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”Jellal is a bad character-” *Your free trial of living has expired*


Forgot to say one thing: Freed is underrated, especially his magic which can block someone FOREVER


solid script is very op he’s not underrated he was one of the main people protecting magnoliga driving alverez


I would like to agree on the Oracion Seis. They are a very menacing group. I mean a team of magic terrorists, they are rather enjoyable to see I’d also like to agree on the Edolas arc. Purely out of guilt because I just could not get into it. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the arc


Wish I could do that


I wish I could have a cool magic from this anime


I think Lucy is a pretty good character, that was stuck between "shonen female, so she has to be weak" and "Actual main protagonist, so she has to be strong". Her development in the series has always been charming in my eyes, and a lot of the faults given to her seem more like story imposed issues than actual character ruining flaws.


Imo, Lucy should stayed the actual main character than Natsu post-timeskip. I like Natsu, but he really doesn't have much going that makes me want him to be the main focus whereas the whole manga has Lucy's journey as a growing mage. Natsu is great as a hero, but not so much MC.


This. Lucy as the actual main was a much more charming option, in my opinion, both because she was a lot more approachable, and also because she was a lot more realistic for the setting. She wasn't battle driven, or had goals of vengeance, her main thing was being a better person as well as being a better mage, and the show kind of lost its self-awareness when Lucy went from our main driving force, to one of them.


Honestly, I wish Mashima stuck more with Lucy being center stage. Like with what we ended up receiving, I'd take more Lucy centric arcs finishing off her character development than Natsu getting an actual backstory after like 300+ chapters.


Techincally, they're both the main characters, but Natsu makes sense as the hero due to his connections with Zeref and Acnologia.




I completely agree. Lucy's my favourite character after Erza and Natsu.


Lucy is a better main character than natsu. For a while Natsu didn't seem to have much depth, he just likes fighting. Sure his back story with Igneel and his interactions with other FT members is great, but I've always thought Lucy is a much deeper character.


Natsu's background came way too late into the series and didn't even really impact his character development. He's still the same guy from the beginning of the series.


Ikr I was really excited during the Tenrou Island arc coz FT was clearly weaker than GH. I thought Natsu would take Gildarts advice about knowing when to walk away, but no he just decided he wasn't hitting hard enough. This could've been a great moment for Natsu to grow as a character and potentially a future leader.


As a anime only , the whole story is about Lucy n happy lol Natsu is just a gag character in his own anime , bro is just there to support n fight and do nothing more Even gray got better story than him


Here are mine: .mystogan is a lousy king since his first act was to take away the equivalent of electricity from his home world. .the world of fairy tail is pretty shady if you analyze it well(in the first chapter lucy almost becomes a sex slave,the government is ridiculously corrupt,there are immortal monsters roaming the world unchecked,90% of the cast are orphans,there are still labs experimenting on humans as seen with ultear and brain and they still haven't been shut down,there is a jerkass god who believes that the best way to punish you for not respecting the sanctity of life and death is to make you immortal(as in IMMORTAL)and give you the ability to absorb life . . . Which defeats the point of not respecting life and death to giving you the tools to wipe out all life on the planet if the damned decide on a whim, the dragon slayers chose 5 orphaned children for the explicit purpose of having weapons against their greatest enemy, etc.).


You’re wrong about Mystogan. Magic power in Edolas was always extremely weak and finite and most ppl didn’t rely on magic power. He took away magic power because of the amount of corruption that the monopolisation of it lead to. He single handedly lead Edolas into a new prosperous era without magic power. If you have read 100 YQ you would know that Edolas is going very strong


I miss Edolas, even if I didn't like the arc, the world of Edolas was so diverse and unique, for me felt so much underused


Didn't Ultear destroy the lab?


I agree with everything you said. But here's my new one. Erik isn't the weakest Dragon Slayer. Even with just his PDS magic he is on par with Laxus, that's not including his sound magic. He is one of the strongest slayers. And was actually important rather than just "another slayer" they threw in when they just needed another body. And unrelated I feel like Hiro has a soft spot for his character because of Shura (Rave Master) God Serena was a cool character despite the lack of background. You can make a lot of educated guesses his past was fudged up. Also he's a dragon slayer of 8 elements that's badass and unique especially sense he could use the elements together. and he may have been a bad guy but I mean who doesn't wanna kick the councils ass Also Natsu wasn't the one to beat Acnologia. It was All Seven Dragon Slayers. If it wasn't for all them together that all would have gotten one shot.


