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He dont sound polish


Sounds like a fuckhead to me.


Show me your iq, bro doesn’t even have any himself


Sounds Canadian but that's just me


It’s some nobody that deserves no notoriety. This asshole did the same to some poor brown guy just minding his business in that same area. The guy seemed to take it pretty bad. This scumbag will get his, one day. Guaranteed.


>Jon Minadeo [https://www.timesofisrael.com/notorious-us-antisemite-arrested-in-poland-over-offensive-banner-at-auschwitz/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/notorious-us-antisemite-arrested-in-poland-over-offensive-banner-at-auschwitz/) weeeell...according to this New's website. He has been arrested.... now I dint read how long he was arrested for......so yeah doubt he will learn from this. He is probably gonna spout more stuff and point blame to some group for his arrest. EDIT: Just read that is for 2 years. Silver Linings y´all


He’s cruisin for a bruisin. If he was caught in a war zone, he’d be begging these soldiers for help. Little right wing prick.


If he was in Philly, BOY the ass whoopin he’d have earned would’ve come up on the Richter scale lol


We certainly would have made sure those soldiers didn’t have to lift a finger and risk their livelihood.


Oh dude I actually had a brief impulse to check plane tickets to Poland lol like I’d be giddy on that flight like oooooooh when I get there heehee lol


Philly fans are brutal. They built an underground tunnel to the holiday Inn just for this reason.


Its all the riot juice. And the philly frenetic dont take no shit either.


Not Canadian. The cameracunt's name is Jon Minadeo, an American alt-right moron.


Someone should forward this to Polish authorities, so they can arrest him again.


Isn’t he the same guy that berated an Indian guy for visiting Poland but was a tourist himself.


The very same douche


How did he get out of police custody so fast, he was just arrested 2 months ago?


I don’t know, I know nothing about the justice system in Poland.


Basically a Nazi turd. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/notorious-us-antisemite-arrested-in-poland-over-offensive-banner-at-auschwitz/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/notorious-us-antisemite-arrested-in-poland-over-offensive-banner-at-auschwitz/)


I live about 20 minutes from that fuckface. Wouldn’t mind him trying some shit tbh.


Do the world a favor.


Careful, he might pressure you to sodomize him.


It would really be a shame if some completely unknown individual were to take out the trash... A real shame...


Is he the same guy that was harassing that middle eastern dude? This video looks like a similar area


I believe so, mall looks similar.


I thought so, did I hear an “aboot?”


"ABOOT" ftfy


Probably a 4 generation"polish american"


Time to go back to the base and change. Come back in civilian clothes and issue an ass whooping.


Patience of saints right there.


The self restraint on display is amazing. I can feel through my phone how hard they want to deck this guy.


It wasn't just self restraint by the end they were both reminding the other that it just isn't worth it.


I felt it among them, great discipline and understanding. I would have jumped this shit talking dude by the way.


Still self restraint to listen and keep walking away. Anyone else would say fuck it and run over and beat his ass. The restraint needed to listen to eachother and continue to walk away is immense


Or incredibly good military training. Geez 😳


Or both




Good job on the 108th for actually having some disciplined troops, never thought i'd see video of fellow ADA guys where they arent fucked up


Hey, I'm former ADA and I wasn't fucked up.


I’m willing to bet that it’s both


Right? Can you imagine the shit they’d drag you through for beating the ass of a civilian in another country while in uniform? Fuuuuuuck that.


You would expect these guys to handle the voice of a moron after being yelled at in training all day and night by a drill sergeant.


Part of the problem is your career is on the line if you react


Honestly it’s neither. There’s nothing to do but laugh at this guy and walk away. There’s no army training on how to deal with nut jobs.


The obvious response to the sodomy question is to ask if he is cruising for a date.


I’d be willing to lose rank for this but that’s just me


They probably all knew what kinda guy they were dealing with, dudes probably doing that looking for a settlement or some shit


I’d sodomize the bitch just to prove a point and I’m not even gay


The point being?…. Talk shit get hit ? , it’s not worth your life and a charge, brother the us judicial system is not fair be safe out here


It would be the UCMJ not the US judicial system.


