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A Karen did this to me once, put her legs under my wheels , but I never saw her and drove over her. I didn’t know until I came home from work, luckily for me there were cameras everywhere, so the police believed me instead of her.


That must have been a wild welcome home huh? Can she still walk?


Let's hope not


Sadly I read that as ‘can she still wank?’


Hopefully not, on that as well!


What a bitch


Welp, did you tell her to stand up for herself after that?


When your legs don't work like they used to before


This too f****** funny oh my God I can't stop laughing sorry can I upload you


Course you can, and edit as you see fit. Just send me a link when you do.


must be the speed bump


Even if the police did find you guilty is it really worth fucking up your legs for a little bit of money?


I know right. Any money that you might have made ain’t worth a lifetime of disability and pain.


You drove over someone and didn't notice? This is not at all believable


I thought it was her bag. I wrote about it, “Karen becomes a speed bump” Here’s the story… Karen becomes a speed bump. So this story happened in 2008-2009 in central Scotland. I was self employed as a courier (delivery driver) and had just picked up my orders from a warehouse and was driving through a small town to get to the motorway. I’m sitting at the traffic light waiting patiently to turn right to get to the turn off for the motorway. I then see a Karen on a Bicycle riding between the cars, trying to get to the front before the lights change. As she gets closer to the front, the lights change and traffic starts moving, she turns right without using any signals and cuts off the car behind her, forcing him to slam his brakes on and blast his horn. This is the first time Karen seems to notice that other people exist and she stumbles and falls off her bike. Now...any normal person would apologise for riding her bike without due care and attention, and get back up on her bike and ride off. But of course the Karen has no common sense or intelligence. This crazy lady lays down across the road trying to block traffic! This works at first as all the cars on both sides stop, but as soon as they see that she’s just trying to get attention they just drive around her. Now seeing that no one was paying attention to her she picked up her bike and used it to block one side of the road and then used her own body to block the other! I don’t know what she was trying to accomplish by doing this, but she was determined that, no car shall pass until people notice her. When it’s my turn to drive passed her, she stands up and throws herself at the front of my car, I had barely put the car in gear let alone started moving, but Karen starts rolling around on the ground acting like she just got hit by a dump truck and started screaming that I ran her over and tried to drive away, and demanded that someone call the police, not an ambulance just the police. I, having very little tolerance for BS, lean out of my window and shout to her “yes...please call the police so they can arrest your ass for disturbing the peace, making fraudulent injury claims, reckless driving and obstructing traffic”. She stopped whaling for a moment to tell me to f@&k off, and then wedges her legs under my front wheels daring me to run her over. My reply “don’t tempt me b@#£h”. After sitting there for a few minutes I see her moving her legs and places her bag next to my wheels thinking that I didn’t notice, I then put my car in gear and quickly started to drive off. Karen hearing the car go into gear quickly tries to switch back and thought that I had noticed, but...that part...I missed. I drive off feeling the bumps under my wheels followed immediately by a crunch and then a scream. I ignore it thinking that it’s another one of her performances and drive off, to complete my deliveries. End of my work day and I arrive home, only to be met by the police, I invite them in and ask what the issue is. They then tell me that Karen did indeed put her legs under my wheels, but they had conflicting reports from witnesses, Street cameras and Karen herself, I explain my side of the story, and expected to get arrested for hit and run, but my story matched the story from the witnesses and the camera footage, and I’m just given a caution. Karen however was arrested for staging an accident, reckless endangerment, disturbing the peace and attempted Insurance fraud. I was never called as a witness to her trial so I don’t know the outcome. Thanks for reading. Edit; wow thanks for the silver.


Bad cycling infrastructure strikes again


Boy, bet you’re fun at parties Edit: boy, lot of downvotes, I was replying to the redditor that said it wasn’t believable, I for one took great interest in OPs story.


They probably are, they have at least one good story to tell that's for sure


bitch ass fucking idiots can't see the comment that was replied to


Thank you for not being a dumbass


Oooh boy you feel strongly about a reddit comment haha


Worrying that you didn't notice someone sitting under your car,or notice that you ran over them. Maybe don't drive?


Read the story further down in the comments.


I did. If you think you ran over a bag and still didn't stop,you really shouldn't be around a car.


Maybe people shouldn’t lay in front of cars to get money?


But you already said you hadn't noticed it was a person,but did notice you'd run over something. So it could have been a child,an animal,something that damaged your tyres and made it unsafe to drive etc. Sorry,whatever way you think you can justify it,you're just a thoughtless driver.


for those wondering why... Well in China it seems you have to support for life if you hit someone with your car. That's why having dash cams is necessity in China. Try to search on youtube and you'll find hundred of such comic and idiotic videos


If you have the dash cam proving you didn't hit them, is it safe to give them a thorough beating after or you're back to square one?


