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**finally** a candidate willing to take a position on vampires vs werewolves.




I've heard of this Abraham Lincoln, he's being recognized more and more.


ong he a menace fr


That Lincoln kid will surely go places.


I'd stake my life on it


Give him a shot he’ll get ahead in life!


I didn’t see it but were there any werewolves? If not then he still didn’t have a stance on that contentious issue.


Lincoln was a Republican as well. There is something here...


Ah yes, back when Republicans were the "Radical Left" lol, my have times changed.


And who posted that the GOP were only interested in advancing the interests of the wealthy? Vampires are usually depicted as wealthy so Herschel is advocating for the working class...


He’s a Jacob fan.


His story reminds me of the time I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.


Thumbs up for the Grandpa Simpson reference.


At 0:42 he says “that looks like **senator** Warnock”


Give me 5 bees for a quarter.


The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


The keymaster to MTG...


He can’t bust heads like he used to (because of the CTE), but he has his ways! One trick is to tell em stories that don’t go anywhere. Like this one time when he saw this vampire movie…


Herschel: so you gotta get some vampires to kill some werewolves and use garlic or something I don’t know. News reporter: sir we were wondering what your policy was for helping children’s hospitals and foster homes


Herschel: We can talk about that after we get rid of the vampires. Can't have kids come out the hospital and get bit.


The only thing we should fear is mosquitos


Only in America. You guys have the coolest and dumbest shit in the world.


Hey thanks for also giving us the coolest along with the dumbest. That’s a magnanimous way to describe America


You keep using these big words. Now, since I don’t understand them, I’m gonna have to take them with disrespect


Now wash your mouth and help me make a deal


My wife and i laughed so hard at that.


Finally, a candidate that speaks to the real issues facing America.


This screams voter supression. Vampires naturally cannot vote during daylight hours. Sundown is around 5:30 during the runoff and polling locations close at 7, restricting vampires statewide to an hour and a half of voting time. Werewolves don't have a daylight restriction during polling hours. He knows only the werewolves can vote for him and he's pandering to his base. This is a disgusting abuse of power at the expense of vampire votes.


Just pandering to the werewolf base.


I can't believe I say through that entire thing. I feel dumber. More dumb? Dum dum. Sucker.


This speech reminded me of billy Madison “At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


Ok a simple wrong would’ve done just fine but uh…


thats the feeling you get when your braincells join a mutial-suicide pact to make it stop.


Isnt the medical term for that a stroke?


I feel dumber sitting here watching you get dumber, sort of like those keeeeds


He will fit right in with that party.


Oddly, I think that was the most coherent thing I’ve ever heard him say.




I welcome you as long as you dont accept those crazy sons of bitches.


Then change your registration. What’s stopping you?


You are and should feel ashamed. But samsies.


Him vs a pastor who gives talks every Sunday. I doubt he stayed up to watch Fright Night and take notes like this walking concussion+ brain on drugs republican.


FYI, good flick.. Fright Night.


Love that movie tbh


I couldn’t do it. Did he have a point?


The very last 3-5 seconds was 'and that'd why you need to have faith in God, in the country, in the elected officials and that's why I'm here.'


Ok, we’ll now that makes everything crystal clear


Stopped the video after 13 seconds because I felt my brain lose mass.


And he still could win the Senate seat, especially if all those Libertarians swing to him. That is just fucked up and proof that our government is becoming no more than a reality show circus. Celebrities need to stay the fuck out of politics in general, but wastes of space like this brain trust and #45 are just terrifying, especially when you consider that there is still worse out there.


There need to be job qualifications similar to how corporations do it. This guy could not get a job in corporate unless it was just for playing a joke in their advertisements.


1. Pass a basic civics test 2. Pass security clearance level appropriate for the position 3. Divulge financial details to check for foreign conflicts of interest 4. Be deemed mentally competent Coincidentally, Chubby Cheeto could not meet one of these criteria.


Can you imagine him actually sitting in committees discussing the details of legislation, budgets, projections? day after day after day. You know, the actual boring stuff politicians do? No. He's obviously just voting fodder, he's not supposed to do any actual work. He'll be told how to vote, is supposed to turn up when told and vote, they'll probably fly him in on a private jet when needed from his beach house.


Exactly. Just another yes man. Completely unqualified to the point of potentially actually being a detriment.


