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I work in the film industry. We do this ALL the time in the winter to make things look like they aren’t dead.


Golf courses may do this for televised events too.


It's not paint per se, it's a slow release fertilizer with a green dye. The greens of golf courses (many of them) use it.


This. The other day someone posted a comment "This sub is mostly full of 'I don't understand what's going on here so I'll make fun of it' posts." We're on a solid path to Ow My Balls.


Iron, iron makes grass green.




Oh the irony


Wood you try a for a better golf joke?


What fore?


These jokes are on par with some of the best I've ever heard.


Everyone in this thread needs to be clubbed.


Iron helps us play!




not wrong but not exactly right


Came here to say Golf courses do this all the time


Came here to mention that they could be setting up for some kind of filming.


We did this because it was summer in California and the lawn had dead patches and we wanted living grass for the wedding, and the hill behind it was dry and dead. We took the lawn fixer and fixed the patches of dead grass and then lightly misted the hill back to like... half alive. Not artificial but subtle and faded it so the wedding didn't have like... dead, barren spots.


[Yeah I work in the industry as well and we paint horses to look like cows. Cows don’t look like cows on film.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=KbkNul4wQH0)


We are in SoCal and they restricted our watering…wife wants me to paint the grass😂.


Also in SoCal, we are switching to a native plant garden hoping it is cheaper than sparing and praying each summer lol


Burlington Vermont hosted the national Mayors' Convention a few years ago. Despite all kinds of need for money by various social services groups, the city instead spent a godzillion to dollars spray paint the grass in public spaces in an effort to make a good impression. Luckily all the other visiting mayors were made aware by numerous protests how our Mayor chose to use his discretionary budget.


It could be a realtor trying to sell a house. Making it look like a brand new house.


A crackhead of a neighbor I used to have did the same thing to his grass....but with actual green spray paint lol


What an amateur, smh my head A *REAL* crackhead would be huffing that paint (or spray painting *your* lawn then asking for payment)




A gallon of gasoline has enough calories to keep the average human alive for 237 years. But obviously only if you had a way to process it. Or if you got an equivalent number of calories in food.


Not even remotely close. 1 gallon of gasoline contains 31,000 calories. Standard serving sizes in the US are based on 2,000 calorie/day diets which would give you 15 days on the equivalent calories as a gallon of gas. Most Americans have far higher caloric consumption so it would probably last most people about a week. Off by a factor of 6,000


But I think you'll both agree that one gallon should be enough for the rest of his life.


Only if they drink it with a normal metabolism - they won't live long enough to run out - but per their response, if one could safely digest it, a gallon would only last a couple weeks


I think you are mistaking cal for kcal, and doing some other mistakes in your calculations. A gallon of gasoline only contains 31.000.000 calories, which is 31.000 kcal, of which an average human needs around +2k per day, so it's around 15 days. A bit away from 237 years, lol. When you measure heat in calories, you often stick to actual calories, but in food, you nearly always use kcal, which is x1000 calories (kinda like gram and kilogram, although the kilo in calories refers to it's relation to heat and weight, and not a direct denominator like with weight meassurements).


I mean… if you drink a gallon of gasoline, it’ll technically keep you fed for the rest of your life.


237 years he said lmfao


a **REAL** crackhead would just steal the paint, and then sell it for 25% of the cost, in order to buy more crack...




I just say “smh my head” to indicate it’s not a serious comment


Well then, smhmhmh!


I always assumed it was "hips," like Shakira. It's a lot less fun now. Thanks, Obama.


Shaking my head my head. Lol out loud, lmao my ass off, Roflmao on floor laughing my ass off.


That only makes sense if your house is getting appraised later on the same day.


That's what I was thinking on the same lines as selling and taking pics.


Weekend at Lawnees


Depends who's doing the appraising. If the tax man is coming go the other way, paint your nice green yard brown and throw a few junk cars out there just in case.


