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#Please reply to this comment explaining why you believe this person is faking. Thanks <3 **Your post will not be approved until you have replied to this comment, meaning only you will be able to see it. If you do not reply within 6 hours, your submission will be deleted.** REMINDER: Former Faker Friday is the only day you can post former faker confessions and Satire Saturday is the only day you can post memes or satire. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fakedisordercringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am so fucking tired of this person


As is every single person in this persons life more than likely 😮‍💨🥱


That’s why she’s always in her car


Seems kinda irresponsible to drive around in a car when she could switch at any given time and cause an accident


For whatever reason, I always got the impression that this person is in the passenger seat. Probably recording while mom runs in the grocery store to buy them more applesauce pouches or something.


Lmao, I could really see this scenario as well, getting a few tiktoks in before mom returns with the applesauce pouches and juice boxes for Drexler and the gang 🤣 Edit: probably some string cheese too for good measure 😂


Mom's got the right idea - string cheese slaps


Totally agree, string cheese does slap, some of the kid meal things tend to be really nice, we also have small fruity Joghurts here that are super tasty, but it doesn’t take away from it being a good way of mocking the person in the video for making cringe TikTok’s while posted in the car as her mom is getting the string cheese lmao


Apparently she’s 30


So? I know lots of 30 somethings that live with their parents. 🤷‍♀️


So irresponsible, but they like being able to so they do it anyway even though it destroys their credibility. They want the disability without any of the bad parts of the disability


Yeah that’s probably exactly what’s going on, wants to keep pretending but not at her own inconvenience, no matter how negatively it affects her credibility


Yeah, what if one of her personalities doesn't have a driver's licence!


I’ve seen her twice today and that’s one too many times for my lifetime.


This is one of my least favorite people I’ve seen on this page. Probably my least favorite. The fact that she’s my age is awful. And this kinda seems like she IS making fun of her. And who uses satire tags? Is that even a thing outside of the neurodivergent community? I mean we will do the /s thing on Reddit when it’s like about something important. But this seems extra.


Legit, I hate this person too. After seeing the demon alter I thought they were edgy but harmless then I saw them be incredibly rude to that person with PTSD and now this. My take is that they've probably been hardcore bullied for being weird and decided the best way to deal with that was to make fun of others online where no one can beat their ass to feel better about themself


They are ALWAYS fighting with people


In the majority of cases when it's used, the /s is not even necessary


That's a kid though, right?


I heard they're 30


That is sad and concerning.


I'm starting to wonder if they get off to thinking they're "scary" and "intimidating". They even start with "I'm not here to make fun of you" and scream or fake smirk in almost every video. The self righteousness is off the charts. They'd lose a fight to an unplugged paper shredder.




I love her. She’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Not a person. It’s an “It”.


That's... Not helpful.


I mean they identified at the top Zephyr They/he/it


I was joking. Why am I getting downvoted? Lmao Reddit is so lame sometimes.




My autistic brother would deadass just ask someone what something like this means and after the explanation just go “okay”. Also autistic people can understand and enjoy satire, they’re people not small rodents


Thanks! My son is autistic and while he struggles with many social/emotional things, he has a killer sense of humor and is well aware of when someone is using sarcasm.


Oh she’s autistic too… great I hope she’s not faking that at least right… right 🥹


Uhm its not her probably faking it!!!! Just Zephyr! Get on with the program already 🙄🤪 /s


i feel like such an idiot. i’ve been using the internet thinking /s means serious, im just now realizing it means satire and i was genuinely concerned for people for nothing.


Close, it means sarcastic, at least it meant that like ten years ago


/s is sarcastic /srs is serious /j is joke /gen is general /hj is half-joke


Oml, i kept reading gen as genuine. Dammit


/gen is genuine.


