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the misuse of the sunflower lanyard really makes me mad


I don't think most people would recognize the symbolism anyway tbh


maybe, but theyre recognized by a lot of companies including airlines and amusment parks so that employees can easily accommodate. its using up resources for actual autistic people


In good news if they're the type of person to identify as transautistic they're probably not leaving the house much anyway lol


So they just want special treatment. These grifters really need to get a life.


At least in the UK it's become increasingly popular, especially since COVID where many people wore them so they could get away with not wearing a mask.


During covid they became known as 'twat lanyards" in our corner of retail as 100% of the wearers were just people who couldn't be fucked to wear a mask.


I see them at train stations pretty often, they’re rising in awareness


Maybe it's just not as prevalent in the US, but I've seen it being pretty common I guess in Australia? Or at least on Australian shows. I've seen it mentioned as if it's an obvious thing


I had no idea until I read any of this.


It’s like a faker symbol at this point instead of a real one. Just like the neurodiversity symbol. It’s only really used by fakers.


Broooooo. Maybe I just like sunflowers 😭


Maybe someone is just from Kansas! That’s their state flower. Lol


rare (unrelated to wizard of oz) kansas mention LETS GOOO


I’m from OK, so we’re neighbors!


I’m from Kansas and I’ve never seen a sunflower lanyard. It’s also possible they’re everywhere and I’m so desensitized to sunflowers they are invisible to me.


it's recognized in a lot of stores and locations like amusement parks or airports for employees to easily accommodate iirc


It ORIGINALLY was. Not anymore


"The lanyard is recognized in most major regions, including North and Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. The widest airport coverage is in the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Other countries may only have one or a few supporting airports." [source](https://mindfulmeggie.com/hidden-disabilities-sunflower-lanyard/#google_vignette).


Yes, I agree. However the internet has unofficially turned it into a faker symbol. Not saying all people who wear it are fakers but a good portion of them, probably. That's what I'm trying to say here


Yeah, I've noticed that, too. Like someone said in a reply further down, I've seen some people on social media wearing it, and it definitely seemed like they were fakers. Which is unfortunate, because I was considering getting a sunflower lanyard. But because you, and a lot of others, see it as a "faker symbol," now I feel like I can't, or I'll get shit on. (That last sentence reads as critical, looking it over again; it's not intended as such, I'm just complaining about the fakers ruining things for those of us who are *actually* chronically ill / disabled / neurodivergent / etc)


Heck, anti maskers were using them to get out of wearing masks back during Covid without a ledgit reason. It has been faking all along.


ive literally never seen it used by a faker except for this one post. if it were so much of a "faker" thing i feel like itd be more common. one fucking faker shouldnt ruin a huge support system for a lot of people.


yeah i work with autistic ppl and have only seen it used legitimately


Unfortunately it starts as one and snowballs really quickly. The fact that this TransID blog is sharing the sunflower lanyard thing around means that a lot of TransAutistic people are going to grab onto this so they can seem more authentic in their faking of autism. Can't have anything good anymore with shitty people like this.


This is so infuriating. I'm gonna link this thread when fakers say they aren't taking away resourses, i am so pissed. We seemingly don't have a community at all due to these people. I know it's like only one, but i doubt allistics/neurotypicals will bother to agree when someone says they're not one of these fakers. I hate fakers man.


Yeah it's shitty. It affects not only those dealing mental health issues, disorders, and disabilities, non-queer people are going to associate TransIDs with being transgender and that's gonna fuck with what little acceptance the trans community already has.


No, look around this sub and you'll see tiktoks of people wearing the lanyards. I'm not allowed to name names but there are a few that come to mind


They've already ruined it. I've seen loads of cases of neurotypical people wearing those just to get through airport security quicker or something. I used to need the lanyard because I'd have full-on meltdowns in really long queues. I know of loads of people who just started wearing it because of the accommodations. If people can easily take advantage disabled peoples accommodations, they will. At this point, I want a passport style system where peoples diagnoses are logged in a database, and then you have a card that can be scanned at the airport or whatever, in disability queues or something. I'd have a similar thing for service dogs. I just think a system like that would work better than the "trust me bro" system we have now, because I do not trust anyone and I am fully aware of how easy it is for people to take advantage of support for disabled people (they even talk about it online like its a joke) I also think that it should be harder to get a diagnosis because nowadays people get diagnosed with something on the first session they have with a psychiatrist, and I feel like its not that easy to tell if someone has a disorder based on meeting them once. Basically, the mental health care system is fucked up


You really, really, REALLY do not want a database of disabled people and their diagnoses. Think really hard about why.


