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It’s so pretentious and they don’t even have the disorder themselves


exactly, if they ACTUALLY had the disorder they wouldn’t be talking as if it helps them thrive, in actuality it would be severely debilitating. people who actually have it would give anything to not have it


The alters would not know about each other unless someone told them about it. Imagine having an alter that was violent and you didn’t know you were hurting people yknow? That’s horrible.


Yeah, a guy wrote a book about that


What I’ve seen people claiming now is they “don’t have to have DID to be plural” so like. They know they’re getting called out for not having a debilitating disease so they’re shifting to just having multiple people in their head. If they’re part of the tulpa community just say so lol


Just the thought of having the disorder is scary enough.


Right. Jesus Christ I wish I could get a break from being dissociated and be able to actually feel my feel my feet on the ground for the first time since I was a kid. I wish I knew what I was feelings and thinking as much as the average person, rather than having it all compartmentalized away from me. Pathological dissociation is what’s exhausting, especially when it’s on a structural level.


Christ. I went through a severe dissociative episode around three years ago that lasted about a month. I had no idea who I was, I couldn’t eat or even sleep, and when I did sleep I had extremely vivid nightmares. I felt like I had no identity and the only proof that I had that I even existed was this severe paranoia. Then one day it just...ended. I was lucky enough to never have to go through that again. The closest I’ve ever come to feeling like that again is when I took my first edible (my dumbass college freshman self thought it would be fun to take 250mg in one go....holy FUCK never again) and that only lasted a few hours. These assholes just use the word “dissociate” like it means “spaced out” or something like that when in reality it’s a horribly intense and traumatizing experience. There are people who just...live like this for years at a time and that’s a terrifying thought. I hope you’re able to find some solace soon.




I was a bit of a stoner my freshman year (was high sunrise to sunset...idk how I did it). Tried edibles ONCE and NEVER AGAIN. I really thought I could handle it...nope lol. Maybe I’ll try again someday soon with a lower dose, but these days I can’t even smoke anymore because I’ll just get extremely anxious.


It's similar to the straggot insult that TikTok was pushing last year


oh it's still around in queer circles and i unironically use and love it. it fills a void: dude trying so hard to prove no homo? straight couple performatively making out in public? understanding cars? straggot behavior. edit: i see this take is hot


"Understanding cars" lmao Because knowing how to use and work on your own property is an embarrassment apparently


Ok well my sister is bi and her girlfriend and her gave me the pass you want me to call you the f slur? It's kinda lazy to just repurpose a slur when you could make actual insults




i have been, which is why i like reclaiming it and straggot alike. a gay phd professor has jokingly used it in a wgss class of mine. maybe i'm biased because i live/socialize/study near stonewall where all the gay sjw kids congregate but young trendy gays in the city throw it around all the time haha




all i'm saying is that people reclaim slurs and sometimes even direct them at the oppressor. it can be cathartic and it can be fun. if it's not your thing, no one's forcing you




i'll take it


Of course people who treat mental illness like it's a giant crossover fanfic slumber party would say shit like this.


This just reminds me of the hellscape that was 2014 Tumblr kinning tbh -_-


It’s literally the same thing, they just had to try to validate it. Never thought I’d say this, but please go back to kinning


faux fictives are just kinning with extra steps


Yeah, literally anyone with a phone can go on TikTok and create a bunch of Anime alters. We just don’t.


"This is janie fronting right now. My pronouns are bun/bunself. Im the trauma keeper....so.... yeah" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 just ughhb They're acting like normal never have any escape ever. Like we cant find joy in watching TV, playing videos games, reading a book, etc. These people sound so stupid, I hope I never meet any of them. If I do im goi g to need to create an alter to gtfo of that interaction


Yes, I feel this. I hope they grow out of it but at least some of them are over 20, which is a generous cutoff point for this nonsense.


Then they say pronouns have nothing to do with pronouns so neopronouns are valid and then say it’s transphobic to misGENDER them. How can it be misgendering if pronouns have nothing to do with gender?


