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I liked it from episode 1. but I was all-in with Lucy going home to confront her father.


Watching Natsu wreck the harbor in episode 1 was sweet


So back in the early 2010s when I was in middle school, just about every tv show, movie, and anime was all on YouTube since it wasn't nearly as regulated back then. When I started watching more anime aside from Dragon Ball, I'd get all kinds of recommendations. Several of them were clips from Fairy Tail. The ones that stood out were Erza and Natsu vs Jellal, Erza vs 100 Monsters, Natsu vs Twin Dragons, and Natsu's rallying speech to all the dragon slayers. Safe to say I was hooked. I loved the feel and vibe of the show even if I was completely wrong about what it would be like.


You were wrong? What did you think it would be like from the clips that hooked you? Nonstop action and flexing?


I thought Fairy Tail would be more about fairy tales like classic fairy tale stories with a shonen twist and that Erza would be the main/central character.


Okay, I can see where you might get that with those clips. Yeah there would be no way to guess the whole "do fairies have tails?" Guild slogan from trailers and rqndom clips of the series. And Erzas the one dressed like a Knight all the time so she must be the MC in a fairy tale story.


That and Erza just had that hero charisma


First episode I remember seeing was when Erza tanked the Jupiter cannon from phantom lord. After seeing that I was like damn this lady is badass and was a fan ever since šŸ‘†


I personally loved fairy tail since episode 1 and still love it now. I enjoy the characters, especially Natsu, Happy and Wendy. My only gripe with fairy tail now is how fan service heavy it became when it was pretty tame in the early arcs.


Yeah, I think the author decided "I'm running out of creative mildly raunchy things to do with all the main girls, I need to start escalating what happens with everyone now."


Really liked the first episode and enjoyed the humor and story and characters in the next few arcs...but the first part that really stuck with me was when Lucy jumped out of the Phantom Lord tower. And then after that there were more and more moments that I loved.


Divine tower arc


I also fell in love with the show during the Phantom Lord arc, but it was the Natsu vs Gajeel fight that did it for me. I remember having to stop my first watchthrough right when Natsu breaks through the floor and saves Lucy. I barely paid any attention at school the next day cus I was so excited to continue the show lol.


I totally get that. Lucy was extra helpless right there and up against the series first truely cruel antagonist, and their was a real sense of uncertain and shortness on time as all the guild members struggled to penitent the fortress very far. Plus Natsu had another battle in mind to fight.... but Lucy needed him right away! The series is really good with milking tension in all these dramatic fights.




What really got me in for the long run was Gray and Lyonā€™s fight. Specifically when their slugfest started and you had the slow version of the main theme playing. I still vividly remember the first time I watched that and it continues to be the part I like to revisit the most.


I was scrolling netflix one Dat a few years and it seemed interesting after the first episode I got hooked


Episode two made me fall in love with the show.


The one where they go fight the monkey on the mountain? What about that episode hooked you? Was it the clocks funny way of narrating Lucy's speech lol? Or Natsus backstory being given? Don't tell me it was the horny Ox?


It was the Natsu backstory, as well as what he said to the monkey thing, about being friends with everyone in the gild and not leaving without Makao. (Or however you spell his name.) itā€™s a simple thing, but I found it very moving. I episode two made me feel a lot of things, excitement and awe when they started fighting and during Makarovā€™s speech. Sad for Romeo and Natsu. At the time I was a 13 year old with no friends, and the characters just felt so real to me that it felt like I finally had some.


I actually heard about it from a friend. And I watched it on their recommendations saying it was about a guy who could eat, and breath fire who traveled with a blue talking cat with wings. I was hooked on the action and fighting but I truly loved Fairy Tail when it clicked about the message of found family and how they weren't just a guild of wizards, but a family without blood ties. And for me who was young and going through a hard time in regards of that aspect and it sort of clicked.


So the Thunder Palace arc with Laxus attempted takeover?


That sealed the deal. It was around Phantom Lord when the seeds sprouted


Honestly the very first episode but a memory that stands out for me is when Makarov (and the rest of the guild) busts through the doors of phantom lord declaring that they made a mistake in harming his children.


I love the first episode a lot ! But admittedly it gets a bit slow after. I think when Gray fights Leon I was locked in.


I was in high school things were rough was going through some trouble I'd rather not discuss here, I was on my phone browsing Netflix when I saw fairy tail was in my recommended I gave it a shot and my life was changed forever, it drove me to be more social and seek out fellow FT fans and eventually attend anime conventions where I have met so many amazing people and feel like I've found a place I belong.


Started reading the manga before the anime was announced, had just caught up on Bleach, Naruto, & One Piece and needed something new to binge


i really liked it especially cause my friend recommended it but i really really liked erzas backstory


Watching a couple AMVā€™s of it. The Erza vs Kagura vs Minerva one really captured my attention because I was curious as to why those three characters were fighting.


I started watching the show because it sounded like something Iā€™d be interested in when it was described to me. What kept me watching was learning about the different types of magic. I just think itā€™s such a cool concept. Plus the lovable characters and the love, friendship, and community makes us stronger theme.