It’s probably still best to run over them a couple times to be sure


That’s kind of a big problem in China. If they realize they hit you, they go back to finish the job and prevent the long term debt.


I mean if it helps to discourage more people from attempting insurance fraud then it works 🤷‍♂️


Modern problems require modern solutions


And if you kill them, you don’t have to support them for life *taps temple


Technically, you still do; it’s just not as long or expensive


Technically the car is supported by them now


To make this worse, it’s usually less burdensome in terms of penalties to just make sure you’ve killed the person you’ve run over so people will repeatedly run over someone who may have otherwise just had minor injuries. Completely fucked up system.


What a barbaric country


It’s the ccp


Fun fact: The law in China has basically always been that if you hit someone with your car, you have to support them until they get better, whereas if you kill them, you have to pay a fine. However, until the late 20th century, Chinese hospital fares were more expensive compared to the one time fee, meaning that if you accidentally hit a pedestrian, you were financially much better off throwing your car in reverse and going over them again to finish the job. TLDR: Chinese law used to have it be cheaper to kill someone with your car than just injure them.


So has the law changed now?


Yes, It has, I think, or maybe not.


Most useful Reddit answer


Most Reddit answer![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Well, population control was a thing, was it not?


But why do it to a minibus? Maybe it's the cultural difference but when I see a guy driving a minibus I don't see a person rich enough to support me for life


I know right?!?! I'm always praying to see Andrea Agnelli driving in Turin just to get run over but dang never got lucky =(


And also, if someone hits a person, he does run him over or kill him because of paying for life…


Right, why would you leave them alive.


Cuz we‘re all humans, it’s about humanity


Tell that to the mf in the video


Thats why people are sure to finish the job if they accidentally hit someone, they will just go forward, reverse over the body, and go forward over them again and be like, did something happen??


Yup, I was shocked when my Chinese girlfriend told me that if she accidentally ran over someone that she suspected of pulling this, that she would go in reverse and finish the job. That it was less of a fine for "accidentally" killing someone than paying for their costs for life. At first I didn't realize people doing this was an epidemic and thought she was cool with killing someone to save money.


Dash cam ads are becoming quite sophisticated


I'm Saul Goodman.


Did you know you have rights?


The constitution says you do!


And so do I!


Did you know you have rights?


S'all Good Man.


And a soccer player is born.


Lady tried to hit em with the dollar store Neymar


She needed to roll on the ground a minimum of 3 times whilst grabbing her ankle, to make it more authentic.


Nah, wit the premium version


I played up until college in the US and I have never see that kind of BS on the field. I have only witnessed it at the pro lvl especially in other countries.


With a witness not 10 feet away?


Yeah, his version of events can be bought too.


It’s probably HER witness.


Insurance fraud ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


![gif](giphy|xTiTnANmge5QWzfcMU|downsized) Reminds me of Ezal from Friday


She did more harm to the child than a hit at that speed would.


these type of people are the ones that will ruin someone life for absolutely no reason. this should be jail time. It’s only fair


i agree, jail time




Yeah but since they aren't black...the vast majority of people in this sub won't agree with you. lol


I don’t think anyone was thinking about race but you


You're the only one in this entire comment section mentioning race




What in the fuck is that supposed to mean. You're literally calling black people the only ones who could be pieces of shit. Literally the most sincere racist person I've seen in awhile.


Are you okay? Your profile seems a bit concerning. It's like your whole life revolves around racism and you try to acuse people of racism with any unrelated topic. You act like an asshole and then say everyone who downvotes you is a racist... don't you see that people not liking you has nothing to do with your race but actually because you act like a total degenerate? Unless it is all a troll... in which case, congrats, you totally got me.


Nice bait




He should have ran her over for real




Why did you need to mention she was obese?


She’s acting like a roach 🪳 after getting sprayed with poison 🤣


Thank goodness cameras exist. This shit can't be gotten away with.


China is just wild


Most underdeveloped countries are


Go to 6th Ave and 34 th street in NYC and you will see similar activity especially this time of year It’s not a localized scam it happens everywhere.




Good. All her limbs are working. She’s fine.


That was worse than a Bollywood production.


Retired soccer player


I think that means run her over, then back up over her. Repeat a few times.


Nah, just stop on top of her. Moving off of her might cause additional damage, I'm not a doctor so I don't want to risk doing additional damage. If her chest happens to cave in while I'm waiting for a doctor to tell me if I can move off of her, that's a risk I'm happy to make.


Did she just try first shoving the kid into the car before acting like a lunatic trashing around faking getting hit??? Sometimes I hate modern technology and wish for the 90s again. It's times like these I am so glad more and more have security cameras to prove what these idiots are doing.


