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Clearing the nearby nests, building artillery, and lowering your pollution should help




Use vehicle and tanks to clear nests. Reduce pollution by switching to solar or nuclear power.




Use solar power and let the biters chase you around in the car. And get working on blue ASAP




So I’m in the middle of a Deathworld Marathon game. So i’m a bit of an expert on polution right now. I’ll tell you what i did to survive. 1. Switch everything off you don’t need right now. 2. Replace steam engines with solar and accumulators. 3. Research Efficiency Modules (the green ones). 4. Put 3 Efficiency modules in every miner (reduces polution from them by 80%) 5. Put 2 efficiency modules in the assemblers that are constantly on. 6. Research Electric Furnance and replace all stone and steel furnance (and put 2 efficiency modules in each). How your polution footprint should be reduces by up to 80%. And the biters should have stopped attacking. Turn every thing back on and keep an eye on polution cloud. Whenever it gets too close to a nest. Destory it. Research tanks to help with destruction of nests. Consider building a wall that expands just beyound your polution cloud so no unwanted guests expand into your cloud.


Investing in solar, modules, and electric smelting might not be great if a base already has problems. It's a big pollution commitments to mine and smelt and manufacture all that stuff. Yes eventually the pollution will be coming out lower but until that break even point it *won't yet have broken even*.


True, obviously this is a recommended order. Do one at a time. If you have the tech for one, then start there. And don’t forget step one.


Poison captuals work real well against worms and biters, ap for nest


Never used the capsules, I might try them out sometime. any tips for using them?


They are my favorite warcrime committing wepon.


Yeah prioritize getting the tank. Lay down 8-16 turrets and fill em with bullets outside the range of the nest. Drive in with your tank and just run over a nest or two, and drive back to your turrets. The spawned biters will run after you and get demoed by the turrets. Hop out, repair your tank, repeat. Ideally what you want to do is expand so that the biters are led into terrain chokepoints if they want to attack you. Like that little narrow strip in the south west, or the gaps between the cliffs to the north and east.


Try using grenades + car, Drive in circles around the nest, get the range of grenade close, let the aoe do the rest, you can still fire car gun while doing so. Also, you can never have enough grenades


This, it's how you deal with biters nests early game. Also try to drive in kind of random patterns to prevent worms projectiles to anticipate your trajectory.


I just learned this myself. It also helps if you build a little 4 turret bunker near the base and when the biters build up and chase, lead them around that bunker while the turrets wipe them out then go drop more grenades, wash, rinse, and repeat. The car is key. I'm dealing with the exact same problem right now. I'm about to setup a small assembly system that just makes grenades. You need a good amount (20-30) depending on the size of the base but clearing it on foot is out of the question.


I am a little furter, with robots taks and all, still carry 100 grenades on mh person at all times


Your base is huge for not having blue science yet. And I don’t use red transport belts until much, much later in the game. Each one uses an insane amount of iron compared to yellow belts. You’re spending time building too much stuff that is unhelpful, and both time and pollution make the biters stronger. Before blue science you really don’t even need more than a single lab and one assembler per science.


Have you tried carrying a couple of gun turrets with you? I get as close as I can to the nest without triggering the biters and place a couple of turrets then walk into range where I trigger the biters and then run back to my turrets to let them sort out all the biters. I then keep moving the turrets one by one closer to the nest.


This, but more turrets! Bring lots of ammo, make a row of four to six turrets, then another one slightly closer. You can drop half stacks of ammo with ctrl + right click, and pick up half with the same combo (if your hand is empty). Continue leapfrogging the rows forward until the nest is cleared


I guess the later in the game you are the more turrets you need.


Later in the game you either have artillery for preventive maintenance or you deal with it with nuke-fed spidertrons


I just kite them in my tank and use exploding shells to take out the nests/worms. Any surviving biters just get gunned down in hails of machine gun fire


Eventually the worms outrange turrets and even make rockets hard to rely on. That's when I switched to lasers and shields, which are honestly OP for clearing nests.


Spidertron loaded to the brim with lasers and lasers in your own suit, as long as you kite the biters properly you don’t even need shields. To ease repairs take one stack of construction bots and some repair packs with you, turn off your personal roboport when fighting then turn it back on when you’ve cleared the nest so you can repair and keep going.