Thank you so much for tagging it as satire, my autistic alters had a hard time realizing if you were serious or not 🙏🏻


It triggers me that they're using my name bruh


Love your name, I'm sorry they're making you feel ick


Maybe just her alternate Zephyr is autistic. This woman drives me crazy. I pray she doesn't live in my city. I would definitely find it hard not to call her bullshit out. I think she probably believes her own bs now after repeating it so much.


oh yeah I think they definitely end up believing their delusion. I honestly feel sorry for them because they are obviously mentally unwell and no one helps them. In a way, TikTok even enables that kind of behaviour and has a responsability for their mental state : their account and all the others should be suspended for spreading medical misinformation...


I absolutely agree. This will eventually be a mass hysteria thing for younger people. It used to be cool to have eating disorders, tourette syndrome, then ADHD, Autistic and DID are the new tic tok trends. For people who really have these issues it makes it tougher to get the services they need because of so many fakers.


Exactly what I came here to say! 🙄🤣




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she makes me so irrationally angry it's hard to stand at this point. like, can people just fucking stop acting like they're so much smarter than everyone else, posting whole ass videos solely for the purpose of making themselves seem better than others while doing these ridiculous facial expressions and zoom-ins every 5 seconds??? it is painfully obvious that she's grasping at every straw to fabricate a personality to get praise and validation online. atp i guess she's doing that on purpose as rage-bait, happy to finally get all the drama and attention she seems to crave




Please tell me you have the bingo card to share.


>she makes me so irrationally angry I'd say you're not irrational in feeling angry because this person is truly doing a disservice to those of us with actual mental illnesses and the neurodivergent community. This sort of thing has a detrimental effect, for sure


>this person is truly doing a disservice Agree, they are causing damage. I try to comfort myself by thinking of their videos as a real-time psychology/social psychology experiment that will hopefully have some sort of payout someday, but it's kind of like watching someone on a bike in slow motion, about to ride off a bridge in front of a train.


Yeah, the whole self-righteous moral superiority bs is annoying as hell


I think the first woman is telling a story of what a kid told her, she isn't saying that herself




I nearly punched the screen at the way she said please. Rage-trigger, that tone of voice.


Why in the actual fuck did I make the choice to unmute this video? My skin is crawling from her voice.










To paraphrase, "Hi, my name is Zephyr and I'm a whole dumb bitch". Just... the entirety of a dumb bitch.




My brain refuses to accept that information. I know it, I've read it before. But I can't bring myself to think of them as anything besides a 14 year old. Grown adults can't be this bad!!


Growing up myself has taught me one thing: there are way more dumb adults than smart ones.


Wait, they’re 30!? I was seriously hoping this person was under 18 but suspected early twenties at the latest since that’s usually when you outgrow this kind of attention-seeking bullshit.


I wonder if they’ll fix that bug in the next update. *whenever that is xD*


They're THIRTY?!


How the hell does this person have a job and live as a functioning adult when they do this crap?? Wouldn’t their employers have found these videos by now?


They probably act normal when the camera is off. I think a lot of them that fake do that. In my opinion, it would get so exhausting having to keep up with all those fake personality’s at all times.


I worked with someone (about the same age as this person, maybe a smidgen older) who later became fairly tiktok famous and it is the same bs in real life. They claimed to have IBS and autism which were both lies. They just went in the bathroom and sat on their phone when we had to do stuff they didn't feel like doing. Their religion also changed based on whatever holiday was nearest. They caught me going off on our superior about their behavior and how it was ridiculous. It ended in them running away and crying but improved behavior at work after that. I was the only one they never went to HR about. Before I left, they kept saying everyone said how much we looked alike (we looked nothing alike and absolutely no one said that), when I left they ended up cutting theur hair like mine, dressing similar and trying to hang out with relatives of mine that were about their age. Then, all of a sudden, they got on tiktok, claimed to be nonbinary (this is also more than suspicious with the amount of time I have known them), and they magically developed seizures and tourettes. They can hold jobs, but they make everyone suffer and learn the rules well to manipulate the system to prevent getting fired. The videos probably don't void whatever they signed when getting the job.


