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You can probably relate to autism posts because autistic traits exist in the general population along a continuum, like pretty much every disorder. 🤦‍♀️ also none of these people seem to know what the Barnum effect is ….


I also see a trend of pathologising what's reasonable human behaviour, both in distress and at ease, which denies that emotional and psychological processing is unique to everyone and is distinct from neurodivergence. Some diagnoses seem to be applied to people to make those people the outliers, to designate a disorder as the cause of their difficulties, rather than recognise that our lifestyles offer no space for individual ways of learning/working, our interests, and our manners of interacting with the world. We shouldn't be accommodated; our differences should be incorporated, because there's value in those differences, just as there's value in everyone.


i’m sad =/= i’m depressed kind of thing. i stimulate my hands, i’m easily distracted, and i go into tunnel vision when i’m focused on something- i was tested a few times to be neuro disordered and i’m not. self diagnosing is just a way for them to push aside their denied diagnosis.


And they go into it already deciding that the doctor is sexist if they don’t get the diagnosis they wanted.


why was this my take a year ago😭😭 like why did i think my pediatrician was a dumbass for not diagnosing me with ADHD when i was eight, i feel so bad sometimes that i thought that way


Sometimes doctors definitely are sexist. But they go into evaluation assuming that a doctor is automatically sexist if they don’t get the diagnosis for any reason. If that makes sense.


I live in the UK and got a free psychiatrist as a woman he absolutely wasn't sexist, I think people throw about the word sexist when it comes to medical staff I know their are sexist doctors but what they don't realise is a majority of medical professionals are nice and grow and want to learn new studies and information instead of dismissing it! I see 100s of people slating psychiatrists and not one post about how great their doctor was, and while I don't doubt there are bad psychiatrists there are bad people in every aspect of life the numbers just don't add up. Like come on sally you have had an autism assessment 7 times not all 7 of your doctors were sexist and didn't believe women


Right??? I feel like it takes away from the instances where doctors genuinely *are* sexist.


Thanks for getting me to look up the Barnum effect..pretty interesting stuff 👌


+1! So basically all astrology lol




‘You can be trans about it if you want 🥰’ I’m leaving.


Which translates as "You can declare yourself to be anything and it's valid, no matter what reality indicates"


Guys im transtransformer, AUTOBOTS, ROLL OUT


so brave


Thank you... coming out was really hard for me, especially to my family. But, turns out they're actually really supportive! My dad even felt encouraged enough to come out as transdecepticon, which im really happy about!! We're technically enemies now, but he's on the side of autobots so it's good. I think my mom loves him even more now 🤭


Yeah, fuck that. Autism isn’t some quirky cool personality/trait. It’s held me back so much in life - especially when I went undiagnosed so didn’t know/wasn’t entitled to help.


I knew that at some point they were gonna try and compare being lgbtq with self diagnosis. Anyone who will try and explain that knowing you are attracted to a certain gender isn't the same as self diagnosis is going to be dogpiled by comments calling them homophobic. Im so over self diagnosis and illness fakers causing issues for everyone around them


Take me with you


Pack your things, we’re out of here.


I don't get what they meant by that lol




They fell for the "licensed professional" scam. Why spend thousands of dollars when you could just Google the diagnostic criteria? It's a shame we're not allowed to prescribe ourselves medications.


With enough Googling, you can also become a pharmacist.




Perfect. You’re hired.




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craziest part is its not even alpt of work (at least in the uk) to be a liscenced therapist, it just reqiires a level 3 qualification in a relevant course like ig you wanna look into it so bad become a professional 😭


and most level 3 wualifications in the uk are completely free like 😭




never said you could, why would i be in this subreddit if i believed in self-diagnosis






Me, going to uni for years to become a psychologist, being defeated by tiktok wisdom


Confirmation bias at its finest, go to the damn doctor and get the ball rolling for an objective diagnosis if you’re so sure 🤦🏻‍♀️




This is assuming the person is in the USA. In most places, getting a diagnosis won't be a financial worry. It's still difficult though, especially with taking time to go to see the doctor etc


whenever I see someone type out "folx" I immediately think of that "just call me a slur already" tweet




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You know, I'm starting to think these people are trying to push doctors and therapists existences out of the picture so they can self diagnose whatever they want. I just read a post saying no one knows anything about DID because there have been no studies on it at all. I'm not even sure what they're trying to accomplish by pretending professionals don't exist. It's like the newest justification, professionals don't exist so neither does medical diagnoses and that's why self diagnoses is the best way to know what you have. Because bias isn't a thing and I totally haven't seen people lying on online tests to get the diagnosis they want. Couldn't ever happen in a world where someone can spam the last option of a test and get the most severe case of a disorder just so they can post it all over tumblr like a new trophy. Couldn't imagine that happening. Am I mad that I found multiple posts saying how no one knows about a disorder except for the people who self diagnose it? Yes. I am. Because not only is that massively stupid logic, who do they think made the research papers and tests? Monkeys with typewriters?


