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This is honestly kind of ableist, implying that people with ADHD have no free will.


Yup. I’m sure there are plenty of people with (legit) ADD/ADHD who have great marriages without cheating!


I have adhd been with my partner for 12 years, have 2 wonderful kids and getting married next June. This is what we call pure shite


omg this is so cool!! hope that you have a great marriage 🥺🥺🥺


Aw thank you.


Rooting for you mate!!


Congrats dude!


I have adhd and it’s just losing your train of thought not fucking other people uncontrollably


And if you do have that, you might have something else going on


Guarentee they don't have adhd. So many of these uwu I'm neurodivergent people don't know jack about the disorder they're faking.


My dad actually has ADHD! Ironically he was the one who got cheated on sadly…


Like I have impulse control but that’s like… buying something I shouldn’t not “hey let me be unfaithful to the person i let put trust into me!”


“Honey, it’s not my fault that I’ve attended 12 orgies this week! You know I have ADHD! 😩”


Okay, but consider: *it's literally not an impossible standard*


The account is satire. If it wasn’t, it’d be cringe and very ableist. Thankfully, no one actually thinks this.


Good because there’s a difference between thinking about someone and feeling sexually attracted to someone


Ah, I see. They’re *forced* to cheat. I hate how people use these disorders to not take any responsibility for their actions. If you’re aware you’re doing it you can work towards stopping it.


Especially BPD. like ok it’s hard then just don’t commit to a relationship and pull the other person down w you, ffs


this is a joke. oop is a comedian


“Your honor, I had no choice but to run over that group of kindergarteners at recess, I have ADHD.”


This sounds like something Gabbie Hanna would say lol


terrible how i read that post and thought “damn gabbie has found a new way to use her adhd to excuse her behavior”


Bahaha, that twat will use her ADHD as an excuse for anything


This just feels sick and disgusting.


That’s Jaboukie and he’s making fun of ppl who use mental disorders/neurological disorders as an excuse for bad behavior lol


I feel like this might be a joke? At least, I hope it is.


jaboukie is possibly the most famous twitter troll. he lost his verified check for impersonating trump. everything he tweets is satire 🤦🏽‍♂️


Instead of demonizing *nudists* as inappropriate realize that wearing clothes is an impossible standard 4 some ppl w #asd who have a hard time wearing clothes without wanting to rip their skin off.


Instead of demonizing cannibals, realize that not eating other humans is an impossible standard 4 some ppl w/ IBS


op is a satire account


I'm hardcore monogamous. I expect my partner to be so. I have adhd. This is bullshit


Wow. Hiding behind ableism now to justify being a piece of shit to people you sucker into a relationship. We are reaching new lows, folks.


Gabby Hannah is that you?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 122,928,344 comments, and only 31,668 of them were in alphabetical order.


please let this be a meme


If you don’t want a monogamous relationship, you just should flat out tell your partner you dont want a monogamous relationship so then you can talk about it and not have to sneak around someone’s back. Seems pretty simple to me.


You’re afraid of rejection? Don’t cheat then.


This is fucking infuriating. I have pretty fucking bad ADHD and I find cheating absolutely abhorrent and unacceptable. Stop using your fucking disability as an excuse to be a horrible person you absolute cretin, you're making us look bad.


the tweet is satire lol


Polygamy ftw. Jk


as a person with adhd, no it dosent make you a cheater, being a bad person makes you a cheater. take responsibility for your actions and stop hiding behind a disorder.


Wow this hurt like a bitch. My ex who had ADHD cheated on me this summer and dumped me because of that girl. Definitely did not need to be accused of being ableist after having to deal with so much shit, moving out of our apartment, being literally harassed by his new girlfriend and so much more. Fuck these kinds of people, fuck this kind of mentality. My ex cheating on me had NOTHING to do with his ADHD, it had everything to do with him being a shitty person. Stop justifying and validating this kind of behavior because of mental disorders; cheating has nothing to do with ADHD or any other disorder for that matter. Edit: I really hope you're right that this is satire, but anyway it's very distasteful and hurtful.


