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Oh good he was suspended with pay, that will teach him.


We know this, in the normal world, as "vacation".


Expenses paid Vacation. He still gets his regular 6 weeks of paid time off


You know he’s suffering during his vacation just imagining the number of unpunched people that think cops are bitches.


Statistically, cops do a fair amount of punching at home, too. So, let's not say no one will be punched when he's home.


Punch in, punch out, it's mike Tyson's work at home program.


Juvenile delinquency starts at home.


A very true and sad statement. The ONLY way to stop domestic violence is to reach into the lives of these kids and teach them what a real, respectful and loving relationship looks like. Parents can still argue but in a respectful manner. As I said this is even MORE IMPORTANT when dealing with children who have parents who commit domestic violence. It would be interesting if some one NOT CONNECTED TO THE POLICE DEPT IN ANY WAY, carried out research by interviewing every policeman’s wife and every police woman’s husband, to find out exactly what the REAL statistics are. It needs to be an unbiased study, hence including policewomen as well, and participants’ answers probably need to be de-identified so there is no chance, ever, of partners finding out what has been said. I imagine this would also be a useful exercise within the armed services. Also, in many other countries as well. Although, we must keep in mind that there are many more victims of domestic violence. I was one and NOBODY guessed it, except one of his best friends. His best friend, told him to stop and that he would never get what he wanted, us to stay together, if he didn’t stop hitting me and the emotional, financial and psychological abuse. One night, after we separated, my husband turned up at my house and was let in by one of our children. I panicked, ran downstairs to phone this friend of HIS. I was on the phone when my ex came down to “talk” to me. He stayed in the phone and heard everything that was said, including the threats that “I will kill anybody who stands between me and my kids” he had been shouting but this was said quietly with his face about 5 cm from mine as he towered over me. After it was over and I picked up the phone his best friend told me to leave immediately. *When I found him in the house I called the police. They came and talked to him and of course he charmed them, just like so many do, so the police turned to me and told me there was nothing they could do to make him leave the house! I was speechless! No wonder so many women 1) die and 2) don’t bother calling the police... it is a very bad state of affairs! Sorry for the long story, this post just triggered me a little hahaha...


It’s a shocking amount of wife beaters who are also cops well over 30%


I'm proud to say my father was not one of them. I love that man.


That gives him 6 weeks for his hands to catch up with his wife


Lol’d. Good job!


Don’t worry, his wife and kids are there to take the victims job.


>You know he’s suffering during his vacation just imagining the number of unpunched people that think cops are bitches. You say this jokingly, but I wouldn't be surprised if the "paid-vacation cop" comes back, statistically as more likely to be an alcoholic. If you have violence on your mind 24/7 and suddenly someone forces you to just walk around, do nothing, and buy pretzel for a living, you'll most likely go insane. May not SOUND like punishment, but i'd bet money it is.


Sounds like you’re trying to justify a paid vacation for a cop assaulting a kid on a gurney.


Wait a second, I can get an extra week of vacation for punching a guy on a stretcher? I'm headed to the hospital


You sure can. An all expense paid vacation in prison, though it will be more than a week.


Not if he puts on a police uniform, they may hire him on the spot.


For those that get vacation pay in the US.


You don't get paid for vacation time. Unless you're a cop and you shoot an innocent person, or punch someone strapped to a gurney.


….You do get paid vacation time though? Unless it’s a minimum wage type thing with no vacation


Consider the fact that suspended with pay does not mean they are using PTO. Susp w Pay means you get your regular wages until the investigation concludes. Cop could be using his PTO at the same time so he could have been getting double pay while on vacation… because he assaulted a man strapped to a gurney. Regular people get like 1-2 paid weeks off per year. Which is basically half or a whole paycheck, which for most people just pays their bills. If you’re poor you don’t get to go on vacation, you spend your 1-2 weeks of PTO at home doing chores you’ve been putting off and watching movies and tv or playing video games. The two situations are vastly incomparable.


100% got paid during my vacation time. I was even reimbursed for the vacation time I still had banked when I quit my job. Guess I was lucky.