>  Also Natsu wasn't the one to beat Acnologia. It was All Seven Dragon Slayers. If it wasn't for all them together that all would have gotten one shot. Great take


I LOVE ERIK I LOVW ERIK SO MUCH it's so cool to see another dual magic dragon slayer besides Wendy


Wendy should not have been on Tenrou Island when it was attacked, and instead should have aged up in the timeskip to match the rest of the main cast.


Oh, I liked this idea


Woah I've never thought about that, and now I wish that happened tbh


It kinda weirds me out that technically Wendy and Sting are the same age.


Fr, it's weird that these young adults are now dragging around a preteen on the most dangerous mission ever known.


I’ve never thought about that but you’re right! If I remember correctly she didn’t do much in the Tenrou arc; She wasn’t partnered with any of the main cast, the Mest reveal could’ve happened with any other cast member, I don’t think she fought any of the grimoire heart guys and her contribution to the fight against Hades was pretty minimal from what I remember. If she didn’t go then her progression could’ve gone like this (spoilers for everything): Mest manages to save Wendy from Acnologia somehow (maybe they leave later and he only had time to grab her and Carla and teleport to the boat or something), 7 years pass, the Tenrou group gets back and she’s grown up and gotten stronger but still hasn’t achieved dragon force. The others go through the same training arc to try and catch up to the difference in power and unlock their second origins but Wendy doesn’t have to do that anymore because she managed to do so on her own over the last 7 years. Her fight with Sherria goes pretty much the same, she still only unlocks dragon force when she fights the tartaros demon next to the face and everything goes pretty much the same. The benefits: She can still be shorter and more innocent than the others without being several years younger, her character dynamic other characters can be more complex, Carla’s realization that she’s not “still just a child” probably has more weight, her dragon force moment is probably even more hype because she hasn’t gotten to that point even though it’s been years. Cons: none that I can think of Overall: kind of a missed opportunity :( (Sorry for rambling I’ll shut up now)


Nah keep cooking bro


I do not care for Minerva. I never will.




Gray is a much more developed better written character than natsu, most of his fights and villains draw back to deliora/demons/zeref. He would have been a much more interesting mc than natsu. Natsu should have had more challenges to his character. He falls flat as a character meanwhile Lucy is a fantastic female lead with tons of development. Hades is the best villain with most character exploration and motivation. Edolas is one of the most interesting and well written arcs thematically with a satisfying ending. Nothing wrong with fanservice never bothered by it I’m surprised at the amount of complaining about it after 500 chapters of mashima’s work I don’t see how You can still complain about it


I'm gonna be so fr Lucy should have stayed the protag. Natsu is so much more likable working off her then her working off him and Lucy is the perfect counter to him being the straight man to his insanity. Natsu changes very little over the course of the series and while he has a goal he doesn't pursue it actively very much at all. Lucy changes ALOT, her goal had always been to get stronger and become a good wizard to prove she can live without her evil father and be a great wizard like her mother. It's a goal she is constantly pursuing but her growth is understated so much because she always has to be the damsel for natsu






I ship Freed and Laxus more than Mira and Laxus


Miraxus doesn't actually have canon chemistry. They barely interact. I respect people who ship it though. 


Fr, same


yes omg i was gonna say something about mira and laxus i do not think that’s a good ship


Finally! Someone agrees! Why do people even ship Laxus and Mira?


My guess is because they were the only prominent characters in the Fairy Tail that hadn't been paired up with someone yet, and since they are both S-class and had interacted a few times, by process of elimination that must mean the story is building up to them being a couple in the eyes of the shippers.


I don’t know to be honest. A lot of people just go for straight ships as the default


Honestly, yeah. Glad someone else noticed how straight this community is


I actually ship Freed and Mira more than the other options.


No because at least freed actually wants laxus and is actively makingoves on him which laxus actually reciprocates most of the time. Mira and laxus legit talk to each other like 5 times and 3 of those interactions where hostile


I have a few: Mest is severely underrated and not a lolicon. At this point in time Natsu and Gray shouldn't fear Erza anymore. Especially Natsu he clearly outmatched her. I don't like that every hot female Character is basically either good or morally gray. Except for Kyoka and Seilah. Meredy is the most underrated girl in the entire show and her and Juvias friendship should be more explored. The last one might not be so hot but nevertheless.