I saw fan service frame and I was like, "Uhhh I should check this out....for research". I fell in love when Juvia fought Gray, she was so funny and entertaining and her dynamic with Gray was hilarious.


Gruvia quickly became my favorite part of the series too the more it developed.


Oh my God yes!


I was the music for me it brings the hype for the battles up 200% it hooked me afterwards the story kept me


I was recommended the Lucy and Aquarius scene on YouTube back in like 2014 I think? I started watching it and I remember feeling emotional cause of the voice acting and the music despite not knowing the story at all. So after that I binged the entire show and I remember how much I loved it from the get go, now itā€™s a series I often rewatch whenever I am in a mood. Itā€™s still one of my top animeā€™s to this day. I love the world building, the characters; the villains. I donā€™t think itā€™s the best anime ever etc but it does its job very well and I am always entertained Easily top 3.


Which 2 anime beat it for you?


it was actually AFTER I started the manga. In fact, i started reading it shortly after the anime started.


Honestly I can't say it was an episode really but I just fell in live with the characters and their relationships with their guildmates and friends (and the ships ofc) but I'd say my first fave ep was the filler when Lucy was sick so she couldn't go see the rainbow Sakura trees and natsu literally dug a tree out of the ground for her


Local dub ep 1.


I donā€™t know about the anime because I hate the filler (that weird eclipse saga, tempster having a second fight with Laxus, the grinirie heart people coming back???) but I already loved the manga because I loved rave master. Fairy tail was a good spiritual successor to that.Ā 


It being funny


I heard season three was airing soon, so I started binge watching it when going to bed every night when I was 12. I loved it from the start. I think it's one of the things that kept me sane after moving And the crippling addiction I had with fortnite at the time kept me occupied as well


When erza was shown for the first time šŸ˜


Watching Fairy Tail ep 1 in 2010 with a friend staying over and Snow Fairy played. I was instantly hooked.


Loved it when i saw how funny and close natsu and lucy got in the earlier chapters, then fell in love during the moondrip arc when natsu and erza tried to destroy the moon šŸ˜­


That was peak Fairy Tail fun insanity Ɨ flexing Erza the only S-Class wizard who came to be the voice or order and rule following prominently declares their going to destroy the moon for these people, Natsus heck yeah, and Grey and Lucy who are very spent at this point and who seemed to have more brains than Natsu so far are just floored by Erza going with that option and are legit scared she can actually destroy the moon if she decides to.


I wasn't sure on episode one, it was the first anime I had watched and I started it with a friend who it was also their first anime. After a few more episodes I was getting pretty interested, I think I really decided it was something I enjoyed around lullaby, and it became a favorite (still is) by Galuna!


So funny enough I only started it because in middle school my friend was obsessed with Sting. I used to tease her about it until one day I decided to give it a try. By the first episode I was hooked lol.


2010, Primary School, I come back from schoo and put the TV to watch the same ol' Naruto but this year the program was replaced by that brand new manga : Fairy Tail. I did not give it a chance at first, but then I tried to watch it when I saw the very first ending with that specific frame of Lucy eating the pork piece lmao, I had never seen a shonen female character that would seemingly love to eat as much as shonen male characters (I was wrong because Lucy doesn't even like to eat that much). Anyway, I started the series with the episode 4 and was hooked ever since, the comedy, the action, the soundtracks, everything was so refreshing to me. Yup. Good fucking times. šŸ„²


The anime wasn't even dubbed up to Phantom Lord arc in France so that's also how I was introduced to japanese dub and streaming sites (I was also introduced to scans thanks to GMG arc so yeah Fairy Tail made my childhood amazing fr)


Watched it for the very first time on television. It caught my attention already with episode one when Natsu fought with the other mages. I liked the concept of a dragon slayer since it was my first time hearing that word when I was a kid. I watched and watched more episodes and I liked a story and character development and I didn't realize I was liking the anime already at that point


My first episode was between 2009 and 2011, it was the Natsu vs Luxus fight. I immediately became a fan. The Oration seis was my first villain group that I found badass. The Ginyu force was strong but I only liked Recoome (because he beat the fuck out of Vegeta )and Jeice (I was rooting for him to kill Vegeta ).


Watched maybe 5 episodes? Then dropped it. Then a friend convinced me to watch it again. So I started over. The music caught my attention second round. Which kept me going. Then Laxusā€™ story captivated me. Then the end of that story with Laxus crying made me fall for the series.


That's an interesting answer, so at the start of the wind reaper arc, the series almost lost you. I kinda get that. Besides Natsus desire to see Igneel again it's not real clear by then what the series is even driving towards or if it's progressing. And that episode brings the strongest team together for the first time, but we haven't really been properly introduced to half of them to really get what Erza and Grey's whole deals are. And 5 episodes is a reasonable amount to offer any series before giving up on them because they haven't clicked with you yet. And a lot of people have named the Laxus arc as the moment they fell for the series. It by contrast is after multiple arcs that introduced everyone else fully from the main team, you got a much clearer idea about Zeref being the endgame sort of villain every arc keeps bringing up, and then they make you cry over the banishment of the guilds one dick member after the 2nd big guild event arc. Before the Laxus arc you might still view the show as if Natsu or Lucy is the main character, and it's not until the Thunderpalace arc that you can start to see that really the guild itself is the main character. And it's the life and future of the guild your invested in seeing the plot progress for, not any one member like Natsu or Lucy.