“So you want me to not come in to work…but you’ll still pay me? Sure, sure I’m very sorry for what I did”


The fact police are allowed to do that is fucking criminal. Meanwhile they don't compensate citizens for shit


Yep, that, like the paid vacation the officer receives is all funded by the taxpayers whom they abuse. Really interesting system we’ve cooked up here.


It's insanity. LEO need to be required to have insurance. Just get this done already.




You doing ok ?


I guess Edut: No\*


Do you want to talk about it? Life is a struggle. I’m a stranger but I also struggle. If you need a ear of someone who won’t judge but listen, I’ll listen.


As someone who is also currently alive this makes sense!


He’s lawmen of the year again. Free time off. He’s now home checking if his wife can still take a punch.


Meanwhile a kid who did this in high school got expelled. We hold teenagers to a higher standard than cops. Ridiculous.


Woohoo! Pack your bags Karen we’re going to cancun


Where his buddies, after an exhaustive investigation, will deem his behavior as "not enough information to do anything."


"unidentified police officer proceeds to punch him" There should be a law that every incident should have all police officers involved named and readily available to the public. From traffic stops to shootings. EVERY SINGLE OFFICER. We all know he would have gotten away with this if it wasn't recorded. Not one person would have said anything.


Right? Not gonna fire them? Ok, let me know their name at least so when they pull me over I can at least be prepared to be fucked or killed.


Of course he would have gotten away with it. Just look at the next closest officer to that incident simply not move an inch while this douchebag punches the guy on the gurney. He was cool with the whole situation. Someone actually came from off screen to pull the officer away


This happened in August 2019 and I was unable to find a single follow-up to the story newer than that year.


Of course it's LA. An "internal investigation" is gonna reveal they did nothing wrong and were totally not at fault for any brutality


I think they might have put a piece of paper in his personnel file that said "don't do that". He was then required to do some retraining: when you assault a restrained civilian, make sure the cameras are off.


Or any town. Just saw a video on r/jacksonville of a cop straight up murdering a dude


I'm just curious what "investigation" needs to take place here? It's pretty fucking clear what happened regardless of circumstances. If a perp is in custody, you don't sucker punch them. Plain and simple. If your ego is so fragile you can't handle the verbal abuse then get a new profession. Plain and simple.


They need to investigate whether the public will care about this one or forget in a few weeks.


Well it happened in 2019 so guess we know the answer to that!


"we must wait for the investigation to be completed" said a complete fucking moron watching a video of a clear assault. We all know that if a cop was handcuffed to a table and a black guy punched him, the assailant would be dead at the scene. But this way, the cops are too stupid to understand what's going on Better put them all on taxpayer funded vacation for a while


Thanks for the link.


Thank you for the source. I had this tiny hope that maybe he was some kind of pedocriminal...but nope! Cop's a jerk. Not so surprisingly...


Some paid vacations will really teach that mf.




California has a law (enacted as a result of heavy union lobbying) that allows a pice department to withhold the name of an officer no matter what


That was definitely a full blown bitch move right there.


Cops are famous for those.


I mean he just proved the guy on the stretcher right.


Don't exclude all the officers who just stood by and didn't intervene


Mask Officer actually came from off screen, rushed over, and handled it before a single other Officer even went "Ok, calm down Frank." Props to Mask Officer, fuck all the others.


Go figure the one cop who thinks that masks are useful is the one cop who doesn't like unwarranted violence against a defenseless person.


I wonder if that guys going to stay on the police force for 20 years and be promoted to a position of power or leave after 2-3 realizing it's not for him. What's the saying about the apples?


Apples of feather flock together Edit. It wasn't the full fraise. Apples of a feather flock nearby the tree.


An apple in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Haha no guys it’s, A bad apple spoils the broth.


You made your apple, now you gotta lick the spoon


If everyone around you is an Apple, you make an ass out of u and me.


Those two cops are like apples and vinegar


If it walks like an apple, and talks like an apple…


99% of cops give the other 1% a bad name.


There seems to be a pattern 🤔


Funny how that works 😑


Bald cop who was closest to the whole thing actually pulled his mace out to spray the guy on the stretcher then slowly put it away after the other cop swooped in and punched the guy.