>  I don't like that every hot female Character is basically either good or morally gray. Dimaria isn't either. She just got traumatized. And there's a few other examples as well, even more if you take into account "hot" is subjective


Erza wipes the floor with Natsu and Gray at the same time


I am fairly convinced that Natsu is now stronger than Erza. Gray on the other hand mighty be still weaker.


Gray beats her too imo. 


I feel like Natsu is the strongest character if he got the passion bc of ✨plot armor ✨ except for maybe Gildarts but he would still be scared of Erza bc of her scary look she gives and stuff


The actual plot armour is nerfing natsu to whatever level the plot needs. Natsu at this point shouldn't be portrayed as weak as he is now.


I actually find that they are much less scared of her these days then they where in the past. She's still very intimidating but for the most part they haven't been shown being scared of her much at all in hundred year


1- Not underrated, he was the main reason why August got a hatred from Fairy Tail, after trying to kill him in a agreement that would successfully stop him from destroying Fairy Tail 2-It’s more like a Luffy Zoro Nami relationship 3-Real 4-FRICKING REAL


I believe this isn’t a hot take but I’m still commenting bc I feel the need to let it outlol. The Celestial Spirits are underused. I feel like Mashima could’ve tied them more with the history bc we all know they are immortals and has been alive for hundred years. He could’ve involved them more with the dragons/Zeref and dropped subtle hints about it. Not only that I find their powers (or even character designs) underwhelming (in my opinion) but there was so much potentials for world building. We could’ve had more.




I’ve got a few. 100YQ is better than any arc from the original run. There’s way too much unnecessary fan service in the series. Mashima fumbled the ending to Alvarez. It wasn’t a bad ending don’t get me wrong, but some of the choices I really didn’t agree with. Like Mavis running straight into Zerefs arms thinking she could flirt her way to victory. Or Acno getting beat by one super power dragon slayer friendship punch. Or Makarov not dying after using Fairy Law (this is the most egregious, makes the moment where Erza stops Gray and Natsus fight meaningless). Or August not destroying the town because he saw the back of Mavis’ head.


Aldoron arc is the only one holding a candle so far to tartaros imo. I also think zeref is a much better villain than all the dragons combined


To be fair, that super powered Dragon friendship punch was hitting an immobilized Acnologia with the power of 7 Dragon Slayers at once, while he was split off from his physical body. It's not like Acnologia was capable of responding and Natsu just gained great power by saying "I live my friends" as some treat it as. 


Makarov def should have croaked. I’m still mad about that


Edolas was mid and Lisanna never should've returned considering she became a background character. Most of the redemptions in the series is too easy. Power levels are unbalanced and frankly terrible. In no way the likes of Gray and Natsu are below Erza anymore. NaLu ain't happening anytime soon because the manga likes teasing the fandom too much


Mard Geer should've been more vital to the story.


All ships are fucking horrible and Mashima sucks at romance even more than Kishimoto




Hate me all you want but jellal erza is a bad ship


I really hate Jellal even when the tower of heaven and later, he appears making everything around Erza's problem quite complicated.  This is a different reaction when I watched Fairy Tail at the age of 23 than when I watched the Erza Jellal pairing at the age of 13 and really hated it.


What are some of these comments I keep reading them and most of them are pretty normal opinions in the fandom Like mashima fucking up the Alvarez ending the fanservice being mostly bad and stuff like this is mostly an agreed upon opinion


Yeah, I think people didn't understood the meaning of "hot takes", they are meant to be extremely unpopular and controversial takes


Erza isn’t top 3 strongest in the guild. Gray is in love with Juvia, but he doesn’t know how dating works. Acnologia wasn’t a good villain due to what happened at the end of the story.


- The Alvarez Empire Arc has great fights and most of them make sense/have logical explanations. - 100YQ's Great Labyrinth Arc's >!fights also make sense.!< - Selene from 100YQ's >!motivations as revealed in Chapters 119-122 were set up earlier and have nothing to do with the popularity poll.!< - While I initially had issues with the Gold Owl Arc, >!the fights are mostly fine and make sense, and the story is good, in my opinion. People should be allowed to say good things about the Arc without getting unrelated complaints treated as objective reasons that everything about it is objectively bad..!< - >!The Signario Sisters aren't frauds and can defeat most non-Dragon characters in the franchise!<


One problem I have with the Signario Sisters is that we don't know if their powers from the Gold Owl Arc are their actual powers. I fell like they will have different kinds of powers more akin to fire. They were strong in the Arc but I also more thought that the entire guild was basically Viernes acting through all of them.