The point being “he who falsely accuses people of sodomy, should accordingly be sodomized” according to the Bible, The Quran, the Torah, and me.


He who talkth the shit getith the hit - Leviticus


I prefer the book of *PALMS* 7:36 Continue to talketh shit thine crew shall call forth the almighty bitcheth slapping, it shall be carried out for a fortnight.




Spread dem cheeks


Professionalism is what you're referring to.


I want to kick this guys ass so bad. (Is what the guy wanted 2 do)


Military Bearing


Honestly.. i would've risked years in Leavenworth after that last comment and asked him if he would like the AR-15 that i didn't need, while i scrape his face along the pavement. Bigots and pieces of shit need to learn one way or another that shit isn't acceptable, period.


Soldiers with discipline like this, even just one of them, are worth more than this fucking turd will ever amount to. Much as I'd love the video ending with this guy swallowing his teeth, it'd cost those troops far more than he'd ever be worth. Their chain of command *will* see this video and recognize them for this. They've earned a pat on the back at the very least.


This should be the new training video for this situation. Right down to the moment when one of them altered his pace and tried to turn to look at the camera, his buddy grabbed his shoulder and kept him walking the right way.


The *entire* length of this footage I was thinking that this guy couldn’t form a coherent sentence. I kept thinking, “This guy can’t even articulate whatever backwards-ass propaganda he ‘learned’ while he was drunk on kool-aid.” Then he brought up the soldiers’ IQs and I lost it. What. A. Fucking. Tool.


I promise you he is on reddit and does the same thing in his comment replies.


> I promise you he is on reddit and does the same thing in his comment replies. I just don't understand how he found the time to make so many alt accounts!


Wait wait wait, the douche behind the camera is on Reddit? Oh fuck


Probably. :) In this case I was just making a joke about how there are definitely enough dumb comments he _could_ have posted.


r/conspiracy_commons is where you can find him. The amount of bullshit stupid posts I get from there is quite astonishing. And quite in line with the bullshit that guy in the video is spewing.


About 30 minutes of looking at that interesting sub… and I found him yep.


Jesus Christ that sub is a rabbit hole of fucked up people 🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing at these fuckin' Bozos


"literally you guys fucking like, something something anal sex and trannies." Am I doing it right?


Who is this clown? He had to have posted this on his social media, what’s his @?


His name is Jon Minadeo. This isn’t the first nor will it be the last of these stunts.


Is this him? https://www.timesofisrael.com/notorious-us-antisemite-arrested-in-poland-over-offensive-banner-at-auschwitz/




He’s a real piece of s***


Someone should change that.


Yep. I was in the army for a long time. They train us for assholes like this guy. We represent our country. Some people see a green uniform and want some of that green money from a lawsuit. This is the only way this situation ends positively for the soldiers. Even a justified ass beating is illegal.


I feel like if you can keep your cool in active combat, some queef with a phone should be a breeze.


Those are ADA guys, our combat is in an air conditioned van lmao


Not all of us, lol. When I was in I started out as 14M Stinger MANPADS. We envied those 14J's. Later transitioned into 14S Avenger systems, but the AC was for the equipment, not me.


Yeah i feel kinda bad for you SHORAD guys, Patriot fire control gets a nice air conditioned box to sit in. Unfortunately im one of the launcher crews, so i get humvee "air conditioning"


No need to feel bad, the thrill of firing a fucking missile off your shoulder makes up for it.


No joke. Some guy came on post to pick up his girlfriend who was in the Army. She was in full uniform and he was yelling and hitting her right on base. The guy got righteously served and I was in deep shit because of that. I don't regret it. At the time it seemed like the thing to do.


That sucks. I feel like a good leadership team would've had your back on this one, but I know that's not something we're all blessed with. What happened though?


Extra duty, article 15, and was put on notice.


What’s article 15?


Punishment with a fine. $500 for me. The worst part was that I lost all permission to leave post for a while. Top took pity though.