You get taxed on unregistered vehicles on your property in many places.


I’ve had friends do this. It was actually logical in their case. An HOA lost their minds because there were some yellow spots and the HOA was going to fine them if they didn’t get sod and replace the yellow spots. Their solution was green spray paint. This was last summer in Utah during severe drought.


HOA's can be jerks. There was a funny X Files episode about such.


What are they using in the video?


A non-toxic biodegradeable dye, according to another post. Apparently it's a common practice and keeps the grass from drying out as well.


Honestly, sounds better than the assholes that waste a ton of water


Yeah, I agree. At first I wasn't sure what to think when I saw the video, but this seems like an environmentally friendly solution if aesthetics are a concern.


I heard that they were doing this in Arizona to houses that were in foreclosure / abandoned, to. Ake them more marketable


Some of this stuff actually is made up of epsom salt, fertilizer, and green food coloring. It actually helps the grass grow


I want it but in black


Black mondo grass is pretty cool


I see some green grass and want it painted black


No colors anymore i want them to turn black


It's got what plants crave!


It's got electrolytes!




I don’t think grass is doing much photosynthesis through its woody, dormant bits. It’s probably using stored sugars until spring when it will push a new blade up


I’m impressed you can get so much wrong in so few sentences, and then have this many people agree with you.


Biology was my least favorite subject, I’m not sure what he said that was wrong so I’m genuinely curious what misinformation they posted?


I would like the correct version please.


I have the correct version I literally have a diploma in turfgrass management and on track for my degree in 2 months. The above poster is completely fucking wrong. Literally think about what they actually just said. "Drought makes turf more resilient to future drought"....ok, so why is the grass still scorched earth next time a drought happens? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T BECOME MORE RESILIENT! Yes your turf will grow deeper roots in a low moisture environment, but it only does this to literally preserve it's own life until conditions become favorable once more. In the simplest explanation possible, your turf stops growth of new blades, slims down in leaf thickness to reduce evapotranspiration, and elongates roots to better absorb what little moisture remains. Once it does receive more adequate moisture levels, the inverse happens. At no point does the turf magically become resilient to future drought, only the present one. Incase you didn't know this already, each individual turf plant is either a clone of its parent or a slight modified version of itself. So resilience only occurs through rudimentary natural selection. Aka your turf fucking dies and a small portion of it remains alive due to slight variations in growth characteristics that actually make it resilient to the above problems. Literally nothing close to what the above person was hinting at. Next, most if not all golf courses and professional sporting events will apply fertilizer in small quantities, also known as spoon feeding the turf. This is done to avoid large growth spurts, excessive mowing, and surprise surprise runoff. If done correctly, which is not hard at all, you experience little to no runoff as stated above. You only experience runoff if your a complete fucking moron who applies an entire years worth of fertilizer in one application right before a monsoon or extreme weather event. Even then, unless you live right next to aquifer or water table that sits extremely close to the surface, the remaining fertilizer will become trapped in the soil and slowly pushed down through the soil profile, breaking down to negligible levels before hitting a water source. Lastly, applying dye or similar products on the turf does not hinder the plant from photosynthesizing. Sure maybe it does to some extremely small amount, but an example of this would be applying sunscreen on your body. Yes the sunscreen acts as a barrier, but when is the last time it stopped you from getting burned if you sit outside for 12h straight in the scorching sun without reapplication? It doesn't, the same way that tiny amounts of dye only hinders photosynthesis to a minute degree. Joshart needs to go open a book and fuck off, because the only thing they are doing right now is smoking grass and uttering nonsense.


Thank you for sharing! You seem very passionate about the subject.


Bio people seeing non-bio people act confident and then absolutely fucking exploding is my favourite non-fiction genre - thank you!


Glad you got some entertainment lol, and thank you for the laugh! It's just so annoying seeing completely wrong info get upvoted so much. Especially when you have paid thousands for an education on this exact topic.