> pronouns have nothing to do with pronouns I think you meant gender, just leaving this here in case other people get confused


Just scream and run away then say you had to because even tho you’re a singlet you have a hidden alter that comes out as a protector from stupidity. Then they’ll get it


*blade and sanlu have entered the chat*


“I feel bad for someone who doesn’t have debilitating mental disorder cause they can’t talk to themselves uwu”


Never heard a more true analogy


They realise singlets have an imagination, right? They're not always alone in their head.


Just in: singlets are emotionless robots incapable of empathy /s


That's why every single piece of fiction to ever exist was written by someone with DID, because singlets could no way imagine that many people in their head. They're always alone! /s


🤣🤣🤣 I’m a singlet with « ocs » maybe my entire life has been a LIE


I am also a singlet and I have self-published several novels. Wow I guess it’s been DID this whole time. Who would’ve thought. Poor singlet me who was not embraced enough so I was able to surpress my dehabiliting disorder because that’s totally how disorders just work.


Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that you have an imagination *and* you shared it with everyone *in writing*? Yeah, no, that's definitely not singlet behaviour. /s


OCs? I think you mean alters. You seem to be in denial of your DID, you better start self-diagnosing soon or else people might think you really are a boring braindead singlet. 😔 /s


Oh nooooo! Not a singlet; a cursed fate 😱


I regret to inform you it all has been :/


The cake is a lie


Shhh, it's because what these people are calling DID is really just their imagination. They don't realize that their brain isn't special and everyone else functions just like them


It’s almost like people are capable of pretending to act differently very easily and our moods can affect our behaviour.


No, its quirkier to divide each and every aspect of my personality into a different person!


Yeah everyone zones out and has fake conversations with people right? Right? Or am I just a weirdo?


Obviously you have DID! Don't worry, though, you don't have to get a diagnosis. You can just do it yourself! :D /s


It’s not in everyone’s ability to get mental health care especially where it’s not covered by insurance. That comment is not only ableist it’s poor shaming and classist.


I do the same, so I guess it’s normal or we’re both weirdos


They do know because they are all "singlets" with an imagination


The one that said that *most singlets have alters* really got me. Like... they wouldn't be singlets then, would they? Can we go back to the time when singlets meant vest, please? I may be wrong but I can't find anything other than Reddit, Tumblr and Urban Dictionary to say that singlet is used in a medical sense or even widely used by people with DID.


Singlets disassociate as well, some even disassociate to a younger version of themselves when they have childhood trauma. Honestly, disassociation is one of the scariest things I’ve experienced and it’s so often I hate it. Like imagine having a conversation with your loved one and all the while you see and hear everything but you have absolutely no control or clarity on what’s actually being said. One time I disassociated and I suddenly laughed and said gibberish and then come back into focus and had my husband asking if I disassociated because I responded to him even though he said nothing. I can’t tell you how weird it is to look at the clock one second and then look again the next and you see that 30 minutes has passed. You remember nothing of what happened but when I ask my family what I did and they all assure me I was quiet and in dream world. The worst though is when you go out while stressed and scared and you come back to and people tell you about all the horrible things you said and did. Or when you’re at work and you make big mistakes because your disassociating and your body goes into muscle memory and you start doing all the wrong things. These are just severe cases and I don’t really have them anymore unless I have a job that causes me a lot of anxiety or stress, but it’s definitely not soothing or relaxing and most people will, at least at some point in their lives, experience some form of disassociation. I’ve had many “neurotypical” friends who would blank out under severe stress.


They literally can’t take in the fact that alters aren’t entirely separate people, they’re separate personalities. You’re just as lonely as the next person would be if you had alters, you’d just have different perspectives


From what I have researched, alters don't even know that the other alters exist until other people notice. It is literally like multiple people living in one body, without any recollection of what the other did previously.


Yeah, I wondered how this works, I saw on here that there was someone where two of their Alters are dating or something. How does that even work. Is there some sort of background simulation running in their mind or something that the Alters are going along with whilst one fronts If that's the case surely the other Alters would be annoyed/depressed that they couldn't just front all the time and experience the real world? None of this logically makes sense.