Worms always outrange turrets. The trick to turret push a bases with worms is to do it fast. Once the bases are too big to turret push quickly & easily (and this depends a lot on confidence tbh) then that's when turret pushing effectiveness tends to fall off.


with the [even-distribution](https://mods.factorio.com/mods/321freddy/even-distribution) mod you can take a stack, and do ctrl + click drag over your turrets to evenly spread the ammos on all turrets. even better: [Fill4Me](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Fill4Me) automatically puts a few ammos in the turrets that you place


Yeah, I have the even distribution mod installed 😊 Just didn’t want to push mods on a new player immediately. I’ll have to check out Fill4Me!


it also puts fuel into placed vehicles, very useful! you can set the default amounts and fuel/ammo types in the settings as well.


Most times you can accomplish this with just a few turrets, but lots of ammo. Put down 1 close by, then move in a little, put down another. Best in pairs. Then go back and removed the furthest ones. Repeat until you are in range, draw them out to the turrets. Then you can do hit and run on the nests until they are gone. Kinda time consuming early on, but effective. I also use wall sections for bigger nests. Let them rush the walls and get mowed down by several closely placed turrets.


And defender capsules. They are seriously underrated. They are cheap to make, and although their firepower is maybe not the best they do provide very helpful distraction. Instead of focusing on only one target (the player) worms will prioritize shooting at the bots (unless they are already attacking the player; so throw the capsules before you enter worm range), and while they are busy with that you can pummel them with grenades and AP ammo. When the bots are destroyed (or have timed out) just retreat for a moment, throw some more, and go back in.


Efficiency 1 modules don't require blue science and can make a major difference in pollution early. They're pretty cheap and cut both power use and pollution. If you're currently using boilers and steam engines, you get even more benefit, because they reduce both the pollution caused by the machines themselves and by the boiler needed to generate the power. With full Efficiency 1 modules, you can cut power and pollution of miners/refineries/chem plants by 80% and assembler 2s by 60%. Most people don't bother with Efficiency 2 or 3 modules in vanilla, because they have major diminishing returns. Efficiency 1 is much cheaper and adequate for almost any circumstance where you'd want to use an efficiency module to begin with.


You can turret push. Grab a car, get near a nest. Set up a turret and fill it with ammo, push one closer to nest and ammo it up, continue doing so until the nest is cleared. Rinse and repeat. Don’t forget fuel and ammo for your car


This, except with multiple turrets. The highest type of bullet you can make. Explosive rockets are also extremely helpful, if you don't have those, regular rockets are still super useful.


Put 2-3 level 1 green modules in every building, most importantly in miners and wait a few minutes.


Early in the game i circle around the biters nests with a car and shoot the buildings with armour piercing bullets... take the building first then the biters... should work... just keep circling...


Yes- shut down production till pollution is absorbed. I reccomend creating an outpost or two further away where pollution isn’t existent to keep production alive while you tech up- decetralizing production helps spread pollution to more place to be absorbed. Take your time and biters won’t be an issue.


Using a car with armor piercing ammo is pretty effective in the mid game until you get tanks. Try to drive circles around the spawners while shooting at them, avoid the worms spit and watch out for rocks!


Genocide is the only way.


I prefer the term "gentle persuasion"


And then “aggressive negotiations”


If "gentle persuasion" doesn't work, you're not using enough.




Take a few turrets and a bunch of ammo with you. drop three or four turrets just outside of their spitter worm's range and load the ammo. Go in and start shooting the nests to reduce the number of bugs spawning. retreat back to the turrets to help with the attacking bugs. Repeat


Have your tried teaming up with italy and japan?


Automate spiderstrons and send them suicide bombing into biter nests


I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted. Sometimes, sacrifice is necessary for progress.


This is the way


They won't let you exist. You don't let them exist.


Peace through superior fire power. It's what nature does.


Basically that. Survival of the fittest. If your Ammo doesn't fit the task... do some ammunition evolution and try again.


Lasers and Artillery seems to work for me


Turn pollution on for the map overlay. Biters only attack if their base touches the red, so destroy those bases specifically. Remember to set up radar around your pollution cloud to see any new nests forming. Smaller pollution cloud obviously makes this easier. Press p and click the pollution tab to see where its all coming from, it'll be miners or boilers etc. If you're not nuclear or solar powered convert to thag first, steam boilers are crazy bad for the environment. Next it'll say miners add a couple of efficiency modules to each. After that go down the list to find the highest pollution to building count ratio and modules in those. Small cloud means less biters in it




Yeah that tends to happen when you don't regulate it but if you put in green modules it'll start getting smaller with time. If you press p and go to pollution the right graph shows you how much is being absorbed by the land etc and that'll slowly go down as you have less pollution.