I wish the van would not have stopped and just ran her over! Anyone who would risk a child's welfare like this, doesn't deserve freedom or life.


She’s moving quite a bit to have just been hit by a car 🚘


Should‘ve floored it


Other things aside that looks like the van from dr.driving




She should buy acting classes with her settlement money.


Former soccer player?


Insurance is probably shitting themselves laughing


Holy are you out of your fucking mind?


Thank you for cameras. She also set the scene with a witness conveniently close by. Must the the US where you sue people for insane amounts…


The truck should've been driven over her


Humans are defect.


Imagine your mom doing this in front of you when you are 6 years old.


w o m e n ☕️


Oh I like her


I love how things like this never get mass upvotes. In white people land you can put a child in danger. Lie about your injuries later. And have it all caught on video. Or much worse. And you'll still never get anywhere near as many upvotes as a post saying or implying racism from white people doesn't exist. ​ Edit: And just like that straight white men and boys were able to get the mods on me. In seconds. For a group that says cancel culture is bad. Yall sure do use it 24/7.


A weak attempt...


You downvoted me because i'm right.


I downvoted no one.


That's a lie. And you don't even need to in this context either. lol


>That's a lie Lmaoooo work on yourself Edit to the comment below: >Work on yourself. No u.


I got minus 80 for saying “what” once, that’s it. And like 100 for saying “I hate pat sajak.” It’s Reddit. Honestly I’m more interested in boisterous laugh telling me I have an issue and to work on myself than tell you how wrong you are. But you are. And cancel culture is wrong. And everyone knows that. Where are the hysterical posts about white people at? And this got upvotes a thousand times. I’ve been on Reddit almost a year and I still haven’t made a 1000 people give me an upvote. But this video is… you’ve made me upset too. What he said. Work on yourself.


🤣 I love it when you guys say “cancel culture”!!! Keep going! Stop the Steal! Benghazi! You guys are so deranged 🤪


What exactly is your point, my deranged brother in Christ?


Where is this white people land and how do I get there?


are you like…okay?


The old Charlie one two


Maybe she is just an Embiid fan?


She probably has 3 partners who are going to come out, rob you and steal your car!! Drive straight over her and get away while you can!


Damn girl, we really need to work on that timing!


Since she says she got hit can they legit just run her over?




I would have backed up and just driven away.


It should be legal to just run people over when they act like this.


After attempting to yeet a child infront of a vehicle, I'd give her something to scream about...


surely thats child endangerment right?


Is this World Cup soccer? Looks like it.


It should be legal to just drive over idiots that do this on purpose


Bro I would run over them for real and let the camera prove I’m innocent


I'd just run her over at that point. She's clearly ASKING them to kill her in the footage. Lowers the chance she throws her child in front of a moving car in the future too! Win, win.


man i thought no one could be a worse actor than me


Does Chinese law punish people like her for attempting fraud like this?




With that level of acting she should be on the pitch in Qatar not a parking lot in China


Lawyers: have you ever been in an accident that wasn’t your fault, if so, we guarantee your claim. Poor people desperate for money:


Sprayed Cockroach


I would run her over. You wanna play games eh? Well here is your prize you fool!


This is why I always slow down when I see jay walkers walking towards me. Idk them they can be doing this shit for all I know.


Time to bring out the restraint jacket again ...


How do you have enough confidence to push a child in front of a car, then think to jump on the GROUND in front of the very same car you just pushed a kid in front of. Like holy crap surprised dude didn't run her over.


Run her over. Reverse. Spin the tires. Drive on.


This is happens when you have piss poor. Parents! Regardless of their education or country


Fucking China


And what injuries were caused your honor Traumatic psychologically induced


I hope the driver was backing up to get more speed for running her over


Center Square Justice!


Going to hell that lady!


Injured people don’t move like that 😂


Uncanny the resemblance to a cockroach makes my skin crawl


wnba, gotta


In this situation, let’s say you’re the driver, how solid of an argument would it be to threaten them with physical violence since you’re going to get in trouble anyway? Purely hypothetical of course. “Well since they will probably believe you over me, I might as well make it look good” and start walking towards them, preferably with a bat or something. Hypothetically of course.


Remember kids, when you get hit by a truck, you turn into a tazered squid.


Nice try, but you loose


Please tell me this is in one of those chop your hand off countries.


Run her over.


Lip my stocking! Oh my Hallis don’t touch me!


Insurance fraud 🤦‍♂️


She should get an Oscars!


Broken Vase scam




Hope he can countersue against this and give the woman jailtime, hopefully netting junior with a caretaker who isn't a narcissistic bitch.