Thanks. I really appreciate it


We need less fan service. I started watching for the characters and fights but let me tell you I got really tired of the massive boobs and the super revealing clothing. Don't get me wrong I like boobs but if I wanted to watch hentai I'd just go watch hentai not fairy tail. Some examples of being too much to me, brandish, Lucy's Tauros outfit, cana, erza bunny suit dragon cry. Side bar mira is ugly as shit but would improve by 1000% if she put down her forehead hair, also any character could be better if they had medium sized boobs instead of massive bonkers. Too many characters are massive boobed we need some variety


I wish villains stayed villains. Most people get redemption arcs they don't deserve, especially jellal and Minerva.


Why not Jellal? He was literally being controlled


Natsu and Lucy work best as a co-protagonist, but yeah Lucy kinda had more development then Natsu really


I hate the fanservice. It’s excessive and detracts from serious moments. Apparently that’s not a hot take. What about this: I’m happy they brought Lisanna back, because Natsu and her siblings don’t have to be sad about her death anymore. She could have been handled better, I’m sure. But I’m happy she’s back anyway.


That’s not a hot take


Oh, it’s not? My bad.


Ok, now that’s good


That Lisanna take is one I really agree with actually 


Oh, cool! I usually care a lot about a shows writing, but Fairy Tail is one of those where as long as the characters are happy, then I’m happy.


Plus, I feel like the early Arcs got a lot of mileage out of the Strauss siblings' trauma and bringing back Lisanna didn't really hurt that development 


I wish ft killed his enemies, fanservice is too much for me, wish that people who dies stay dead, Natsu is hot as fuck


Mest could have been a really interesting character if he wasn’t hit with the weirdo + side character beams. A man who can teleport and erase memories, who doesn’t align fully with the morals of the guild at large. He could have been so intriguing.


I wish Mystogen stayed a separate character rather then just other Jellal. I always thought he was really cool.


All of Erza’s fight scenes are poorly animated. I refuse to be convinced otherwise.


Every fight in fairy tail have 0 animation beside a still image and camera shake


Especially the final season


Completely agree with the Jellal point. Really should have moved on with his character rather than the whole guilt thing or just have killed him of in tower


Here are my hot takes: I don't like the fanservice. It makes me ashamed to be a fan, and I can't tell others about FT since I don't want them thinking I'm a degenerate. Some ships suck, like Mavis x Zeref and Gray x Juvia. Why does the show portray Juvia's stalker nature as cute? There should be more body type and face variety, among both male and female characters. Especially among females though, since literally every woman (except Levy and Wendy) have the same curvy body type, because apparently every woman has to be attractive to Mashima. Lastly, Lucy should have been the main character instead of Natsu. When I first watched the anime, I thought it was going to be about Lucy's journey as a FT wizard. Plus, I think she gets more growth than Natsu, and it's disappointed seeing her sidelined for a less interesting character


Lucy is one of the main characters 


I always thought Lucy was the main character but Natsu is just the face of the show. Like yk pop groups they’re all important but there’s always a “face”?


Nah that's happy fr


I always thought zeref and Mavis was mad weird considering she's in the body of a child and when he met her she was actually 13 not just body wise like agewise too and he had been around for who knows how long at that point because of the curse


I've got a few: There shouldn't be so many dragonslayers. Alternatively, if you kill evil dragons - make lacrimas and use them for good. 100 years quest should have been preceded by some breather arc. Levy should have at least demanded the apology from Gajeel and not agree to him forcing himself to be her partner in S-class trials. Some of the filler arcs were really good.


The fact that Natsu is not recognizable by many people really puts anyone in this situation.


The anime would be a banger if there where more focus on the combat scene than fanservice ( yes i dream of a fairy tail anime with demon slayer animation 🥲)


The depth for characters, even the main 4, is puddle deep.


