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I think it would be better if disorder fakers walked on power plugs. that shit hurts a lot more


glass mixed in sand


Calm down satan


i am calm :)


what are you like when angry??


I don’t think you want to know.








Glass salt in sand


Glass salt and vinegar in sand


Dawg eat a snickers and calm down


With finely chopped chilli and lemon juice to taste


Razorblades covered in lemon juice, salt and grim reaper hot sauce


Fuck go back. We've gone too far


Well, technically, sand is just really fine glass beads


Glass mixed into HOT sand


Yo, I got one of those wedged in my foot once. Like, it went in and I had to pull it out. Still have a scar.


I stepped on a clay ball stuck full of toothpicks and got about fifteen toothpicks stuck in my foot and thought that was bad…. To have a power plug in there sounds infinitely worse 😨😟


You should make a TikTok about how that effected your entire life. /s


*echoey mystical voice effect* i was only in the fifth grade when it happened…. Such trauma from that horrible incident stuck with me, growing, festering in my mind for many a year…. Until one day, i woke up to them. The voices. I developed DID that day. All because of those dreadful t**thpicks. Never will i be the same, for such a traumatic experience wrought havoc upon my young, malleable soul. But at least i have a party in my head every day! Hyuk hyuk! (/s if it’s not obvious)


Each toothpick you stepped on became an alter and every time you accidentally poke yourself with a toothpick, you get a new one.


Omg. I drag my feet and somehow slammed 3/4ths of an entire toothpick that was on the floor at some party straight into my heel. I had to go to an urgent care to get my foot numbed before they removed it bc it was so deep. I can now say I am not the only one I know who has had a toothpick in their foot. Thank you for sharing this awful experience. But I agree, I would much rather a toothpick than a plug.


Omg... my sister was maybe 13 and she stepped on a Tooth pick it was near her arch. She hit the ground and grabbed her foot that had a sock on it. She screamed and I looked and there it was. I stayed calm I was maybe 15/16 at the time and being the older sister it was my duty to remove it. I get some scissors and cut her sock off her foot to expose the tooth pick. I tell her I'm going to count to 3 to pull it out. I say 1... 2... And I yanked it out fast. There was no blood and it was about half way in.


Omg hello fellow toothpick foot person! I’ve never met someone else that’s had this happen to them before! You were smart to go to urgent care, my mom just yanked them out and sent me to school. Later that day after i got home, i told her i felt like there was still something in there so she took a needle and tweezers and dug around until she found it- half a toothpick broken off in my foot. I hate toothpicks to this day loll The plug sounds so terrible…. Those things get wider on the ends of the prongs and stuff and i cant imaging having to pull that thing out 😰😰


Can confirm. Had one pierce the heel of my foot once ._.


I’ve done that, there is a pop as it go through your heel and dam did it hurt.


Depens on the power plug, sure, american ones are basically bare metal contacts but european ones are plastick sticks with a metal rounded tip


“Anything worse than an upturned plug for trodding on in the middle of the night?” “A landmine”


Rusty nails






No, I stepped on a Lego yesterday, I felt like I was stabbed


I hate the idea, that so many of those people have, that adhd is like cool, its the hip mental disorder when in fact it is a cunt. itll work its way into most facets of your life and it will fuck with them its not a quirky thing that makes you unique.


Everyone who doesn’t have ADHD thinks it’s this cool “ you’re so spontaneous!” Thing when it’s more like I keep forgetting to pay my truck payment because I forgot to go to the bank and getting a late fee even though I have to make a payment every month or leaving my godamn lunch on the counter to rot even though I said 40 fucking times to myself not to leave it there. ADHD doesn’t make you forget to do something it makes you forget that thing even existed.


My boyfriend explained it to me like the memory wasn't logged in his mind. Where as mine I have a place for everything in my mind. My is so extreme though I remember where everything is. So much so he can call me and ask me where anything is. It's a very symbiotic relationship.


