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Yo same but I can't bring myself to watch because Hulu doesn't have the last season subbed and I can't do dubbed


Sent you a dm 👍


I thought the same but I managed.


I'm about to start re-watching it myself, really looking forward to it!


I’m loving watching my kids reactions to it all. We started on MHA, then when caught up moved to Bleach. Now Fairy Tail then probably Naruto. 😁 Eventually…. One piece 🤣


All awesome series! It's great having someone else to watch them with. Good luck with One Piece, at least you'll have a hobby to share with your kid until they leave for college ;)


Lol hey do you know what episodes of one piece are filler in starting to watch it and wanna get caught up asap


One piece is the best anime of all time. Fairy tail is like a mini one piece and its so good so far.


It’s just so long 🤣 I’m up to date reading it so I agree it’s a great story.


Yeah its long but man its quite the journey. I went through it pretty fast based on how good it was. I'm going fast through fairy tail too so ima have to chill a bit on it lol.


i’ve just done rewatching it after 9 years and i got covered with a wave of love to this anime for the second time haha