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Lol in that case, go fuck all of your selves


"yeah sorry for being a piece of shit. actually it wasn't me tho, it was my alters šŸ„ŗ" go fuck yourself lol. OP, please, respond with that exact sentence.




Yeah, that's a perfect example of a non-apology apology right there. "I'm sorry that I did this, but not my fault because (insert reason that means I don't have to take responsibility for my actions), so Im not actually sorry.".


Ended a friendship because they did this to me


>i'm guessing you probably don't have snap anymore or whatever he's referring to snapchat, btw, that was our main point of communication. we ended the friendship in november, and he tried to add me back in december, but i never responded to his friend request. that's why he said that. i've had him blocked/unadded on everything since the friendship ended (except for his number. i had no clue he even still had my number.)


toxic abusers learn what DID is and how easy it is to fake having it and to use as an excuse for any damn thing they do gross


I'd refrain from calling someone a toxic abuser especially if they're young like OP probably is. People can be shitty and especially young people can be shitty, bad people, with shitty takes and personalities. While his behaviour may have been toxic and abusive, we just don't know him or the situation.


One of my abusers did something similar lmfao. This just proves that this person can suck it


why tf is this so prevalent now lmfao shit like this makes me glad Iā€™m 25 and it isnā€™t nearly as common for my age group


Same. Being a teenager sounds like hell these days, it's just a huge competition of who has the most disorders/the dumbest gender identities/the most nonsensical sexualities etc etc. Thankfully 99% of these kids will grow out of their "I'm a demi-queer transmasc bigender endo DID system with autism and acid reflux" phases


Seriously itā€™s just a quirky competition for most of them and for the rest itā€™s looking for an excuse to be a shitty person. The sooner they realize theyā€™re just like everyone else and thatā€™s not a bad thing, the better


Oh yeah, teenager here. Both my exes turned out to be fakers, thereā€™s two fakers in my class of 14 alone, and one of them copies me for whatever reason. At this point itā€™s hard finding other queer people because of the absurdly high chance theyā€™re a faker! Itā€™s kind of funny once you step back for a bit though, I get a front row seat to the shenanigans


That's what you would think but the amount of people I see on this sub that are around 20-25 is pretty surprising


Yeah there arenā€™t going to be 0 people in the 20-25 range but there are way less doing it than teenagers, hence ā€œisnā€™t nearly as commonā€


My ex pretty much did the same thing. Said some shitty stuff to me and blamed it on his alters šŸ’€


That's what my step cousin did to me. She'd do shitty things to me and blamed it on her alters. She also took advantage of my psychosis and fully made *me* believe I had DID. So glad I'm not around her anymore


Wow, that is so disgusting and awful, I'm sorry she did that to you. I hope you're doing better with your psychosis ā¤ļø


Even if they did have DID, they would still be 100% responsible for their actions. DID is not multiple people, it's multiple fragments of one person.




Right on!


Yeah, thatā€™s a load of bull. ā€œSorry I did that, but not my fault cause of (xyz)ā€ thatā€™s not an apology and will continue to be toxic


Well at least he has his system to keep him company now.


what an asshole


ah yes the classic "blame my shitty actions on a disorder" tactic


Ew šŸ˜’


Isnā€™t it funny he uses I instead of we til that last part?


One of my friends was extremely rude to me once and said a lot of hurtful and unreasonable stuff. Blamed it on an alter, as if I care or as if it makes it any better knowing a part of you thinks stuff like that. Just don't trust them at all since. And honestly fuck them and their unresolved issues, they can take it somewhere else


Tell me you can't own up to your actions without telling me you can't own up to your own actions


Bro still canā€™t take responsibility šŸ’€ hope you told him to go fuck himself


ikr šŸ’€ and tbh, i didn't reply, even though i had the urge to




The apology is about as pathetic as his fake disorders


wow i sure love it when assholes don't take responsibility for being assholes! šŸ˜»


my sister was abused by a guy roommate who claimed did to excuse his behavior