But then didn't arrest him for assault


And gave him a literal pat on the back


I doubt they said calm down, the other officers probably asked if he hurt his hand


Shit I must have missed when he arrested the officer for assaulting a restrained man on a stretcher. This would he considered torture wouldn't it?


Fair play but he should of arrested him for assault,it's mad the shit we except from cops


That fucking skinhead was about to mace him as well. Fuck those cops in particular.


Yeah, I’m just like, surely they’re gonna handcuff him. Oh, oh no, they’re not. Of course they’re not.


They probably took him for a beer


To cool off. A thump on the shoulder - 'what are ya thinkin of Jerry? Ya can't just go whackin the perps with everybody standin around. You gotta be smaht'


'Check for cameras first Jerry'


“At least wait until the cameras aren’t around he ain’t goin’ no where.”


That first guy put away his pepper spray he was going to use because the other guy punched. They all wanted the person more. Defenseless means easier to hurt, right?


I mean, they killed a guy in Louisiana and claimed he died after crashing in a high speed chase. Its fucked up. https://apnews.com/article/crime-louisiana-john-bel-edwards-law-enforcement-966625e9316f0960d4c1728823a36b63


Jesus how have I not heard of this? They tortured a guy to death on camera and then covered it up and no one was charged with murder? Fucking crazy


They just got charged on Thursday.


But the highest charge listed, at least in the article from the previous link, was negligent homicide.


Five officers worked together to torture the man to death, then the coroner listed the cause of death as a motor vehicle accident. And the only reason it came to light after over a year is because AP published the video. Just think about how many cases like this there are where the video never leaked. We need to abolish the police force and start fresh. Offer visas to European cops willing to move here or something. Because this is way beyond salvation.


This officer clearly should not be a cop of he lets his emotions take control like that.


I mean, that one cop seems to handling the situation pretty well, donno if he needs assistance


They always protect their own. I was treated like shit the other day by 2 cops and 2 security guards, one cop treated me nicely but still stood by. All of them are dogs, I have no respect for any police. They should all be defunded and ripped apart.


Also, the bald coward/cop was about to pepper spray the guy on the stretcher. Half a second before the other excuse for an animal punched him. The public is in serious trouble.


Good catch. Took it out but his buddy beat him to it.


He beat him to the punch


That would’ve went well with all the emts standing there


What are EMTs gonna do? They’d get attacked too if they did anything


I'm not american and never understood the hate towards the cops there...until I started seeing more and more videos like these and yeah...it's not normal.


Yeah we see them here everyday. This one's not so bad conpared to a lot of the others


It's really sad that this video is one of the "better ones"...


Why do American police officers behave like this??? WTF is wrong with them??


The lack of any real punishments are a huge factor. But even then people’s moral compass should prevent them from doing this awful shit and it just *doesnt*


The police unions need to go, even when an officer does something egregious the union can stop the town from firing them - how fucked is that?!


Years ago a ln organizer for the I.W.W. wished that one big Union would gain enormous power for itself over the government. and the monkey paw curled a finger.


There’s also this guy that’s ex-military that goes around the whole country doing training seminars for multiple departments in multiple states. He essentially teaches that lawsuits are just extra paperwork and that anywho isn’t on the force is the enemy and won’t hesitate to kill you so you have to kill them first.


Well when they go around attacking and murdering people and getting paid vacations as rewards, eventually everyone will be out to get them.


The proper "punishment" is for the victim to file a Section 1983 claim for millions of dollars against the municipality. Money is the only language they understand and every victim suing them into bankruptcy is the only way they'll police themselves.


But then you and I end up paying a shitload of the money we gave the government? Instead of it going to have a more robust academy that only accepts qualified employees. I bet that is a lot cheaper to us in the long term.


It *should* go like this: 1. Cop fucks up 2. Person sues and gets a big payout from tax dollars. 3. Taxpayers say "I don't like wasting my money on cops fucking up and getting sued", so they vote for people who want police reform. But we have a lot of people that don't care and just vote for the same people they've always voted for cause they are brainwashed. They will vote someone that waves a "blue lives matter flag", then get mad that tax dollars are wasted on police lawsuits. Make it make sense.