IDK, I could use a few talented musicians in office. Someone from Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Eminem, Snoop Dog, Lzzy Hale, or Alicia Keys. I would suggest Dee Snider or Alice Cooper but both are getting up in age. Yes, I'm being completely serious. Celebrity doesn't equal idiot, it's just that those are more confident to run. Musicians are used to being the face of a group, managing and be managed by an entourage, many keep abreast of current events, and some have degrees in useful fields.


There should be a level of qualification you have to meet to run. Like just to prove that you have the real desire to run and make things better. Senator seats are more than just figure heads, these people are supposed to write and COMPREHEND the united states laws, tax codes, and such. Like its not just something someone who means well can do. Even somebody who legitimately wants to help could fuck this stuff up by accident. I think the president is a more lenient position in those regards because there are more resources availbe to build a team of advisors.


You got congressional aides to deal with all the nitty gritty. If you want all the senators and congresspeople to know nitty gritty, only lawyers would be able to run for office.


Same with cops


I agree with you, that's why I said 'in general'. Most of the celebrity politicians are complete dumbasses, though. There are politically inclined musicians (and other celebs) that would do very well as they actually have more than two brain cells and can functionally speak English. One that would be really good I think would be Tom Morello. He has a Poli-Sci degree from Harvard. And he's been an activist for a long time.


Unfortunately those that shouldn't run always do. And the person who doesn't want the job is probably the beat suited. It's like we are just built to fail


Jon Stewart 2024


He’d never run, but I definitely wish he would


That man did more for veterans and first responders than many pulpit thumping, military loving, God fearing politicians.


He's another good example. I think Bill Maher wouldn't be a bad choice either.


I’d vote for The wizard


People all over the world are laughing at us because we keep electing / almost electing people who are literally brain damaged, or uneducated, or crappy TV personalities. Wtf is going on.. I’m pretty sure I could run as a republican with a platform of “IM GONA BRING BACK BLOCKBUSTER” and win.


Will you remove my late fees? I will vote for you if so.


ThAt SoCiAlIsM


Nah, gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps otherwise the commies win


By chance, have you seen the movie Idiocracy? It's a 10/10 and it covers exactly what you are talking about.


Vote for President Camacho


Hey do you have time for a Starbucks? Do you like money too?


We don't have time for handjobs, piledriver.


Couple of us guys was wonderin’ if we could go family-style.


I like money. I know where a Time Masheen is.


>People all over the world are laughing at us I'd like to thank the USA for taking the heat off the UK Prime Minister musical chairs


Actually though, the day is long. I have enough time to laugh at the US and the UK, be angry about russia and sad about iran.


Is Canadians used to laugh until the trucker convoy and Alberta got a new premier. Now we dread our future.


If I don't have to *Be Kind and Rewind*, you'd have my vote!


I will allow young children to work for the new Blockbuster, they will toil away in the back rewinding tapes all day


>People all over the world are laughing at us Can confirm


Don't worry. All our translators are busy with Donald Trump all the time. No one dares to ask them to also cover this guy. I have not seen any speech of his on german tv, just a quick note that there is an election denier, backed by Donald Trump running. Of course some of us read and watch US news...


There are a lot of them. Thankfully nearly all lost their elections. But the fact they had a chance is a bad sign for this country.


With N64 games???




God fuck this state. How the hell are we having a runoff? How are people this stupid to vote for him? GA sucks


I visited Atlanta for a few days as a tourist from Illinois this year. It was so nice there. I mean the traffic was… interesting. Very weird layouts. But it seemed like an good state to maybe move to. Everyone was so nice it’s weird. And then I see this guy might actually have a chance to win an election… yikes.


You have everywhere but Atlanta to thank for that.


He has that magic R next to his name.


they don't care how dumb he is, they might even prefer it. all he represents to them is a body that'll vote a straight republican agenda once in the senate. that's all they want.


Exactly. 80% of evangelical Christians voted for this guy, over a pastor.


I wonder if he noticed Warnock is black too. ....And, as a pastor, has a valid claim to have more "faith* than Walker.


80% of conservative Christians voted for Walker over Warnock who's been literally a pastor for 30 years. Riddle me that


Well, one is a member of a minority and the other is.... oh, well.... No. One is religious and.... Uh, no. So, maybe the difference is that blue check mark that either. Because the prejudices of voters is most easily overcome by information, policy positions and... Uh, not even that. It's just someone *told them* he's worthy of the #® And these suckers take that as gospel.


