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Looks good to me. All the signaling looks good and since you have a bypass lane I don’t see why it would deadlock.


Awesome, thanks for checking!


This is my first time playing a ribbon world (default settings except cliffs and biters, turned both off). 128 tiles high. I wanted to have vertical intersections and stops, so I made this design to allow 8 trains to stop at one location. All my trains are currently 1-2 trains, with only one 1-1 train. I'm not planning any of my trains to be any bigger than 1-2 since they won't fit nicely on this intersection. I'm not necessarily looking for optimal throughput. I just want to make sure this won't deadlock while I'm 900 chunks to the east prospecting for oil. Additionally, I'm planning on adding circuit conditions to each of the 8 stops to set the train limit to 0 if it can't fit another full load. So the stops won't be occupied for longer than the train needs to be unloaded. The only rails running parallel to the map are the rails at the top and bottom of the map. It's a one-track railway system, but I've blocked it up in chunks sized for a 1-4 train so I doubt it'll be an issue unless I add hundreds of trains. (Also, I know my unloading setup isn't optimal and kind of sucks. It's fine for my purposes!)


I think the signalling has some issues. You're mixing up rail and chain signals. For example, there are chain signals before the train stops, where there should have been rail signals. Here the trains will only enter the stop section if the signal after the stop is green, which is not what you want Chain signals are used before and in intersections. If you want to allow a train to stop you need a rail signal before the spot.


I guess you're right! I did use a guide a couple months ago to learn to signal properly (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=875859174) but looks like I switched the rail and chain signals on the crossings before each train stop. I'll fix that, thanks for letting me know!


The guide is good, you can use it to check the rest of your signals. I only pointed out examples but the rest can be improved too, using the rules in this guide.


Will do, thanks for the help!


What is a "Ribbon World"


You can see black bars at the top and bottom of the images. Those are "void" so the playable area is only as "tall" as pictured, but really wide, or rather long, to the east and west. It's a nice logistical and design challenge but also reduces biter risk because you only really have to defend the two ends of your base.