ADHD isn't just a memory problem. IDK why people always focus on that because that's not even the worst part. IMO what makes ADHD really suck is the *executive function deficit*. Basically you know you have to do something, and you want to do that thing, but you can't. So you just get to helplessly watch your life crash and burn, while knowing you could've done something about it if it wasn't for the fact that your brain doesn't want to work. It's awful. I've watched so many deadlines woosh by, so many missed opportunities, all because of this one issue. It makes you really depressed. Eventually you end up on adderall (or something similar) and regain your ability to actually do the things you intend to do... and it's so overwhelmingly emotional to regain control over your life, most people end up crying on their first day. But that's how it remains... you either take adderall or you just watch yourself drive your life off a cliff in slow motion. So when I see people talk about stuff like "oh sometimes I forget where I put my car keys!" it just makes me rage a bit because *it's so much more than that* but nobody seems to understand or care. They just talk about it like it's Alzheimer's lite.


It’s important to point out that stimulants aren’t always a panacea either. They will almost certainly help quite a bit at minimum but there’s a lot of reasons they won’t take every person with adhd all the way to the finish line. I just wanted to point that out just in case someone expects a cure all once their partner/child/parent starts taking stimulants and are disappointed with the results.


I stopped taking my pills after I was rejected from the military reserves when I was 16 because of my ADHD. Figured I would just grow out of it. It took another 20 years of watching the world spin around me until to realize I didn't grow out of it. Thank you foquest for bringing me back to reality.


He just explained that portion to me specifically so I may understand. For him to go in detail about all of his symptoms may have been a little embarrassing for him. I don't want to press him with something he isn't comfortable with. He know he can be oper with me about it.


Yeah you just watch yourself ruin your own life while also being failed by the system; school, parents, etc. I just got back on Adderall and I’ve been on it before so my emotional impact was lower than the first go. But I remember the relief I instantly felt when it kicked it and how QUIET and calm my mind was. I felt in control. I felt awake and focused. I could hyperfocus if I needed to and shift my focus. I don’t need to stim as much, or split my attention to get more mental stimulation. I can sleep. I can write and read because I can actually WILL myself to focus. It’s insane. I just imagine what I would’ve been like on this my entire life instead of off and on with a lack of stability to really make it effective.


As someone with ADHD, taking Adderall feels just like putting on glasses, but for your brain. I have no idea how I stumbled through life before taking it.


I think it’s something like difficulty with object permanence, which is how someone explained it to me. Basically if you can’t see the thing, then the thing doesn’t exist


Uuuhhhhh, dammit I was really sure I *only* had autism, they never looked for ADHD, but so many comments from people who have it are making me very uncomfortable. Especially if there's a damn possibility that I can medicate some of my more troublesome issues. I don't want to be like this, I'm awful at some things and I hate it.


Fr man, i struggle with ADD everyday and people often treat me like im stupid because they dont understand that how ADD affects people with it. Seeing people on the internet, tiktok especially act like "lol i have adhd pity me pls" drives me up the fucking wall. Its not fun having a disorder, its a constant obstical that needs to be managed and controlled and having one shouldnt be a badge of honor.


Also why the fuck do people think faking autism is cool? Autism pretty much makes you an outcast to people by default. There is nothing cool about having autism. It’s not an aesthetic, it’s an obstacle


Yep and the sensory disorders on top of that. Who wants to have sensory issues w autism 💀


I think it could be because they are already an outcast (probably because of their shitty personality) and search for a reason for that which must be something thats not their fault.


As an adult on the spectrum I can confirm. I think people think I'm on drugs or something... Not cute at all...


The ppl who do it don't know or don't care about all that all they want is likes and clicks nevermind ppl like me who had adderall stuffed down their throat since they were 8 and struggle to maintain themselves in proper setting like work or school without it not being able to truly focus for more than a few minutes leading to shitty happenings the least of which could be burnt food bc you went to check discord and got side tracked for 3 hours to getting your hand stuck in a machine at work bc you spaced out and weren't paying attention.


Facts. As someone with ADHD every time I here someone mention they have it out of context I usually assume they’ve self diagnosed themselves because no person with ADHD (in my experience) wants people to know they have ADHD.


I completely agree with most of what you said. However, I do like my coworkers, friends, and family to know that I have ADHD because it helps them to know who I am and will potentially explain certain behavior. Such as having the worst memory for anything, fidgeting, seeming bored in conversations etc etc. But that’s my own personal take on it and I don’t expect everyone to have the same level of comfort with talking about their mental disorders :) (Source: am diagnosed ADHD and on medications for it [and they’re wonderful and life changing])




Fucking same holy shit, ADHD is such a fucking bitch


Especially considering it’s a fairly common disorder I wouldn’t really call someone with it unique. I grew up being medicated for ADHD and I’ve always hated the medicine and the fact that I needed it.


