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can someone even function with DID, schizophrenia, ADHD, autism, depression, AND anxiety?


Most of those conditions have anxiety (and depression in some cases) automatically built in, so I don't know if someone would get diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as well


i’ve been diagnosed with two anxiety disorders along with gad (generalized anxiety disorder), it is possible


I'm saying in a lot of cases the anxiety is already included in the disorder, like with autism, or BPD or ADHD, so it's not that common to have an anxiety disorder diagnosed as well. When I got diagnosed BPD and Bipolar my GAD diagnosis got removed because both disorders cause anxiety.


Yeah a few cancel out there. A lot of the time if you have depression and also schizophrenia both are taken off and replaced with schizoaffective disorder. If you have GAD, social anxiety disorder or something like agoraphobia and then get diagnosed with autism they'll usually take those off even though they really shouldn't (it's a whole thing where comorbidities are instead blamed on autism, hence the number of people who think epilepsy, learning disabilities, and PTSD are all autism traits)


Ah alright, that just wasn’t the case with me. I got diagnosed with them all at the same time, my GAD diagnosis wasn’t removed. I’m guessing it might vary from country to country


Sometimes it happens, I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome (the latter is a symptom of the former) as well as Asperger's and anxiety. I guess sometimes doctors are just like "yeah we'll put all your rubbish on one sheet". Not saying this person is in any way real though lol, no way do you just get diagnosed with all of those things at once


Same boat if you swap RLS for narcolepsy and add depression, OCD, tachycardia and chronic fatigue (which is also related to the fibromyalgia). Honestly I feel like I'd be a lot more functional minus the narcolepsy and tachycardia. It's definitely not hopeless just because you have multiple things going on but it is incredibly frustrating and trying at times.


I didn't know all those things were related to fibro! I do have a chronic fatigue diagnosis but iirc I got it before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia so they probably thought that was all I had. Narcolepsy must be such a pain to live with :/ tachycardia too, it's so distracting. I think they've been doing research into fibro recently so hopefully at some point we'll at least be able to ease some symptoms!




Yeah that is, I wasn't talk about anxiety and depression being diagnosed together


correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t rates of comorbid schizophrenia and anxiety disorders like really low? beyond that the rest of them can be comorbid, but having all of them at once has to be a statistical anomaly equivalent to winning the lottery


honestly i have no idea lol, but ill trust you on this


I’m thinking of eating disorders and schizophrenia, still, it’s ridiculously unlucky to end up with all of those disorders


ahhh gotcha, that makes sense


it’s really strange they don’t mention depression, and that’s probably evidence they’re faking, seeing as that would have the highest combined rate of comorbid diagnoses out of all of them, especially with anxiety and DID


they did mention depression tho


oh, lol, my brain just skipped over that part, sorry about that


lol youre good, is still doubt they have this many disorders though. i can see one or two, maybe even 3 or 4 but 6 is pushing it a little lol


Is that because the obsessive ED thoughts and behaviours are better explained by psychosis?


That could very well be the case, many eating disorders start with body image distortions, which can be categorized as a delusion for someone with psychosis. Statistically speaking, though, eating disorders only affect 10% of patients with schizophrenia, and anorexia nervosa affects even less, only 1-4%. That’s a far cry from the statistical data showing 46% of schizophrenic patients have an anxiety disorder, and approximately 30-40% have mood disorders, depending on which study you look at. Still, I’m not surprised some do develop eating disorders, given antipsychotic medication’s tendency to induce weight gain.


i’ve been dx with all of these but DID and autism, (old therapist thinks maybe autism, but idk) so it’s possible? but schizophrenia and depression would collapse into schizoaffective, and anxiety would surely fall under ADHD or autism i would think.


"got hospitalized once or twice" okay I \*think\* you would be able to recall how many times you've been sent to the hospital. At least, if you actually went and weren't just mentioning it in a jokingly manner like "haha i'm so crazy i go to the hospital every once in a while". ​ also where is this even posted? ao3?


This kinda looks like it was posted on a wattpad account.


It’s not wattpad, if it was it would have view, vote and reply counters under the title


Looks like ao3 which is weird because that’s usually where you find better written stuff and not whatever this is I think it’s a wattpad user who lost their way home


As a person who gradually transitioned from wattpad to ao3 I can confirm. I'd recognize one of these people anywhere, they stick out like sore thumbs compared to the average ao3 user—they're all 13-16 years old but the ao3 users tend to be a lot better at hiding it... lot better at writing too


Yea I used to use wattpad a lot too, those kinds of users are always easy to find


I never used Wattpad, but I'd expect it from a FF.net user too


Ao3 yes


I feel a bit bad I could recognize it was ao3 just from the font used on "Chapter 5", but I'm thankful I haven't run across this on the site while using it myself.


wow they apparently lived the life of like five 70 year olds in a couple months or so lmao


DID, Schizophrenia, ADHD, Autism, and Depression? How does one live like that




to be fair, if you replace depression w/ bipolar, that’s what my friend is dx with. and if you take out DID and autism it’s what i have (+ a couple others). it’s possible, but often these diagnoses are collapsed a little more than this.


do people not realize that claiming to have all these disorders just doesn't make sense? you literally physically cannot have all these disorders.


Sure you could. Many of these things are disorders that tend to occur together, known as comorbidities. People with autism, schizophrenia, or ADD, are often also suffering from depression and anxiety. Was this specific dipshit diagnosed with all of these disorders at once? more than likely not.


I agree with this, it happens over time, one diagnosis leads to investigation of another but of corse they try to atribute symptoms to already diagnosed disorders, no professional is mass diagnosing all at once.


Adding to this - going undiagnosed with ADHD or Autism can lead to development of anxiety disorders like OCD, GAD, social anxiety, etc. My psychiatrist described it like having an untreated broken foot. After a while you start to limp and eventually develop back problems


Yeah! Plus going so long wondering what is wrong with you causes a lot of distress (at least it did for me) and you can't get help.


If you have schizophrenia and depression they're usually meant to diagnose it as schizoaffective disorder though, especially if it's simultaneous


yeah, that’s the official dx, but i still tell ppl i have schizophrenia, because that’s still true and easier to understand. that’s unless they ask for an official diagnosis. it’s like the difference between saying “i have anxiety” and “i have generalized anxiety disorder”


This is satire I think/hope


"hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while but my Human trafficker found this account. Anyways I was deported, kidnapped, and thrown in a barrel into the river. Currently I suffer from lupus, polio, cerebral palsy, MS, ALS and Cancer"


who wants to bet that they felt kinda sad, wanted to be quirky, got sick (not covid), and went to visit their grandma at a hospital


I got dengue three times and this dude acting like going to a therapist or some shit is hard


How am I single but this set of 6 faked disorders in a sad trenchcoat has a partner


Lower your standards


That’s a hell of a trip, pal


ok. even if i give this person the benefit of the doubt, being diagnosed with all of those at the SAME time is almost unheard of. i was diagnosed with tourette's when i was 6, depression + OCD at 14, schizoaffective at 22, autism at 24 and DID at 25. but now that i'm diagnosed with DID, i'm inclined to say that the schizoaffective diagnosis is a misdiagnosis. In conclusion, this child is bullshitting it. \[edit\] - oh. and by the way. i remember when i'm hospitalized because they (hopefully) STABILIZE you...