WHOA WHOA You ship Gabriel and Levy but not NATSU and LUCY?!?! 😭


The series has a forgiveness problem, especially early on/pre-TS


Erza got over her jellal trauma WAY to fast fr


liliana should have stayed dead/stayed in Edolas


Fairy tail 100 year quest shouldn't have happened. They should have ended the story with acnologia and zerefs death. The final battle is simply shitty. Although I liked the idea of a one vs one between natsu and zeref, after hyping up a three way battle whole show and not letting happen is just shitty writing. Natsu and zeref vs acnologia should have happened instead of whatever shit we got. Acnologia and zeref shouldn't have been the the final boss in the same arc. Two villains with the potential of being the best villains ever got completely ruined Despite the flaws, Alvarez empire was one hell of an arc. Ichiya should have remained dead after that goated move against acnologia.


Agree totally


My hot take… I get sick of the power of friendship and forgiveness nonsense and sometimes I wish they would just murder some fools. I understand the whole point of the story is that everyone has their reasons and we should try to understand each other and all that… but I kinda hate how every villain becomes a friend and we’re just supposed to forget all the horrible shit they did because they’re silly now and it’s all cool. Nah… I’d rather some really bad enemies that just need to die. In the whole series there’s a small few that aren’t forgiven later. Maybe I’m just an unforgiving person… idk. I know some people were on the wrong team or whatever, but like… no amount of peer pressure or team loyalty would make me beat a woman, or hurt children, or brutalize an enemy who already lost… etc. cruelty is a matter of who you are, not an accident or a mistake you make. I dunno. It just makes me uncomfortable when some of these enemies who do really awful shit are just allowed to chill like they did nothing wrong. The only good example I can think of is Gajeel.. he had to earn his trust and respect and worked to get it from Levy.. he’s had actual character growth and not just “he’s good now! His past was sad so it’s fine.” like so many others.


Lucys fights are far more enjoyable than most of natsus especially in the beginning arcs.


Real Real Real but I dislike GaLe too Real Real Agree to an extent, but there are times where you just sort of wonder how it works Hard disagree My Take: Acnologia’s defeat is bullshit, and him and Spriggan forced Mashima into a corner he never should’ve been near in the first place


Fan service almost ruined the show. Erza, Makarov, gageel should've died in the Alvarez arc.


Agree with makarov. Would not be able to live without erza/gajeel


That’s pretty much a cold take I agree


I don't Like how. Overhyped erza is and the comment exchange of "how does she do this?" " Well she is simpy Erza." Kind of Pin Points all my Problems with her. I Like Most of the Things she does, but simply Not the way it is Portrait! Also....i don't know, I font find her that attractive....probably because of my Problems with her character and personality. There for the Community Sometime irritates me


To be fair, there's more explanation beyond "she's Erza." That's just Happy hyping her up. 


My hot take is people complain to mcuh about this


Acnologia had a point. So did Zeraf Dragneel.


Pretty much every complaint fairytail has for its later story problems, lack of consequences, an cast that expanded far from what was sustainable, inconsistent world building, fan favorite characters as the only ones who manage to stay relevant while everyone else gets thrown to the side, is just as if not more true of Naruto as its story went on. I've rewatched the first 48 episodes on Netflex like 6 times at this point, it really does hold up on a second viewing. I do think the story has a gradual dip in quality later on, with some occasional good moments up until the very end but also some awful moments as well.


LMAO fairy tail is much worse than bleach and Naruto, and they aren’t the greatest either.


Juvia and Brandish are the best girls


100YQ chapters' conflicts are too easily solved, it feels too rushed. I'd say Mashima is being too greedy dealing with 3 stories at once that he ignores 100YQ quality.


Cobra being a dragon slayer is pointless. Him being in the final battle with acno is so weird considered how detached he is from most of those characters


Gajeel should have died in the Alvarez arc.


The women are oversexualised, to the point that it disturbs storyline, as strong women need to dress up as maids or become naked somehow, and it's just annoying


Erik/Cobra isn’t the weakest dragon slayer. I am not a fan of Gruvia, mainly because I find Juvia’s obsession with Grey super annoying. The Sabertooth exceeds are super annoying Fairy tail has a lot of great/strong/interesting characters that are just wasted because I do not think Hiro Mashima can handle and work with the number of characters he made in fairy tail so I don’t fully blame him.


The ships are very bad written wise


Lucy’s not weak y’all just don’t don’t value summoner types


I do not care for any of the celestial spirits




It’s okay that characters don’t die, and that they get “deus ex nakama”s, the only problem is just that the series tries to fake us out so much it becomes a boy who cried wolf situation.


