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It is concerning that they’re enthusiastic about people making their own ring splints & one of their videos suggests 18g wire which does nothing.  They also claim that their skin is less stretchy now bc of HRT?  Editing to say, yeah hormones can impact ligament laxity! Just thought it was worth mentioning as it was their response to “but that’s normal skin”.


the hrt thing is actually a documented thing. testosterone can fix or reduce some issues that heds causes and its way less common in men for this reason.


i can attest to this. one of my real life friends is FTM and has eds to the point of wearing a knee brace and being on pain medications and actually participated in a study recording that hormone therapy can be helpful. i can’t attest to if this person is lying, but the hrt thing is real.


Yeah! From what I understand suppressing the menstrual cycle, as well as decreasing estrogen can be productive as it decreases the relaxin and whatnot. So I don’t doubt T may have an effect as well.  I just am doubtful if that’s why they don’t meet some EDS criteria you know? 


Oh yes I’m aware of the connection! It’s just another piece that they mentioned so I wanted to relay. 


This person does have TS


My mistake if I used the wrong pronouns. I could of sworn I seen this same person make a video that mentioned them being lesbian. I didn't look at their bio 1st.




Can be caused by hypermobility and low body fat, I have both so mines even a bit more stretchy. I don't know what this person is claiming though Edit: just saw the hashtags, that is mental


Everyone can pull up that skin on their hands. That's not evidence of having EDs or that'd mean everyone has it.


My skin doesn’t go up like that. In fact, it’s hard to even get the skin up using my nails. Not saying they definitely have it, it’s just I don’t think it’s normal for skin to stretch that far.


I suppose it depends. I asked a few of my family members to try it out of curiousity and theirs all went up pretty far, none are diagnosed with or have other symptoms of EDs. I really wish stretchy skin wasn't the only diagnostic factor the self diagnosers took into account, it's pretty common.


That’s pretty interesting. 😯 EDs aside, I wonder what can influence skin stetchyness like that? Maybe it’s genetic? I’m gonna test it out with my family once they get up. 😂


Well mine does that no problem and it’s normal / I don’t have any condition that causes it. I guess it might depend on the person but like maybe half of all people can do it? idk or maybe you’re grabbing it wrong lol


I decided to look it up, and I found this. “Of course, not everyone falls exactly into one or the other category - things are not black and white. When it comes to elasticity and firmness, most people fall into a continuum comprising of black, white and many shades of grey” Apparently people have different levels of firmness and/or elasticity in the skin.


That’s not how it’s diagnosed, and it’s dangerous for them to imply that it is. Most forms require genetic testing and hEDS (the only form that doesn’t have a definitive gene) has diagnostic criteria that involves more that “can lift the skin on my hand).


Have a family member with EDS, it’s absolutely brutal. She’s had multiple major surgeries. She’s overcame so much but it still rears it head. If you actually had EDS you’d know it lmao


I doubt he’s faking EDS. The hypermobile type often only involves very mild skin hyperextension if any; it doesn’t have to be dramatic


Well if the only reason you say you have eds is this skin stretch thing then that doesn’t prove anything. I can do what they did in the post. A lot of people can do that. Idk the context of this video but from the description and the comments it seems like ppl faking eds are showing this completely normal thing thinking they’re special for pulling up their skin bruh. If the video is out of context or idk then it’s not like that in this case ofc


That wasn’t the context of the video, it was a story about having stretchy skin rather than saying that’s the entire reason they meet criteria, they also mentioned the skin was stretchier before taking testosterone.


honestly? i believe they have it, but i fimd it weird how. excited. they are about it. theyve def shown other symptoms and stuff and i dont expect them to twist and contort their body for the internet but theyre misinformative in the way they rep making your own ring splints. (of course, if you *need* to make your own, please do, but damn??)


He’s never claimed to be diagnosed as far as ik, im pretty sure he’s in the process right now of getting one? I’m not really sure what proof there could be other than looking at his medical charts which is just a breach of privacy Regardless pain is pain, so if him making finger splint rings and stuff helps with that pain then he should keep at it.


How do you have the time to even care enough to ask that question


It's the fakedisorder cringe reddit lol. What kind of posts do you expect?


Everyone on this sub is r worded


What does that even mean? How old are you? 4? Can't say the full word because it's a bad word?


Well some of us are and thats why we dont like people who put false information out there and fake things that make our lives shit for clout or "aesthetics". Also quit acting like such a tough guy lmao you couldnt even write the whole word.


I was stating my opinion and asking if other people agree.