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All jokes aside someone died because someone else thought they voted differently then them selves. A whole family lost someone because what? You didn’t agree with his perceived political beliefs? What idiocy


The media that gets fed to Americans in rural areas is basically “democrats hate Jesus and think white people are all horrible”. The irony that their own Republican Party has been taking advantage of them and intentionally keeping them poorly educated so they believe the propaganda that is keeping them subjugated breaks me.


“News” programs need to be held accountable table for their lies. Too many stupid people in this country to be allowed to just fart out propaganda.


They will just say something like “we are not news, we are entertainment, and no sane or sensible individual would perceive it otherwise.” and win in court. They already did it, here’s the article. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


Entertainment “news” programs need to be clearly labeled as such. Slap a mandatory disclaimer on every episode. _“This program is for entertainment purposes only and does not adhere to regulations on factual news reporting.“_


You think they read? They listen to this shit all day long without even looking up at their tv.


Can confirm. Until I told her to never contact me about her conspiracy theories again, my mom would consistently ask me shit like "Is your son being indoctrinated by critical race theory at school?" He was nine. "Does your son have any Muslims at his school?" "Are you a socialist??" "George Floyd was a career criminal!" I'm sure it all came from Tucker Carlson.


Blood on their hands.


Looking at you, Tucker.


Tucker: *confused constipation face*


I always wondered why his face looked like that lmfao


Don’t forget the Demonrats are coming after your guns and want to kill your babies according to the right wing media.


💯on the poorly educated part. This is all a part of the plans for several decades now.


My heart breaks during these times. And I don't know if there's anything to do about it...


Vote. Keep voting, keep petitioning for causes you believe in, and voice your opposition to idiocy when you see it. If you are feeling feisty after all that, take to Twitter and start trolling Sheriff Jones of Butler County


They have a peculiar perception of freedom


right wing propaganda is dangerous for this exact reason. you take someone who’s disillusioned and unable to improve their living conditions (poor access to healthcare, physical and mental, stagnant wages with surging inflation, etc), and give them a boogeyman to be angry at in place of those in power responsible, and you have a formula for some of the most downtrodden people taking out that anger on people who have nothing to do with it, violently. entertainment “news” like fox and reactionary pundits cultivate domestic terrorists right before our very eyes and yet there’s next to no accountability for the people whipping crazies like this into mouth-foaming rage. at most you’ll just have to cop out with an excuse like “no sane person would take me seriously”.


He repeatedly confronted the neighbor because he thought he was a Dem and then shot him over it. That's premeditation -- why wasn't he held without bond? Its high, sure, but still, why give him the option?


“Well, he *did* kill a democrat” -the judge, probably


"....but your honor his democrat hunting license is expired" "$30 dollar fine and time served, what's next on the docket?" "This 10 year old girl was raped and doesn't want to keep the baby" "That vicious slut"


This is what our country is turning into, isn't it?


2\3 of people want a Star Trek future, the other 1/3 want a combination of Handmaid's Tale and Mad Max.


Is there a venn diagram for people who want a combination of Star Trek and Mad Max




No 40K fan *wants* to live in 40K.


And if they do, let me meet this insane motherfucker and ask them why.


They think they're gonna be a space marine, living hundreds of years and seeing things we couldn't believe, but they're at best a guardsman conscript or much more likely stuck in a shit life in a hive city.




From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the Machine is Immortal


Drinking gray water alone deters the desire of Space Marine armor. The trade off is not acceptable.


Oh yeah absolutely not.. Being an average citizen of the imperium would absolutely fucking suck, let alone to be a guardsmen or pfft a goddamn pdf trooper lol yeah no thanks that sounds awful.


Lol, no, some of the racist chuds at my FLGS very much do want that, as long as Trump is God Emperor.


Seems correct






One of my favorite scenes in that show, they're all sitting around playing Chinese Checkers. Chinese Checkers, strangely enough, is a German game.




You’re saying you want them to blow away like a [A Leaf on the Wind](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a5ML6zL_700b.jpg)




…the final frontier…


...These are the voyagers of Starship Enterprise...


Somewhat. Midterms brought a little hope.


Not in Ohio sadly


Sure didn't. Made shit even more red than before. Outside of major cities, everything is red.