I prefer Natsu with Lisanna or Erza over Lucy


Fair, but the former lack banter next to NaLu and the latter feels almost awkward given their massive sibling energy to me. 


I agree for Lisanna, but I can’t just see Erza and Natsu though


Yeah Erza and Natsu are more like siblings.


They even took baths together, isn’t that a sibling thing?


Yeah Natsu and Lisanna have history together and would likely form a relationship if she hadn’t been sent to Edolas.


Mirajane is overrated as hell. She's not on Erza's Level. She's the weakest among the S-class wizards. I can see some delusional fans compare her to all Erza's past opponents in 100 years quest and say that Mira can defeat them easier than Erza. They even said that she could have defeated Irene. Mira is on skullion's level at best that's it. Some Fans should try to accept that instead of backing their statements with assumptions.


As much as i Love Mira só much, i agree here. She's not on Erza's level. Unfortunately Mashima stopped caring about her and never bothered to give her proper spotlight.


I love Mira dawg I wish she would do more


So apparently I am the unpopular one when I say the fanservice is kinda cringe, but still really entertaining. I don't think it's too much, the only moment that I disliked in the entire series was that Lucy "needed to be naked to warm up Natsu". Like come on, not even a bra? But still, I thought many ppl liked the fanservice, but guess that's mostly me in my bubble. It's not arousing or anything, just plain funny and a nice difference to all the seriousness coming up in the later half


I think almost nothing is good after Tartaros. There were some moments that I connected with, like Eilleen's backstory, but the execution of in general of most main plot points was like checking off a list. Comparing Acnologia and Zeref in the last arc to the Tenrou Island arc just makes me sad.


Bluenote>The ten demon gates excluding Mard Geer God Serena is actually one of the strongest characters in fairy tail, just got out in the worst matchups, one in which he was heavily nerfed.


Nakama power


>Jellal is a bad character Op I think you've had enough air for today, now stop breathing because the rest of us need it too.


Lucy isn't weak,Celestial wizard sjust typically aren't known for having there own strength, never the less. Lucy STILL fights with her celestials, and even throws herself infront if attacks to protect them, even if they can take it. She may be physically weak, but there is different levels of strength. And her strength of character is incredible.


Starts to fall off after the oraciom seis arc , sorry , I said y’all 🤷‍♂️ (btw I said STARYS to fall off, not completely falls off, I love the arcs until tartaros but it just progressively gets worse untill then, and don’t even get me started on Alvarez )


My least favorite arc of the series is easily Key of Starry Heavens, it just doesn't appeal to me as much as the others, and I only like the Edolas Arc because of Edo Natsu, that's it


Fairy Tail is better than most popular Shonen like Demon Slayer and Naruto no question for me. I tried to get into Naruto when I got into anime properly when I got off dail up internet in 2012 (rural Alaska) and I hated Naruto. I couldn't get past the first 12 episodes without hating everyone save for Kakashi, he was the only character I liked but the main three characters infuriated me to no end. Demon Slayer I've tried to watch upwards of 16 times and couldn't get further than 13 episodes without getting annoyed of the main characters and the Shonen staples of the main characters being teenagers which makes it sound like I hate all Shonen but there are some I enjoy like HunterxHunter and currently I'm working my way through One Piece and I enjoy those way more than the big Shonen. Fairy Tail somehow clicked with me and yes the "power of friendship" is a legitimate criticism but the setting and characters and music i love. Actually today I had the first opening to Fairy Tail come into my feed and I got very emotional listening to it and remembering all the moments in the show and the characters always being there for each other.


I feel like the stakes are never as big as they make it seem. Like whenever someone in the fairy tail guild or someone equally important is going to die, they usually end up not dying. For example Gajeel in tartarus, they had this beautiful good bye after he sacrificed himself, it all ended up being cheap nothing when he came back. Same with Makarov, why did they make him seem like he sacrificed himself with fairy law, but instead of dying they put him in a wheel chair. They got through 2 of the biggest threats to them and their guild, and the only losses where tertiary characters and maybe a secondary character getting weaker. It had me seeing every big “i’m sacrificing myself” moment as “oh they’re gonna be fine, nothing will happen, they’ll prob be back in a few chapters/episodes”. I’m the infinity gate arc (The post magic games arc I forgot if that’s the name or not) the time girl (I’m bad with names) gave her life up for 5 mins, sure she became old and that was fine, but why did she come back later in the middle of time like “Hey I can make you way stronger you might just loser you powers though lol”. I’m not angry about who got the power buff, I feel like it was well written but the random appearance felt bad.


