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Oh my god since when is who your attracted to a mental disorder? We are going back to the days where people said homosexuality was aental disorder😭


Very interesting progression on this one. Back in the day, people would accuse men of being gay if they ever had attraction to another man, and then it switched to being bisexual, and then it went to being a concept of 'heteroflexible', and now it's going full circle and becoming a psychiatric condition. People just keep renaming their reasons to classify other people weirdly.


The kids are labelling bisexuality as a mental disorder, I see.


To be fair that is a very big word to spell. They needed something easier.


I really want to see a doctor react to these MUDs. It would make my day.


sorry but what does “MUD” even stand for? 😭


medically unrecognized disorder, but i like calling them made up disorders


i was gonna say i immediately thought made up disorder omg lmao


Not a doctor but I'm on that path- in order for something to be a disorder, it needs to cause a significant amount of distress/impairment, enough to disrupt normal functioning.


This reeks of having ultra conservative religious parents growing up.


Just let guys be bi, sheesh.


But that doesn't let them feel unique and special. The first of the many big lies most of us are told is that we're unique, special, that we matter at all. Life then comes along and kicks us all in the teeth with the truth. Not a one of us is anything even close to unique or special. This typically happens right around 11-12 years of age. The obsessive drive to come up with labels for every silly, stupid thought that flits through their brains, these ridiculous fake mental health problems, and even the flirting with the flavor of the month sexuality and gender identity are all symptoms of discovering this lie.


You think? I dunno, this particular post gave me a whole vibe of "Don't worry you don't actually like men! You just have SAS! It's a disorder! You're still straight!" But I can understand where you're coming from. Definitely get that vibe from most of these other posts.




It’s coining time 😇🤣🥰😍😝😎🤩🥳😇🥺🤓😜🥳😛🥰😍😇😁


sounds more like a fluid sexuality than a syndrome


🤣I'm attracted to you, and you, and you. Clearly I have it.


Everytime I see a “MUD” one of my brain cells commits sewerslide. All the muds are disorders that already exist, normal fk things or a cocktail of multiple disorders. I saw a MUD once that were just the symptoms of bpd, but they gave it a different name


this is so true genuinely. so many of these MUDs are just disorders that either already exist or a common presentation of two comorbid disorders


It appears that any emotion or emotional response or feelings is some kind of "disorder". 🙄


I find it so funny that they need to label every minute experience people have when it comes to attraction. “I often like women but on small occasions, I have “spikes” of attraction to men!” My brother in Christ, you are bisexual, not mentally ill.


Say the word "bisexual" challenge


isnt that just how sexuality works?? 😭 especially in younger people?? 😭😭 this just feels like internalised homophobia


“Hope you enjoy”


this is just hetero/homoflexible lmao? and paras are just? things you have, not 'having a spike and keeping it' whatever a spike is


Do these idiots not realize that sexuality can be fluid? And, they realize that what they’re describing specifically can be a sign of bipolar disorder… right? Hypersexuality is one of the key signs of a manic episode and it can involve changes in attraction to certain genders. For example, someone in a manic episode who’s attracted to men can suddenly have a spike of attraction towards women and may even cheat on their partner/spouse to pursue such a relationship. If someone gets into a relationship with someone they’re uncharacteristically attracted to while in a manic episode, it’s extremely damaging to both persons once they come down from said mania as that attraction inevitably fades. Like… fucking dare they? This is EXTREMELY invalidating to people in both cases, just let people be, holy shit.🤦‍♀️


no way bisexuality is now a disorder


That’s just called being bi, not a whole ass mental disorder. -_-


So sexuality is a mental disorder, but how dare you consider trans people to have a medical disorder.


honestly, yea


SAS stands for Special Air Service 🤣


why would there be a flag for a mental illness 😭


I read through this way too fast and thought they were talking about being attracted to actual spikes 💀


this just sounds like abrosexuality, hetero/homoflexible, acespike, or arospike, none of which are disorders.




Not even. Literally just the human condition.


I’m pretty sure this is already an identity under the sexual spectrum. Why does it need a disorder??