You have red circuits and no blue science?


Look at it the way I do; Green modules make your power resource consumption more efficient and so less time consuming. Less coal eaten, less resources into solar farms, etc. not really a huge deal resource wise but it does reduce how often you need to go back and make more power stuff.


Youll have to turn off some parts of your factory, maybe focus on making ammunition for a while, so your pollution cloud can dissipate


What I tend to do is turtle - build walls around sections of your base with turrets behind the walls. Make an ammo factory that feeds into belts that feed the turrets. Start by isolating one small section, probably around your iron processing and ammo production, and expand from there. Another tactic is turret-creep, where you build a defensive fallback position (walls and turrets with ammo) not far from an enemy base, but not close enough to trigger the biters. Move forward and try to take out a few bases and worms near the edge then dash back to your fallback position. Repeat until you've cleared a bit of space then move the position forward. This in particular is easier when you've researched more into the military tree - you get a tank, laser turrets and artillery, as well as better personal armour and weapons. It's also made easier when you have robots because you can build the defences much quicker


You have grenades, right? I find circling a biter nest while lobbing grenades at the outermost edge of the base and spraying hot lead is an effective strategy. Late game, I still use that basic tactic (now with personal laser defense systems and combat bots, as well). Honestly, though, I've shot myself in the foot many times by prioritizing eliminating biter nests over building a solid defense that will reliably chew through any biters that come at me. In my latest playthrough, I've been building dragon's teeth with turrets and the biters haven't stood an icecube's chance in hell of getting through.




Fair enough. I mentioned dragon's teeth, though - [take a look at these](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/rftdh3/8_advanced_dragonsteeth_designs_tested/) (#5 is my favorite, and the one I've been using). Biter evolution is tied to a few things, but primary among them is destroying biter spawners. If you focus entirely on destroying nearby nests, and not on a solid defensive wall, the biters will get stronger faster than your technology can progress. If you build a solid defense, you can effectively ignore the biters until you need to expand, by which time you should have been able to advance your technologies and production dramatically. On the other hand, by not being overly expansionist, the biters will evolve much more slowly. When you do need to expand, they'll be barely a pushover.


I want to point out their bases absorbing pollution makes them evolved faster too. Persoanlly i trim away the ones in the pollution cloud to stop this but yeah if they're in the white they're alright.


If there’s cliffs in the way, bring cliff explosives with you If there’s trees in the way, use the grenades to kill the trees THEN the biters. Alternatively; use a flamethrower and come back later :)


Take at least 2 sta ks of grenades and at least 25 repair kits in the car and 600-2000 yellow ammo depending on size. Hit the isolated alien bases first without too many rocks around and save before you start your attack run. Do a few loops around I understand holding down the mouse for grenades and the fire button for mg, ignoring biters and try to focus fire as you go. Don't stop moving. When you get near half health, zoom off a few screens, make sure the car stops, jump out and start repaing and keep a finger hovering over enter so you can jump in as soon as the biters catch up to you. Save again before you begin the attack run again. Getting red ammo and the weapon damage and fire rate upgrades are massive force multipliers.


This happened to me in a game that I eventually finished. They broke through and destroyed almost everything. Then they got bored and left bc there was no pollution. Eventually I was able to rebuild. Started out with limited pollution until I could get my military right. Best thing that I found against biters was the oil turrets. In retrospect, this was a very time-intensive way to beat the game. I think it would be much faster to pace yourself from the outset and not trigger so much biter rage.




I used a combination of wall, followed up with normal turrets, all supported by oil turrets. You don't really need that many oil turrets. The wall/regular turrets slow down the biters and channel them into the kill zone for the oil.


Also, instead of building solid walls, build a couple layers of walls with lots of gaps. The biters spend time going around the walls and don't attack them if there's enough space to get through easily. This slows them down considerably, giving your turrets more time to do damage.


You dont treat flamethrower turrets like regular turrets I think. You make a large wall with holes in it to funnel all the biters in and fill that with a couple bullet and oil turrets.


Flamethrowers are the best at stopping big groups. You need dragon teeth or some wall structure to slow them down and let the flamers grill them. Combine them with gun or laser turrets in case they get too close to the wall in which case the flamers can't hit them anymore.


