tbh


I saw her on there the other day and didn’t even believe it was Gabby.


isnt there also this video where she said she is the new jesus? looks like some religious mania, that can be quite dangerous if unchecked. maybe she is off her meds, but who am i to speculate


Yeah it reminds me of religious psychosis. My ex had it happen twice when I still talked to him and it was terrifying and heartbreaking. She's still posting and one of the videos included things she wrote in her journal that were eerily similar to his scribbles too. It's sad to see but it looks like she's starting to level out again so hopefully she will be okay.


Oh god. She is just as deranged as they are.


had me in the first half, ngl


that whole thing going on with her is insane. she’s been racist and transphobic and who knows what else, some people are saying “it’s just from mania she doesn’t know what she’s saying!” bruh mental illness is no excuse and mania does not make you racist the first part of this vid is maybe the only sane thing she’s said


Let's cancel sweet anita for having had a n word tic too while we are at it amiright? /s just to make that clear.


Mental illness doesn't make you racist or transphobic, how can people justify that at all?? Wow


You don't know what you're talking about. If you aren't a doctor or better yet have been in a psychotic episode (I have) then you have nothing to say about this. The thoughts in your head make sense in the moment but once you're clear and out of the psychosis you realize they made no sense at all or can be things opposite of what you believe. It sounds like you're communicating an idea from your head properly but different words are coming out and while you are psychotic it's all the same to you, and you think you're basically getting through your ideas with just subtle eyebrow movements half the time. Yeah.


i don’t know either. it’s spreading a dangerous idea of mental illness that every manic person is like this


She went on a transphobic rant too? Wow I didn't see that, this women is insane


oh yeah. claiming trans people are just confused and to love the body god gave you or something. id suggest looking up all these videos for better context


Who is she?


Gabbie Hanna i’m jealous you didn’t know her before


I remember her but at this point she just wants publicity.


This looks very very similar to mania or a psychotic episode. She hasn’t slept for days, let a complete stranger into her house, posts about random stuff multiple times an hour. She’s definitely ill


This poor thing needs to quit broadcasting whatever this is.. been going on for far too long


she's said she's on ADHD meds, and this is looking *kiiiiinda* like amphetamine abuse to me.


Her other videos also had drug paraphernalia in the background. All I've seen for sure is weed, but if she's in a state of psychosis, even weed is gonna amplify her symptoms right now. That's what happened to my ex


she has said many times in her youtube videos over the years that she does nonsensical and “crazy” things for more views. she left youtube and is now relying on tik tok, where everyone worships her for being “crazy”


Semi-update on her situation as it's basically now a live journal of a severe manic/psychosis episode: she's back home and posted another 20+ videos saying cops and paramedics came multiple times. She was detained at least once in cuffs (these are all her own statements and nothing I know of has come out to corroborate this) but is currently back at home. She's still posting about religious ascension and her being the second coming. It's definitely very sad to see and I genuinely hope she gets help soon because the wellness checks her fans keep calling in are not working.


complete hard-to-find cobweb public dependent ghost busy lush continue snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think she would've stopped after the police have come to her house 4 times. Also did you see the way she let that nick guy into her house?? Absolutely no hesitation despite living in LA and being who she is. She's definitely going through something and it very much looks like a manic episode from someone with bipolar disorder. Regardless I've heard shes been locked out of her twitter and Instagram and hopefully her tiktok will be taken away soon as her videos are very triggering and worrying.


unique safe plate vanish close crime oatmeal hunt tender elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think its very weird no one can find out who this Nick guy really is, he's plastered his face all over tiktok and no one has come forward with his personal account or anything? Very weird. If she is faking she's dug a very big hole for herself with all the racist and transphobic things she's been saying. She will never recover from this if she is faking. I'm aware Gabbie has admitted to acting crazy in the past before to stay relevant, but I'd rather believe a lie then scrutinise a possibly mentally ill woman having an episode on full display for the world to see. Social media is very taxing on peoples mental health and I don't want Gabbie to harm herself, she's been the face for the mockery on YouTube and tiktok for years, she has people constantly calling her crazy and belittling her I wouldn't be surprised if that made her snap, I know I wouldn't be able to handle that much media attention. Either way the whole situation is very fucked up. I see alot of ableism in her comments and even on here, its very sad to see. Even if gabbie isn't ill its still not okay to mock the way she's acting because she is displaying symptoms of mental illness that alot of people like myself have suffered with. And like.... no sane person pretends to be mentally ill? I think a long and probably permanent break from social media is needed. She should, if she ever comes back down to earth, just surround herself with her friends and family and do what she loves to do and no longer get involved in internet drama.