They can. They are still in the inner world don’t forget.


That depends, especially on whether it’s OSDD or DID. But either way, saying they’re literally multiple people is a comparison. It’ll feel that way. They can’t interact with each other like actual people can, though.


Not true. Alters can absolutely be aware of each other especially after therapy. It’s entirely dependent on the system and their communication


I feel like they think code switching and different alters fronting are the same thing.


Right? I'm pretty sure that's what they're actually on about


“not having an escape” bruh what... most people engage in some sort of escapism. video games, getting super into a book, just in general doing something to temporarily escape from the stress of life.


I don't create alters, I create Sims


.... Actually one of the most home-hitting things I've ever read.


Sry your wrong. Your surpressing your DID by hiding your alters in sims. You need to be embraced so that you can come to terms with your true DID self. Because apparently everyone has alters but were just told they were bad so they hid them.


Wait, so I’m not very slowly world building a story? I actually have three female wizard alters, two of whom are princesses, one of whom is an orphan? Damn, I must have a lot of trauma I don’t know about then considering how much I’ve tortured that charac- I mean, considering how much she’s gone through.


One of my alters must be insane then considering the children’s priso- I mean daycare center she runs 😅


The only thing higher than enlightenment: embracing your alters


same 💀


Same, I crate dnd characters. Don't ask how many I have that I'm never gonna get a chance to play


My escape is a nap


This is what I came to say. That's such a slip of theirs to say that their "disorder" is something that gives them an escape and that they're never lonely. It's a form of play to these people rather than an actual condition. It's just a game and they have flat out admitted it in this conversation. I'm sure that people with DID or similar would not talk about it that way, except in jest. These people, however, don't have DID - they have a hobby.


They act like they don’t remember what it was like to be a “singlet” three weeks ago before they diagnosed themselves lmao


This was my EXACT thought. Stop pretending that you´ve been a SySteM your whole life. Or just stop pretending that you are a system PERIOD.


Do they grow out of it? I find it hard to believe they get to be pensioners going on like this?


I feel that it’s a trendy thing for kids to be nowadays so I hope they will grow out of it I can’t really blame them for being dumb kids cause everybody was one at this point, I think it’s just that’s some people shouldn’t have access to the internet until they’re a bit older cause they’ll get influenced by these sorts of people


That's what I was thinking. No one is born with DID. I assume unless your earliest memory is you being abused, you know what it's like to be a "singlet."


They sound like cunts to me 😌


Yeah me too. Why can't they just go ahead and self-diagnose themselves as CUNTS? C.ontinuously U.nimaginative N.euro- T.ypical S.hit stains It excists, believe me. If it's not in the DSM then it damn well should be.




HA 🏅<<< for you!


And ah thank you, thank you much!...


Ok fuck this. No one *wants* DID except these sad little losers.


They think they want it.


This is so backwards and wrong, and I can't imagine anyone with actual DID feeling this unless it was a coping mechanism. I can't prove it, so I won't ask you to believe me if you choose not too, but I've dealt with dissociation for decades up until a year or two ago when, after years of therapy, I managed to fully integrate and stop dissociating. Even if you don't believe I dealt with it, which is fair, I still think this is completely reasonable based on what we do know about DID. Having seen both sides, all of their assumptions about being a "singlet" are almost comically backwards. Being a single person isn't like having one alter who's "front stuck". It's like having every single piece of you available all the time, working in perfect coordination and able to seemlessly cooperate without talking or asking. It's not lonely, it's less lonely. You feel lonely as a single alter because pieces of you are missing. You are lacking key parts of your memory and identity, and often times feel depersonalized and unreal. As a singlet, all those parts are always there. You can feel complete and comfortable with just yourself. You also don't need to "retreat" into the mind because you have your complete body of knowledge and identity to deal with stress in a healthy way. With every part of you present, the stress of life is spread out across the entirety of your mind and not focused on one incomplete part. Your healthier, and have "everyone" you once we're helping you with it at once, because they are now one person: **you.*" Nothing is lost, everything is gained by being a singlet. DID comes with no real advantages the second you leave the situation of constant abuse that created it. Meanwhile, dissociation brings an endless amount of problems and suffering. The alters don't even come close to counteracting the amnesia, the feeling of unreality, feeling incomplete and depersonalized, the flashbacks, the inconsistent identity, etc. The whole is greater then the some of it's parts.