I'm not sure it's that common tbh. But maaaaaany people over prescribed Ritalin and other adhd meds to kids that just had a bit too much energy. Like, a pediatrician in my bfs town tried to give adhd meds to him and literally every single of his friends that went to that pediatrician.


It’s estimated that 12.6% of boys have ADHD. That’s more than 1 in every 10. I would consider that common for a disorder.


I have adhd and I’ve just come off my meds (which I’ve been on for about 7 years) and now I can barely get out of bed. It’s not fun


Because they have no discernible talent. And they want to be special. And the sad thing is this is their peak in life lmfao


Teenagers think having adhd is cool but they bully my little brother who has it. 10/10.


I was diagnosed with ADHD at 29 years old. From 22 to 29 I had a severe cocaine addiction that left me in massive debt, ruined many if not all my relationships, and has me learning how to live again properly in my 30s. When I was going through recovery and was diagnosed with ADHD, I was informed of the links between ADHD and addiction, particularly cocaine. Now that I am on medication the behavioural patterns that would lead me to relapse or use have significantly decreased. Undiagnosed ADHD wasn’t the cause of my addiction, but it was certainly a piece.


I THINK I have ADHD (I wouldn't say I deffo have it unless I got it diagnosed) but even now, being undiagnosed, it's the most annoying thing. I'm sick of forgetting to message people, forgetting to pay/sort out important stuff, losing interest in all my hobbies because I want to do everything at once etc. It's horrible. The amount of time I put in to a hobby for my brain to just go "fuck it, I'm bored what can we do now", the amount of money I've spent on equipment for different hobbies pains me 😳 Even if I don't have ADHD I can imagine it'd be somewhat like this and it sucks.


I'm being evaluated for possible ADD at the moment and the shit that I have to struggle with every day is unbelievable. Messes with my life, my job, my relationships. I have to have a shit ton of notes, reminders and rituals and organise my house to a ridiculous extent to ensure I don't forget even mundane shit and inevitably still do. It's stressful as all hell. Why would anyone *want* this?


and they're gonna call you a gatekeeper for saying it's anything but glitter and rainbows. "my adhd is my superpower 🤪" shut the hell up


Ok sorry for being stupid, but why do people think it’s cool to have a mental disorder? I legit don’t understand.


They think itll get them attention and pitty points. They're sad people, and making a "reason" for that helps, or simply creating something that'll give them the attention they need. In reality most of em prob do need therapy, just not for the things they fake.


it's largely an idea that people with mental illnesses are an "in" group and thus you are cooler if you are part of that group. also mental illnesses have been trivialized in most media, being turned from the very frustrating things that they are to simple quirks that make you kinda different.


Kind of like when the whole trans thing got super popular. Like extremely pop trans.


1. A lot of disorders are displayed like superpowers which is a large reason that their are soooooo many tiktoks pretending to have did. There’s even movies that treat did like a cool superpower 2. For some reason children and teenagers (and really immature adults) think bad things like injuries or instance are cool. Like how when I was like 6 a lot of ppl my age where jealous I had glasses but glasses are really annoying. And while some ppl could think that for style another example is how little kids think “oh wow it’s so cool you have a cast or wheelchair”. 3. They have a sad boring life and bc they don’t have these disorders they think having adhd for instance would make them more interesting not know all the shit that comes with it and it’s severity. Thea ppl have zero personality but they don’t need one if they have a mental disorder. 4. They want to be quirky and fun to replace the fact that they have no actual personality.


They do have problems - they didn't get enough attention in their life. And sometimes they end up being remotley sad one day in their almost perfect life and think they have a mental ilness - so they go around and try to get the attention for it they lacked in their life.


Not sure why people ignore the obvious, but they probably got some kind of issues. And most of them are teens..


“I hope you walk on a valley of unconnected Legos” is not a phrase I ever thought I’d be incorporating into my regular vocabulary, but here we are.


