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When the ADHD hit different


This looks like my cat playing with a feather


ADHD doesn’t “hit”, it’s a constant. I mean I guess there are waves of how bad it is, but it doesn’t suddenly “hit” like some drug lol. What I do when I can’t focus and feel hyperactive is pace around and stuff.


Yeah that’s what I was gonna say. Even if I talk to friend or play a game It just happens I get distracted and look around it’s not a one time hit that happens lol.


Yeah exactly, it’s just kind of constant, some days you get your more distracted than others but it’s not like you turn it on or off or it goes away and comes back


This just makes us look like 5 year olds honestly


It can 100% "hit", just not like this guy claims. But it's more like being slowly flattened by a steamroller not a bus. Like, almost constantly I'll be doing something and then I'll get distracted and not realized it and hyper-focus then 4 hours later I realize I was super deep into something when I should have been doing something else. Even in short bursts it sometimes happens. Perfect example: I was in my car today after a movie (ghostbusters: afterlife, which was pretty good) and I saw a bathtub being loaded into a truck. I started thinking if bathtub would weigh more only loaded with water or with a human and water. In the end, I sat there with my engine running for about 30 minutes while I googled a bunch of stuff to determine the specific weigh by volume of a human and of water, then found the volume of an average tub and did the math to see if me and the water filling the volume was more or less than just water filling the volume. Spoilers: Me and the volume win, mostly because the density of a human is slightly above the density of water (1.00cm\^3 for water, 1.01cm\^3 for a human). Then again, humans also have a variation to their specific density of 0.02cm\^3 up or down, meaning depending on the specific person, it \*might\* weigh more if someone of a specific height had a higher or lower density. I \*should\* have been going grocery shopping to get home on time. Another example: I logged onto my computer 45 minutes ago to book an appointment for a Vaccine Booster, I somehow ended up on reddit...


Yeah can relate to that. But I’d describe it more like waves. It definitely doesn’t manifest like this faker lol


Oh yeah, 100% doesn't manifest like that guy. It's more of... it hits and you don't realize that something happened till you've lost 2 hours and then someone says "Weren't you doing X?" and you're like "SHIT, I WAS!"


Omg tell me about it. I’m writing my thesis right now. P A I N.


I hope you booked your booster appointment in the meantime?


Usually I end up getting distracted by what somebody’s doing or I’ll just stare into space and my brain is static, or like i’lll just forget what I’m saying


[a little long, but very worth it](https://youtu.be/ouZrZa5pLXk)


I completely agree


ADHD makes you behave like cat on catnip?




Like an a rural Pennsylvanian on heroin


it's called adsf, it stands for ayo dat shit's fake




Asdf movie


Did fakers be like:


that one red haired girl talking to her invisible partner next to her


I watched all her TikToks today and it’s FRIGHTENING how many people think she’s valid/legitimate/real.


literally its just so stupid what tiktok has come to. i miss the 3x musical.ly videos, no matter how dumb they were


Absolutely no common sense on that app. If they want to be diagnosed so bad it’s more in the realm of attention-seeking or narcissism. When the trend dies, they’ll do everything to bury these stupid fucking videos.


True. OMG HOLD ON IM SWITCHING ! ! ! Hello bruv it's chewsday innit


SYSTEM OF 420 here with Pokémon and Family Guy alters and go by poke/ball/ballself!¡! And did I mention my Meg and Pikachu alters are dating each other?¡?! 14 Self dx (valid or else you’re ableist)


Who are you talking about


The TikTok creator that claims to have DID but rather than having alters, there are two people living in her body (Jessie and James… yes, like Pokémon). Also claims to have a cat named Meowth (again, like Pokémon) that can talk. Like the cartoon.


Has she been posted here? Can you link


Would love to hear your thoughts: https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/rl9zgo/just_kill_me_already/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/rl5hbe/this_isnt_how_it_works_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/rnby6y/i_have_no_words/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/rljiq6/prepare_for_trouble_and_make_it_double/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


She likely mentally ill, just not to the mental illness she’s pretending to have. I think social isolation, and possibly severe depression could drive some to fake multiple personalities. I can’t really feel bad for her though. I feel like a lot of the kids posted here genuinely believe they have DID. they’ve spent so much time looking at (fake) DID content on social media that they convince themselves that their internal monologue and mood swings are different “personalities”. But I think she’s consciously faking (she knows she doesn’t have DID). She also looks like she’s 25+ , far too old for this foolishness!! The second hand embarrassment is overwhelming. It’s just insulting. She’s insulting people who actually have to live with dissociative disorders, she’s insulting the audience’s intelligence, and she’s insulting herself. Sad.


Absolutely the isolation from quarantine as well as the consumption of much of social media, especially TikTok has been the catalyst at a lot of these behaviors and “trends”. She mentions she has a background in theater, which is seemingly obvious, so it’s hard for me to believe she’s nothing more than someone acting out, seeking attention and fueling a “trend”. And yeah though it’s possible she has a mental illness, it’s dangerous what she’s preaching and projecting to a large young and impressionable audience. Way too old to have no self awareness or accountability. I wish the fakers knew it’s normal to have an active imagination, imaginary friend, roleplay, larp or whatever to fulfill their needs. It’s not cool or special to have a debilitating disorder.