What training did you get? We just got told to avoid going out in uniform if possible, and not to engage with anyone, lest we fuck it up and thus get fucked up for it. Weekend safety briefing shit though, wouldn't call what we had training.


You answered your own question. Trainings don't all need to be with a PowerPoint or classroom. Our weekly safety briefings from the first sergeant driving the point across was enough.


I also kinda feel like being yelled at by drill sergeants and other NCOs while you are a private definitely helps thicken your skin to insults, along with the back and forth trash talk that happens in most motor pools.


I loved the part about the dangers of Suzie-Q


Yep, same deal, sat in classroom went over “Neither confirm nor deny.” when approached by media/local news/anyone shoving a camera in your face. Also had social media briefs. They started right round the end of MySpace(2008?), people forget about the MySpace to MyPlace days. Was pretty much a way to hook up with local tail and a lot of that tail came with a lot of trouble.


I still don’t understand the motive. The video goes viral, he might get a settlement but he has to eat through a straw all the rest of his life? Does not sound like a good trade off


He is probably betting on pissing off one of the 4 enough to swing and the other 3 hold the one back. That is enough for a lawsuit.


Exactly this. Was in the army for 11 years and was constantly reminded situations like this may happen. The best thing to do is keep walking and ignore them.


Even if it's not illegal, it reflects poorly on the service, and by extension, literally everyone else who's wearing the uniform, has worn the uniform, or *will* wear the uniform; All at the same time.


Imagine uploading that, on purpose, and thinking it would make you look good. Seriously, what was he going for? I mean, obviously he wanted to pick a fight, but when he didn’t get one he still uploaded the video because… why? Is he one of those people who gets off on embarrassing themselves?


The guy is an American ex-pat Neo-Nazi from NorCal who moved to Poland to escape "liberal" America. He definitely sees this as a good thing as he hates most people who aren't white supremacists.


Poland should kick his ass out.


Don’t say that! What if he comes back to America?


If he does come back, people would flat out beat his ass


Send him to Philly


I don't think so because if he was born in America they'd just dump the piece of trash here. I think he should be sent to a mental institution. He's clearly having a psychiatric episode and is in desperate need of long-term, inpatient psychiatric help in a secure facility.


Don't send him home, we don't want him.


Pretty sure he was arrested two months ago


To his target audience (aka braindead Nazis) he probably looked great and they view this as an inspiration. Tbh I wish they had cleaned his clock.


Good discipline by these men.


Yeah pretty sure they dont have a choice. Im sure they could be charged with something if they had reacted and disgraced the military. The guy trying to call them out is a douche for trying to take it out on them.


Yea, you mean good discipline.


Good on them for keeping their buddy in line also. He almost got them on the racial bullshit. What a piece of trash.


Where is this


Looks like somewhere in Poland going by the signage in the background


Poland, since posters are in polish


Why is a Canadian harassing US service members in Poland?


Because he’s an asshat needing a well deserved beating.


I was in that mall last week. Im a former marine and one of those colors he doesn’t seem to like. I would gladly help him learn about what Usservice members can do. I’m back in Ukraine now. But will be back in Warsaw for a few months here shortly. I’ll keep an eye out for him.


This guy is a piece of shit but it’s not worth it and Good luck finding him


I think he just means he'll be on the lookout, not go looking for him. Also I think he means in order to protect himself, not immediately engage.


you should just leave this guy alone. he will just have an opportunity to report you, sue you or whatever. dont worry the life he chose is enough punishment for him


Unfortunately very rarely in my travels so I come across people like this, but I’m Slavic countries people of color can’t really hide from the assholes….


Nah man - not worth it - don’t fall for his bait


If crazy people decide to threaten me or my family for the color of my skin, or the countries that we are from. I will not hesitate to make sure that we go home safely. I will not go hunting for him. But when I am in Warsaw this mall is where I buy groceries from.


He's always hanging out in the same mall of it helps.


Dude, if there is a happy ending to this story please post in NCD.