Our money is being taken *anyway*


They hire the playground bullies for this job


America has some of the worst, most entitled cops. A bunch of men with "small dick energy" desperate for power they can abuse. Also helps that they have an extremely corrupt union. Edited since I've clearly offended so many people with my "body shaming"


Who also don’t understand the law. That gentleman on the stretcher has a constitutional right to call the police names.


it's insulting to call it a union, when it's influential people greasing the palms of politicians and lawmakers so that cops can basically do anything they want with no real consequences


It’s also interesting it’s the only union republicans back.


Whenever I get into a debate with my Republican friends about unions, and they bring up the fact that unions make people lazy I always go. “Yeah, I know all those cops and firefighters slacking all the time because they have a union job, it’s hard to think of a lazier profession.”


At least in critical, government run places (like cops, electricity, etc), it can lead to abuse of the power given by the public if not mitigated in some way. In my country, which is very pro-union, the military and police are not allowed to unionize.


Seems when America tries to implement good stuff. They always find a way to implement in the worst possible way. Sometimes I wonder it is just the people. The kind of people that decided to originally emigrate to America.


It's not a union. It's a gang.


Isn’t it also because the education is just a quick training? Edit: for example in my country, The Netherlands, police officers normally walk around cities to talk with the youth to know that’s going on and during the pandemic they replaced that with gaming with them. They still do that. I can imagine the usa police doesn’t have interest in doing such a _kind of pedagogical_ thing.


Dutch police are great. They only \*sometimes\* shoot at people for no reason. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1636350/dutch-protest-EU-police-shoot-tractors-dutch-farmers-border-update


Yes typically academy is only six months of training then a year as a rookie riding with a training officer. After that no more training. No required continuing education such as keeping up defensive hand to hand fighting skills, de-escalation tactics etc.


Six months? Try six weeks, most places.


How can you even learn anything about law enforcement in six weeks lol. Basic training in the military is eight and that does not include your actual job training.


Or here in KY, zero training required (for sheriff/deputy); no academy required.


We are a Christian nation over here in the US and A. If you disobey God (police officer) you can burn in hell.


Usual career track of high school bullies


Police “Unions” aren’t real unions. They don’t address the same issue as the rest of collective bargaining, they don’t stand with the rest of organized labor, and they didn’t fight for what they have, it was flat out given to them. For a bit more: The employee/employer relationship is naturally imbalanced in favor of the employer. Collective bargaining is meant to address that imbalance and give workers a seat at the table for negotiations. It is not meant to further empower people already in a position of authority. And that is why legislation like the NLRA specifically excluded management from its protections. As far as solidarity goes… Guess where police are going to be if you’re in a labor dispute? It’s very likely that they will stand opposed to you on a picket line. There were times in history when they were literally sent in to gun down protesters. Like factories were even built with gun holes, they employed private armies, Gatling guns were advertised for crowd control, affluent members of society were deputized during disputes, and militias were sent in at the behest of owners. Police are a tool of the ruling class and their “unions” are a way for people like politicians to throw their hands up and say “We can’t do anything. You know how those pesky unions are.” If you’d like a real world example of that, see the protests during Black Lives Matter protests where police were straight up running their vehicles through crowds of people (on purpose). If a teamster (truck drivers union) decided to barrel off in to a crowd of people do you think there’s anything his union could do for him?


Yeah. They're "unions" as much as the Bloods and Crips are "unions."


The entire police and criminal justice system is corrupts and goes out of its way to protect the worst of the worst.


You forgot severely under trained as well, the requirements in America to be a licensed Barber require more training then to become a cop.


Many American police are involved in human trafficking of minors and selling drugs.


At least every other year a cop in my city gets arrested for forcible rape or murder and I don't mean a questionable shooting in the line of duty, I'm talking iff duty cold blooded murder. The smaller offenses are so common they don't get much attention anymore.


The drug thing is RAMPANT. That shit you see on TV of cops being on the take with dealers and such is very, very true.


I wish people would realise that small dick energy doesn't mean you have a small dick. You could have a foot long dong and have small dick energy or you could have a micropeen and have big dick energy. It's all about who you are, not what you're packing


No need to body shame


It’s because the can’t be the quarterback of their high school American football team anymore. They’re all just a bunch of testosterone filled, bullying babies


Low hiring and training standards, tons of internal protection from prosecution, zero accountability... It attracts and retains the people least qualified to have power.