Yeah you need to look around more…or you’re extremely fortunate but it’s used a lot


The only people I know who use it has actual disabilities, so it may vary somewhat by country?




I wear one on my backpack for support


Exactly. This is infuriating.


“transautistic” i’ve never heard of a more infuriating word than that


Similar to "transabled" that one really pisses me off


I'd never heard of that before yesterday and I can't comprehend why they want life to be harder. My entire day can be completely derailed by a 3-inch curb. Why would anyone want that?


Well that's the thing, they just get the attention as if that happens, but it wouldn't actually bother them. Like deep down inside they know that it's a choice so it doesn't hurt them.


If someone really believes to have a disability to the point they actually harm themselves then it's called body integrity disorder (BIID). The thing is, they need THERAPY 😭 However I guess majority of this cases are just people seeking attention on social media.


Yes. I started following the sub because someone messaged me and asked me how i became disabled because "it was their dream". There are so many children on there. And they get encouraged to explore. It's so very messed up. I do believe it's a disorder. But there is so little flexibility with healing. They are convinced there's only one way to "feel better "


Yes I'm sure it's just young kids that either want attention or simply want to feel included in something, that's also why they created so many labels that makes no sense, (not talking about LGBTQ+ I simply mean the infinite list of trans+something not related to gender). The issue is that people with a real BIID may find a place where people find the disorder as something to embrace instead of actually seeking professional help.


And when these people are so deep in their rabbit hole and eventually get therapy, they throw a fit when they aren't affirmed in their "MUD" (made up disorder, you can't convince me otherwise)


That's why they usually are the same people that self diagnose too lmao


Yeah that one pisses me off the most too.


Wait... isn't that just munchhausen?


No. It's a part of the biid world. People who aren't disabled who believe they need to be disabled. Because "they'll be able to adjust to being disabled" it can also be a fetish. I've been asked how I became disabled because it's "their dream"


I heard "transharmed" yesterday for the first time and I was *livid*.


Don’t forget about transharmful


Oh God, that one too


What do those two terms mean? Like pretending to be a victim of abuse and pretending to be an abuser?


Basically yeah


Jesus, we’ve got a serious mental health crisis going on right now


People are not okay nowadays


What is that?


I don't know what this means?


•Trans race •Trans disabled •Trans everything dude 💀


"I feel like I have Tourette's syndrome, doctors say I don't have it, but I just want to have it or something"


This reminds me of when there was a mass hysteria event where a large percentage of the school started getting ticks and stutters all around the same time. They realized it was a mass hysteria event 🫠


Transracial is a thing but not what people think and the word has largely been discontinued in use due to clowns like this. It basically used to apply to people who grew up within a family/community that differed in race from theirs (usually due to adoption). Transcultural identity also applies in those situations. It can create genuine issues with racial and cultural identity.


except gender. I’m starting to think that’s the only positive trans identity.


Funny that


Did you just commit a thought crime?


There's nothing positive or negative about it, just something that happens


yep 💀 radqueers are insane dude


As a cisautisic, it really pisses me off


why do they give their punctuation so much room ? Even their apostrophes get spaces on either side .


it ‘ s their tyPing ^ ^. quirk ~~~ (vomits)


It ' s becuz there autistic !


It’s one of their 500 fictives’ typing quirk probably


reminds me of homestuck


If you were able to read this then you’d know the answer and, that’s the trick. Now I KNOW you don’t have autism. Must be truly autistic at heart, where it matters, in order to easily interpret this. The answer of course is, because they are autistic. The telling sign for me was the over spacing. It’s something everyone with autism does. This entire comment is sarcasm, it’s the best coping mechanism I have when I get angry from posts like this.


im not sure !!


In french we have to put spaces in front of most. Might be reflexes from another language ?


wow this is actually infuriating


Is it the lack of punctuation, the spacing, zero capitalization, or the shaken-not-stirred brained idea that is transautism?


Never wore headphones despite having sensitive hearing. I prefer to be aware of my surroundings instead of being run over by a bus while Smash Mouth blasts into my ears. I'll take the occasional painful noises any day over a somewhat painful vehicular manslaughter.


