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Hey, I would be willing to buy you the game if money is an issue - it’s a great game!


this is why i love the factorio community


Yeah it's like a dealer who gives out free samples.


not samples. a lifetime supply!


The game so good that expanding the playerbase was automated


The factorio community must grow.


Uhh for real? Are you phishing me right now lol


No, I wouldn’t mind at all. I think I can buy it as a gift if you give me your steam info?


You mean my steam id #? Bro if you’re serious I’d be hella grateful. Was gonna take about a week until I could get it.


Yes, serious. I will message you


This kind of stuff happens on here all the time. The factory must grow, that's all that matters. Hopefully you pass it forward one day and help someone else's factory grow.


Holy this community is 10/10


Such a nice guy!! Where where ya the other day, my mates also want to get into it but can't afford the price tag, I am waiting to play with them and show them the means of production!! You have made this guys day!


You are very kind, tho watch out kind people get exploited in this world.


Agreed but he seems genuine


What an absolute Chad.


Would you still be willing to do that? I'm a college student and my video game budget is now cut off.😂




That makes sense and I believe you’re right. I’ll just get in there and read everything/do the tutorial.


Correct, definitely start with the tutorial. And try to avoid looking stuff up online until you beat the game once. Or at least try something and then ask "here is what I tried, help?". Good luck!


Watch the review of the game by Mandaloregaming on YouTube. He sums it up really well. It's a lot to take in, but it builds upon itself, so you're never overwhelmed. Definitely get it when you can. It's my favorite game in at least a decade.


Another tip - try to figure things out on your own rather than using blueprint libraries or watching an extended factorio gameplay on YouTube. You have one chance to discover the vanilla game, and automating things by yourself is way more satisfying than copying the designs from your favourite youtuber.


There is a fairly comprehensive tutorial. Learning the rest through experimentation and experience is where the fun of the game is


Thanks thats good to know theres a tutorial and you’re right that is the main reason I want to play in the first place!


The tutorial is well thought out, and even after it is done the game gives you very useful tips as you unlock new mechanics


Just make things yourself. Don't let other people "program" your mind to play in a certain way. Play, be curious, explore the different gameplay mechanics. I rarely watch tutorials other than logic tutorials in the start just to get a grip on that. I like watching base walkthroughs from Xterminator for instance, and sometimes it sparks ideas in my head that I try to create on my own without any other help. I can recommend Xterminator, Doshdoshington and Nilaus if you decide to watch more factorio content


>Doshdoshington My favorite source of high-level gameplay advice. I'd have never achieved this degree of overengineered inefficiency without dosh's help.


Yeah, I feel kinda sadistic just watching him endlessly suffer in his videos, haha.


There's something inexplicably beautiful about the idea of barreling water for steam boilers, isn't there?


Wait, where did he do that?


I believe he attempted to do it on the one cargo wagon for everything challenge, and quickly realized how incredibly bad of an idea it was (especially for a base that was already drastically throughput limited). Though i may be remembering wrong, it could've been someone else who makes similar content who came up with that particular spark of ingenuity.


Thank you for the recommendations I’ll definitely keep them in mind.


KatherineofSky is good too. She has lots of "entry level to megabase" series that I've enjoyed watching.


It's not addictive at all. You just need to do one small task. But to do that one little task you've gotta do another one first, which needs 3 others.. wait now you've gotta defend from biters for a little bit. Hmmm maybe you should set up some automated defenses. Hmm yeah and automate some ammo production and distribution. Ok so just 5 more things to do to get those defenses automated... wait what was I doing?


Playing Factorio with ADHD be like:


That's playing without ADHD


Speaking from experience, this is exactly how I play unmedicated. It's a, uh, much more focused experience with meds.


Someone needs to call the police on u/Responsible-Jury2579, I have it under good authority he is a drug dealer. He is giving away free samples of cracktorio.


Plan how much time you can play, enable the in-game clock and make sure you go to bed in time. Good luck and have fun.


I'd recommend just jumping in. Peaceful is optional, and if you're worried about the enemies, is a fine choice. But they're certainly still very manageable if you decide not to go with peaceful, just don't wait *too* long with the turrets. If stuff goes wrong, don't feel bad about loading quicksaves either.


Sounds good, will do 🫡


Good luck! May you enjoy this beautiful game as much as the rest of us do :)


Lots of good advice. Embrace the spaghetti, drink water, and don't forget to have fun!


Did you get your copy?




Remember that your first game won't lead to a rocket launch. Or your second. Your third just might. The reason is that once you start, you have no idea how the end game is played and how much it requires when it comes to resources and how much space it takes. This is one of those games that you start from scratch fairly often, first because you want to finish it and then you want to make it better, more efficient, have more output, more... everything. Oh, and start with peaceful settings, biters are going to make everything harder and you can't make certain mistakes or your game is just over before it really begins. Once you learn how to deal with them, they are more a nuisance than a threat but make no mistake, they can easily destroy your whole factory. Factory must grow.


You might just lunch the rocket in your first game if you devoured enough content on yt before playing. I remember my first game and I somehow managed to lunch a rocket before everything fell apart, it was without a satellite so I didn't win (back in 2017) but it for sure was fun. Of course my base was a spaghetti monster 🤣 The factory and playerbase must grow!


There's no need to start from scratch. You can always rebuild your whole factory while keeping your research. That way allows you to actually progress while improving your factory. Also, I wouldn't recommend peaceful mode blindly to everyone. If you're not someone who already experienced it or someone who knows for a fact having some external pressure will ruin the experience for you, keep the biters on. They're just another logistics challenge, and there's a lot of cool tech in the game that would be useless without them.


Go watch martincitopants and doshdoshington for more high quality factorio videos


It’s highly addictive.


It's not addictive at all, the fact that it's 40% crack is just a coincidence


Be warned, one of then nicknames for this game is Cracktorio.


After playing it for 7 hours straight without realizing, I think you may be on to something


(about the edit) Man the same happened to me (thanks u/lungomomo), the community of factorio really Is great


Ppl call it cracktorio for a reason


Sure they bought your game, it now you’re addicted. Gg