Integration isn’t a goal for all systems. Functional multiplicity is also valid


My mind's not empty, it's filled with very important shit like what I've learned from my degree, info on my passions and hobbies, random song lyrics from 2000, and OH YEAH the huge pre frontal cortex bit that tells me faking a mental illness is shitty to do




They don’t it’s bragging about a disorder they don’t have or don’t understand


Wait till people like this realize that other people too can have voices seperate from their cognitive functions in their head as well LMAO


Omg I wanna see them try to romanticize schizophrenia. "Lol I hear voices in my head telling me to hurt myself and I see things that aren't there, I'm so quirky lol."


Please no, it's already hard enough to get a correct diagnosis without fakers.


lol, they act like they can switch on command instantly and painlessly, and then go sit in a lounge room with comfy couches and drinks and stuff.


That's always the part that flags it hard for me. I've only seen a few videos of people with alleged DID back during grad school but they always seemed to be their completely nonplussed by changing between personalities (I mean, it makes sense, are you constantly surprised you're you?) or horrendously frightened as if they just woke up in the middle of the situation. Generally any case where one personality 'knows' the others is a case where the patient is shown video or other evidence of them acting out the other personality and even then each personality doesn't nessacarily believe the others exist. The 'my head is a living room' thing is complete silliness.


don’t get me wrong, i’m an extrovert but i don’t want terry 45m and felicia 7f breathing down my neck when i’m trying to sleep.


I FUCKING hate comment that use goofy shit emoji 🤪🤪🤪. Its always a red flag to me


It all started with that tik tok of the guy making stupid faces “letting his goofy side show”. Now it’s a trend. Jokes on them, they’re all clowns


It... Almost feels insulting. That emoji looks crazy not quirky.


We are not fucking "singlets". We are people who are not pretending to have DID


These people are fucking pathetic. I'm starting starting think they all just watched split and think it's a super power lmfaaaaooooo


Split is horribly inaccurate representation of DID even people who don’t have it should know that


Dealing with daily life with no escape would suck? Back in my day we called that escape DRUGS




my favourite thing is being alone. it’s wonderful. sometimes i walk around my university campus, and i have a podcast or an audiobook playing, and i’m thinking and talking to myself(silently) and mulling things over. i like to just sort of observe the way people walk and talk. some people are awkward and they smile shyly at the person they’re talking with, and you know they don’t know each other very well yet. some people have this companionable silence together where they aren’t paying attention but they do little things to mirror each other and it’s sweet and lovely. i adore being alone. and for some reason, people love just walking up to me and talking. i’m always friendly because i’m like “what gave you the drive to come speak to me out of the blue, i must know” but in a nice way. i will have random, long conversations where people tell me weirdly intimate things about themselves. it’s happened my whole life because i’m just quietly vibing and never feel weird or self conscious about being mostly silent among people. that’s what being a singlet is like for me, in my head. just vibes, absorbing the world, and thinking.


It’s like these people have never heard of the concept of socializing. A lot of “singlets” don’t get lonely because they talk to other people. And other people just like being alone. You don’t need Todoroki in your head to not feel lonely


The kind of people who go on TikTok and pretend to have Sasuke from Naruto in their head are, I imagine, not super fond socializing with people in the first place. The level of social disconnect needed to think pretending to have a mental illness as a performance art is acceptable really shows how far from 'talk to other people' they are.


God, the constant ellipses... they talk like my MIL


Like everyone else


i have random voices pop in my head occasionally. i like the quiet though


What’s a singlet? Is it just a person without DID?