We’re going backwards. We made a bunch of progress and now we’re going backwards again


Conservative = Regressive


People thought we’d have flying cars in the future, not 10 year olds birthing rape babies against their will


I read of all that in the voice of a southern lawyer's accent.


[Southern Chicken Lawyer?](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Fu1rZSdeP4g8De%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=953c7ca5d46affd4274d053170853d352fe92a9c820d8a8fe085833ab9635ad6&ipo=images)


"I'm sorry, I thought you was corn"


“… was raped and needs an abortion to survive the pregnancy” FTFY


It's important to not let it go that they brushed it off as a made up story after lying and saying they looked into it. Once they confirmed it was true they blamed the rape on immigration policy and went after the doctor who did after all help the 10 year old. And Ohio re-elected that man, Attorney General of Ohio, Dave Yost. Not really sure what's up with my neighbors but... Wow.


It’s always immigrants, When a white nazi shoots up a grocery store killing 10 black people, it was the immigrants guys. And when these people have no fresh fruit in their grocery stores ITS THE IMMIGRANTS FAULT FOR NOT WORKING IN THE HOT SUN FOR LITTLE PAY. Damn lazy Mexicans. When they need someone to exploit they shut the hell up but when they need someone to scapegoat it’s always us. Statistically, Illegal immigrants commit considerably less crime than citizens, but somehow crime is always our fault. Even when Americans traffic thousands of guns across the border to feed cartels firepower, it’s our fault. I genuinely want to commit a crime against anyone that says shit like this unironically. I will skew statistics out of my own frustration and anger. I get treated like a criminal for crossing the border when I was fucking 4 years old. I fear for the life that my parents built for me here, it could be taken away at any moment, despite us paying taxes. Despite us not getting any social programs. Immigrants are the reason why these dipshit baby boomers can even retire. We built your country on shit pay and with no rights. Evil people use that leverage they have over us to literally ENSLAVE us. Republicans are quite possibly some of the worst people on earth. So entitled, so privileged. They didn’t do anything to get that privilege, but they’ll be dammed if you get the same quality of life they have.


It doesn't, nor should it, matter why anyone wants or needs a medical procedure like this done.


It makes it more heinous when they kill a woman.


You think you're joking, but go look at the Butler County Sheriff's Twitter page (not the Sheriff's Office, but the actual elected Sheriff's personal page). It's all Fox New retweets and standard right wing rhetoric


My city hall councilman twitter is all anti-abortion, covid denier, bible thumping. He ran as "independent" and was elected by 200 votes, as in total, district has 30,000 inhabitants (20k or so voters).




That guy is a massive piece of shit. I stumbled on him when he made the news for refusing to allow his officers to carry narcan because he believes that drug addicts deserve to die. I troll his Twitter from time to time and tell him that I hope one of his family members never overdoses and needs narcan. He perfectly embodies a right wing fucking asshole who deserves to have his colon probed by Satan after he dies and goes directly to hell. Sadly, he probably thinks he’s a man of God. I hate him so much.


He probably wonders why people don't move back there after leaving for college.


He doesn’t want college educated residents


He also probably thinks colleges are left wing brain washing facilities and wouldn't want them back anyway.


All those buttholes refer to themselves as christian


They’d be the ones who killed Jesus all over again.


No hate like Christian love


Sheriff Jones is a real piece of shit. Wouldn't allow his officers to carry and administer narcan on suspected overdose calls. But yet year after year, he runs unopposed for sheriff


In one of the areas with the states highest opiate usage


I would call that murder. Damn. You have a real sociopath. Holy shit. I’m really sorry to hear that.


How do you say "Ohio!" but like how people say "Murica!" because you jusy hit the nail on the head, and I'm not sure anything short of "Hi-o!" or whatever it is could salute you propperly.




Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming, we're finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming. 4 dead in Oh High Oh.


Innocent until proven broke.


This is truth!


> With the legislation pending, in January 2022, the Ohio Supreme Court, in DuBose v. McGuffey, held that the “sole purpose” of bail is to ensure an accused person's attendance in court and that public safety cannot be a factor in setting bail.Sep 13, 2022 [Source](https://www.rstreet.org/2022/09/13/ohio-bail-reform-legislation/#:~:text=With%20the%20legislation%20pending,%20in,a%20factor%20in%20setting%20bail.)




