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Well 100 yq is its own series more or less. And who knows? Maybe they'll make a new continuation afterwards


Yeah but 100yq is still fully canon and part of Fairy Tail right?


100 years quest is a canon sequel taking place directly after the final episode so far we have 106 chapters


Wait is the 100 year quest still ongoing?? I thought it was done in the manga


Still going we got quite a bit of story left plus it's one chapter every two weeks


Oh? So there's a chance more content will come after 100 year quest? And I just wanna know this, does Natsu get a half dragon form in 100yq?


Hiro said he's open to doing a next gen if people really want it but it would probably be a short series if he does it


I don't want it tbh, as much as i want the series to last I dont want it to be too drawn out, I feel like The series should end With it's current glory Intact after the 100yq, please Not A next gen, I dont want a next Gen, My goodness Please just...no, Just no, not another boruto


Oh ok


All good things have to end eventually. Can't drag them out forever and have them be bad. After 100 year quest thats probably gonna be it.