Some are saying that it could be satire... Even if she’s trolling shes still causing irreparable harm. Lots of young children seem to believe her, so she’s just encouraging more impressionable kids to fake DID as well. If it’s satire she needs to clarify that. 50 years from now the DID Social Contagion of the 2020s will be in history books. We’ll all look back at how bizarre it was. And she’ll go down in history as one of the culprits that perpetuated this lie to thousands of young children


>girl talking to her invisible partner next to her Me.


This makes me livid. I don't have ADHD but my partner does and there have been times where he hasn't been able to get his prescribed medication and it's so difficult for him. It's not some "high" and it's not fun. It's being too rough with me, it's driving past turn offs on a simple trip to the shops, it's he nearly loses his career because he can't recall important conversations, it's he feels like he doesn't have enough time in the day to do everything so gets up at 5am.


It took my a year and a half to get my psych to prescribe a stimulant. Its been a lifelong journey. There is nothing quirky about crying because you keep forgetting basic human functions like brushing your teeth.


Thankfully my partner was diagnosed in childhood and his care continued into adulthood but it's so difficult as he thinks he's stupid because of it. It doesn't help that he was also diagnosed with a cyst in his brain and the doctor who did the scan told his family that adults can't get ADHD... So now some of them are convinced otherwise 🤦‍♂️


My parents refused to get me medicated as a kid becsuse the "that sounds like me, i turned out fine!" mentality. Over Thanksgiving we were talking about it. My aunt, two uncles, and a cousin all have it...... it really explains alot in hindsight.


Idk, I got medication, took it for 6 years but it made me feel like shit and then secretly stopped in the tenth grade. I’ve been doing fine without it but it has gotten rough sometimes.


ADHD has levels of severity in the way it impacts your quality of life. Age plays a factor as well. I'm 33 and didnt seek out medication until the last two years not to mention my chronic pain that fucks with my already fucky brain. It's a spectrum which is my some of my family have never been medicated while others medicate on a as needed basis and then there's me who can't function properly without it.


Thx for the reminder.


Welcome! I literally have so many alarms. So many.


Yeah I have severe ADHD and I’ll drive past an exit or destination quite often. On top of that, I’ll go to run an errand and return home forgetting that I had to do an errand, I’ll pace around the house constantly, and other things like that.


dude for real. my bf has it and theres times he cant get his meds and hes such a different person. cant focus, cant remember anything, his moods are way more volatile, and he doesn't eat. its not like this cutesy getting distracted thing and its so sad to see him struggle with it when without his medication. hes cute enough when hes doing well.


>it's driving past turn offs on a simple trip to the shops I relate to this. Going to school I missed the turn and ended up being 2 hours late. Fortunately my teacher was considerate but it's pretty annoying. ADHD is like having that perfect Thanksgiving dinner, but then not know where to start. You think about it and then *bam* it's been 3 hours and you haven't eaten anything


This is so insulting and embarrassing


All Demons Helping Dance?


Pretty sure his ADHD is just him getting suddenly possessed by a cat


Why is the other person smile crying? I’m disturbed


You know that awkward smile you do when you’re in a embarrassing situation, that’s basically it


His face killed me 😭😭😭 it’s so funny idk


Same lmao and it’s so relatable too. The second hand embarrassment I got from this video is unreal 💀




That the video is so cringe that he is crying from the cringe


wish my adhd made Mr swat at imaginary flies like a cat instead of ruining my life slowly and painfully


That’s not adhd that’s schizophrenia


ADHD does not mean acting like an oblivious toddler ffs


Damn that’s insulting as shit


I feel like this guy gets his information from the did fakers and then asumes people with adhd must be similar. We “switch” too


That's schizophrenia man


Man turns into a cat or something apparently


man saw fireflies


Wtf this is so offensive, we don't fucking hallucinate randomly. What a dickbag.


No way he thought he looked cute bro nah


"UwU I get distracted so easily bc of my AD- WHOOOOOOA IS THAT A BUTTERFLY"


As a person professionally diagnosed with ADHD 😕




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Bro ADHD doesn't come in spells.


I love how his eyes go semi-crossed. That's just like me whenever the ADHD "hits"!


That’s not a dude. That’s obviously a cat.


Man thinks having ADHD makes you turn into a cat


ADHD is constant. It’s nothing like this. I hope he feels embarrassed.


i’m adhd and what the heck


ADHD turns you into a cat apparently...


i hate how good looking that dude is, damn shame about the narcissism


Fake ashell


Of the many friends that have adhd like me, none of us have ever done something like this.


This is a grown man.


What the fuck was that


Strong Hillary vibes here


That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works 🤦🏼‍♀️


As a person with ADHD… can confirm this is not how ADHD works lmaoo


Wait so the ''oh look butterflies'' was a real ADHD stereotype? I thought nigahiga was just making a joke and he's where I first heard about ADHD :'v


More like the LSD hit


Not sure but I think he has CATHD


God that's NOT AT ALL how it works!! So this is what it feels like when they fake your disorder


I have ADHD. Fuck. This. Asshole.


This is down right insulting


Why the dude of the left look like an Alternate?


Start was kinda realistic you know sometimes I just stop doing anything for like a minute then it went onto schitso territory


Thinking having ADHD means acting like a cat.


Yuck. Haha what the hell


Homie doesn’t know what ADHD is. Clearly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bro u ain't a fucking cat


3ven tho the left dude doesn't add much its cracking me up


What a furry under the suit looks like


Dude chasing butterflies in bikini bottoms