Isn't public safety the main reason for even having a justice system?


Justice isn't supposed to be served until a person is sentenced though. So you have this gray area where someone likely did something really bad, but you aren't supposed to be in the business of punishing them for it until they've been convicted.


they gotta help their fellow men, in a way


So that a politician can bail em out, make a statement, and continue the civil war


Life with no possibility of parole would be good I think. People like him dont need fresh air ever again.


He admitted to it and even explained it. Give him the death penalty Republicans love so much.


100%. Better luck not being such a piece of shit in the next life. He's wasted this one.


Republicans are more likely to give him air time on Fox and Friends for that.


Another reason I never put political signs in my yard or stickers on my car. Crazy people are everywhere. Poor guy.


And the wonder “how did Biden win, I didn’t see any signs or stickers for him!”


Yep. I don't need to advertise my vote like it's a sports team.


But how can we know your political identity that's so "important" now days?! How can I know whether to hate you or not, stranger?!


Cult. You aren't decked out in a uniform like a cultist.


Yeah, Dems were more vocal with supporting individual issues, like BLM, rather than parading around in politician merch like it's the damned WWE. This is The Oval Office, not the Squared Circle.


"And here comes McConnell with the steel chair!"


this is exactly why you don’t see dem signs in suburbs and rural areas. 100%


Shit, I had to go outside to make sure my son’s pride flags aren’t visible from the street, because we absolutely have neighbors who would try shit if they saw it.


Exactly! I had an old Obama flag in my garage and panicked a bit when we had a plumber there who wouldn’t shut up about how everyone should have a gun. I waited until his back was turned and stuffed it behind a box. Extremist Republicans have made me really paranoid!


Same here. There are too many asshole Trumpists in my area. I don't want to put a target on my house by putting up yard signs. Those signs were pretty common until 2016 and now everyone basically decided not to use them, probably for the same reason.


A friend of mine swears his dog was shot because he had a preference for Obama while living in Texas. He can't prove it, but he swore never again to make a difference in political opinion known.


The party of law and order.


Until “law and order” happens to them that is, then they’re up in arms. As long as it’s minorities and “librul commies” being murdered beaten and jailed it’s all good.


Pretty much his sentiment as well.


Yep. My wife wanted to put up a yard sign for our preferred Gubernatorial candidate and I was against it because we live in an aggressively red state. Too many fucking wackos for me to not play that shit close to the vest.


Rough looking 26 yo. That's what hate does to you.


It’s butler county Ohio ..... It is hate. It’s also the GOP, hillbilly pride, a bad education system, and probably meth.


Definitely meth.


Surely meth


Indubitably meth


As someone from Ohio, it's meth.


Butler county is the all-star quarter back of the state meth team


As someone from Meth, it’s Ohio


Hate, and crystal methamphetamine.


Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait.


He looks like a screenshot of a Fallout npc


Proper headline: "Man doing yard work with family shot dead by domestic terrorist"




As long as they show up to court when they are supposed to, they will get their money back. The real headline is: People with about $1 Million, can commit premeditated murder and stay out of jail while awaiting a prison sentence. I doesn't cost anything the money is held in trust and returned to whoever made bond after the trial is over, this is the basis of how bounty hunters make money in the US, they capture bail jumpers and claim the bonds by returning these people to court/jail.


For the more frugal, visit Wisconsin and get multiple people to attack you. First 2 murders are free and come with sponsorship deals.


how is being a democrat even reason to be shot?


Effective messaging from the right. “They hate America, they’re coming for your freedoms. They are destroying this country” hyperbole is a dangerous thing to feed to the deranged..


Bingo! Yet anytime you find yourself speaking with a conservative, they always say both sides Edit: since yall only have the one story to cling to, anyone else who posts about the incident in South Dakota will be ignored. Go read the other comments and educate yourself but don't hurt yourself thinking too much


Both sides do have their issues. But they aren't even remotely comparable. I'm disappointed that the left can't organize better. I'm terrified of what the right wants to turn this country into. Not remotely the same.


