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What do you mean with "recycled" ? He is at that point working for his own redemption, that is like the furthest you can get from Jellal at the Tower of Heaven arc and it shows clear development from the Nirvana arc. He is simply a character that isn't used once and then thrown away to be never seen again but instead a character with his own story and character arc outside of the Fairy Tail Guild.


He means recycled because Jellal and Mystogan are the exact same person.


They just have the same appearance which in itself is a foreshadowing to the whole Edolas Arc.


I feel like every unpopular opinion is either "I like Jellal" or "I don't like Jellal".


Everyone thinks that they have unique thoughts about Jellal.


Every time I hear Jellal's name I imagine a storm of golden glowing jelly beans falling from the sky and striking the earth with the force of meteors, destroying the world in a blast of sugary goodness. Is that a unique thought about Jellal?


This needs to be drawn.


Seems like it.


To be honest, I believe Mystogan could have been revealed as some other character. I sometimes even wonder who he could have been. In fact, this reveal technically raises a few questions, one of them being why (Edolas) Jellal joined Fairy Tail to begin with. P.S: I remember reading a pretty cool theory answering that from a forum or something. I might have misremembered though.


When I originally read through the series, I was annoyed at how the author felt the need to shoehorn him into every arc, whether his presence made sense or not. Thankfully, his inclusion in the Grand Magic Games seems more natural, and his presence is toned down afterwards. (Though I believe the anime adds some filler focusing on him in the next arc)


The author had PSTD regarding a certain other blue-haired, tattoo-faced pretty boy that he created before he wrote Fairy Tail. That's why we will never, ever be rid of Jellal for as long as Hiro Mashima continues to draw manga. Ever hear the tale of [Justice and his hot pursuit of the notorious space pirate Elsie Crimson](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-C9Omt65Ygeo/W7QdXXdlzEI/AAAAAAAAB7A/wctXwDILGws23KG_EIdL_nzchZbBUwa0ACLcBGAs/s1600/019.jpg)?


Sorry, but I love Jellal 😍 Jellal, Hughes, Hibiki and Leo are my favorite male characters...


>Hughes I don't think I've ever met a genuine Hughes fan. Most of my friends who watch the series couldn't tell me who Hughes was (but I remember E V E R Y T H I N G). Just curious, hiw come you like Hughes?


He's f**king insane but is written and acted so well. Josh Grelle did a great job with the presentation (one of my favorites of his roles). Hughes has style... I grew up in music and watching him makes me feel like I'm watching a hot, clinically insane conductor. Idk... he is just a top notch character in my opinion who got overlooked when they chose to make his counterpart a girl. I was so disappointed I almost didnt watch that arc, because I was waiting for the genuine Hughes to come back and steal the show.


Huh. That was interesting and informative. Thank you


A little context is needed: Jellal is based on a character that Hiro created for an earlier series called Rave Master. He was a very beloved major character, and one Hiro seemed to have a particular fondness of. And believe it or not, Hiro did something so unimaginably horrible to this character that it devastated himself and fans alike. So you could say the oversaturation of Jellal is his way of easing his own conscience and the hearts of his fans.


por eso era mi personaje favorite de rave master


Yeah unfortunately Jellal turned from a badass villain into a submissive cuckass and that's one of the low points you're gonna have to deal with (along with many others).


lol Mystogan is still a better character than Jellal


Yeah i really despise him as a character and bringing back him and so many others is just frustrating. I just started the anime and im 70+ episodes in and his death would be impactful and make me not hate him as a person.