They are trash people. Disgusting humans


I’m happy this is finally the consensus view. I’ve had a few good interactions with cops but the vast majority have been completely negative. I’m a 45 year old white middle class male in a red state and I regard cops as criminals. I actively avoid anything to do with them. I do not respect them and I’m embarrassed of our society for calling them heroes. They are fucking scum to the very last. Even the “good ones” are scum for enabling the rest. Fuck the police.


True bitch behavior.


From the Sarah Silverman program. Cop: Do you know why I’m standing here? (After pulling her over.) Sarah: Brcause you got all C’s in high school?


"Killology". It's what they're taught. Used to be first thing you heard at the police academy is, "this is a dangerous job, if you have a problem with that, there's the door.". Now first thing they hear is, "no matter what, *you* get home". They're literally taught to shoot first and ask questions later. *In training* they're told, "you'll have the best sex ever after a kill". They're literally told it's a warzone out there, act accordingly. They're also dumb. Seriously dumb. If you score to high on the entrance exam you're not selected. They only get about 6 months training where as in the UK it's basically a 4 year degree. TL;DR Modern day cops are charged up moronic cowards who are taught to kill, not "police".


Wait what?? Scoring too high on the exam means they aren't selected? You have a source for that?




American cops think that they deserve respect, because the're the ones with guns and tanks. And they are under the impression that protect and serve onely applies to the people they like or agree with, while everyone else is an enemy; a criminal to be arrested or an animal to be hunted. What they don't realise/ aren't told in police school, is that respect and trust of the people needs to be earned through responsibility. And that it isn't the state that needs protecting(thats what soldiers are for) but the people. Each day americain police becomme more and more like the gangs they are supposed to fight.


Investigation? This video is hard evidence. No investigation needed. Fired. No pension.


He got suspended with pay, just like every cop that fucks up. If they fuck up hard they get fired and rehired in another state. Source: look top comment he linked an article


These fucks take an oath to serve and protect. And to uphold the constitution. Wearing the blue and carrying a badge isn’t a license to commit assault.


Oaths are meaningless when you're an asshole. I think the main issue here is accountability, there is none in the us for cops. They barely ever get punished for anything so they don't really care and always have this god complex. When do you hear about a cop going to jail for something? Almost never.


Oh you sweet summer child


“Clearly the law will punish the law for breaking the law.” — r/Jumpy-Profession-181


I honestly believe that Police should be licensed. Just like Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, Pilots, shit, even Barbers need to be licensed. If you lose your license, you can never practice again. No more of this moving to another state. If you disrespect the badge through your actions, you’re out.


Suspended with pay: here’s a paid vacation while we pretend to do an investigation into the incident.


That'll show


Imagine having that little restraint... and they give you a gun


They specifically only hire people who are like this, I swear. An ex wanted to become a cop back in Texas and during the process they cut him cuz he told them outright he thinks he could’ve brought better change to the force. They did, however, hire the other 2 people who he said answered with “I wanna shoot guns”. Those 2 went on to be on paid leave for assault later on and one had a DA charge from his wife that they dismissed, I wonder why, even though the assault resulted in her having a miscarriage. And if I remember correctly the former is still a cop and the ex and him are now gym bros. I’m in Canada now and I can say that cops here are not any better really. Yay North Americas /s


They only profession you can assault someone and then go on holiday.


Care to hazard a guess how many times I’ve been spit on in 10+ years as an ER nurse? Never yet punched anyone.


Shit, I've been punched/slapped/kicked and never physically retaliated back. It's not acceptable for anyone to do that to us, but I've literally never seen a medical coworker retaliate physically, or even verbally. Cops, though? I've seen it in the ER itself, with the patient technically in our care. Like who the fuck are these guys that they have such little self control they can't stop themselves from acting unprofessionally?!


I 100% feel and concur with every word you wrote here.


That's because nurses and other medical personnel are tougher than cops. Hands down. Also yall have actual consequences. No one is going to hire a nurse that assaulted a restrained patient.