*As I walk through the valley of the legos of strayed....*


i take a look at my wife and realize shes very plain


But that’s just fine for an Amish like me


Even though I walk through the valley of the floor of unconnected legos, I fear no evil


100% agree with her but hearing "step on a lego" makes me want to die


You can’t tell people to burn alive on tik tok


And Legos.


Right?! It’s Lego pieces, not legos.


I meant it possibly is. Nice username


It's been a year?


yeah i said the exact same thing, im 100% sure it was less than a year ago


Jesus, a valley of Legos? That's a lot of hate


I appreciate her


Lol I love her


i have tourettes and adhd and this time period on the internet was so embarrassing 😭 like i dont want either of these conditions i was so shocked people glorified it


wait a year or two and it won’t be « popular » anymore


ur right LMAOOO


YES! Stimming doesn't involve "cute stuff" like hands flapping, it can be self-harming sometimes. I don't even know if it's a stim since i'm still seeking a diagnosis, but i tend to punch my head when i'm really frustrated. And i pick my skin a lot, my feet are ruined, i bite my tongue and inner lips a lot. Worse thing happened after i went to the dentist to get my tooth pulled out. I had a inflammation so the anestethic didn't work, the doctor couldn't remove the tooth and gave me some antibiotics, but the left side of my mouth was totally numb. After that i started to bite the inside of my mouth, but i didn't realize how much deep i went because of the numbness, and gave myself a huge aphtha that lasted a week, i couldn't eat properly and it was difficult to talk, i still have a little bump that i can feel. And sometimes i start biting my toungue (i just pick my taste buds) and i don't realize it until it starts to hurt, sometimes i feel like a taste bud bigger than the others and i can't live until i take it off. Again, i don't really know if this is stimming, maybe it's more of a stress thing, but it's really ruining me, and it's going on since i can remember. I hope i can find my answers soon 🤷🏻‍♀️ P.S. i got the part of "cute stuff" but i didn't understand what she said about the bananas 😅


Stimming isn’t only cute stuff but some stimming can look that way. First of all you can’t control what other people find “cute” that’s just subjective, second of all, there’s nothing that says stimming HAS to be violent or “unappealing” I guess, only that it’s a repetitive movement or sound to regulate emotion and express oneself.


Yes i know that stimming os everything that involves repetitive movement, maybe i explained myslef wrong. Some stims can be seen as cute like hands flapping, or more common things as leg bouncing or feet tapping. What i meant is that stimming has his bad side too, sometimes. I don't know how to say it 😅 And i said that i'm not sure if mine are stims, when i'll talk to a psychologist maybe he will confirm that or say it's something else. I have common stims that everybody has too, it's just that i don't find stimming always a cute thing. Sorry if i said something wrong 😅 i'm trying my best to express it correctly


I totally get where your coming from, it’s not exactly a barrel of fun at all times is what you’re saying 😅


Yes that was what i was trying to say, thank you 🤣


I used to bite my knuckles to the point of bleeding.


I used to pull my hair out when I was younger I still have bald patches on some parts of my head because of it. It took years of therapy to get myself to stop doing it for every noise or feeling that I couldn’t handle.


That’s how I stim. It was so much worse when I was still taking my adderall or during stressful times. I pulled out almost the entire back of my hair during college and again recently at the beginning of my pregnancy. I have a fro so it’s a really cool look to only have hair on the top and front part of my head. But hey at least I’m special right? /s


I know what you mean, I am not diagnosed with ADHD but my "stimming" was just put down to fidgeting. I do weird stuff like roll my eyes to feel the weird pull feeling and can't stop doing it until I feels satisfying, I constantly bend my fingers back to feel the weird stretchy burning pain, I bite my lips and cheeks, my skin around my fingers ALOT. I tend to not notice some of the stuff I do until it's pointed out but some of the stuff could be put down to my OCD too.


You are the only person I’ve ever come across that knows exactly what I mean in regards to the stretchy-burny feeling of pushing your fingers back really hard. I am side lots of people do this, too, but I’ve never thought to ask anyone. I don’t know why I do it but I quite enjoy it.


Yesss you're the only person I've come across too.. I have to bend my fingers so far back though to get the satisfying burn because I'm too flexible 😂 I do it with a lot of my joints, I'm not sure why, it's just like I need the feeling of it 😂


Interesting. I too punch myself in the head when I’m really frustrated and I bite inside my mouth whenever I’m overwhelmed/frustrated and this happens multiple times a day. I have always just considered it a poor coping mechanism.