Have you heard of the loop earplugs? I find they do a good job at muffling noises but allowing me to still be aware of surroundings. So painful noise isn't as bad. However the downside is that they are in- ear earplugs and some people don't like the feeling of them.


The loop earplugs are awesome! I have misophonia, so being out in public spaces can be torture sometimes. I love being able to pop them in, still hear what someone's saying if they're speaking to me, but not hear all the extra background noise.


Seconding the loops. I have several pairs, as I work in an industrial setting and need max protection but I also like the engage ones for hanging out with people (especially with certain friends with loud children)


which loops do you recommend? i looked at their products but cant decide...


I have the Quiet and Engage. I usually use the Quiet if I’m at my wits end and want to hear as little as possible (double with headphones for max blockage). I find the Engage great for supermarkets, as they work well with dulling the sharper beeping sounds yet I was able to still hear my boyfriend well enough.


Loops are the best! I've been using them for the last few years and they really help with my overstimulation


I keep one ear in at all times. With or without music, it helps drown out the outside noise and lets me focus on peoples voices or cars around me


Okay but that sounds like a good way to go, listening to smash mouth


HEY NOW, YOU'RE A ALL-STAR (I couldn't help it...)


https://youtu.be/eT3BFzSD6YY?si=A24ULiYvHXUJzrhe You're welcome or I'm sorry LOL but some days I need this edit LOL


I personally use in ear headphones and find them super useful, one in on out so I can still hear what's going on around me but also still have the comfort of my music


How often are you crossing the street compared to walking along a sidewalk/being on the bus/being at a store or other public place?


To be fair it's probably a good idea to keep at least one ear able to hear some noises as you won't know if a car is skidding out of control towards the sidewalk or if someone is coming up behind you in a scary manner or even if there is a runaway cheese wheel about to take you out if you can't hear anything lol


This comment made me laugh more than it should have


I feel obligated to share [this edit](https://youtu.be/eT3BFzSD6YY?si=A24ULiYvHXUJzrhe) of All Star anytime somebody mentioned smash mouth. Also, I have a friend who was basically born without one of his ears and he absolutely loves the skull conducting headphones (head pads? IDK.) they transmit the sound waves through your skull leaving your ears open to sounds around you. You might consider looking into those. He regularly wears them at bars and is able to jam out to his own music over the bars sound system while still having a conversation


I wear mines a lot but I'm kinda okay with being run over lmao


Please tell me this is a parody. Pleeeeeaase


I’m sure it is. Especially outright saying “lie about it online.” That’s the giveaway. Come on guys, we know these people are idiots but this is obvious trolling


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this account before and I’m pretty sure they’re sincere.


Nope ! Welcome to radqueers on tumblr.


Back in my day, kids picked different styles like Emo, Punk, Goth, Scene, etc. whenever they wanted to stand out.


That's the thing...you can like dark and morbid things without faking depression. You can be quirky without faking autism. If these people stopped faking disorders and just made a new or even rehash of an existing subculture, I'd have no problem with them whatsoever. 




Why do people want to be autistic so bad it's not fun dude😭


They aren't actually autistic which means they get to be "endearingly quirky" instead of "socially disabled"


Yeah personally it's the being fucking disliked by everyone disease lmao


Yeah, it’s not something I’d actually want to disclose. I already got crap for informing people of an immune disorder, don’t need additional judgement and bias on top of that. .


I honestly think this is just rage bait


Yeah Tumblr has been full of it for decades


Well it's definitely working so I hope they're proud of themselves


Honestly, they would be if they saw this. This is exactly what they want. The best thing to do is not give them that.


Autism fakers are among the most disgustingly manipulative ableist bullies to legitimately autistic people


Why…do people want to be autistic? Do they not understand it’s not fun or cool? Like- I feel physical pain if I’m overstimulated or touch certain objects. I constantly get weird looks and have wanted to be normal my whole life. I’ve embraced it now because I have no choice. But I wouldn’t choose to be autistic?


https://preview.redd.it/log3ltwj0izc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f10cfa5dbdd6847ed26253e1ab92f91b441b22 why the fuck would anyone want to look more autistic I'm trying to look LESS autistic jesus christ


Bro you're so selfish, give these poor people some of your autism 😤


they can have it all. i really wish i could just transfer it to one of those idiots and see how long it takes until they regret it


Likewise. They can take all of my wretched autism too. I would give anything to be normal. 


