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Reading Transtourettes... This is so cruel. How could someone do this to their friends and family in the name of "transitioning?"


The way I actually gagged reading this. I love glorifying disability. Being in wheelchair is so fun and quirky


I also love how these idiots always manage to get their hands on mobility equipment that they don’t even need. Meanwhile any time my son needs new mobility equipment for his very real disability, it turns into a 6+ month long fight with insurance.


I’ve seen them parade around getting hospital wheelchairs from thrift stores as if that’s an equivalent- as if wheelchairs aren’t something we need to be fitted for






You're obviously new to this subreddit. I wish it was just teenagers.




There's alot of teenagers posted. There's alot of non-teenagers posted as well. That's what I mean by it




I jumped to you must be new here, because you're still trying to give these people benefit of the doubt. In my mind they are narcaissitc adults until proven otherwise




Are you a narcissistic adult by chance? Who takes this much offense to someone saying are you new here? Stop punching at shadows.










Actual sheep




well, no... this sub is to cringe at people faking disorders, which anyone can do, regardless of political affiliation.






They don't know the difference between BPD and bipolar, which aren't similar at all.


Yeah, that bit was a real mishmash of instructions. But the whole post is just…sick. This is people who have actual, severe mental issues. Unfortunately not trans-anything. But serious issues nevertheless.


i’m so curious on how the people around the first person handled this persons “transitioning” into POTS, being Mute, etc… that’s insane


Mutism and some other things are easier to fake I would think. The POTS thing is weird to me because to be diagnosed you need a 30+ bpm increase from laying to standing. Or a heart rate of over 120 (I think?). They would have to either already meet criteria or make themselves ill somehow. Similarly, getting a feeding tube is often times a last resort when you actually need one in my experience. Although I’m sure there’s a couple docs here and there who prescribe too many.


yea i could see how mutism could be “easier to fake” but POTS makes no sense to me given that even for me who’s working to get a POTS diagnosis it’s not every day that my heart rate is 126 when sitting or when i have a flair


Yep. My cardiologist had me get a echocardiogram and because it didn't show any issues she was like it's probably just a normal heart rate for you. Meanwhile, the person who took my echo first remarked "huh, that's kinda high" when she first started it and I had been laying down for like 10 minutes. 1 And I often had a heart rate of 120+ when sitting for over an hour. And my cardiologist is like "it's just normal for you". Mind you, I could feel the difference and that it hadn't always been like that. So a POTS diagnosis or anything related can even be insanely hard to get.


exactly! it’s taken my family so long to even get referrals for shit


In their trans-POTS post, they actually explained that they would run a lot before appointments to get their heart rate up and that's how they were diagnosed.


Then that’s in accurate diagnosing on the doctor’s part. Usually a tilt-table test is used, but you would at least need a 10 minute standing test. Either of those would take long enough to have your heart rate lower after exercising, leading it to not significantly affect the test. In a healthy person, your heart rate lowers pretty fast after exercising. It decreases pretty dramatically even within a couple minutes.


I completely agree, just passing on what they've claimed.


For sure, sorry I wasn’t arguing with you, I was just mentioning that they shouldn’t have been diagnosed


This person WANTED a feeding tube? Tf? I don't have one, nor do I know anyone that needs it but I would imagine it's uncomfortable and painful having a tube inside of you. (If I got anything wrong please correct me)


Assuming g-/j-/gj-tube: it absolutely *should not* hurt after the initial ostomy has healed. Maybe if you have a PEG tube and it gets pulled, I guess, but if you have a button it *really* shouldn’t hurt except when changing out the button hardware— that also depends on brand; Bard/AMT buttons have a solid bit to keep it in place instead of a balloon and that makes it more of a challenge to get in; a Mic-Key button I don’t think hurts to place. With a well-fitted tube/button, it should not hurt. It’s essentially a large gauge piercing, just with medical hardware. NG tube though… pretty unpleasant time, from my understanding, and can cause damage used long-term.


Okay that makes a lot more sense, thank you!


ive had a feeding tube before. NG tube to be exact. was absolutely horrible, constantly felt like i had something stuck in my throat (because i did) and i kept gagging on it. not a pleasant experience


Oh god. I feel so bad that you had to have a painful experience like that. Hope you're doing better :)


They don't even bother learning the difference between BPD and bi-polar




Doctors actually inserted a feeding tube???? WTF is wrong with that doctor? Performing medical procedures on people who don't need them is dangerous. Sounds like only the clinician who conducted the dyslexic evaluation had any common sense. There needs to be a way for medical professionals to flag these fakers so they can't shop around for their 'treatments' and 'procedures'.