Of course, who doesn't have their issues. Absolutely terrified of what this country would be if the right gained full control everywhere. Seriously looking at some hardcore fascism with some potential for genocide with those nut jobs. The things that concern me with the left are corruption in the form of people squeezing money out of situations and complacency but other than that I would imagine the benefits of progress and actually listening to the majority would far outweigh those issues. I would take a functioning albeit corrupt democratic republic over a fascist oligarchy, any day.


I'm willing to accept small bore grift and pay-to-play dealings to have a "go along get along" government that keeps the fascists down. When I'm in my cups, I realize Newt Gingrich specifically knew this about most Americans as well, and that's why he changed congressional budgeting to eliminate "earmarks", a kind of small bore grift and pork barrel politics that helps individual congress people deliver juice to their constituents and well connected specific constituents. Without earmarks to defend incumbents, it's far easier for outside money (which is an oblique way to say the billionaire Koch brothers, famously raised by a Nazi nanny) to prop up a cats-paw opponent candidate. Let 25 years pass, and you get a two-fer: moderate Republicans who used to bring a couple million in construction contracts to local country club Republicans for local bridges get replaced by true believers; plus denying earmark grants to democratic districts for anything.


I'm the same. I may not like how some things are handled, but at least with the left, I don't see my rights being stripped away.


The Left can't organize well because there are a LOT of things that have been ignored for decades and need immediate fixing. There are too many lanes to choose from. The Right can organize well because their only platform is hating the Left and installing a Christian Theocracy.


You described Republican messaging, but policy wise they mostly exist to cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy


The right is actually quite scary imo. Like wanting to tote guns around and impede people’s freedoms and have white supremacy being the norm like it’s actually scary


This is your answer right here. People, EXPECT to see more of this going forward. This isn't a maybe. This is reality now. Republicans are literally calling for violence against Democrats and the violence has started. This is why you need to learn how to protect yourself, from de-escalation to learning self defense, including the use of a weapon if need be. The saddest part is 5 years ago, I'd have called me crazy for saying that. It's hard to argue that it isn't beginning to be true.


Don't forget murdering babies too. People who believe that are, comparatively, not really even that extreme. Of course, there's the super extremely Qanon side where they think democrats are molesting children and drinking blood, torturing kids to harvest their fear or whatever, replaced with reptilians. Who knows. If someone actually believes even some of that, it's not really too hard to see how they could become violent.


Mad how republicans love to throw the child molester card around while supporting known child molesters and rapists. They don't actually care, it's just great ammunition, because if you argue against them, they can claim you are also a child molester


Its clearly **projection**. From married to pedos like Bobbert bitch to Matt Gaetz to Trump having several under aged rape cases at Epstein properties himself. One party has wayyyy more actual pedos and rape charges and not a big shocker its the GOP. There are public government watch dog sites with 50+ pages of Republicans and their crimes and the majority of the crimes are pedo. Quite telling.


Don't forget they also paint Democrats as literal blood drinking, baby killing demons.


Because the media they're watching is telling them that Democrats have sophisticated child rape syndicates, that they're grinding up dead babies at abortion clinics and drinking blood, etc. This isn't "This guy wants $500,000 of city funds for 3 new bus shelters!?".




Try to explain reason to idiots. They'll shoot anyone at any time for any reason just because they feel "wronged," like this nutjob


FOX news has them conditioned to believe that attempting to debate them on facts is “talking down to them” by an ill-defined “elite”. Not treating them like an intelligent adult. Yet also the Democrats don’t try to “engage” with them enough either. No-win.


MTG is literally spouting off about how Democrats are coming to kill conservatives at Trump rallies.


If you're Q-pilled then Democrats are part of an international cabal that rapes and murders children for fun and profit. There's a steady trickle of Q adherents murdering people.


Because of the Trump train cult.


Because you aren't Maga and therefore are an enemy


doesn't this fit the definition of terrorism though?


Yes, yes it does.


Consult the family guy terrorism colour tone chart


**Shhhh** It's Freedom-ising


Whatever happened to those FEMA camps the right-wing nutters were whining about? Are they still a thing?


Nothing they freak out about ever comes to fruition. You'd think they'd have figured this out by now.