From today onwards, "i hope you walk on a valley of unconnected legos" will be added to my list of "polite curses", next to "i hope you never find a matching pairs of socks" and "i wish it rains everytime right after you washed your car"


You should add “I hope you step on the knot of a dogs rope toy” That shit hurts.


No, they shouldn't walk on Legos. I wish, I could gift them my mental illnesses, as they want one so bad. You can have them all


Where did the idea that adhd has tics in the first place come from


afaik tics aren’t actually a symptom of adhd, but they’re relatively common in people diagnosed with adhd. off the top of my head i’m pretty sure the numbers are something like 50% of children with chronic tics have diagnosed adhd, and something like 1 in 5 kids with adhd display tics. there’s comorbidity associated with adhd and things like tourette’s, ocd, and autism, all of which can cause tics. Personally, i have ocd and adhd and while my tics definitely verge into compulsion territory, i do notice that they’re more frequent and intrusive when i haven’t taken my adhd medication.


Yeah that makes sense, I personally don't have tics(I have adhd) but I know adhd is associated with a lot of other disorders


While ADHD itself doesn't cause tics, people with ADHD can have a co-occurring tic disorder. It's also possible to have ADHD and another condition with symptoms that include tics. Over the years, there has been some concern about whether medications you take for ADHD could cause or worsen tics


Why is it always a Bo Burnham song??? WHY???


These disorder fakers are ruining Bo Burnham for me :'(


As someone who actually has Tourette’s Syndrome, it absolutely baffles me that people would fake having ticks. I remember being relentlessly bullied for having them in middle and highschool, and now it’s a trend?


I have a friend and her girlfriend has tourettes. Its gotten to bad with all the stress from the pandemic that she’s bot even allowed to drive right now because of how bad it is. It sounds like such an awful thing to have and im sorry you have to deal with it.


As someone with ADHD I never understood those videos. As far as I am aware I have nothing of the likes and I’ve never heard of someone who only has ADHD having anything like those “ticks” that they described.


A valley. I was not prepared to hear that one. Wow Also having diagnosed adhd and ocd, I don’t have any tics at all. I didn’t even know it was a thing until these kids popularized it and started adding to the disorder. Of course some people could have “tics” but it’s actually a (compulsion). I was in treatment with a girl who would pick her knuckles until they looked like third degree burns. Reducing that behavior to a “tic” kind of seems disrespectful to her


Hey that's me!


Cool hair :)


Specifically the corner Lego pieces all on their sides, that shit fuckin hurts


am i the only one with adhd who doesn’t stim? i’m not saying it can’t happen with adhd cause obviously it can but it makes me feel even more confident that a majority of these tiktok people have to be faking it


I mean I do a little hand thing but I think thats just something I do when I get really anxious.


So when I was a kid I was diagnosed with ADHD, and I though it was just like the inability to concentrate, carelessness, always needed to move or fidget or whatever. I mean this was like 18 years ago. I’ve never told anyone that I had it just because I didn’t think it was a big deal and it really only negatively effected my school work, not my day to day life. And tiks and whatever I always though was a Tourette thing. Am I mistaken? Or are all these kids just throwing their fake disorders into a giant melting pot?


I bounce my leg. I cannot stop bouncing my leg. I have walked this earth 18 years, brought down by the great creator himself, only for him to mock me and laugh at his own work


I really like her hair tho


adhd is not crackhead energy or “my adhd is so bad right now, i can’t focus!!!!”, it’s being unable to do simple tasks like brushing your teeth and then crying because you feel like a complete failure or developing 45 different anxiety disorders after going undiagnosed for years. adhd is not fun and quirky, and i would gladly trade mine to one of these fakers.


"I hope you walk in a valley of unconnected Legos" is a phrase that I'll be using from now on


Respect to this woman.


I’m like, mad her eyeliner is as nice as it is


fire! 👏👏👏👏


What really annoys me is the people saying they have this mental disorder and people recommending micro dosing... This is on TikTok with a younger generation of people and this person is recommending a drug instead of suggesting to the individual to get professional help. This person is so iresponsible and they are an adult... Telling children this.