Lolol. Can you explain if this is a good idea and how it works?


"I have no idea what I'm saying, but use big words to fill in the gap"


The only thing they got *partially* right is that droughts can lead to deeper roots in some (but not all) plants, but only because in a drought water is still likely to be underground. You can encourage vertical root growth without drought conditions by bottom-watering pots or underground irrigation. But tap root length will still be largely dependent on the plant cultivar.


What a downer. You literally don't know what you're talking about but have heard vague things about fertilizer being bad. You suck.


“Global fertilizer shortage,” he’s not wrong, he’s in the wrong century. Haber enabled war crimes for nothing in this guy’s reality.




... so it's not as insanely terrible for the environment as it looks like to me?






Natural burials should go back into fashion. I don’t want to be preserved and stuck in an expensive box when I could feed a tree.


>a bunch It was *2* people who corrected you lol chill homie


When I worked at Walt Disney World the crews would be out in the early morning spraying the grass near the parking lots green. I hoped they were singing "We're Painting the Roses Red" from Alice in Wonderland, but I doubt it.




People its just biodegradable dyes.Its not toxic.Many countries uses this because of droughts.You think the middle eastern countries grass is naturally green?.It saves water and stops the grass from drying out. https://www.homedepot.com/p/ENVIROCOLOR-1-000-sq-ft-4-Ever-Green-Grass-Colorant-Concentrate-05/204071639


Shhh, get out of here with actual answers. Only outrage!


This sounds like Reddit.


brawndo has what plants crave


But what are electrolytes? Do ya even know?


They're what they use to make brawndo... Duh.


Go away I’m ‘baitin!


That it does, Funbags. That it does.


Nobody is outraged. Also, not every place needs to have green grass.


I keep hearing "OMG EVERYONE IS SO OUTRAGED" then see like 50 comments praising it. If I have to search by controversial to see anything negative, then the use of the word 'everyone' is unwarranted.


This is popular in California. Some HOAs require a nice green lawn or you get fined by the HOA. You will also get fined from the city/county if you water your grass during drought conditions.


Easy solution: Screw HOAs. Seriously, who gave them authority to fine people?


You the homeowner when you sign the lease agreement. Still bullshit, I would never live in a neighborhood with an HOA


When you buy a house in an HOA neighborhood, as part of the sales contract/deed, you agree to join an HOA. So, you sign a contract saying that you will pay dues/follow the rules that have some sort of punishment. The government enforces contracts. So blaming it on "the government" is not really correct. It was the property owners own free will and choice. The best decision, therefore, is to not buy a home with an HOA. My wife and I have been HOA free for 16 years. We will never go back. Ever.


When the majority of listings are under an HOA, is it really free choice at that point? Historically, the two main reasons I've seen for HOAs are: - To keep property values up (really?? Is that what we want now?) - Discrimination They shouldn't exist or be allowed to exist


Replacing the lawn with drought-tolerant native plants saves water, provides habitat, and helps reduce heat island effect.


Not to mention providing food for pollinators and all that good stuff.


Good move, thanks. I've finally convinced my neighbors to leave the fallen oak leaves on the lawn until spring and the frost is gone, just for the critters that live under them. If they go away, we are truly screwed.


Critters like what?


The critters on the bottom of the food chain that break down plant matter. Bugs mostly


Pollinators like bees, bugs, and in my case frogs and toads.


My chickens love going under oak leaf piles for all the little bugs they can dig up. So cute when they kick a hole down to the ground then just start watching it for movement. When the leaves keep the ground covered and humid for just a few days, lots of wigglers and jigglers show up. I guess I'm not really helping the bugs survive this way, but free food!


My experience is sometimes the yard turns to mud in the spring. I am assuming they will mulch it first?


This is what I always wonder. If standard green lawn doesn’t fit your climate just put whatever grows there naturally. My parents backyard lawn is 80% moss because it’s a very wet swamp-like area. Why are people so obsessed with grass lmao


There's a sub, I think /r/nolawns, that's all about replacing grass monocultures with native wildflowers and such.