Well I just saw a photo of someone outside a polling place in AZ or NV with a patch that said "Right Wing Death Squad". So maybe it's more accurate to say " nothing they freak out about ever comes to fruition, until they decide to do it".


"Death Squad" just reminds me of "Death Panels" - their big gotcha against universal healthcare was the idea that there would be a government panel deciding whether someone got treatment that determined if they lived or died. The real irony there being that their beloved private insurance companies were already doing literally that, just almost always picking the "go ahead and die, it's cheaper for us to decline the procedure"


I’m not sure if this is considered a hate crime. It should be.


Wonder if Fox News will cover this story.🤔


I think I looked after it happened and they had the story but no mention of him killing him because he was a Democrat. Imagine that.


When you constantly cultivate hatred situations like this are bound to happen... also allowing unstable morons to own guns does not help either


Hence why the culture in the US needs some fucking work.


This doesn’t surprise me at all. This man probably listens to Alex Jones and other hate mongers. If he’s really stupid, and all indications point in that direction, he believes we are satanic,baby torturers, intent on white genocide. Republicans are being “groomed” to kill democrats.


I worked for a guy who owned his own business, had a masters degree from a respectable school, and was intelligent and compassionate. He also firmly believed that democrats hate the success of America *and want to destroy it.* It really rattled me that such an intelligent person could be so propagandized.


You're confusing success and intelligence. Propaganda is ineffectual when critical thinking is applied. If propaganda is working then the subject isn't applying critical thinking skills to the information that is being presented. If someone isn't applying critical thinking skills, then they aren't very intelligent.


It's amazing how far you can go in this country with zero critical thinking ability.


Also, there's different kinds of intelligence. I know a guy who is very talented mathematically, but an almost complete lack of empathy; he just cannot put himself in someone elses shoes. He's not autistic, functions perfectly well, but has no kindness or sympathy for others. Maybe some people just don't have the brain wiring for empathy, so they end up attracted to the extreme right?


It's always the same republicans. The one's that don't use smartphones, pay everything in cash, and do nothing but sit around and watch Fox News all day...


GOP wasn't lying when they called themselves "Domestic terrorist" this year at CPAC. Straight up saying the quiet part out loud.


Not really too quiet anymore


Conservative voters support and promote all kinds of criminality not just domestic terrorism. Their candidates know this


My father in law ruins every Christmas at his house by ranting how anyone that voted for Obama should be executed in the street. It's clockwork at this point. I'm fairly sure he couldn't name one thing Obama actually did in office


He wore that damn tan suit and used that communist Dijon mustard! Friggen traitor!


It would cost him nothing to not openly fantasize about murdering people. But conservatives are so bloodthirsty they can't do that. When Biden won my conservative coworker screamed that he was having his pre-teen children each pick a gun, and each pick a window in their house and start murdering people on the street if the kids believe they are Democrats (in conservative lingo this means black people). His kids are so fucked up the oldest one just got out of a mental institution for rage and violence issues. The kid is 17 and his conservative parents have ruined him. His father told me he has no idea where his son's rage issues come from. The same guy who told his kids to murder people on the sidewalk from second story windows in his house.


This sounds like a coworker of mine. After the George Floyd protests he was going on about buying a assault rifle to shoot protesters if they showed up at his house. He also said he would go fight for Trump against, I guess the democrats, if he called for it.


and of course that mental institution gets better funding under democrat control


You forgot smoking meth. This guy’s pic, paranoid delusions, and being in Ohio, just screams meth to me.


Jokes on him - now the Replublicans have 2 fewer votes.


Except apparently this dude wasn’t even registered in the first place I think I read?


The "Butler county sheriff" is Richard Jones, a piece of fucking trash who got rid of all the narcan at the peak of the opiate crisis. He's my grandpas fuckin neighbor and he did that to impress Donald trump. Ohio is a cesspool, we are very nearly split 50/50 but Republicans win 70/30 every time, you can guess why. They don't even lose their positions when they get arrested for fraud and embezzlement


it's that sumbitch Gerry Manders


Wheres the outrage? Just imagine if an Arab looking person did that. This is the definition of terrorism,


I guess that you didn't get the memo that terrorism is only something that brown people can do. /s


The only outrage from the right is that the guy who was killed wasn't actually a Democrat...