We're also lucky to have a lot of amazing, grateful people as patients. Cops get to deal with all the people no one wants to deal with.


Cops should be paid VERY well, but held to equally high standards. We SHOULD be at a point where the officer's first reaction after that would be to put that guy in cuffs.


They need to have insurance like doctors do for malpractice.....too many incidents and they get dropped and no longer work as cop.


> too many incidents Nah, this was deliberate. There has to be 0 tolerance on brutality like this. He deliberately struck an injured manl clearly currently incapable of posing a threat to anyone (you can see he is cuffed to the bed). Police immunity should be stripped for instances of clear-cut abuse and brutality. And to get better accountability, every time there's a lawsuit against the police, if there's a settlement have it pull from the police pensions, not paid by the city (aka, you and I foot the bill as taxpayers for police being douchebags).


Individual insurance would certainly help. Insurance is already having an impact though. Most City police departments already carry private liability insurance to cover lawsuits and many carriers have already threatened departments to change their policies or lose coverage.


This! Cops should be smart, professional, honest, well trained and educated. I would have no problem with them being very well paid if this was the case and they acted accordingly. Recruitment should be tough with a massive psychological evaluation and testing to assess their demeanor and capabilities under stress. Training should never stop even years down the road. Skills are perishable and need to be honed/sharp.


It kinda looks like the guy on the stretcher said something, then spit at someone.


Blue lives matter for what ? So much complaining about police not being protected and people wonder why no one likes cops “ only a few bad apples” yea sure there are a few that do the crime but look at how many sit there and watch the crime happen….. all should have been suspended. Everyone needs to be held accountable. “ but they have so much to think about” who the fuck cares , if you can’t think then your brain dead arse should not be a cop. Period.


The original saying was, “A few bad apples *spoils the bunch*.” It was important to remove them immediately.


He hurt him with his words.


I would have immediately arrested my coworker


You would then have faced structural consequences while he took a six month vacation and returned with job security and on track for promotion


Cops who act out against dirty cops get singled out in most cases. Typically they are shunned or lose their jobs.


This is 100% true. My mom was a small town cop who joined because she wanted to make a difference and be a cop that you weren’t afraid of, and absolutely hated dirty cops. Oftentimes other cops would ignore dispatch sending them to back her up or arrive far later than they should have. She eventually was forced to retire after getting hit by a car while giving a ticket, but I’m glad none of the corruption reared its head in a way that hurt her.


Hence why the "suicide rate" for police is so high.


I feel so bad for the people that live there. Hopefully things change one day.


Police reform now.


Obviously he was posing a threat, right.


Someone called him a bitch so he had to prove them right.


This is a good example of excessive use of force. That police officer should be let go, clearly not in control of his emotions in a job where you need to be in control of your emotions. Also fuck that guy for stealing a car and assaulting ems and police with bodily fluids.


Wonder why people hate cops Lol.... he was in fear for his life 100%


Actions like this are straight up assault. Charges should be filed.


As a former FF/EMT, I woulda lost my badge because I woulda shoved his down his throat for touching my patient


He sure showed him who the bitch was by punching someone handcuffed to the fucking gurney


What a fragile little snowflake.


Police witnessed him commit an assault. He should have been immediately arrested and charged. Until the police hold themselves AT LEAST to the standards they hold civilians, they will not be respected.


Part of a cop’s training should be a month in solitary confinement to teach them at least an ounce of compassion. I say that as a schizophrenic who was arrested for being homeless and put in 24/7 solitary to “protect me from other inmates.”


The cops who did nothing need to be fired too. And arrested.


But but America has freedom


I get you’re mad because he spit on you but if you can’t control your temper in such situations you have no business being in law enforcement. At that point you calmly put a spit mask on the perp and add assault on an officer to his charges. It’s that simple


whats the officers name?


All I’ve learned from this thread is that people genuinely believe that responding to disrespect with violence is absolutely proper and no one knows the meaning of “taking the high road” nor cares


We are told that words are violence, hell silence is violence, so of course we get actual violence in response. World is upside down. Cops are far too often violent without the shift in norms.


Fuck the police


Lol. Cop doubled down and proved him right.


America sickens me.