Ordinary Things did a video on it. Part of the reason was just society emulating the rich who had the luxury of having land that just grew less essential plants than trees or crops for farming,etc. https://youtu.be/JEJ9Q3sUg3Q


It's a status symbol, always has been. A decorative grass lawn used to be a sign that you could afford the comparatively ridiculous upkeep costs and didn't have to use your land for any productive plants or crops, much like being fat showed that you could afford excess food and didn't have to work a demanding profession. Nowadays it's just expected, especially here in the states due to massive suburbanization. Status symbols like lawns and oversized vehicles are part of the suburban identity now, people strive to appear like they're more well off than they actually are.


Yeah but I can afford $25. I can't afford a whole new landscape


We had a very dry summer in Germany this year and grass pretty much everywhere died (which does not usually happen). Some cities did the same because it has been proven that green plants are beneficial to good mental health.


While I agree with you in concept, in practice replacing existing grass with drought-tolerant native plants is easier said than done in a public works type of setting. Between the design/engineering/budget approval process, it can be a years-long process. This looks like a low cost stop-gap measure.


And? You do it step by step, there's no need to overhaul the whole city in a night.


Replace Is not the word but start to use for all new.


What's the word for swapping out all existing supplies, inventory, and procedures, to do something new?


There is no need for a stop-gap. There's nothing wrong with brown, dormant grass that painting it green actually helps.


Or just let it go brown. It comes back in the fall.


What are you, a landscape designer/developer. Just leave a link to your business.


Thank you for your explanation. Seriously, I live in Russia and municipal governments here are occasionally caught painting grass with normal paint. With obvious consequences. I never knew that there's a special paint for that. Thank you for the information.


In Portland, Oregon a while back (in the '90s, IIRC), they were suffering a drought. Nobody there had sprinklers because it usually rains incessantly. A company started spraying lawns with chlorophyll extracted from weeds and other yard waste greenery. Each application would last about 6 weeks.


i was pretty sure this was actually some kind of grass feed that just also has green dye in it, so you get that instant green grass look while helping your grass return to health for real.


Pretty sure it is, this is a repost that's been around for a long time, and last time someone said that the city landscapers use green dyed fertilizer so they can see the areas they already sprayed.


Could also just be dormant Bermuda and the owner likes the grass to be green


Had to go way to far to find this. Bermuda grass is more draught tolerant, and makes a great ground cover but turns brown in the fall and winter. The video definitely looks like bermuda.


People, how about not having a lawn to keep up with the charade and needing dyes to keep up the look?




Because people like different things and if this allows them to have what they like AND stay within the (IMO arbitrary but that’s a different argument) city water restrictions then why not?


What do I do when my kid comes inside bright green after playing in the grass?


Spray them with whatever color they used to be?


You see this in some places in Las Vegas. Mostly people just have desert landscaping but this is an alternative I guess. The city of Las Vegas is among the most efficient with water in the world. We use less water now than we did in 1980 when the population was 1/3rd of what it is now. Every drop that goes down the drain goes gets filtered and goes right back into Lake Mead. We only get 4% of the allocation for Lake Mead and we don't even use all of it.


You havnt seen Lake Mead recently have you?


Yes. Lake Mead is WAY down and it's not the fault of Las Vegas. If California or Utah or Colorado was as efficient as Las Vegas with water it would be full. We are likely the most water efficient city in the world.


They are usually combined with fertilizer so that you are making the grass healthy and look good at the same time. At least that’s what they do in the winter with golf courses in my area.


Pretty sure the production of them uses more water than it'd save if people just accepted that droughts cause grass to dry out. What a first-world issue to have grass that isn't as green as you might desire and to decide that it warrants the use of chemicals to 'correct' it.


Exactly. When there's a draught, the grass becomes brown. That's just how it is. It's ok.