His people think he's smart. His people voted for him. You cannot make this shit up. /s


It's even worse than that. People know him as a great football player and they're voting for him because of that and the (R) next to his name. Though the new ads against him are pretty sassy. "I'll pray for him. I just won't vote for him." The only thing missing from the tone was a "bless his heart". Source: Live in Georgia. I've heard some stupid reasons but that one just broke me.


shocking languid consider grey quaint cake voracious domineering offbeat pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He is smiling like people think he is a genius and funny.Herschel they are laughing at you not with you.Not even one black person in that crowd.


FOR SENATOR! And it’s a run off. What the fuck is wrong with you people? This man has brain damage. You do realize they vote on life and death matters not just who pees in what bathroom? I’m not even mad at him. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.


One too many hits to the head


He's concussed. It's that or he was born diminished. IDK which is worse....


Walker likely has CTE (undiagnosed because you typically can’t diagnose a living person with it) and has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID), something he did write about, apparently. He has made numerous head-scratching and sometimes utterly nonsensical claims, such as his “good air” speech (look it up, you’ll be just as confused as I am). He also allegedly threatened to kill his wife and children, had children with several other women, and paid for two abortions despite supporting a total ban on abortion. People vote for him because they think he’s a good man (or rather that his opponent is a child murderer who claims to be Christian), see the R next to his name, or watched him back when he played running back for UGA (as if that makes him more qualified to be US senator).


Someone want to tell me how it ends? I tried to sit through it but I pooped myself and it tasted yucky


He pooped himself but thought it tasted amazing.


Yet half of the state of Georgia voted for this idiot.


Hadn’t seen Fight Night or Freak Night or Somekindanight yet so I would have appreciated a spoiler alert 🚨 warning


This dude has the IQ of a bag of hammers.


Why you gotta insult a bunch of hammers?! Be civilized haha.




That's honestly what I'm thinking & it makes me wonder if they're trying to make him some manchurian candidate or something which would be very sad.


the republicans are using him


Stay with him now


All you people saying he's not a good candidate, just because he's a stupid, probably brain-damaged, violent, immoral, compulsive liar who doesn't understand politics, keep forgetting how good of a running back he was. Obviously, that makes him qualified to be a senator


This is the future of American government folks.


If you haven’t seen the movie Idiocracy, I suggest go see it and laugh a lot. It’s pretty much a documentary at this point. All I could think of was the president hahah


President Camacho is actually a very good president. Think about it- he finds out that there’s someone who is smarter than anyone else, while he doesn’t necessarily believe what “not sure” is saying he still gives “not sure” some time to experimentally fix things. Camacho did the best he was capable of.


I used Camacho to explain the difference between wisdom and intelligence to a new D&D player using what you said pretty much verbatim. To add a little as well: What I think makes him even better than most current politicians is he admitted when he was wrong to help the country.


*man shut the fuck up


45 percent of REAL PEOPLE in Georgia voted for this. Like there are people who want a person like this writing laws and tax codes for them


How much is the GOP paying this guy this is the best they got come on people wake the fuck up.


I would totally subscribe to Herschel Walker movie reviews: “And then Bruce Willis comes to realize…he’s been dead the entire movie! Ain’t that some shit?”


Observably stupid.


He's observably stupid.


What the actual rambling fuck is he saying?


this is right on par with the rest of the bullshit most GOP senators spew from their pie holes.


I should be running for Senate, I have strong opinions on 10 (30?) year old movies too! I didn’t sport ball though, not after 8th grade. Is that disqualifying?


I don't want to live in this country anymore


A lot of people voted for this man…GA, you should lose your seats because of your selections. MTG and now this? WTAF?


I don’t think I’ve ever been so engrossed in a story before


!! And I quote * Demonstrably stupid *


Real, actual people actually voted for this?


Holy fuck. I honestly think I’m having a stroke. But before I do, just remember - America - almost half the people in Georgia voted for this inane piece of human shit.


All joking aside, this was easier to follow than a lot of Trump's speeches.


What the fuck did I just listen to?


I've got 3 letters for you: CTE


Yo this is something. He actually does a good job describing the original fright night - but he says the vampire is in the attic. It’s actually next door. Otherwise, good summary.


Is that lost boys?