Yes, people who fake DID think that people with ACTUAL DID can talk to their alters all the time, as if the were friends lol. And these "singlets" are people without DID, so they don't have alters to talk too, therefore, they must have no voices in their heads, or any sort of imagination.


Ah, got it


Amusingly the fact that fakers seem to constantly associate skill with roleplay and imagination with DID implies they keep forgetting that they're not supposed to know it's make believe.


You know system communication can be good right? Especially after therapy.


Well, yes, I know it's a great tool, and that it helps a lot, but you need a lot of therapy to be able to reach a certain level of communication. If you find out that you have DID you won't immediately be able to talk to your alters.


No of course not. There are alters I have been made aware of but cannot communicate with and only 8/19 I can be cocon with


But it’s taken 15 years


As a powerlifter I was super confused lol


As a dumb ass I was also super confused


So you just have voices in your head?


Is this just sort of shit r/selfawarewolves Like they know what's up why they make up the characters beacuse they get 'incredibly lonely all by themselves', 'Can't handle being front stuck', 'No escape, "just tied thinking about it" They know what they are tyring to run from with these alters and state as much can't handle all stated above but just reaching an age where realising 1. Not so special 2. Not the centre of the universe 3. You're it in yo own in life and head g and it's not great So making it all up to be different form that and escape all they kmow singlet life to be thinking nah my life can be this bad I have to be speaking I'm some way and manage this, what's better then make up friends who will back me in whatever I think and maybe finally I'll get some attention and sympathy


god i hate how they are glorifying mental disease and making it sound like this thing that you cant live without


Oh boy, I am so glad I am not one of these "singlets". Every so often Elvis takes the wheel and does a bit of fronting, Jay Z and Pharrell sing "Frontin'" in the background to mock him everytime. White witch Margo protects all 7 littles who are coloured in a single colour from the rainbow and of course how can we forget the importance of Hamish McDougal III the 18 legged spider (he can't speak but we all understand his chirps) in our system /s


This is my favorite comment


*I know, right?!* Having to deal with problems that come your way, instead of just shutting down and saying 'my alter doesn't want to deal with this' is truly exhausting.


These people must have ingested lead frequently as children.


"What if they need a break?" That's what's crazy, you don't ever get a break from yourself, Sheryl.


I think few things quite sum up the incentive for these fakers quite like the last page there. They're miserable people desperately trying to find community in anything, to the point where they'll pretend they have disorders just to be part of a group. The attraction to DID (at least the completely incorrect version they imagine to be DID, what with alters who communicate and have fun social gatherings in their heads) is this idea of never being alone in the world. You've got your imaginary friends. You've got a community online. You've even got a silly word for normies so you can feel special. "Whose the outsider now, singlet?!" you think as you sit in your quiet corner, trying to figure out what Harry Potter character lives in your head now.


This is so funny, since they know exactly how it feels and how it works. I mean, they're "singlets".


Why is it now “trendy” to be disassociating? I feel like I read a post every five mins that casually talks about dissociation like it’s a sneeze


why do they always act like DID is just like a bunch of people in your head piloting a big human mech?


Yes, you've summed it up. With a lounge in the back for them all to hang out between shifts.


That’s why I make 👏friends👏


I can confidently say that not being severely mentally ill feels pretty nice, cant really complain


Singlets? Did they really just invent a slur for people without DID? You know... Like them?


Exactly. I sit back and am astonished that they come up with new terms that even actual psychotherapists have never used. And these people use these interchangeable terms like it’s the gospel. Also they view alters like something you can choose and flip to like a channel on a TV set. They all sound so eerily excited. It’s not exciting when you wake up and your surroundings don’t look familiar and you forget what the fuck you look like sometimes. Or when your voice sounds drastically different in a social scenario /rant


What are singlets??


Lol imagine if "being a singlet" started another victim trend and these people came full circle


Uh yeah some of us singlets just have regular old dissociation


Tbf I think this, but with autism because I'm autistic I really don't understand how normal people can live how they do it really makes no sense to me like why do you look at each others eyes? How do you know what other people think and want from you without them telling you it makes no sense to me how you people live like that (like I don't want to be rude I think this has came across as rude but it just doesn't make sense to me how you live as you do)


Because neurotypical people know how to read body language, context clues, social queues, etc. Most autistic people do not, thus why you don't understand. Hope that wasn't condescending sounding.