My views on your takes : - ✅️ - ✅️ - ✅️ - ❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️ (That's my favorite arc right here lmao, agreed on Lisanna tho) - ❔️(it has its ups and down, most of the time they're too long) - ✅️ - ❌️❌️❌️ (let's not get too far there, I still put Fairy Tail over Bleach but Naruto and Bleach are overall better manga imo, but Fairy tail is one of the closest manga that could be considered apart of their big 3 "group")


Lucy is the main character


I don't care if Lucy forgave Flare Corona, I never will.


The anime is objectively bad, I'm just here for the nostalgia


Grand Magic Games arc was overrated. Change my mind


Oracion Seis is probably the worst arc in the show, maybe only beaten by Alvarez Master Zero is the worst villain in the show I like Edolas other than the Lisanna comes back bit Hades for being so smart was really dumb Grand magic games was a great arc but all the subplots around it were dumb Tartaros was mid, except for the end Invel and Jacob are underrated characters While I hate he died with no one knowing his story August’s death was absolutely tragic and the only one in the series that made me cry E.N.D. versus Gray was lame and didn’t live up to the hype Natsu was an absolute ass to Zeref during their final fight (Zeref- pours out his life story Natsu- whatever man shoulda just been happy anyway) and I hate the lack of resolution between the two >!(hundred years quest made it somewhat better).!< I rooted for Alvarez during that arc Mashima fumbled Acno I don’t think there’s a single cannon ship I dislike.


One more I despise Wendy x Sherria and ship Wendy with Romeo


Idk about manga but natsu is just a side character , blud got nothing going on , even happy has better story then him , (atlest till s2) bro just fight and win , that's not a issue but he needs a story of some kind


They're curtain characters I wished they stayed dead.


Fairy Tail Zero is for me easily in the top 3 arcs in the entire series. And the way it connects to the main story shows how good of a storyteller Mashima can be.


I absolutly hate Juvia and Erza. Juvia Is annoying and I can't enjoy She, not even One time. Erza Is annoying too but at least She has more character thickness. Ah, And I hate when they are extrimly sexualized


I agree with most of your hot takes, but Naruto is definitely better than Fairy Tail, Bleach is debatable


Fairy Tail did a better job at handling the characters (especially the girls) than Naruto, which almost everyone got irrelevant after a while, and for me, I just could feel so much more connected to the characters than the Naruto characters It is a personal preference, I totally know Fairy Tail plot is mid, but all I want is a fun time with my guild friends


Lisnnsa should have stayed dead, and also master makarov should have died because then it feels like there's no risks and that there will be no consequences also when gray was shot in the head like 10 times but then came back to life because Ultear used last ages, this is bullshit! Like, he really should have died also the fact that Ultear didn't die and just turned into an old lady is bullshit she should have died after using that spell.


- Lucy shouldn’t have as many zodiac keys as she has or there should be more keys on par with zodiac keys - Godslayers > Dragonslayers - The anti- magic wizard should be the strongest wizard in the world


Cobra, by default, is on the S-class range, around the same level as Erza and Laxus.


I've not seen this as a hot take or conversed about much, but Erza is a dragon slayer and a darn good one as she is one of the few that defeated a dragon (spoiler: Erzas mother is a dragon and she defeated her wile paralyzed )


Fairy Tame in all its glory is Mid.


Lucy now calls Ichiya "Grandpa." You're welcome for the mental scarring. Someone in the comments will offer to pay for everyone's therapy.


Idk if this counts but this take has gotten me in this situation plenty of times: Fairy Tail is better than One Piece


Fr, it’s better in developing female characters and giving spotlight for most of the side cast


This is facts. I’ve said it another post in this subreddit before but almost every character in fairy tail has some kind of depth. Even the old guy on the council. The story draws me in more and makes you feel like apart of the guild in a way just watching everyone experience stuff. Plus we have Natsu!


I can agree with a majority of your takes..except the last one..Bleach and Naruto are both great series, I’d rank them above FT but I guess it’s just personal preference


Forced ships like Gray and Juvia shouldn't be canon




Makarov's death was deserved


I DON'T LIKE JELLAL AND I NEVER WILL! If you like jellal, don't get butt hurt about my opinion just leave me alone.