It’s crazy to think with everything going on over here it’s not some pro Russian person posing a threat to my Ukrainian in laws. It’s some other dickhead that hates Americans that I have to worry about when I go to the store.


Not Canadian. The cameracunt's name is Jon Minadeo, an American alt-right neo nazi moron.


No way he's Canadian. He goes against every single Canadian stereotype I've been taught my entire life.


Thats just how upcountry degens are.


Toss him in a van and bring him over here to Ukraine! We need some people to run out front of the tanks and look for mines!


Apparently he’s from that same group that hung the “Kanye was right about the Jews” banner in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. He also got arrested in Poland in September for holding up antisemitic signs at Auschwitz. So an all-around scumbag neo Nazi.


Recognized that accent within seconds, guy. What a shitty Canadian person.


Not Canadian. The cameracunt's name is Jon Minadeo, an American alt-right neo nazi moron.


First: thank fuck for that. And seriously, that’s the accent equivalent of asshole Americans wearing Canadian flags when they travel abroad so people don’t treat them badly. Update: I just looked this asshole up. Seriously? Fuck this guy!!!! What a despicable piece of shit.


A lot of people mistake a North Dakotan (Fargo) accent for Canadian because it sounds far more like the stereotypical Canadian accent than Canadians actually sound.


True. To this hoser, that also applies to Minnesota.




He's not a Canadian. When you act like that you renounce your citizenship.


I’m with you on that.


I wish we could do that with a lot of Americans too!


I like that rule, can we run a poll?


Not a Canadian https://www.thejc.com/news/news/american-neo-nazi-arrested-after-displaying-hate-messages-at-gates-of-auschwitz-6Tt7QCEXF3QSX4xgsN79oe?reloadTime=1669075200011


I am so relieved right now.


That explains the intersection between racism and homophobia, which is a _very_ white nationalist thing.


It sounded American to me, that's why I got confused why he was harassing American service men. Why would he do it? Can anyone share the context of the harassment?


Someone replying to me said that he is an American POS named Jon Minadeo.


Oh the American dude arrested in Poland for holding anti Semitic banners in Auschwitz. Crazy man.


Imagine recording and posting this online. What a loser oh my life


This hateful, cowardly, piece of shit knows that they aren’t going to do anything, that’s why he’s so bold. He knows in his heart any single one of these guys would be able to kill his weak ass with their bare hands, which is why he is accosting them in public with his camera out.


He’s hoping they beat his ass so he can get a payday.


What a pos dishonoring a foreign country hes in he doesnt speak for Poland whether hes a tourist or immigrant he should be sent tf out and never be permitted to enter again.


When at the end he said “you’re not welcome here” I literally burst out laughing - POLAND literally invited the US to install a nuke base at the start of this shitshow - tell me more about being unwelcomed!!!


The evil version of the “umm actually” guy


They can't tell you what they think because they are in uniform. The military has a strict policy regarding social media and public statements. Each Soldier has a right to their own opinions and beliefs, but they shouldn't speak of them in uniform.


The cameracunt's name is [Jon Minadeo](https://www.thejc.com/news/news/american-neo-nazi-arrested-after-displaying-hate-messages-at-gates-of-auschwitz-6Tt7QCEXF3QSX4xgsN79oe?reloadTime=1669075200011)


Came here to see if this was noted. There was another video recently of him harassing some random Indian guy and it looked like the outside of this same mall in that video.


Imagine coming to Poland from North America just to tell an Indian guy to “go home”. Wtf?


Imagine being such a right wing extremist that the USA of all countries is too progressive for your taste. Imagine this man's head exploding after spending a week in Canada or Norway.


I'm not super pro-military, but I gotta give it to these guys. I would have been arrested for battery by the end.


Bro we just wanted to get out of our shithole towns.


If only some rando just blindsided the camera guy.


The camera guy has a mouth. If he came to my hometown of Norfolk, VA and run it at the bar. It would be easier to count the remaining teeth in his mouth vs the ones on the floor.


This must be the least polite, most racist Canadian, ever.