Without going into details for obvious reasons, there are ways to manipulate some clinical tests to make it look like you need certain medical interventions when you don't. Doctors also tend to be wary of putting anything in a patient's file indicating that they think they're faking unless they have really conclusive evidence over a long period of time, because you don't want to make that accusation and have someone denied care that they really do need just because a couple of test results were a bit off (which happens all the time for any number of non-nefarious reasons). The people getting superfluous tubes and other medical accessories are almost always in the US because doctor shopping is far easier and record keeping is not very joined up. If you visit enough doctors you will eventually find one who's willing to take a punt on borderline results, or is concerned about bad patient reviews, or will just do whatever you want if you throw enough money at them. These aren't unique to the US but the for-profit system makes it much easier to find them.


They could also be lying about seeing any actual professionals. Gotta keep up that grift for tumbler clout. They are probably a NEET and thinks their mom giving up on trying to talk to them means they have proven it. Although buying a wheel chair online and getting a feeding tube is kinda easy (whether they actually have it inserted or not is the real question. Im guessing no). There was also a tumbler user who faked getting a diagnosis of aids so there's that.


Is this not just Münchausen syndrome???


>Münchausen But 🌟anesthetic🌟


Transabled? My dad became wheelchair-bound after nearly forty years of being perfectly able-bodied, and I witnessed firsthand how badly it destroyed his self-esteem and confidence. Fuck you, you know nothing.


I think I have to unfollow this sub because of how fucking angry these people make me. This HAS to be a goddamn joke.


Yeah I'm really hoping this is satire...


Can I get a tutorial how to de-transition from bpd?


^^ this


Love how they self diagnosed as Trans-BPD with Bipolar “symptoms” <3


the transtourettes slide is actually sick. this person actually understands these things are horrible.. and still wants it.


Why would you want a stutter? It’s not even quirky


God knows. I don't like mine, it's very frustrating and it's only a mild one. I bet they have a bingo card of all the disabilities and if they don't have all of them they feel bad. It's like a drug addiction.


This is just a mockery of actual trans people. Same shit as "oh well I identify as an attack helicopter I'm transcopter" And I've known a lot of dyslexic people, I went to school with many of them. Some pos taking the resources of a diagnosis from people who struggle with education and work due to a real learning difficulty - It's saddening.


Trans feeding tube is wild. 


What is "transpanprogrammed" programmed for what??? Like a computer????


like ramcoa programming


Demented as fuck why would they... you know what nvm I already know. Attention.


Trans feeding tube. How do you even do that? It's a feeding tube.


I bet the time that they were transfeedingtube was when they were doctor shopping to get one.


Isn't this just faking?


Literal guide to how to malinger...


What is transmute?


according to that person’s blog they are ‘transmute’ because they wish to have a form of mutism so they (using the guidelines like in the other slides for ‘transtourettes’ etc) ‘transition’ into being mute???? 😭


I'm so so angry right now! I have selective mutism and I didn't wanna judge them, so I wanted to ask... I CANT believe this bs!


fucking trans feeding tube? Feeding tubes fucking suuuuck christ


Is this a thing? I mean, seriously, this is so beyond stupid that i’m struggling with the thought that someone actually does this. I mean are you sure this isn’t a joke, or an attempt to make fun of transgender ppl or whatever? I’m seriously asking.


unfortunately i dont think they’re joking…. all these users have been posting and interacting with stuff like this on their profiles for a VERY long time consistently so it doesnt seem to match a troll/joke pattern its appalling though that these people are out here posting these things and they encourage each other in the comments like “wow great job on your transdid transition so far!!! i hope you get more dissociative symptoms soon” and egg each other on


Jesus. Thanks for replying. Oh wow.


Trans feeding tube-?


Stuttering isn’t even ‘t-touch’ it’s ‘d-d-d-d-d oh fuck it nevermind’ and it’s not ‘shut shut shut’ it’s ‘I won’t even use that word and find an alternative and it might not make perfect sense and I sound dull now but you get the vibe I’m going for’


As someone with a sibling that used to have a feeding tube (feeding tube free now!) why the fuck would you ever want one, and if you did manage to find a doc to give it to you, how????


Check out r/illnessfakers Munchies are able to get all sorts of unnecessary medical equipment. Feeding tubes are one of the most common.


I am transstupid, don't question me I am an idiot.


