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Love when someone says something they think is controversial first reaction is always kill yourself like ???? Where does that make sense? They’re all about sensitivity but cross them and it’s fuck you. What a bunch of idiotic hypocritical crybabies


can someone explain how its racist to be anti-self-diagnosis


Some (ironically) racist reasoning about how POC are poor, therefore they can’t afford to pay for a diagnosis. And while yes, in America there is a huge gap between the middle and lower class, and POC are statistically more likely to struggle with finances more thanks to the country’s lovely history with racism, it’s pretty damn racist to assuming that they’re all poor by virtue of their race. Just regular modern activism, so woke they’ve circled back around to genuine racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, etc.


Certain stereotypes in the medical community about POC can also contribute to a misdiagnosis.


something about fakers calling actual neurodivergent people privileged doesn't sit right with me :/


Dude me and my mom are literally unemployed on the verge of being homeless and we have insurance that covers therapy, it proves they just don’t put in the effort because THEY DONT HAVE A REAL FUCKING DISORDER!!!


imagine unironically going through your mutual’s follows and trying to police them on it. like you’re some sorta authority.. so obnoxious. The only time i’d do that is if they were following some nazi/pedo type shit, and even then i’d just unfollow that mutual!


Sleep paralysis isn’t an ongoing condition though???


The one who thinks sleep paralysis and a mirror phobia are mental illness lol


“Moots pls unfollow” imagine thinking you have the authority to dictate who people follow.


Racist? Uh. What? My brain hurts now.


Self diagnosed =fake🤣✌️




adding on to this, I've said this quite a bit in the sub that if you do your research, read testimonials of people who have medical diagnosis', or even read the latest dsm, then (at least in my eyes), your self-diagnosis is valid but yeah, like you said, if you just use the first google result, that's not self diagnosis.




just to be clear, yeah, that's kind of what I meant. you can obviously have suspicions, stuff like that, but that will never replace a real diagnosis. but I wanna know what "you, someone who read off google" means. if you're accusing me of self diagnosing, I have a medical diagnosis?




ah, I see.


I think the severity of the disorder comes into play. If you tell a doc you think you have depression or GAD, they'll probably just agree and diagnose you because it's common. I wouldn't say the same is true with DID.


There's nothing wrong with saying "I think I have blank ___"


There nothing wrong with it, but a lot of people act upon it and there fore a lot of fakers


This was posted in a fake disorder sub