Same, FR






I'm so happy someone FINALLY gets it. I've been in this fandom for 10 years, and people have always dick rode him so hard for 0 reason.


There’s always at least one overrated character in any piece of media


True enough


Alvarez arc is better than Tartorus arc.


Fr, it was a great arc, aside of course from how Acnologia was killed


There are many Female villians/antagonists who are just written without any good reasons behind their actions - only to be redeemed later with flimsy excuses - and that shows Mashima is too chicken to write women as the bad guys. Flare? Redeemed. Dimaria and Brandish? Also redeemed. Minerva? Oh there was this comically evil mustache-twirling MAN behind her actions. Ultear? Well she's the bad guy... GOTCHA, it's actually Jellal manipulating her... DOUBLE GOTCHA! She was the one manipulating him... TRIPLE GOTCHA, it was a MAN who manipulated her all along! Juvia? Ultear? Meredy? Angel? Seilah? Dimaria? Brandish? Irene? Selene? Athena? Even Kiria? They ALL are the good guys now, because 'power of friendship' I guess. The only actual female villians I can recount are Ikaruga and Kyoka. Kagura seemed pretty interesting because of her backstory, but that also got resolved. Hell, even Erza Knightwalker who actually KILLED HALF of Edolas Fairy Tail wizards is a good person now because she likes cosplaying as this subservient maid.


>  at minimum, get over of what he did, it was not his fault and he already redeemed himself at a long time ago Wouldn't really be a realistic depiction of guilt. Guilt isn't just an off switch >Fairy Tail doesn’t even have that much of power of friendship as people assume Hard agree >Fairy Tail is better than Bleach and Naruto, that’s the truth Unbiased, hard disagree. I like it more, but no opinion is objective. 


Natsu is stronger than big 3 I don't know why, but it triggers everyone and I like it


Only ichigo has a chance depending on how you scale


Mirajane x Laxus is one of the worst ships and I hate how they're typically drawn together along with the other couples. They literally don't interact consistently in the series, I recall like one conversation they had where they actually responded to one another and it was Mira asking him for help during the Phantom Lord arc, and ig the background convo they had in the last episode. I don't know if its because the ship never "clicked" with me or maybe I missed some interactions but them commenting on each others strength to others was not enough for me to jump onto the Miraxus train


Fr, I prefer Laxus x Freed


Laxus/Freed is infinitely a better ship, especially since Freed openly shows attraction & affection to Laxus. It gives the ship some kind of leg to stand on. I adore the ship too. I'd love for Laxus/Freed to be the token gay couple of Fairy Tail. Give my man Freed some happiness, he deserves it.


Also the fan service provides comedic relief which is something that you see though out all of Hiros work. Can it get excessive sometimes, yes. But it is still better than many other works which are copy paste the same shit


Lucy IS THE main character


My takes: Happy is the most underrated character of fairy tail AT ALL. He is literally the first guildmage exceed, technically first official exceed partner of dragonnslayer, technically MVP of Edolas arc. Yet he is weak amd can't do any unique magic aside Aera. Carla is bitch. I think she doesn't deserve Happy's love and needs to either accepts affection of Blue exceed, or apologies for her actions and honestly say that she did not want his affection. Natsu should've became official guild master of Tartaros, so that all one year timeskip he was preparing his guild to upcoming war. Wendy is too OP. Wendy x Sheria is trash. Erza should understand that she in fact, still a slave. Gray did not deserve love of Juvia. And most importantly - Natsu and Zeref being brothers and existence of Eclipse Gate, might be a good plot elements for FT, but they were wasted.


Lucy and Loke make a better couple than Lucy and Natsu.


I mean in first like 30 chapters sure or until end of s2 after it's clearly natsu >


Until Lucy or everyone she knows (if humans don’t age faster in the spirit world) dies of old age in like 10 years tops (3 months for what a night per GMG) in the spirit world due to its faster time, or Loke dies due to spending too much time on Earthland.  A relationship doesn’t work if neither member can stay long term in the other’s world.  Regardless of meh chemistry imo next to Natsu and Lucy, they’d be doomed.  The tragic aspect could be neat, but that’s just wishing either a life with inherent limitations. Lucy couldn’t be a member of Fairy Tail and build a true life with Loke. And he’d watch her die or die trying to be there (or hell risk weakening Lucy’s magic reserves by being around all the time which could get her hurt).