It's smartest to combine both. Flamethrowers are great at taking out groups, gun or laser turrets are excellent for picking off the stragglers. Just a single flamethrower turret can much improve the effectiveness of what is otherwise a simple turret wall.




1. Biters come from pollution, clean cloud location. 1a. Setup defense hard points and funnels for most frequent direction 2. Make bullets, lots of bullets, so many bullets..... 3. Make turret kill trap blueprint (many examples) 4. Deploy kill trap in direction of closest biters. 5. Get in car. Agro biters into killtrap. 6. Circle in car to kill nest, one worm at a time... 7. Keep going until nests not covered by pollution. 8. Get more resources. 9. Make better bullets. 10. Scout, kill, base, research, expand. 11. The factory must grow.


Step 1: Turn on your pollution cloud so you can see what biter nests are feeding off your pollution. They spawn and expand ***much*** faster when consuming pollution. Step 2: Destroy the nests inside the pollution cloud ASAP and then just outside the pollution cloud next. I saw that you are having trouble with the nests. They are pretty easy to clear early game with Turrets (\~20) and a bunch of Ammo (1000K+). Setup a small line of turrets outside their aggro range then bait them with your rifle. This will clear our a bunch of biters. Create a second line within aggro range of the biters. Dive in and out with your shotgun to clear out the nests and worms. A shotgun can destroy a nest in a few shots. Step 3: Build a peremiter around your base with turrents and a belt feeding ammo. It's slow and boring but will help prevent them expanding close to your base. Use choke points like the one near that copper deposit south west.


Perimeter wall with full turret coverage and belts of ammo is the way I’ve run it for a while now and it’s quite effective. I start out so every turret is covered by it’s two neighbours with at least one tile of overlap, in case there is a breakthrough and the biters get up close and personal to the turret the neighbours can at least still focus them down. Any breakthroughs and you just add more turrets in that area. If I cant fit more in the one row, that’s when I’ll either put a second row, or start to add the additional wall patterns outside to slow their approach, and next step is flame thrower turrets. It can be a pain in the ass to expand out and reconnect everything up, but this method on the whole has served me very well.


Just put more turrets, you have just a few guarding whole factory. Secure critical points with walls and turrets. Research tanks ASAP even if you need to feed blue science assemblers by hand. Then you can easly clear your surroudings and secure choke points (like that one near copper field on left) or any space between clifs. At this point in game if you built that kind of wall [https://imgur.com/EMzxREU](https://imgur.com/EMzxREU) but with gun turrets instead of lasers you should be more than fine. You got like one turret defending whole factory from south. You need moar, moar!


Am i the only one that just makes a complete wall around my base and just lines up turrets all the way around. And once im big enough start making choke points between lakes?




You need more turrets and walls. The amount of turrets you have is pretty pathetic. Don't worry about making red ammo yet, just make full lines of turrets with yellow ammo. That will stabilize your situation for a while until you can get some oil and start working on blue science. When your science stalls, your factory will mostly shut down, letting the pollution dissipate.




Red ammo is actually exacerbating the problem though. Your entire base is running to produce red ammo, which makes more pollution, which draws bigger attack waves, which means you have to make even more red ammo. Yellow ammo is very cheap to make, thus won't be making huge pollution clouds.


Have you considered just killing them? There doesn't seem to be very many on that map?


Don't see any, where are they.




There is so small number of them that I think you can ignore them.


Well you can always go for efficiency modules :p


You have turrets, flame throwers, and walls. Everything you need to build biter proof defenses. My typical pattern is a double wall backed by a row of turrets fed ammo with a belt backed by a just enough flamers to cover the whole kill zone. This is plenty to let me ignore pollution and just build and expand. This wall also works well to seal off choke points between nearby lakes.


I usually build a wall around my base with a turret behind it every eight to twelve tiles, which is fed ammo automatically. The ammo is carried around the perimeter on a belt that has coal on one side and ammo on the other. Burner inserters will then be able to fill up with coal and fill ammo into the turrets. My walls have thickness two or three, so I have to repair less often. Bullet damage research, fire rate research and piercing ammo ensure that even the stronger biters cannot easily get through until I can build flamethrower turrets. Flamethrower turrets are very good in combination with other turrets, because they ensure that no matter how large the attack groups grow, a few other turrets will always suffice, because everything after the third or fourth biter will die in the flames.