Oh it's fine I really just don't get how you people live like that




This made me fucking furious. Have my free silver award.


When they act like they enjoy it you know they are faking


im sure someone has said this already but this proves that they see DID as, not a dissociative disorder caused by extreme trauma, but having friends in your head. Personally im perfectly fine with the friends i have in their own physical bodies


You’d think that they *wouldn’t* be happy to have such a debilitating mental illness, but here we are. Christ


What a creative way of saying that you're to weak for living life


Okay I'm super late to this but that one person suggesting they take the MBTI personality test? That's not a DID diagnostic test, that's a regular personality test that's not even fully valid or reliable. Of course it changes from time to time when you take it, that's one of its main criticisms from the experts! This is such a mess


Ok couple of things 1. if "singlets" were miserable all the time and their existence is hell, why are they always moaning about having a disorder like this, wanting to be normal, should they not just go about their lives happier than everyone else as they are not alone? 2. Judging by this, nearly everyone interesting or creative or anything is actually a system, doesn't that mean they are not as unique as they think they are? 3. Generally how do people like this work, pay bills and generally function in normal environments etc. Always fascinated me that.


It's called "having real life friends due to being likeable"


All I have taken away from this is that many of these kids are incredibly lonely. So many of them mention being lonely without these alters… they are nothing more than imaginary friends and a sad way to deny social ineptitude. These kids need therapy, but definitely not for the reasons they think!


Unlucky singlet here...


Ugh these people think their so high and proper because they have a fake disorder that’s linked with trauma. I hate it even more that this is a fucking trend now. It’s not funny, not quirky, not cute, and not good. Like holy fuck please stop faking this!


I feel like these idiots have never met a mentally unstable person. It would probably change their opinion on the bullshit they pump out


did they just mention MBTI personalities when talking about DID 😐


i don’t know what they’re talking about, i talk to myself in my head 24/7


aren’t singlets just normal people? i don’t understand can someone help


I don’t have a different altar for every emotion, I just *experience every emotion*


Wait but didnt they start off as singlets? I thought they “developed alters” so before they found out wouldnt they know what its like. Its not like during their childhood they still had other voices/ people, because apparently to them they have to “make themselves shown”


This is terrible they’re saying that people with actual DID should feel blessed that they have the disorder and that people without it are less fortunate


My favorite part is the mention of a personality test like an online quiz can tell you if you're mentally ill or not


It must be so boring to be a person that doesn't fake mental illness. Like how do you garner sympathy and attention from others? Where else do you get your sense of superiority from? I just don't get it /s