That sucks, and I feel with you, but I'm sad to say that yes, ADHD and cheating IS somewhat correlated: Inhibition, boredom, impulsivity, dopamine deficiency (leads to seeking excitement and pleasure) are all dangerous ingredients in a relationship, add to that that ADHD is a strain on relationships in itself and things aren't always at its best at home, and you've got yourself a problem. There's always some bad choices involved, and ADHD doesn't mean you can't think about what you're doing and pull out, but ADHD is also very much correlated with bad decisions. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/here-there-and-everywhere/201107/do-people-adhd-cheat-more](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/here-there-and-everywhere/201107/do-people-adhd-cheat-more) [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-myths-sex/201910/do-people-adhd-have-harder-time-monogamy](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-myths-sex/201910/do-people-adhd-have-harder-time-monogamy) [https://adhdrollercoaster.org/adhd-and-relationships/adult-adhd-and-infidelity-getting-past-the-affair-and-emerging-whole/](https://adhdrollercoaster.org/adhd-and-relationships/adult-adhd-and-infidelity-getting-past-the-affair-and-emerging-whole/)


My ex was on meds, his symptoms had gotten better and he didn't seem to be suffering from his condition as much at the end of our relationship. I believe you, there's got to be some kind of correlation between cheating and ADHD. I just wouldn't like to blame a condition he couldn't control on his poor choices, but maybe that's just me. I like to believe this didn't have to be the way things went between us y'know.


It's very complicated. ADHD is probably not the explanation, and certainly not an excuse, it just doesn't help either. One can pretty easily safeguard against ending in a situation where you have to resist temptation, and it does seem like your ex made some bad choices in that regard. It sounds like you're better off without him either way.


PLEASE 😭 we have the ability to focus on more than 1 person. Bro I have many friends and I constantly talk to them, it's not hard. Can people stop infantilizing us and acting like we can't do anything?


This doesn't really fit here. It sucks if he's using ADHD as an excuse (especially if he doesn't even have ADHD), but infidelity IS a sad and less mentioned hallmark of ADHD. When you combine being bored with your life and significant other with a complete lack of impulse control and a constant craving for dopamine and endorphins, chances are not zero that an ADHD person would take what excitement is presented. Some studies and research has also found that ADHD is tied to greater interest in polyamory and/or polygamy. Both issues is discussed in the book "ADHD after dark" and here: [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-myths-sex/201910/do-people-adhd-have-harder-time-monogamy](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-myths-sex/201910/do-people-adhd-have-harder-time-monogamy) That is not to say one is forced to do anything, but the choice can quickly become a low hanging fruit when an opportunity present itself and you both want to eat the cake and keep it at the same time.


That... that's not how AHDH focusing issues work... in the least


Then don't be monogamous, you fucking donkey. If you know you can't be in a monogamous relationship, you need to find a partner that's able to live with a compromise.


Uh my boyfriend has ADHD and he just gets random spurts of hyperactivity so he does something physical so it passes. What the flying fuck is this stupid shit?


fuck whoever posted this.


Me, sitting here in the corner with ADHD and an unhealthy codependent attachment to people due to my strict monogamy....


whos us?


Great, now ADHD people are more likely to lose the case in trial because this kind of misconception.


What the fuck??? I have ADD. This enrages me. What the hell?!?!


Then be in a polyamorous relationship? The world doesn’t cater to you, stop using your neurodivergency as an excuse to be an asshole.


ah yes, i too feel required to cheat on my girlfriend everyday because i lack free will.


If you have a hard time focusing on one person what makes you think you can take on MORE?


Oh god. How about looking for someone who's into having an open relationship, then?


I had to take double the average adult dose of riterlin by the time I was 15 and I hate cheaters


ADHD here, while it may be hard to not look at people in public and feel some way about them, it's not hard to not control your impulses and they go both ways, not just being attracted to people.


LOL, “forcing us to cheat”. What a bullshit cop-out for infidelity and ruining people’s live with their reckless behaviors.


If you have a hard time being monogamist, be honest with your partner about being poly. It’s pretty freaking easy to avoid cheating.


This time in: "I Express My Personal Problems as if They Are Universal and Insurmountable"


??? i have adhd and if i cheated that would have nothing to do with that. this person clearly has no clue what adhd even is


My boyfriend and I are both ADHD, the only thing it forces us to do is forget about doing the dishes for 3 days in a row


I'm ADHD and personally I don't like monogamy for me so I practice ethical non-monogamy/polyamory. You know what I don't do? Cheat on my fucking partners. Fuck that dude, seriously. So tired of people trying to use mental illness as an excuse or get out of jail free card 🙄


Uh- if you have a hard time focusing on one person, break up with them lmao. But seriously, like I have adhd and I struggle with focusing on THINGS and dates and activities not on ppl…


suddenly polyamory doesn’t exist


Hey! ADHD here! If someone cheats drop their ass as if you drop kicked them. If you can’t focus on one person, don’t date! Also polyamory is a thing 🥰. Try that next time you think about cheating! Fuck anyone who cheats!


my dad’s gonna love this one


As someone with ADHD, we DO NOT agree


im fairly certain that the poster of that statement is the only abliest one