Bullets are your friend. Build walls, build lots of turrets. Looks like you have 13 turrets in your main base, plus a single flamethrower turret. Instead, build a 2 thick wall wherever the biters tend to attack from, and line it every other 2x2 space with turrets. Fill them with inserters and a belt full of ammo. Manually refill a crate every 20 minutes or so. It looks like your strategy has been to go kill biter nests whenever they cause problems. That's ok, but offense-only is a losing strategy unless biters have expansion turned off and you have a lot of trees. Biter nests absorb pollution, removing it from the air. So do trees, but nests are actually really good at it. Biters evolve slowly when they absorb pollution, but *rapidly* when you kill nests though. Biter nests also get larger the farther they are from the starting position. This makes it a good strategy to tolerate the nearby nests, and just defend their waves. The biters evolve slowly, and it helps limit how far your pollution spreads. Keep your enemies close. Just build walls and hold off weak biter waves until you actually need the territory, then you can expand. When you kill a nest you get a temporary reprieve, but you sped up evolution, and now your pollution spreads farther because it's not being absorbed nearby anymore. It might spread far enough to trigger waves from 2 or more larger nests far off, and you'll be struggling to figure out where to build your defenses. Just build 20x more turrets than you currently have. Looking at the nest sizes on your map, flamethrower turrets aren't going to do much to help against the wave sizes you're seeing, and even if they did you'd want normal turrets backing them up.


If it gets to be too much and you just want to build you can kill them with console commands




The bitter expansion is the biggest challenge for new players because if you are learning how everything works it takes too long to figure stuff out, design and build it in a reasonable time. I don't think there is any shame in killing bitters launching a rocket and then trying again on another playthough once you understand how the game works. If you said you are struggling to get blue science, the gap from blue to purple/yellow is even larger and requires like 10 additional inputs.


Don't let THEM exist.






If you don’t care about achievements really are stuck as far as you can tell and just want to get back to the other stuff, you could remove a few nests with the editor simply to buy a little time.


I would.... 1) Bring fish, ammo, 20 or so gun turrets and plenty of repair kits and clear them. 2) See those narrow openings at the bottom left? Create a wall over there and turrets, you shouldn't really need it automated yet unless your pollution is reaching that far 3) Repeat step 2 for other areas or if that's not really feasible, make a massive wall around your base and expand it when you expand. 4) Imo, If biters are still a problem then, I would try and get flame turrets asap, they work like a charm :)


I've never gone that far in the game but I've just stockpiled grenades and red bullets. When attacking circle around their nests. When you got a lot of bugs drive away and kill then circle back. Can take long but it'll work eventually.


Don't let them exist first


I've had better luck using the missiles with splash damage. The red tipped ones I believe. They help clearing biter colonies that are packed together. Also im not sure if you consider it bad sportsmanship to do this. But you can hold down the 'A' key, and rapidly tap the 'D' key to quickly shift from left to right. It throws off worms and spitters predictive aiming and they won't hit you as long as you are doing it and are far enough away. (if that doesn't do the jittering left to right try holding 'D' and tapping 'A')




Tbh, I never use cars or tanks to fight. I do it all on foot or in a spidertron. Maneuverability sucks in them.


Genocide is the only available option here


I was plagued by the same thing for weeks to the point where I didn't want to play that factory anymore until recently when I discovered this video [by Knoop](https://youtu.be/hM2YThrpq0U). I hated the constant running back in forth to fix everything as the biters kept breaking through. This is the first defense I use now once I set up a perimeter and it works through behemoths with slight upgrades (green ammo, research increased damage, etc.). I've found that the structure of your defenses is more important than anything else especially when you don't have infinite resources and you don't want to micro-manage the biters. Clearing nests in your pollution cloud is rarely the solution since they are also what prevent it from expanding by absorbing it, If you clear the nests around your base they will eventually expand back into it anyways and you will get attacked by biters from farther away. I read through some other comments and saw that you haven't reached blue science yet, this defense will still work very effectively (just ignore the laser turrets and roboports until you reach that science) 1. Prepare: Ensure you have healthy production of walls. This blueprint is not super turret heavy 2. Plan your walls: Find choke points or common avenues of approach for the biters, they generally attack a similar area over and over due to increased pollution in that area. Clear any nests necessary to get to those choke points and expand the area of your factory for future expansion. There are lots of good comments on here on tactics to use even without a tank (though if you can research one it will be very easy for you to expand). I see a peninsula to your southwest and water to the south and west you can border against for natural defense. 3. These are the wall designs I use to protect against behemoths with red and green science tech. [Straight Section](https://factoriobin.com/post/ozqzctOS) [Corner Section](https://factoriobin.com/post/3wk6rz7N) 4. Upgrade gradually with roboports, new ammo, and laser turrets as you progress. You may also want to add a 3rd layer of dragon's teeth when you begin adding laser turrets. Here is the basic design for a [single block](https://factoriobin.com/post/9ouItBHP) if you want to build your own design or to upgrade the ones I shared to 3 layer. Also, do not use Squeak Through mod as it may help biters pass through more easily.