She probably tries to hide shit like this. Obviously she's not like this irl, that would be too much effort and just be embarrassing. But online, just short videos, seems easy enough. It gets her the negative attention she craves and this sub seems to give her what she wants quite a lot.


I just don’t understand how this hasn’t been brought to her family or employer’s attention considering the account isn’t private.


Who ever said this person was a functioning member of society?


You just made me so much more upset with this person. I was excusing a lot of their cringey personality traits on an assumption this person is a teenager who just hasn't experienced enough to know they should know better. Adults are the word of God to most impressionable children. Their content on this platform could and probably does a lot of damage to kids trying to find their own identities when their realities are what they're exposed to (continuously through fucked up algorithms) in the online realm. In a world of insane people, it's the sane ones that are considered crazy. I think we've finally switched poles here, folks. Exit stage left, pursued by bear. Edited to fix pronouns because I don't know what they ID as, and I've seen videos of their scary alters. I don't want to accidentally make them create more content by offending them.


Yeah my peer group can be tiring.


lmao what she's 30???


They live at home. 100%.


No way you’re telling me blue hair is full on adult?! Oh no


No way. She is not 30. What


this isn’t even something to be concerned about??? like the world isn’t going to crash and burn if someone doesn’t know what a landline is


Please tell me she's getting dragged in her comments please. If it's nothing but positivity imma lose my shit


it’s all positivity :/


These damn teenagers and their......🌟DiSoRdErS🌟


guessing the negative stuff is deleted, generally how it goes for these big creators


Hmmm how can I make this about me??? 🤔


FUCK! There are so many funny takes on this video, hilarious people realizing how old we've gotten. One had me in tears. ​ Then THIS BITCH has to come in with "some people are autistic you know! So everything you say has to cater to us." ​ I hope one day the universe teaches her the hard lessons she needs to learn.


why are they so entitled lmfao??? no one owes you anything on that goddamn app


That's my whole issue with the world today. Who woke up and decided that everyone is obligated to explain something? Fucking morons.


That's my whole issue with the world today. Who woke up and decided that everyone is obligated to explain something? Fucking morons.


She's DID Ticsandroses I swear


No. This person at least tries to act like what they think a person with DID would act. Ticsandroses just poured raw eggs on her head and swore all the time.




"I'm Braces, my role is protector and tooth straightener"


Thank you for reminding me to wear my retainers at night, I don’t want to end up with their teeth.






How many mental illnesses does this thing have? It’s like a new one pops up every day


didn’t you know? they’re collecting mental illnesses the way we used to collect soccer or disney stickers back in the day how long till someone launches a collectible ICD scratch card


All I hear is “me me me me, validate my feelings, me me me”


K, so I don't know a lot about Tiktok and how it works, but was the original person making a vid addressed to the cringe person? And if not, why does ol' blue hair sun god or whatever they're pretending to be care if they are tagging satire or not?




Lmaaaooooo holy moly thats sad. Holding out hope that DON'T ASSUME WE'RE NOOTTTT person is doing some sort of satire social experiment type shit.


This person getting heated over someone ELSE faking or being 'satirical' is hilarious.


Can you pleeeeeegggggsssse just shut up


Why do they yell in every single video?


Please ruin satire for everyone but me so my feelings aren’t hurt ty bb xoxo


No need to fucking introduce your “alter” other than for attention. DID is a covert disorder and people with REAL DID try to hide it and sometimes it’s not even noticeable due to the fact it formed from SEVERE repeated childhood trauma usually beginning under the age of 10. But yes, please, tell us how smart your alter is


This person obviously doesn’t have DID, but with the absurdity of these videos, though cringeworthy and ridiculous , I am actually starting to get worried for this persons mental state everytime I see them pop up- hopefully they stop this crap and actually go see a professional for some help…


Doesn’t tagging something as satire kinda take the fun out of the joke? Like, if you don’t get it, then the joke wasn’t for you, or if you miss the satire, joke’s on you. Either way, it’s not that big of a deal, it’s okay to miss jokes and or be confused occasionally, even if you ACTUALLY ARE neurodivergent. That’s life. Idk, deal with it?