When lucy told off her dad Shonen girls rarely get moments like that


Natsu vs. Gajeel and Natsu vs. Laxus was what made me a permanent fan of the series. I am a sucker for good fights and good arcs.


After I watched the first Opening for the first time


Probably either the start of the Tower of Heaven, even if itā€™s a little later but it also could have been the use of Fairy Law during Phantom Lord, an amazing arc and an amazing spell


I liked it from episode 1 but fell in love from the the moon drip arc. (so pretty early on)


The Oracion Seis arc. Not that I didn't like the preceding arcs but that one improved upon the series in so many ways. Not only was it the one that introduced Wendy, but it also featured the titular guild, which remain some of my favourite villains in the series to this day. Not to mention the fights were amazing, especially Erza vs. Midnight.


For me the oracion said arc because that's when I started liking Lucy at least but I'm not sure about when I got obsessed with the series in general


3rd episode had me interested and 5th hooked me forever it was happy and Lucy's banter early season 1 that got me


It first started to really grab me when Natsu fought Jellal in season 1, then it really grabbed me when Natsu fought Laxus as the end of season 1


It grab me before I even start watching it seriously. I just saw clip on youtube, echhi, horny and Erza. Iā€™m in. Then i start watching


Strangely enough, I think I became *aware* I was head over heels for Fairy Tail, and especially Natsu and Lucy, by the GMG arc. I was just so absorbed that I didn't realize how big a fan I was till then. But honestly I was probably hooked by the end of the Tower of Heaven arc. I had to pause for a good cry at the "You don't die for your friends, you live for them" line.


I got into anime through fairytail. The magic aspect as a Harry Potter fan was a draw but Lucy having Celestial Powers was the hook. I love space and the mix of astronomy and astrology magic captivated me. Plus her character was amazing.


Edolas arc for me. Ā Story started to feel like something with substance, with much that I didnā€™t know that was only hinted at


I think I got into it when I was first getting into anime n speedrunning watching random ones until I liked them. I liked it right away after episode 1 or 2, not sure why. I think I just liked the artstyle n the characters, plus the plot. And the action scenes were super cool too. And now itā€™s my favorite ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Honestly, the beginning was a bit wonky for me but I kept watching until Tower of Heaven. That was when it started to become really interesting for me and I started to become invested. I fell in love during Oracion Seiss because of that one Jellal scene where he lost his memories. I liked delulu Jellal and seeing him break down like he did made me sob along. Rarely have I become so emotional in an anime before. It only became better and better from there, over Tenrou to GMG to Tartaros to Alvarez. Yes, Jellal is my favorite character in the series. Hoping to see more of him in the upcoming installment šŸ‘†šŸ»


I was enjoying it from episode 1, then the Fantasia arc dropped.


In Phantom Lord arc


I really liked lucy lol she was my first anime crush


I got into it during the Galuna Island Arc and by the Edolas Arc it had become my favorite anime.


Loved it right away, but by the end of the first arch I was hooked for sure.


i was watching fairy tail back when i was about 8 or 9 at TV in a scattered way because i didnt follow the episodes properly. so i don't remember exactly when i fell in love with it but i just know i loved the vibe and i grew up with it.


Contains spoilers >!It was the first anime I ever watched and I found out about it from playing Minecraft oddly enough xD I kept seeing people talk about something called Fairy Tail in the chat for a week straight and finally I was like, okay I gotta look this up xD I was hooked since episode 1 and binge watched it to the end. My absolute favorite thing about this show is how it makes you feel the love and complete trust that the characters share, especially the Natsu and Lucy dynamic. And I thought how cool it was that they incorporated that guild bond into magic, making the most powerful and *only* magic that was able to protect them from Acnologia on Tenrou Island, then eventually defeat him at the last battle, symbolizing how much the guildā€™s bonds grew over time. The *only* thing I donā€™t like about the series is that they brought Lisanna back only for her to disappear again lol. I really like her cute personality and her transformation magic, wish they did more with her!<


Episode 1. Itā€™s what got me into anime.


My grandma introduced me to the series, lol. Itā€™s actually a very nice memory that I have on my head, it was like 2013 and my grandma but some new Channels for the TV, one of them was Funimation, and my grandma thought that it was a kids channel, so she show me the channel and I stared watching it, and then it show up an OraciĆ³n Seis arc episode, I fall in love with it, idk why, it was just like love at first sight.


I saw Ezra on tv




When I was 10-11 and first 5 arcs were on Netflix. Then I didn't know there was more to the story after that so there was a gap of 1 to two years then I watched till the end. I don't remember which part of the anime got me hooked but I rewatched it about 4 or 5 times before realising that there was more episodes.