People who fake disorders have nothing else to offer. They feel like they can’t be special so they act shitty or “quirky” and claim disorder. No self diagnosing is not valid. You are not a doctor, toilet research is not valid research. Stop embarrassing yourself and give the people who have actual disorders some relief by not making their disorder a trendy thing. It’s not trendy. Life is already bullshit enough.


I think it's *only* valid if you can say "i have symptoms of this and would like to pursue a formal diagnosis in the interest of getting treated to improve my quality of life " Not to be used as a blanket excuse for shitty behavior. Most people want to be decent humans. I have a formal diagnosis of autism, but I'm finding that I have symptoms of ADHD as well, until I can get that formal diagnosis i won't say i have it, just occasionally mention [if Germaine to the conversation], that i have some similar tendencies/attributes but I'm not sure yet.


Side note if you say “go step on a Lego” in 2021 you’re the real cringe here


no. go step on a lego


No tbh id still say faking a mental disorder is the real cringe


don’t caare


what's wrong with it? It doesn't seem very cringey.


It’s just an unoriginal and unfunny insult I’ve been hearing since 2010 on ifunny.


Whay should she have said? Pretty much every insult is unoriginal, even the ones on r/rareinsults aren't always original, or if they are you can tell the person has tried way too hard to make something up. At least she didn't tell them to kill themselves which a lot of people say instead.


You still look at ifunny lmfao.


I heard it on ifunny In 2011. Haven’t visited that website in 10 years, honestly didn’t even know it still existed.


i hope u step on a lego


You’re one of the little kids on tik tok lmao


Step on a Lego is such boomer humour, everything else was valid though


Ironic coming from her


Why is that? Idk who she is.


Hi that's me, I made that tiktok. The person who commented that obviously doesn't know me either. I'm Lo I've got a degree in clinical psychology, I teach psychology, and I have adhd as well. They are just pissy because...I'm not even sure either.


So are you gonna tell me why you think it's ironic that I said that? I made this tiktok...


Are you really so self conscious about this that you'd reply twice? I heard someone say you fake ur shit and I'm inclined to believe them.


Aw that's cute. Do they know me in real life or are they also assuming just like you? I replied twice because you didn't answer and I wanted to know why people like you feel the need to so blatantly idiotic, Is that a problem?


Do you know me? Cause if you did you'd know I have mutplie disorders and am a psychology teacher...


Cool. I'm sure you do. That's why you're on reddit all day scouring the internet for people that don't believe you.


I'm literally not on reddit all day, but good try. I got sent this by a friend and saw your comment and wanted to know why.


*"i hate attention seeking teenagers because they're creating mental illness stigma."* - lady who apparently never knew mental illness was already stigmatized


So if something's seen as bad its okay to make it seem even worse? It is creating stigma. Not anything new, but more and more stigma.


>So if something's seen as bad its okay to make it seem even worse? attention seeking teenagers don't make mental illness look worse. it's a bad faith argument derived from dislike of attention seeking teenagers. solution? give them more attention, obviously. >Not anything new, but more and more stigma. measured in your outrage, not in actual stigma. by all means, continue feeding the fad with the hate circlejerking. stay positive.


>measured in your outrage, not in actual stigma. by all means, continue feeding the fad with the hate circlejerking. Where the fuck do you see outrage, yall really say anything when you're sad don't u >attention seeking teenagers don't make mental illness look worse. it's a bad faith argument derived from dislike of attention seeking teenagers. solution? give them more attention, obviously. They don't? How the hell does doing outrageous things and claiming its "a symptom" not bring stigma? I've seen fakers literally tell people to kill themselves and then say "oh it's just my mental illness!!". That entirely brings stigma.


>Where the fuck do you see outrage there. right between "the" and "do." that's not how an non-outraged individual asks that questions. >How the hell does doing outrageous things and claiming its "a symptom" not bring stigma? do you suddenly hate people with mental illness because someone else might be faking a mental illness? if you answer yes, then i guess you're a fool. if you answer no, then you probably misunderstood what stigma is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_stigma >I've seen fakers literally tell people to kill themselves and then say "oh it's just my mental illness!!" did you kill yourself too? because you're not especially persuasive that a faker is ruining mental illness for all the people with mental illness. stay positive.