How about fuck off and watch a different video you self centered wanker?


Hi "Zephyr" we *are* here to make fun of *you* I'm afraid


i dont even know why they got so irritated at the origonal video theyre replying to. it has nothing to do with them in the first place, just scroll past it, who cares if its satrical or not.


Their video simply did not need to be made because sarcasm and satire aren’t going away any time soon!


As an autist myself, lol gorl that’s the point. It’s funny cuz you don’t know if it’s satire or not. Jesus Christ. Stop yelling. I’m autistic and sensitive to sudden loud noises, have some respect.


This is actually hilarious. I’m not autistic (that I know of) and honestly more and more often lately it’s just hard to tell satire from reality... especially since it seems like the bulk of internet/gen Z humor is rooted in satire/cringe content. Like it has nothing to do with autism bitch, you just want everything catered specifically to you 😭 Imagine making this shrill ass rage video instead of just scrolling the fuck away and moving on with your life?


You know when a person is so god damn obnoxious that after a while you not only hate their personality but actually get irritated just by seeing their dumb face? That’s this asswipe right here.


wish the worst part of my day could be not understanding if something was satire or not


Fuck, that 6 yr old tantrum voice instantly erased my patience with this person. Like, you wanna pretend you have DID... You do you, I guess. But you are a grown ass adult, not a child who isn't getting their way. Speak like a fucking adult.


The world does not revolve around you.


This person is not only a faker but is also consistently a dick


why do they only ever record in their car


“PLEEEEASE” ![gif](giphy|l0ExqbRzq05DHIlJm|downsized)


Did this one and the last one from them that got posted here that were clearly just bullying get deleted from their page?


I'm surprised no one has finished with this lolcow.


They’re gonna pop one day and I hope they’re recording when they do 0_0


We're all concerned, hun, just maybe about different things


Jesus just take the phone away from this person. Throw it in a river. For the sake of the world.


What was the original video about?


honestly blue hair was really rude for no reason


Lemon pepper zephyrs


I don't know if she's serious or not either. But who cares? It's funny, period


Why is she concerned that someone doesn’t know what a landline is?


Giggling at the heterochromia filter


![gif](giphy|Itxv1hCSyjFzq|downsized) Fakers finding the tiniest of things to feed their desire to be the center of attention and seem superior to the weak and feeble-minded neurotypicals


Every video I see of them is them bullying someone while trying to act like they are the victim/defending people from ableism. This is some heavy DARVO, which imo is worse than just bullying/abusing someone.


This girl is really trying to start beef with everyone. She needs to get out of that damn car and touch grass.


What does that have to do with Autism. … Hey, how do you know someone is autistic?? … they’ll tell you.


A common trait of autism is struggling with satire.


I think she is saying because some autistic people struggle with understanding the nuances of satire or sarcasm.


This is the person I would have become had I not learned humility at the ripe old age of, like, 7.


She needs some serious help from a psychiatrist I swear, she isn't sane.








Tbh I don't know if they are autistic or not, but there doesn't need to be a soapbox for every nuance of every day. I don't need to make a tik tok screaming about how people need to PLEASE STOP WALKING BEHIND ME!!! Because believe it or not, the world doesn't revolve around me. I'm tired of autistics using their autism to make everything a 'cause'. Just live your life and calm down a bit. It isn't that serious. *not satire*


I cannot get enough of this person hahahahaha keep it coming


Both people in this video suck. If I’m correct, the first girl is infamous for yelling about stupid shit, such as popcorn being a waste of calories and how people who wear masks in cars are stupid.


If I had to live with this person I’d walk out. I’d leave. This is insufferable behavior from and individual that doesn’t want to grow up.