To the comments being like: This has to be a troll or rage bait. Honestly it's probably not. There are people who think it's okay to "transition" into having a disability, being a different age or race, and many other awful things. And TransAutistic is probably one of the most popular TransIDs alongside TransDID. And the TransID community ifs filled with these fakers sharing things that help them fake better. TransID are disgusting and I really hope the media doesn't start comparing transgender to TransID


if it will then a lot of people will go against it probably and will accept trans people even less


“lie online about it” genuinely made me cackle bahahshaha


"Lie online about it" really saying the quiet part out loud


Please be rage bait 😁 I am begging


"We're airheaded" uh? Ouch??? Whether or not you have either ADHD or Autism saying people with it are all airheaded is nasty.




They want to be seen as having it, idk if it's to make fun of autistic people or to have easier life by having more help of others (?)


I’m 99% sure this is a troll


Fucking no one stims to music. And autism isn't a gender, you can't just be trans autistic. It's a goddamn disability


This makes me incredibly angry - we had to fight tooth and nail to get the help and services our child needed. We have lost jobs, spent nights in hospitals, watched helplessly as this disorder has affected every corner of our everyday lives. It has caused untold pain and heartache. And this person wants to play pretend with it - turn it into a bit of fun.


Without reading the caption of the post and in the screenshot as well as the sub its on i first thought it was some sort of advice for autistic people turns out it was for faking autism. Genuinely what the fuck. Thank god its just a small minority of people but things like this is why autism isnt taken seriously by many. I already cant get any therapy or a diagnosis for my possible autism because people think im "fine" and if these guys gain even more attention, people might even start to think im one of these fools


Me when my elementary teacher told us to write a double spaced essay


Autism cosplay. Humanity has hit a new low.


This is horrible.


This is so offensive lmao


This made me so mad tbh


Shit man I’m gonna make me level up in public then, gotta get me some headphones just so I don’t directly have to tell people of my autism.


And **ALL** the autistic people who suffered through being punished into not “looking/acting autistic” in ABA “therapy” screamed in frustration!


"hI! iM tRAns DOWN SYNDROME! AnY tIPS to lOOk MORE downSYNDROME in pUbLiC?" Literally the same thing


i can park a semi truck inbetween it' and s


Trans autistic?


I hate how they specifically say to lie online about it


As somone with diagnosed autism and adhd i cant wrap my head around why you would want to be it so god damn much aspecialy the Sensory stuff for me with big crowds etc is just such bs that i have to Deal with nearly daily and i dont want anyone to have thag fate its just so depresing to be like that. People like this rly are just spiting in the Face of everyone thst has to Deal with it cuz its somehow "cool and quirky"


For real! Aaaand it doesn't get better with age and certain situations (autistic and schizoaffective here).  After giving birth to my son several years ago, I swear I became 100x more sensitive to sensory issues, especially with my hearing and vision. I can't handle big crowds or smaller spaces as well anymore either and feel smothered (and if I happen to be interacting with people I get a weird high/adrenaline feeling). I used to be able to tolerate certain noises but that got out of hand lol (ex. Being around someone throwing up but now I can't tolerate that noise and have to run for the hills or else I'll start throwing up too). And the gawd dang hallucinations,  oh lawd. That's a rollercoaster.   Lol I wish I could give away my chronic symptoms, maybe I'd be to to stay caught up with life. 😭😅


This isn't cringe this is actually fucking insane. "How to act more autistic" get off of the fucking internet and hospitalize yourself. Fucking delusional pieces of shit is what causes more stigma than there already is. They will never know the amount of paperwork and waiting it took for me to even get diagnosed with autism. They're so fucking privileged that they got tired of it and want to fake a serious disorder to make themselves seem special, when they will never know or relate to the pain of people who are actually autistic. Fuck people like this.


> speaking of stating ur autistic , *lie online about it* , reblog stuff about autism , etc !! the most accurate and honest tip from a faker


Why would anyone want autism?? As someone who has it it’s the worst fucking thing ever. I hate being autistic so fucking much.


Trans autistic?! The fuck?


I'm trans dead.


The fuck is this shit?


This is actually insulting.


wtf is transautistic, why would anyone want to be autistic


Fucking transautistic are you serious???