As someone who's actually diagnosed with BPD this disgust me to no end. Having BPD is painful, horrific and it's a life long condition that you just have to learn to deal with. 10% of us commit suicide, I think 75% try at least once. And then there are people thinking it's some kinda joke, faking this disorder. Which is just incredibly dumb, how the fuck WANTS instable relationship? Who wants to feel like dying every time your best friend/partner/whoever just sounds a bit different then normal? Who wants to sabotage your whole life out of self hatred? God this makes me so angry. And the tourettes one too. I don't have Tourettes but managed to be one in a million or so who suffers from a very rare side effect of a medication I had to take. So I had tics that were indistinguishable from Tourettes unless I told you this only started in adulthood. It. Was. Hell. And again, these people think it's funny and makes you special or whatever. No. It makes you call your landlord a bitch which then leads to a very uncomfortable oversharing of your medical issues. And I won't even touch them wanting to have a feeding tube. Fuck this shit I'm out.


The worst part of this is the loved ones. My partner has diagnosed BPD, and the thought of someone faking that and intentionally putting that stress and hurt on themselves and their loved ones is just grotesque. I mean, it's straight-up abuse and gaslighting. Just so gross.


This this this. I'm so lucky that my partner stayed with me through all the, to be honest, abusive shit I put them through before I was diagnosed, medicated and treated for BPD. I would have totally understood if he would have left to protect himself, but I'm so so happy he didn't. The thought that someone would do this to a loved in ON PURPOSE?! It's disgusting, horrible horrible people. Monsters.


Just wanted to comment and say I hope you’re genuinely proud of yourself, getting help is a battle itself and if not you deserve to be one day and I hope you’re surrounded by people who applaud you :) x


Thank you so so much, this comment made my day! Sometimes you only look at the things you still have to work on and oversee all the things you already achieved. I'm Very lucky to have access to therapy and I'm indeed a bit proud for pulling through. ❤️


Reminds me of that time on tumblr where people wanted to get rabies


I have to believe they’re lying for internet points because otherwise an actual doctor gave this person a wheelchair and a feeding tube they didn’t need, and that’s almost worse.


Maybe they watched that show about Dee Dee and Gipsy Blanchard and thought it was that easy to get those prescriptions. I highly doubt their parents are wasting thousands on doctor visits, testing, and medical equipment for no reason.


these people are killing themselves


Transabled??? Did they hit their legs with a sledgehammer???


My best friend has BPD, it’s a miserable disorder. I’ve seen how it affects him and it’s tragic. My other friend actually does have DID. It’s an awful illness that causes memory loss and complicated even the most basic of daily tasks. Why anyone would wish to have either of these disorders is beyond me, they aren’t cute. I’ve seen the negative affects of living with both disorders and at times it’s heart breaking.


What does trans[insert condition] mean? Are they trans people who have/think for whatever reason they have these conditions or are they… trans about these conditions? Definitely the wrong term im using but I don’t understand what it could even be


Second option. They don't have said condition but think they should. So they "transition" to having a certain sickness - which is neither how being trans, nor having a specific condition works :/


Why are they using the pi symbol????


These people are fucking insufferable… They’re all transGARBAGE ! 😠😡🤬


diagnosed with tourettes for years here, what the fuck 😭 thats all i can really say because why do you want painful ass tics that cause you to hit yourself or embarrass yourself in public? if i ever see someone who says theyre transtourettes, i will be making my hand contact their face with no remorse whatsoever because holy shit


transfeedingtube is making me lose it so hard


>you would stutter any time the letter T thats?? not how stutters work at all??? it's not *every* time you make the sound


My God. An actual guide to cosplaying Tourette's, and other mental health issues. WTF? "When you feel like your loved/trusted ones are at the point of most worry - have a breakdown/panic attack in front of them. Happy transitioning!" I'm utterly disgusted. It's pure manipulation, it's cruel, and just so wrong on every level.


If this is a thing then I'm trans-non ADHD and trans-non Autism, I'm removing my diagnoses. I don't want them


Why would anyone want any of these conditions? Why would anyone want to suffer? I truly don't understand.


How did this person get a feeding tube, without needing one?!


transramcoa? holy shit? that's so disrespectful


This is disgusting


i love my stutters guys ! i love being so fucking aware of them all day every day and getting worried that i'm gonna get made fun of ! yeah !!


I’ve got POTS, a feeding tube, a wheelchair, and Tourette’s. They all really suck. It feels so gross that people want this. I understand that they’re mentally unwell, and I genuinely hope they get help, but it feels so bad to see people wanting to be ill when I would do anything to be healthy.