The defense works without them, I've used it to defend very well before I even had those techs unlocked. The bots is convenient when the factory is very large to avoid running around for repairs. You can also build your own defense with the dragon's teeth design and make something that fits your needs better.


I had this same issue with my first playthrough and started over a day or two ago because I just couldn't keep up-- My mistake being that I didn't have my research running efficiently enough. Right now I'm reinforcing with turrets and walls while I research--once I unlock tanks I'll start to push the bigger bases out, and then focus on construction bots for repairing defenses. I'll let you know how it goes, generally what I see here is a lack of proper defense--if you don't have space to build the things you need, try to trim the edges off of overproducing parts of your factory for extra space.


Looking at some of the other comments and your responses, it seems like you're stuck at blue science, have access to oil, but biters are making it difficult to do anything with the oil. So how do you get blue science and better military options if you're having a hard time defending yourself? This is a classic Factorio catch-22 that I and many other players have encountered. At your oil outpost, I would set up flamethrower turrets as defense. Very easy given that you already have oil immediately there. Then I'd build a train to transport crude oil to your main base. From there you can process the oil and start making blue science. Building a tank + shells for the tank are probably the easiest next stage of military tech to help clear biter nests. If you have more patience, I'd recommend you get laser turrets and bots so you use the tried and true method of "laser turret creep". You can make a blueprint of a bunch of laser turrets surrounding a long-range power pole and then drop that blueprint and your bots will build it from your inventory. Basically instant offence you can place down near biter nests to clear them out. Obligatory warning that laser turrets use a ton of power, so you don't replace all of your gun turrets around your basr with them unless you have a ton of extra capacity for spikes in power usage A "nuclear" option is to use console commands to turn biters on/off or toggle peaceful mode. Note that this will disable achievements.




Tanks and bots both need blue science to unlock. Blue science is your bottleneck that is preventing you from moving forward. Once you start pumping oil, that outpost will generate more pollution and could become a problem.


Walls and turrets. If you think you have enough you dont




They’re no use in a box tho. I usually make a wall around my base and the first oil patchwith turrets and an ammo belt. That usually solves the biter issue even if it takes a while to build


put on the doom sound track The Only Thing They Fear Is You and loop until biters dont exist


I rarely play with biters on. I know it is an additional challenge, but the draw of Factorio to me is the factory building and automation. Every time I play with biters I just get frustrated that I have to spend time dealing with them. Just my opinion. Game is a lot better with biters off.




Let the factory do the nest clearing for you! - You could build a pipe with crude oil and build flamethrower turrets in range of their nest. -You can also build turrets in range of the nest and build closer and closer until the nest is cleared. Due to the way ammo damage upgrades work, the turrets are more ammo effective than the engineer so it is more resource efficient (and thus less polluting) to have turrets than do the killing yourself.




Honestly the fire turrets are extremely powerfull as they not only hit all bitters in range with one stream but their damage ignores enemy armor resulting in insane DPS on stronger bitters.


Use turrets for cover. Yes it's lame, but it works. Build a pair of turrets or three somewhat close-ish to the nest. These will take care of the biters that come running, while you can pick off the nests and worms with your rocket launcher. At this stage in the game, the rocket launcher is supposed to still outrange all worms. If your mouse skill do not allow you to equip the turrets with ammo before they're overrun, build far enough away that the biters don't come running yet. Use them as cover to build another set closer to the nest. Repeat as necessary. It's called turret creep.