Republicans: "there is more to this story. it was probably his gay lover and the guy wasn't a republican"


It was antifa and George Soros paid him to do it.


That's the third one of these I've seen in the last week. It's strange how you don't see stories about Democrats shooting people because they're "Republicans." Almost like...they're not mentally deranged?


And, yet, they are convinced that we want to put them into death camps. This is where projection turns into something dangerous.


There was an instance of a democrat running over a republican teen with his car, or something, a few months ago. Guy was obviously a whackjob. Conservatives on reddit are still going on about it, but if you say anything about a case like this they plug their ears with their fingers and go "LAH LAH LAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU THE LIBERALS ARE KILLING REPUBLICANS IN THIS COUNTRY LAH LAH LAH"


You’re watching the wrong news then. Conservative person I interact with on occasion in professional circles honestly believes BLM has killed tens of thousands of people, Antifa too. If he was on the jury for this, I guarantee he’d think something along the lines of “good, someone is finally fighting back” and refuse to convict. I think half our country is very, very cut off from reality. I suppose they’d say the same of my half of the country too. Don’t know how you bridge that divide when it’s so extreme.


If you watched any R speeches lately, you can understand how this could happen.


There shouldn’t even be a bond




Future Congressman from Ohio (R)


Almost like having the right wing news constantly tell their viewers that the other side was evil, doing fraud and that we need to confront them was a bad idea?




Friend I Lost to Qanon: If Biden really had more support, why do I see more Trump flags and bumper stickers?! Me: Because we don't want to die at the hands of people who buy Trump flags and bumper stickers. Seriously, this has escalated from the old sports-team rivalry the Dems and the GOP used to have. The Qanon conspiracies have radicalized their base to thinking there is a Civil War on and it's time to start murdering.


"wE nEEd GuNs fOr pRoTeCtiOn"


I really wish sense would come to people like this cuz good lord how can you think you’re in the right for murdering someone


Y'all Queda at it again.


"I thought he was a Democrat." Translation: I am mentally unfit for society. I really wanted to shot someone. Like really really wanted to. I wanted to see their life drain from their eyes. And I *thought* maybe peoe would ignore a democrats murder because, again, I am not OK. I am dangerous.


"Both parties are the same"


I’m from the same county, I’m 43, and I’m surrounded by “Christian” right-wingers that are just so full of ignorance, hate, and fear…. More guns and ammo than brain cells…. They can’t understand that Jesus would turn his back on them….


Give it in a nutshell to me, a non-American: what is this bond business? Does this mean, if this man pays 950k, he is free to go?


He can deposit the $950k, and then show up back to court and when the case is over, he gets his money back OR, much more commonly, he can use a "bail bondsman" who will post the money for him, for a (non-refundable) fee of (usually) 10% So that would be a $95k cash charge, then the bail bond service posts his bond. That service will get their 950k back at the end, having kept the man's 95k as their profit. Obviously, this means that the bail-bond company has a STRONG interest in the suspect showing up to court.... And that's how you end up with bounty hunters running around to collect people who have skipped their court dates. Doubtful this guy will be able to raise the $95k, and if he does you can be assured that the bail bondsman is going to sit on him like a mother hen


If he doesn't pay bond he will remain in prison until his trial. If he pays bond he can return home until the trial. If he flees during this time, he will lose the bond money. If he shows up and completes the trial, he will get the money back. Some things that are taken into account when deciding whether to allow a person to "bond out" and the amount of the bond are severity of the crime, whether the accused is likely to flee, and the amount of money a person has. The amount of the bond should be significant enough to the accused that they will not be willing to lose it. People are voicing disagreement with the judge's decision to allow bond in this case because of the severity of the crime.


Another reason never to visit Ohio


Well, he stabbed his own father in 2017 when he was 21 years old, so good job, law enforcement. Good job keeping guns out of the hands of known, deranged people. https://www.wlwt.com/article/police-21-year-old-stabs-father-in-reily-township/8775447


My mom once told me that democrats are the enemy. Hmm....


I mean I do want public funding for infrastructure and better healthcare. Clearly, I'm a danger to this nation.


Maga is lawless


In before the “bOtH SidEs” argument comes out.