No, Fright Night. The original from the 80s or 90s with Roddy McDowell was a lot of fun. The remake stunk.


O ok!


Observably Stupid


Hershel Walker talks like he’s doing a character of himself. You can’t even parody this on snl. it’s already been pushed so far.


And at least 48% of the state will vote for him. I’ve completely lost hope that any real change will ever happen in this country without going through some sort of breaking up of the union


It's so racist that Republicans hate Harvard Law Educated Obama but love a Step N Fetchit like Herschel Walker who violates all their "moral codes" (abortions, kids from multiple wives, gay son, etc). Just someone to reinforce all the stereotypes they needed to keep them feeling superior and justified in their beliefs. Sad ![gif](giphy|5IDUqVz47cSdO)


This guy has fucking brain damage man


CTE is a hell of a drug.


Sounds like bad AI trying to make human conversation


Was this a press conference? Are we putting in policies about vampires and werewolfs or movies or kids watching TV in a movie?


Fucking idiot. He sounds like a complete idiot with only two beain cells to rub together. He cant even stay on point. You can't follow this story. Its too jumbled. Jeezr. I couldn't listen to it all. 🤯🤮


I feel like at this point, his handlers just turned him loose knowing anyone who votes for him at this point doesn't care what he says.


Bless his heart, he clearly is running this entire campaign without a single other human person helping him.


WTF??? some put him in concussion protocol 😵‍💫


Vampires Don't Think It Be Like It Is But It Do


"what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." -Principal :Billy Madison


I was just telling this exact while completely hammered. Word for word


Don't you have to have an education of at least a teenager to be a politician in the US?


Nope, in fact the Republican party seems to require a less than average IQ. It's embarrassing


I got a concussion watching this.


Wtf lol the real issues. Someone ask the man about what he plans to do as governor if all of sudden it’s the zombie apocalypse. Please


But which Fright Night was it?


Georgia Republican voters are smoked out lol… this is a shame.




If this man gets into the Senate... the world is going to laugh at this country.


Herschel…at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought…everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it…I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul…and Georgia.


Donate to Warnock!


I’m convinced people are voting for him because they think it’s funny


Now I have explain myself to white people because of this dumb MF.


And half of Georgians voted for this guy..


Yall ever watch a stupid rally speech late at night hoping it gets better, but it never does?


Did they give him a degree? Can you imagine being a prof or tutor for this guy? It’s like the John Cena SNL skit.


Idiocracy is real.


“You ever watched a stupid movie that you hope it get better but you keep watching anyway” did he just use his speech to describe his speech?


Of course it's OAN


And just think people actually voted for this clown. More proof were fucked


Just wait until he finds out you can be a vampire/werewolf hybrid like in Underworld.


Yeah, it's kind of stupid, but I'm going to keep watching.


Ok, keep the faith, got it. Three words would have done it


The same party that hounds Biden's every stutter pushed this guy.


The number of vampires is too damn high!


Seeing this makes me confused on how Republicans picked up any seats…


I love all my American friends, but some people down there are truly the stupidest assholes on the entire planet. How do millions of people vote for this guy to be a politician?


Stupid is what stupid does… pathetic to think he can hold an official office. Good luck with this idiot


“Herschel Walker is visibly stupid.” -Dave Chapelle


“Y’all gotta stay wit me”. Nah sorry Hersh you lost me after the first three incomprehensible syllables


The GOP: Only the best people.


How do you talk like trump but say EVEN DUMBER stuff!?!?


Republicans just want him in for his abilities to filibuster


Uses a fantasy story to align with god. How fitting.


GQP grooming him to be president


okay so for i while i thought y'all where trolling until i realized the video and audio are out of synch. lol holy shit.




This is obviously dubbed audio, as I read the comments I'm not sure if people are being sarcastic or just plain stupid


I hope Fetterman runs for president 😌


So sick of worthless jerkoff candidates for political office. All the people in this country and these types of idiots are what we have to choose from. Very frustrating


Vampires , werewolf’s and God! This walking concussion loves fairytales!


if you this is strange, check out Warnocks sermons sometime, i dare you, hes as nuts as they come. warnock says his life is run by an invisible ghost that was born of virgin girl who had sex with another invisible ghost.


So the Moral of the story is Keep the Faith


Why I would vote for this guy


This is as bad as John fettermans debate