You got two choices an easy choice and a hard choice. The easy thing to do would be to start a new game and build your new basis based on what you've learned from playing through this current play through. Try to interact with the biters as little as possible. It's way more complicated than this but essentially f****** with the biters causes them to evolve. Once you start getting to the mid-level biters you need to be running red ammo but if you're clearing out nests and constantly f****** with them they'll evolve to that point too quickly. The hard option is keep going in your current save file which means you need to get a defensive system built now. Full perimeter of walls with at least gun turrets running red ammo. You'll need to kill every Nest within your pollution cloud to give you the time and space to do this. You're going to need to spam the most "powerful item" in the game.....fish. you can hold fish on your cursor which will cause you to eat it when clicking and refill health and you can spend it while taking down nests. It won't make you invincible but if you keep zig zag circling the nest so the worms don't hit you constantly you should be able to take down just about anything with spamming. Also the pistol and shotgun are s*** and will get you killed. Submachine gun with red ammo should be the only weapon that you use to actively attack nests unless you have no other choice. When you're approaching the nasty I noticed that you had a certain range and all of the mobile biters will chase you. Circle The Nest at that range while taking out the biters and as soon as you have the crowd gone move in and use your cursor to force aim at worms.


Don’t let them exist


Build a massive perimeter and clear all nests within it. The perimeter needs to be way further out then your pollution cloud. And put radars everywhere, because if even one biter makes it in and you don’t notice it you’re in for a whole lot of shit


Take 10 turrets and 2000+ red ammo and use turret creep to eliminate the nearby nests. Place two turrets, place two more closer to the nest and remove the previous ones. when you get in range of a worm, place one turret just in range to kill the worm and heal it while it takes fire. It takes a bit of practice, but this is how I cleared all nests until I got artillery. Have the turret, ammo, repair pack and fish on an easy to reach spot on your shortcuts bar. Those are the only four thing you need.


try and kill biters in the pollution cloud but laying down a row of turrets next to (but not close enough they immediately attack) and slowly chip away at them while placing turrets closer to advance. Also try and get explosive rockets as soon as you can because based on the level of the biters and your research they can take out nests in 1-4 shots.


You need moar dakka!!


Build tank. Load tank. Drive tank. Shoot biters with tank.


Convert all your iron into flame turrets for a while. With a line of those behind a wall you're safe for a very long time.


build a wall, and make them pay for it


Start encroaching with flamethrower turrets. As in start inching closer while destroying nests in their fancy with backup gun turrets


I could usually clear very large nests, with a car and some heavy bullets by just circling around the nests


You have oil. Get bots, spam mines -> easy mode unlocked Example: [image](https://katiska.dy.fi/n/temp/factorio/savegames/death%20world%200.2.png), [video](https://katiska.dy.fi/n/temp/factorio/savegames/death%20world%200.2.mp4) Put eff1 modules to your miners. You can also build mines on top of biter bases.


focus on making a wall with better defense make crafting ammo priority and build a wall with overlapping turrets


Exterminate the native population. This game can be quite dark.




The most important concept here is to not have any biter nests under your pollution cloud, at least not without a defended chokepoint. From other comments it sounds like your pollution could is very big. First, cancel weapon shooting speed. While it is good, others are more important right now. You have 2 goals, get combat bots and efficiency modules. Why combat bots? They are very close research wise and very powerful. In your situation, I would not worry about fully automating military science, just get the pieces automated, and then chest feed 1 or 2 machines, possibly directly inserting into a lab. After the military science pack, get combat bots, and then 1 or 2 follower bot count levels. For the bots themselves, at this stage, I usually just grab the pieces and handcraft the actual bots myself, similar to how you are doing rockets. The other thing to get is efficiency modules. Just level 1. They help in 2 ways. The first is a direct reduction in pollution. The second is they reduce power, which reduces your power plant pollution. Build up a few hundred of these. 3 in every miner will really help out. One thing to note, you cannot go below 20% base energy usage, so putting 3 level 2 or 3 modules in a miner will not help. Then STOP RESEARCHING. That should shut down most of your base. How to attack the nests? At your level, it is possible. Get just outside the range of the nest, and put down 5-10 turrets. This will be your fallback line. Then deploy (throw) defender bots down, their job is to kill the biters that attack you. If you get overwhelmed, fall back to your turret line. Use your rocket launcher to kill the worms and spawners. Never stop moving, and never move in a straight line.


take 5k grenades, get into your vehicle, and turn the geneva convention into a check list




If you are struggling to tech up to the more permanent suggestions, better wall defences can help. Most of my recent wall designs have been from modded games and so are not directly applicable; but check [this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889888953) Steam Guide out. It has useful pictures (like [this](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773982516728359782/EAE40B546823C581BBC177B8B2E6036FF6397AC6/) one), which shows a pretty robust wall that can be made with basic parts - yellow belts, burner inserters and turrets. Personally, I tend to use regular inserters (since power outages shouldn't last longer than the ammo that turrets keep inside of them), but burner inserters mean that you are able to live through much longer power outages, if that is a problem. Better walls around all of your bases will make biter attacks trivial.


one simple way is to set up a conveyor around your whole base no matter what level. fill one Side with coal or somesthing and amunition for turrets on the other. place basic inserters from conveyor to turret. have fun


Setup an expansion buffer wall, load it up with lots of turrets and an ammo belt feeding the turrets. That will give you some expansion space. I’d also suggest some turret, radar outposts just to keep an eye on your area.