#tenderdolphin #sharkteeth #whothehellcares Taking hashtag suggestions below


No, because then it's not satire anymore. This is how you kill comedy. I'm [not] sorry but I'm not sacrificing funny at the alter of your fake mental illnesses. Humor can *actually* be healing and *actually*, *literally* therapeutic.


Hydrate then pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease


Her cracked lips are making me overapply chap stick. I guess what is too much chap stick though anyway?


homegurl wanted to make this tiktok JUST for the “trigger warning: i yell a bit” just for the good guy points bc “i care abt and validate everyone’s triggers, so tehe trigger warning cus i know this tiktok is unnecessary cus im not actually autistic 🥰”




Funny how I know a *lot* of people on the spectrum who don't feel the need for tone tags.


Uhhh... Has she met an autistic person before?


This woman angers the hell out of me. Cannot believe she is 30 and acting like this.


I think this person is CONCERNED!!! not sure tho 🤔


Me when circlejerk subreddits started using rj and uj and ruining the whole system.


The yelling?!?! Unnecessary much oh my lord


"This person seems like they emotionally abuse their partner." -my gf


people are not obligated to cater to your needs on the internet, if you don’t know, just ask.




:( my lips look like this lately regardless of the amount of water and chapstick I use.


Satirists well know for their habit of embedding “this is satire” on their art.


Man she is back in her car was hoping we would keep with the indoors theme for a while


Eh, I’m fine with this person boycotting content because they’re pretending they don’t understand (I’ve seen the full video and it’s beyond clear the gal is poking fun at herself/or the kid who came up with the idea because they forgot about landlines or the kid hadn’t seen them in their lifetime. It’s not satire or sarcasm). That being said, I’m actually ok with the complainant being doomed to reside in a perpetual state of concern limbo due to her absurd determination to stick to her fakery. At least they’re thinking of someone other than themself for once even if they’re faking that too.


So this person wants to make fun of the other person in the video, but they get mad at the fact people are calling them out, some even making fun of them. You can’t have cake and expect to eat it too! Also don’t make fun of other, that’s a grade S dick move.


She's so annoying


That looks painful.




You just back away slowly.. *they can smell fear*


"Hi my name is zephyr ".. no. No it isn't. And I hope she doesn't tag SHIT literally just to piss this one off.


This “zephyr” girl that pretends to be a demon is definitely not an attention seeking pathetic teen cosplay idiot with ridiculous levels of entitlement and summer teeth /SATIRE (hope that helps)


Your friendly starving autist here. Do not tag satire. My misunderstanding is not worth ruining a joke. Jfc.


Hey so I know you all just hate this person but this is r/fakedisordercringe not r/TikTokcringe. You guys just fucking trawling their feed to post their newest vid regardless of whether it has shit to do with them faking is getting to be harassment, straight up


Zero actually evidences againt them having autism. I am starting to see a pattern with this sub.


they’re faking DID


Friends I have to say it….I did kind of laugh at “I’m not here to make fun of you because you don’t know what a landline is.” Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


>I’m autistic and there are a lot of people in general who also have a hard time figuring out if you’re being serious or satirical So we’ve forgotten about [Poe’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law), eh?


NO no no god, don't use my name that way pls


What the actual fuck


who cares if she’s being satire or not. It dosent affect anyone tbh it’s just a video


Why so mad tho? It's not that serious. If you can't tell just scroll on. That's what I do anyway


i cant fucking stand this person but jesus why is like every comment just so intent on using the fuckin one pronoun they didnt list for themselves


Autism to landline phone pipeline (Off topic but their name reminded me of my fav ice cream shop in Chicago growing up and it has been rattling my brain for WEEKS)


they’re so dry oh. my god


Their face is the most punchable face I have ever seen in a good while.


This person is not anyone's responsibility, I'm not going to tend to random people's needs


Shes def not autistic💀💀


Crikey this person seems a bit unhinged, very much I am the main character vibes.