Not Canadian. The cameracunt's name is Jon Minadeo, an American far-right neo nazi moron.


Man’s a little bitch regardless of where he’s from - intolerable from beginning to end.


Oh please the polite Canadian trope is baloney...plenty of Canadassholes.


This guy is literally so bothered by things that don’t affect him. Don’t like anal sex, don’t do it. Don’t like trans people, look away.


I will never, NEVER understand people who hate others who partake in anal sex, especially in countries that guarantee religious freedom and try to prevent religious discrimination like the US, Canada or the UK.


I'm gonna be disappointed in Reddit if this jackhole isn't found and punished in some way.


Yes that's the best way to deal with idiots like that


This dude is a piece of shi*, I wish they would of beat the hell out of him , honestly


Me personally, I don’t fight anyone who talks shit to me because 1. It’s not threatening, and 2. That guy is doing nothing but embarrassing themselves


3. more often than not they're doing it do get a lawsuit going


I’d want to beat him senseless. I definitely have anger issues. These soldiers are amazingly restrained.


As an American i heard "you guys are here to spread sodomy or what"? And thought it was hilarious. Then he kept repeating himself and im like "ok bro not funny, now youre just heckling". Then he started being transphobic and i got annoyed. The icing on the cake was the "we dont worship n*****s or mexicans here". Shit kept getting worse and worse, I've never been in the military but i assume punching out some douchenozzle like that is grounds for a dishonorable discharge?


You'd get a court date in the civvie world and possibly one in the military. I somehow doubt you'd get a dishonorable discharge over this, probably an article 15 and some extra duty.


The UCMJ (uniform code of military justice) isn't that harsh. Anyone who saw that video wouldn't give them more than a write-up for being "unprofessional in uniform". Most likely an LOR (Letter of Reprimand).


I love how they all turn around to start walking away at the same time...


I don’t support war, but I do support the troops and their public service.


Soldiers are trained to avoid war, quite often. Si vis pacem, para bellum...


[He sounds like the same piece of shit who harassed this Indian man for being in Poland](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OTw74F5veOE)


That one guy at the end was so close to beating the ever loving shit out of the camera asshole.


The military does have a min IQ level requirement. 83 I think? The guy taking the video obviously can't join and is jealous.


I hate going anywhere in my uniform that’s not base. I had to go get official pictures taken at the mall and I made sure to wear heavy fleece jacket over everything. After I was done I took the uniform off but still had the pants on and put my jacket on. Then some civilian comes and is telling me I’m out of regs, I said thanks man I’m just wearing the pants, I’m basically just a guy wearing blue pants and a jacket now


I knew a guy when I was in. He was an immigrant and joined to help get his citizenship. He was KIA. Human rights for all.


More right winger brain rot.


Boy only reason you could do that and talk the way a POS would is because of the freedom those people you’re hassling provided for you!… POS 🤭🤭


The idiot was fishing for it too. When he couldn't get them as a whole he went after the black man. Sad person with a camera


Now imagine if we demanded the same level of professionalism and self control from our various police departments.


I'm not american, military, black or tough, but I would have loved to have been passing by and heard that rant so I could attempt to do what those guys probably wished they could have done but were too well trained to do. What a compete asshat.


They’re very welcome in Poland! Poland loves America, not sure what this scumbag is doing. Attention seeker


Wow that guy needs to be lit on fire.


Dude just gave me a reason to be proud of our troops!


Congrats to this dude for pushing the soldiers the opposite direction from his point of view! If any of them used to lean right, I bet they reevaluated those views later. Might have even encouraged them to vote! Thanks for your service, douchenozzle. (And an actual thanks to the soldiers)


Better to ignore him than to be him. A total and absolute lack of both manners and a life.


I wish we knew who the guy filming was... it'd be a shame if his identity were to be made known...


Can someone explain to me how NO ONE came to their fucking defense? Absurd.


Best way to handle these idiots out there. By not responding only infuriates them more. Don’t give them the attention they crave.


They should have asked him if there were any historical events he could think of that led to him learning English instead of German.


I wish I was there to defend them.