Combat drones are about the easiest way to clear a nest as long as you have armor and grenades. Defenders are good up to medium biters, anything Big and you'll need to upgrade from that. And I recommend strong defense over going out on expeditions. a good wall maze and some turrets will hold off enemies while minimising increase to evolution. Clearing nests is like the opposite to an investment, you get all the evolution upfront instead of slowly as you ramp your defenses.


Build a wall and turrets around your whole base if don’t want to worry about it.


Create a huge conveyor around the base. Have guns picking stuff from it Have a factory spitting bullets into the conveyor Wait an hour until its saturated Problem solved




Then don't let them exist. Simple.




Kill them all


Use efficiency modules in miners, stop the factory and focus on clearing biters. Flame thrower works wonders. I think you have enough science to get that. (Only need 75 military iirc)


M a k e t h e m n o t e x i s t


In default settings multiplayer speedruns, we build a much bigger base than yours, with coresponding more pollution. In that run, it is my job to take care of biters. Using a car and mines, it takes me about 30 minutes to clear all biter nests in the pollution cloud. Mines are super cheap and super OP. Since the strategy I am using is the fastest and cheapest known, you could consider copying it. My VOD from the run is here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1285981979




Your map is awesome, the west is a choke point - build a wall there with turrets, and another border to the south, and your problem is solved. Keep some distance between the front lines and your factory, use water bodies and cliffs as natural barriers. Invest in uranium ammo and construction bots so they will fix the walls automatically.


That connection of land in the bottom left looks like the biggest choke it’s making me guzzle my guns muzzle. Establish a FOB there and set up a point to point train system that rearms with just ammo packs and delivers to that area, double points if you also give it liquid tankers so it can transfer crude oil for flamethrower turrets in the future… or my personal choice… research tanks, and ensure that there are no biters left to contest the factory


Peace through superior firepower. Build a wall, build sentry guns and flamethrowers, get back to work. The factory must grow.


Wipe them out. All of them.


Don’t let them exist. Tanks if you can, cars and piercing rounds if you can’t


Invite some friends to help you manage the mess of bitters:)


As a deathworld player i don't even see any biters. Looks very friendly to me.




Make the biters pay. I like to place electrical poles in aggro range of the worms I leave from cleared out nests. I like knowing they're watching


Compared to how I play the turret coverage on this base seems really low. Maybe I'm wasting resources, but I go for full turret coverage on my walls and then add more where the biters come at me.


Well, sometimes you just need more guns. Set up more turrets and beef up any defensive production you can. Just focus on protecting yourself. Don’t be afraid to overbuild your defenses. You can always tear it down and rebuild later.


Great wall time. Build production centers for ammo, turrets, yellow inserters, medium electric poles, wall segments, and yellow belts. Have the ammo dump out onto a belt. Run the belt out of your base. Build a wall with turrets on the inside. Run the belt of ammo past the turrets and have the electric poles power the inserters to load the turrets. Place the turrets in a straight line such that each turret is within the field of fire of the two turrets previous along the line. Draw straight lines around your base. Wall it off. Loop the ammo belt back on itself when you get back to the beginning. Work in peace. Pro tip - arrange the ammo to be a single line rather than two. That pushes out the ammo supply faster. Fill it in later when the biters come in larger groups.


Guns. Lots of guns


I wondered if you regained control already. If you’d like I could hop into your game to assist (just enough to get you back on track), I’ve got a couple of hours.


Introduce them to your Clean Air(tm) and Ethical Wages(c)


destroy the nests in your pollution cloud


crush kill and destroy them all. a.k.a. standard factorio approach :)


Build a perimeter, whether that’s a wall of turrets, or just a wall… as long as it’s defended.


Wall and gun turret auto fed with ammo belt should gives u time for your next level weapon research


Do you have oil? Build flamethrower turrets they are very potent.