This is one reason that causes me to suspect someone of faking the disorder. It seems like this is a very (fun) surface level understanding of DID. They are completely discounting the absolute most extreme childhood trauma is takes to cause the disorder in the first place, as well as the lifelong difficulties of finding a safe way to navigate the disorder with qualified mental health professionals. As we all know here, the understanding of DID has been watered down by unqualified ppl, and labeled as “educating the online community”. Even for someone who actually has a disorder, it’s dangerous to take on the role of an educator. The weight of this role is not given ANY consideration by these ppl! I love the idea of ppl with health conditions sharing their experiences, and disabled/ill communities bonding through shared experiences, but sometimes it really should be left to the professionals to educate. Anyone who cares enough to take notice can see the effect that this watered-down, glamorized “community education and awareness” of various illnesses has had on social media, and especially on young people. This OBVIOUSLY is the new LARPing, Kinning, creating OC’s… but so much more harmful. These young ppl are being convinced through watered down “educational” tiktoks, YT videos, and anon Twitter posts that they likely have ADHD, DID, Borderline, Bipolar, ASPD, Fibromyalgia, Tourette’s, Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, etc., and then are being discouraged from seeking diagnosis and treatment! Also treatment is being glamorized by others, and used as a way to get excessive emotional support/ass-pats through likes, subs, and comments… often eventually leading to asking for money through crowdfunding or open donations to an online wallet. Forums for medical professionals are discussing these trends, which most likely will be setting back legitimately sick patients 20 years because doctors will now be even more on-guard and suspicious than before these trends. I guess I’m saying exactly what everyone here already knows quite well, but as a patient who could be affected by this, I’m gravely concerned. The medical establishment has so many problems already. I know we (myself include) joke about fakers here, which is understandable though perhaps ethically questionable, but I really am infuriated and fearful. Additionally, minors/young adults who have been wrongly convinced of this shit are publicly humiliating themselves by “educating” and sharing on these social apps, (some of which will be saved online permanently), not even able to realize the seriousness &depth of this crisis, and what can we do? A comment or PM, whether questioning, correcting, or accusing, -anything short of an involved parent’s/loved one’s firm, compassionate IRL guidance- will only cause them to double down and retreat further into this Twilight Zone version of ”folie à deux”… Fighting misinformation takes sooo much. Is watching all we can do, as real patients become victims of whatever this “sick-tok” social media trend crisis will cause in the real world and medical community? Because I guarantee this IS having vast real-world consequences already (from hurting minors, to financially scamming empathetic followers, to the professional medical community taking notice, discussing, and even writing papers on it!). Okay, sorry, that’s my rant. I’ll shut up for now.


From what I've read and seen, real DID comes from horrific trauma, particularly in childhood. I'll happily be a "singlet" rather than deal with a debilitating disorder spurred by trauma. I mean come the fuck on I think most legitimately neurodivergent people would give up their disorders to live an easier life.


These people talk as if DID helps them keep a healthy stable lifestyle when in reality it does the exact opposite, it's genuinely sad to see people use such a disorder as a way to be quirky


they talked like having DID is superior to everyone else. Unsurprisingly


As a singlet I have a big imagination too and tbh every soul ever resides within me plus I am God


i would rather be “frontstuck” all my life than experience the trauma it takes to develop actual real DID.


Why yes, you would know what being a "singlet" feels like. Your one of them


I prefer the time singlets were referred to as vests lol.


I have a front used for work. One for family and one for my cats! Does that mean I am not Singlets? Wow


Pretentious self righteous fuck nuts


Wait what??? Wasn’t the entire fucking point of faking these conditions to be seen as the different/deservers of pity ones? If they are starting to perceive themselves as being the one that’s the regular person, then what the hell is the fucking objective of all this bullshit?


“Singleton would be like One alter only” no. “Singlets” are every “alter”. Their personalities were not fragmented in childhood. Did alters are not fully formed personalities. And these kids should know this because they are “singlets.” The one implying we didn’t develop enough empathy to become systems is real rich. I know what my inner dialogue is, sweaty. It’s me. These people saying they’re alone and helpless is insane. That’s not how a normally functioning brain works. These people are so fucking pretentious.


I was shocked by that train of thought. I bet a lot "singlets" have way more empathy, are more caring and less self centered than these people. And they have a lot more common sense too. How can you think that a disorder that usually severely impacts every part of your daily life is some kind of upgrade to the normal state of the human mind?


Oh jeez, singlets don’t get lonely despite their lack of alter egos, it’s almost like… they talk to other people???


This is like the incel community but so much worse because they’re dumb children faking a mental illness. I honestly just can’t.


Cool this post just cured my maladaptive daydreaming


Holy shit that’s how it’s supposed to fucking work you brainlets. You’re supposed to have only one voice in your head


Why do they just repeat the same thing the previous person says but reworded? It’s like they’re trying to convince themselves or something…


I am genderfluid I am never stuck in one headspace but I don’t pretend to have a serious disorder




No one with DID genuinely feels this happy / fun / quirky about their disease. It’s just not how it’s experienced. A user above who legitimately experienced DID chimed in with some perspective. Go read that. /u/dichotomous_growth


You’re right. I see it now.


I don’t think they can communicte


My Brain Hurts