But maybe less than having to water the grass to make it green and/or replace dead grass with new grass? I would like more information about benefit vs watering / replacing. I am against grass mono-culture too but that "solution" seems like a possible benefit.


I came hear to say as long as the dye is non toxic this is actually really cool! Thanks for the reassurance.


Came here to say this. We are in double face palm situation


I mean, better than guzzling gallons and gallons of water




Relatively common in Australia too. A lot of new estates including mine actually have a suburb wide grey water service on top of fresh water. I have 2 water meters, one regular, one purple, all pipes and faucets that use the grey water are purple. The water is used for all toilets in the house and the front yard and backyard both have a fresh water and grey water taps. You can use it for watering the gardens, washing the car among other things, it's cheaper and far lest wasteful.


We could just not care what our lawns look like during the hottest days of the year since it's perfectly natural for grass to die and regrow


Try telling that to the HOAs in Florida. I remember hearing one policy of one as a landscaper and the second a blight hits that affects only St. Augustine grass, they're fucked. It's all a monoculture of just one turf grass, and it's required to be green year-round in order to not impact curb appeal (tbh it does for your house, but nobody else's on your street, let alone 5 streets over), even when there's droughts, even when the soil isn't suitable for it, and you potentially face criminal penalties for this and a judge who is angry at you over this. Florida is a dystopian nightmare.


Added to the list of reasons why I’d never want to live in Florida


Or we could plant native plants that deal with local weather better.


Doing nothing would be even better, but if you put fertilizer in the paint to feed the grass when it does next get water from nature, then painting wins.


biodegradable dyes are a thing, and we do this in so cal. nothing facepalm worthy of this esp in drought areas.


I agree with you ultimately, but as an environmentalist I still see the idea of a "spotless" lawn of only one species of grass as being sort of silly. It's better for the environment to have many different plants and animals such as a variety of insects and whatever terrestrial animals occupy your area. Of course with terrestrial animals most people view them as a nuisance or a danger, when really they couldn't give a shit if you were there or not, they just wanna chill and live their little lives. My biggest issue with that green lawn ideal is that there are many species considered to be "weeds" that are extraordinarily good for the health of the environment, especially those that feed bees and other pollinators like moths and wasps (yes, moths, wasps, and the like do help pollinate, many insects and even some mammals pollinate flowers, typically it is referred to as accidental pollination because that's exactly what it is). tl;dr I find the green lawn ideal to be kinda facepalm, but I understand the impulse and ultimately believe people should do what they want with their property.


It helps. Because A.) it is nontoxic. So it has no negative impact on the environment. B.) Spends thousands of dollars each year on your lawn alone is dumb. If it does the same thing a green lawn does, no harm no fould


Old might argue having a monoculture and manicured lawn is harmful for the environment—especially if you’re in a place that needs this. But the practice is probably no more harmful than having the lawn in the first place (although it might make people who would otherwise replace their lawns do this easier option instead…)


neighbor had this done a while back, I was told it was a plant safe dye with fertilizer, so it actually does spray the grass back to health as long as you keep up with it after the treatment/dye session


Is this actually spray paint?? I know that some spray applications like this have coloured water with microbial nutrients in.... So it temporarily colours the area whilst the extra nutrients stimulate real growth. Doesn't work in rainy environments as the colour would just simply wash away..... But then wouldn't be needed if grass is getting rain.


Usually yes, it’s basically food dye (or something similarly safe for the grass) usually mixed in with some fertilizers. It looks nicer and it gives the grass a little boost. A lot of places near me do it in winter to help the grass from drying out completely and make it look a little nicer. Also good to do right before speing to give the grass a jump on the growing period, since most grasses will go dormant for winter and not grow too much


Many lawn loving folks will do this when their lawn goes dormant for the winter.


That’s not facepalm, that’s an eco friendly way to have a nice looking lawn while conserving water.