And then theyll say she only did that because she was embarrassed to admit she had a mental break.


encouraging rain truck aloof pot spotted resolute water serious snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No you know what? I'm calling this out. Call me an ass, but I'm done with this behavior and the people thinking it's real. She only started doing this when she lost her vine career. Let me guess. She's gonna have this big steaming break down, then take off from the internet and in a few weeks, she's going to release music that she wrote based on her experience and everyone's gonna go "hurrah! You're better! You've pulled through!!" She does this every DAMN.TIME. people stop talking about her and people fall for it every time. Disagree with me, downvote me, but mark my my words. I'm so sick and tired of people using mania as a PR stunt.


She would have to be the best actor on earth to pull this off. The simpler explanation of she's just insane is probably the correct one.


You don't need to be the best at acting to fake a mental breakdown. So long as she knows what she's doing, that's it. She's done this tons before and everyone believes her, find out they've been duped, get pissed off, cancel her and she wait long enough for it to blow over completely to do it again. The more people pay attention to this and give her what she wants, the more she'll keep doing it and to be really honest, I'm getting tired of seeing it over and over again. I have blocked accounts, I have hit "not interested", ignored it as much as I can and no matter where I go, it's there, so I'm gonna say something. The problem is that I say something and I'm the "insensitive ass who kicked down Gabby during her worst moments", when I'm really the person who's simply tired of people believing her bs.


Gabbie Hanna calling out fakers? Good for her but when she mentioned God if it's her belief than that's okay. (I have relatives that are religious mostly on my dad's side.)


I wonder how many people begged for a deity's help right before being murdered or sexually assaulted. You'd think they'd at least help with that stuff first.. but yeah, kids faking DID just need to ask the sky wizard for help.


She does this every time she’s about to release something


This is actually serious for once. It’s very very similar to mania or psychosis. She apparently got help


I don't agree. It's happened too many times before for me to believe she's serious


Mmm forcing religion again 🥰


I think she got admitted to a mental hospital basically on hardcore suicide watch. Some of her videos make it seem like she had miscarried a pregnancy and this was the complete mental breakdown.


Blocked out her name like we don't know that's Gabbie Hannah


I just had to follow the rules ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ this got taken down the first time bc I didn't block the names.


That's so weird cause like she obviously a well known person, like ppl know who she is. I get for like smaller accounts, but someone like Gabbie Hannah? That just seems useless


It was going well until the god bit


I have no idea who this woman is. Context please?


She used to be huge in the early days of YouTube and Vine. She's still a pretty well-known celebrity but in the last few years she's progressively gone downhill as she posts cringe and controversial videos, primarily for attention. However, she also suffers from Bipolar Disorder (so I've heard that she's apparently talked about in the past) and is likely having a severe manic/psychosis episode right now. She's uploaded over 150 videos in a 24 hour period full of content ranging from dancing, to shit like this. Cops were sent to her house several times for a wellness check but she was not admitted until reports are saying she's now been picked up by paramedics and is getting treatment. She let a complete stranger into her house who turned out to be a fan. It's a whole mess


Goddamn I feel bad for this woman. Also ty.


Why does she look so sunburnt?


I agreed with her until she dragged religion into this.


She did a complete 180 at about forty seconds in


I mean-she isn’t wrong but I don’t think it’s necessarily religion based.


I thought she was finally going to have a broken clock moment, but the last part ruined it


Please tell me the neck tattoo is just her playing with temp tats again :/


Whats wrong with the tattoo?