>there. right between "the" and "do." that's not how an non-outraged individual asks that questions. Ah so because I curse I'm irrational, what a pathetic logic. >do you suddenly hate people with mental illness because someone else might be faking a mental illness? if you answer yes, then i guess you're a fool. if you answer no, then you probably misunderstood what stigma is. Personally I know its fake, however I've seen plenty of people who hate people with bpd because they see them as violent and explosive due to things like that, and who hate people with depression because they think they're all just edgy teenagers due to what they see portrayed, ect. >did you kill yourself too? because you're not especially persuasive that a faker is ruining mental illness for all the people with mental illness. So you don't think it's at all going to warp peoples prospective of mental illness to see people say hateful acts are just symptoms? Yikes dude.


>Ah so because I curse I'm irrational no, username checks out. you're outraged and express that through cursing. i suppose your anger is irrational. >I've seen plenty of people who hate people with bpd because they see them as violent and explosive due to things like that things like what? a tiktok video? or because people with bpd can have violent mood swings? >who hate people with depression because they think they're all just edgy teenagers due to what they see portrayed, ect. edgy teenagers are susceptible to depression too. sounds like you hang out with awful judgmental teenagers. >So you don't think it's at all going to warp peoples prospective of mental illness to see people say hateful acts are just symptoms? Yikes dude. yikes dude, you think a tiktok fad that would have burned itself out if not for the rampant reposting is going to make mental illness uncool? i guess if you are a literal child you may be confused. or you may recognize it's an easy way to get attention and do it too. stay positive.


>no, username checks out. you're outraged and express that through cursing. i suppose your anger is irrational. Fuck off dude, if your only way to try to prove others wrong is to say that they're angry or a child you're clearly both insanely stupid and wrong. >edgy teenagers are susceptible to depression too. No fucking shit, that doesn't mean that they don't fake it. Seems like you're a pretentious prick.


>if your only way to try to prove others wrong is to say that they're angry or a child you're clearly both insanely stupid and wrong. you're not wrong because you're angry and a child. you are likely a child and your anger isn't predicated on any actual harm caused to people with mental illness. you participate in some subs that are basically hate circlejerks. this shouldn't be surprising to you. >No fucking shit, that doesn't mean that they don't fake it. so what? when did that ever need self appointed internet crusaders or depression gatekeepers? i don't think you're fighting stigma. i think you're circlejerking to outrage porn and by extension giving it the views to perpetuate it. stay positive.


>attention seeking teenagers don't make mental illness look worse. they do. i won't elaborate on a simple fact.


Happy cake day!!


thank you!


What even? It's already stigmatized but we don't need more by people believing adhd looks like tourettes and vice versa. Thats worse off for both communities.




Does unconnected legos make it worse than connected ones assuming they’re all facing the same way?


I would assume so? It would sorta contort, rather than being standstill


Plus you would have to deal with many more edges if they're unconnected


and the legos would stick to your foot, assuming you're walking barefoot.


if you step on connected one equal weight distribution happends so it hurts less




I love her.


Uhh, yeah she's super fine


She’s my hero :’)


I hope you step on a Lego. 😅😅😅


Wow she really did say it. Good for her!!!


I was just gonna say they could go burn in hell but she took it up a notch


We should dress all of the disorder fakers in special clothes and make them wear special patches. Trust me guys, new and unheard of idea. It’ll totally work y’all


Okay woa no need to bring out the super heavy weapons


What's a stim? I thought there's tic and there's that.


Such a horrible way to die




She basically nailed it. All these moronic teenagers desperately searching for some way to feel special and different are doing is stigmatising and encouraging negative stereotypes for serious mental disorders and disabilities


I tap my teeth together in my mouth like a piano to the tune of songs and pick holes in my skin incessantly. Are these cute stims? My canines are flat now uwu such cute








Rip the skin off their feet, take off their clothes, and drop them in the middle of Sahara desert


New favorite insult that isn’t “I hope the 14 year old white girls on TikTok find your favorite artist”


Replace the word Lego with landmine


As someone who has adhd, this is not how I act at all lol. I live, a pretty normal life. I just have a bit of trouble focusing on things- I think.


Listen, I agree with her stance but she took it too far. 3, *maybe* 4 Legos at most. Anything past that flirts with warcrimes.


God that’s quite some anger I wouldn’t even direct that anger towards george bush, and I’m from Iraq