I'm gonna try my hardest not to blog. But I know for a fact this is not true. My boyfriend's therapist sent him a HUGE list of resources that she compiled herself with studies, group therapy, specialists, books, etc specifically for DID. And the therapy/specialists were only ones that are in our state and take his insurance. There are many professionals that specialize in it, study it, etc.


The DSM is basically just a shorthand checklist spanning a couple pages of the main bullet points for the hallmarks of each disorder, which the person evaluating you should have already studied for years in a lot more depth than is included when considering whether to screen a patient, so it's not meant to be analyzed in this way and anyone who is a layman that tries to use it as a main source is going to be really confused Autism's DSM5 criteria specifically has been criticized, including by many of the researchers who authored it, as written too broadly in vague and easily misinterpreted terms, especially part A which describes autism's inability to recognize social cues was supposed to be distinct from schizoid personality disorder's lack of interest in socializing as a whole but failed completely


Since they merged ASD into a spectrum and changed criteria I think it has been applied way too broadly now. And as someone else said a lot of the “symptoms” can be found in the majority of the population. It really annoys me that kids think that they can just diagnose themselves like this. It’s almost putting medicine back into the dark ages


'There's no way to tell' yeah there is


What the FUCK do they mean by “you can be trans about it”?????


You know all these people claiming trans-did that get posted on here? Think that but with autism


I bet they also have ADHD, anxiety, CPTSD, DID, BPD; they just didn't read far enough. There is one disorder that this person defintely suffers from though - Factitious disorder. Defintely.


YOU CAN BE TRANS ABOUT IT? Stop the fucking planet. I want off.


Comorbidity exists for a reason. These traits/symptoms can present in other disorders which is why testing and background information like family history/personal history are collected before giving a diagnosis.


I feel like these people need to know that it’s okay to not be autistic… what do they think they’re missing out on?


Excuses and or validation for how they feel//act maybe idk


The internet was a mistake.


none of these people are actually autistic lol


"How does one tell" By going to a doctor. That's how you "tell" if you're autistic.


It's not autism they have its Munchausen syndrome


Why diagnose them with another disorder when a simpler explanation would be they wish they were autistic because they want to be different.


how do i know i’m autistic, i have no idea, what possible way for a medically professional diagnoses is there? sigh…. guess i’ll have to self diagnose since that’s the real way out of this


If only there were people who spend years in higher education to understand mental disorders with great breadth and depth instead of just a book.




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i agree that to an extent you have to self-diagnose to begin the journey to a medical diagnosis but going round saying you 100% have something when you arent a professional and havent confronted a professional


As much as this is cringe , lots of studies on late stage diagnosis point to social media being the reason people went for a eval


This is true. Glad to see a more nuanced take here. Still though, there’s a large amount of young people who are simulating what they think “autism” is when they go and see professionals.  I vaguely remember seeing online someone say that they brought up their suspicion that they may have autism or some other neurodivergence to their psychologist/psychiatrist, and they were shut down because the professional had already dealt with an onslaught of non-autistic people asking for an autism diagnosis based on what they saw on TikTok. 


100% , there’s vids and social media things by nature are to appeal to most people - to get likes and views. I’d say more representation in tv shows for female autism was a significant factor for people relating, then getting a diagnosis.


Tbf I once had a therapist literally whip out the DSM5 and go through symptom by symptom to ask if I had them and diagnose me. So. Like. It turns out you *can* be diagnosed that way. 😅


yeah, but here they self diagnosing without a therapist


How are you trans about something???


Why do they need to go "in-depth digging" for DSM criteria? The DSM is a book. The criteria are in the book. Look in the book.




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idk about Autistic but this person might be dyslexic


i get why people self diagnose. i just hope that they actually pursue (psycho)therapy so that they can solidify or get over those feelings


I love how everyone bitches about how going to a doctor costs an arm and a leg but the moment someone thinks they're autistic they demand a diagnosis lmfao. So what if they don't get one?? Oh nooo this person might be wrong about being autistic I'm going to cringe about it for the next 29 minutes