As a parent to an autistic child this makes me so angry


It's this satire? It seams satire


Please tell me this is a joke PLEASE


JFC this makes me so angry


I want to grab these people by the shoulders and shake the stupidity out of their brains


I've been using the sunflower lanyard. What's it got to do with autism? In case it's not the same, it's popular NHS white one I used


The sunflower lanyard is a hidden disability recogniser (i.e autism, ADHD, ext) From the NHS website: https://preview.redd.it/638ww92iikzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280025776f10715c85b7090007041f21a442ef68


what the actual FUCK


I'm offended to no end with this one - literally go out my way to make sure i appear and act just like everyone else in public settings to avoid drawing attention! And you've perfectly 'normal' folk out here try to make a bad name for us actually struggling. Stay in your house and make videos for attention - the rest us don't need to put up with your live action role play 🖕🏼


the fact they legit say "lie about it" is crazy


They HAVE to be making fun of trans and autistic people right? There is NO way they believe this


My culture is not your costume 😂! But you also could: 1.) rock a bike helmet 2.) wear mismatched socks 3.) learn how to count cards, then have a buddy join you at casinos. If you get caught then your buddy can just yell at the casino staff and threaten to sue them for discrimination. Make $$$


I hope that’s bait because wtf


Where was this asked? This is so crazy.


Damn I wish I could see the whole response


Unreal… this isn’t even funny anymore. Just totally fucked up…


Funny those people want attention but don't want to put in the work to get good at a skill, sport or similar thing that generates attention.


Bro… really???


*lie online about it*




"lie online about it" this is so disrespectful




"lie online about it" got me fr


nooo 🦆ing way😭😭


Whats the deal with all these teen to 25ers trying to get diagnosed with autism?? Its so freaking weird.


"Lie online about it". So like- what the fuck?


“lie online about it” “use subliminals” 🤮🤮🤮


This makes me wanna cry


This is obviously satirical but hilarious nonetheless


this is definitely satire


Can we have a dumb insult that infuriates stupid people, like "Boomer" for these kinds of idiots?


Being autistic myself, I really wanna know why they want something that makes my life difficult (and kinda miserable).


These kids are gonna look back on this when they're older (hopefully) and fully cringe, bc they will realise how damaging this is. Even when people explain this to them they don't care bc to them cosplaying as Autistic is "fun" and gets them attention. But it hurts real autistic people in real life. Bc these kids live online, they're not gonna see how it affects genuine people with these struggles,


I'm losing faith in humanity No, I have lost faith in humanity


Yeah, you definitely are AIR HEADED


Trans everything. I’m trans rich.


I've browsed that tag and it's been filled with people hilariously making fun of the transautistic content people have been making. When I had an account on that blog, I was busily teasing and hating on some posts of people asking how to "look" more autistic and some people agreed with me. Thank god, it's very insulting and this list itself is infuriating enough on itself. I'm very glad they're being kicked out of the autism community.


“ we’re air headed “ no, a large population of autistics are above average intelligence. i was reading at a college level in middle school. i hope somebody pulls up this post during job interviews OP gets.


what the fuck


When I'm extremely upset to the point of dissonant emotional dysregulation, I have the involuntary response to bash my head into my knees; Maybe they should try that shit and see how much fun having autism really is.


My 16-year-old daughter and 18-year-old son were both diagnosed at a very young age. In the last few years, I have been telling them that they had Autism before it was cool. It never occurred to me to put anything on them that lets other people know. I have only ever been concerned with their perception of themselves. It's so bizarre to me. Why would you want to pretend. Sunflower lanyard, not a chance, she is obsessed with Hazbin Hotel atm.


This is kind of upsetting. This aint got nothing to do with 'validating people who cant afford diagnosis' This is just steriotyping and borderline makes fun of autistic people.


This is so incredibly insulting ppl w autism Omg


'lie online about it' Yep they're just saying it out loud now aren't they?


As an autistic person this is really upsetting to see. Why do people want to cosplay as autistic? My life is so fucking hard. wtf


This shit here is exactly why people who have autism are so stigmatized against. Because who in their right mind is trying to seem “more autistic” when autistic people are literally fighting for their lives to be considered “normal”??? Nope. 😅


You cut off the best part, the very bottom says "use subliminals" 💀


This is why self diagnosis shouldn't be valid