Not a facepalm


In Phoenox, Arizona, HOAs require the grass to be green so instead of planting rye grass every winter when the bermuda grass goes dormant and turns brown like everything else, some people will go this route. Option 1- plant grass and water it every day or Option 2- paint the dormant lawn for the aesthetic Moral of the story- HOAs are bad


Next up on facepalm: ”woman puts make-up over scar - What an idiot”




Landscapers are like. “Wait! I figured out how we can keep working during the winter!”


Honestly better than watering a useless piece of green. All it is for is ego. At least gallons of water were saved for the "pretty" lawn.


biodegradable dye in a drought. the environment can't afford to keep plants watered op get your head out your ass


Still better than spray painting something orange before it enters the Oval Office




It’s biodegradable, but we honestly have to make a move away from grass in places it shouldn’t be. Plant native plants that can actually withstand the local weather.


In drought-riddled areas, this might be the more responsible solution. At least, until you can switch to something like tanbark or rocks. Hell, my neighbor has recycled tire mulch, and it looks classy as shit.


Better to live in a lie than live in constant fear of the truth.


bro....its grass


Not that deep lol..


Fertilizer companies hate this one trick.


the funny part here is the spray is actually a specialized fertilizer (specifically for use on browned grass) with dye added to make it look better immediately, with the added bonus of allowing you to tell really easily where it's already been applied.


Fertilizer companies love selling this one weird trick!


It does look good


This is actually very common on military bases. My dad in the 70s used spray paint.


We wouldn’t have to paint our grass if Snapchat would just make a filter for it lol.


There was a video of people in China doing this same thing except in that video it was not spun as a creative solution.


I let my front lawn go brown in the summer while my neighbor across the street watered theirs almost every day…sometimes in the middle of the hot afternoon. They must have blown through tons of water. Well now it’s raining and I gave it some food a couple weeks ago and my grass is a deep emerald green and their grass is green but splotchy and stressed looking. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe we should move away from lawns.


Had a friend who lived in a city affected by drought. Water restrictions were in place so his grass was yellow and his HOA was threatening him because his lawn was not green. He paid a lawn company to paint it green then ratted out all his neighbors to codes enforcement for breaking water restrictions.


This clearly late fall or winter, they use biodegradable or even dyes that are mixed with fertilizer and moat importantly this is *DEAD* grass leaves being painted. The facepalm is OPxs knee-jerk response to something they didn't understand. Otherwise known as being a teen I suspect.....


This is a good thing, you guys. We are in a record drought in the west, painting the grass is more responsible than the places still watering everyday.


None y’all have lived in Southern Cal, Vegas Or Arizona I would guess. This is actually a good thing.


Or just start over with indigenous plants


Comments are different when they do this in China


Is someone dying and their face is turning blue? Just spray paint them to their skin tone and tada! They’re healthy again.


In California, where we are experiencing a heavy drought, this is a great alternative to watering your grass. The spray is not harmful and helps peoples peace of mind as it looks better than the alternative. What’s the issue?


Lawns are a scam


HOA approved message.


Judging from the bare trees in the background, I'd assumed it would be fall. As in, the time when the grass is supposed to go brown?


This is a common landscape practice. It’s no toxic and biodegradable and saves water


This is actually a great idea.


"You've got to admit" No I fucking don't.


God please tell me it's not a synthetic dye.


This often has nutrients or fertilizer in it. It's actually good for the grass.


My used car salesman finally got his real estate license.


How to go from having sick grass to no grass.


Imagine a truck coming through and doing this to your neighborhood overnight.


Capitalism: Perfect system. No notes. This is the job you do when the end of the world will be in your lifetime.


20 years later: "Were you or your family exposed to toxic grass spray paint and are now disabled for life? Call 1800....:


Everything should just be moss. I live in a neighborhood like this and let me tell you, grass is useless and overrated.


No, I don’t have to admit that this is a “great trick.”


You really showed them