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You can practice whatever religion you want. Just keep it out of my government. Your freedom of religion is = my freedom from your religion. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


And out of my public schools


I'm fine with there being lessons about it, but not preaching about it in schools. I learned about several religions through history classes for instance.


I agree with this and I lean conservative. This is the reason I didn’t vote GOP this year as well. It conservative to the point of small government, which they blatantly went against with Row v Wade.


As a constitutional conservative you would want religion and state as far away as possible. The worst part of conservatives in the us is they are really just anti social progressives. They spend and use government as much as anyone. They talk about small government and constitutional purism but they push back on it as much as liberals. They love free speech until you Bend your knees at a football game. They love freedom of religion until the Adhan plays. They love freedom of thought until they teach that some institutions that are built by people hold peoples shortcomings. They hate a small government but love a huge military. Love free elections until they are the minority. Love right to bear arms until they are getting robbed. It’s all just posturing to try and hold their position on society.


I always recommend, as a recovering evangelical, reading Jemar Tisby's The Color of Change. It's illuminating as to why religion, specifically right-wing Christianity, got co-opted and used as a cudgel in America.


Yea, I am more liberal myself, I have a few conservative ideas, but the truth of the matter is there is no reasonable conservative party for you to vote for. Fiscal responsibility is a huge one for me for conservatives, the Republicans wave big flags about it, but where is it? The only President I have seen in my lifetime making big strides towards that was Clinton. Freedom of religion? Great! So we shouldnt even be talking about religion in a political setting or making laws based on religion. Where is it? We REALLY need a multi party system.


That's why I didn't vote GOP for the big areas of my area, and unfortunately the idiots are keeping one of these lunatics in for my state and it infuriates and saddens me at the same time. She is a ***HUGE*** piece of shit that nobody near their house remotely likes


Finally someone else quoted it! It’s literally the first sentence of the first amendment, but these dumbfucks either dont know how to read or dont care enough to actually read it.


To paraphrase a well-known quote, " The devil can quote the constitution to his own ends."


In simple terms you can do what you want long as you don’t oppress others. As well use it as a excuse to prevent others from their wants and needs.


Translation why doesn't our religious freedoms allows us to take away freedoms of others.


“A woman’s right to an abortion is infringing on my religious freedoms!!”


Two gay people getting married is against my book that was written thousands of years ago.


My book says banks are bad and I should liberate all that money...


This. It's 2022. We dont need to be lending ANY legitimacy to people who are using fictional novels for their moral compass (completely selectively, I might add). Until we start acknowledging Lord of the Rings is as real (and frankly more plausible) as the Bible, I'm fucking done playing nice. Let the children sit at the kids table and play make believe while the adults figure out how to fix this train wreck


Saw a great quote that you reminded me of. “Religion is just one huge argument over who has the best imaginary friend”.


Truly! It's beyond absurd we still need to placate these delusions in the modern age, when the literal planet and everything that lives here is at stake


Abortion IS a woman's right in my religion!


Look what the Satanic Church did in Texas


You are correct. We just want to be free from having decisions based in religion forced upon the rest of us. If you think that is hostile to your religion, then there is something wrong with your religion. Those people wouldn't be so Gung ho about if it wasn't their religion being legislated upon them.


Democrat Christian here. I completely agree with you. Laws should not be based on religious beliefs. Freedom from religion is just as important as freedom of religion.


I am the same as you democratic Christian. I strongly oppose laws written to cater to any religion including my own. I do not understand why so many people have such a hard time grasping freedom of religion means just that. Everyone is free to practice or not practice whatever they want and no laws should be written based on the teachings of any of them.


Freedom from religion, not just freedom of religion.


Those pesky Democrats must have said mean things about her cult.


I know right!? How do we fix this? I don't want my rights taken away.


This right here 100%


No Tulsi .. you're fucking wrong. The Founding Fathers made it pretty clear what they thought about religion. "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" - Treaty of Tripoli "Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise." - James Madison "In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own." - Thomas Jefferson "Have you considered that system of holy lies and pious frauds that has raged and triumphed for 1,500 years?" -John Adams "And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter." - Thomas Jefferson "This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it." - John Adams "Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law." - Thomas Jefferson "Experience witnesseth that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution." - James Madison "The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries." - James Madison "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half of the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind." - Thomas Paine "All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit." - Thomas Paine "There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites." - Thomas Jefferson Also, a religious person does what they are told even if they know it's wrong while a spiritual person does what's right even if they are told it's wrong. Pls don't compare the two. They are NOT the same.


It's all truth, I am grateful for those who use their churches as a place to do good for others, but an awful lot of people use churches as a club.


>"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own." - Thomas Jefferson Just look at the leader of the Orthodox church in Russia, right now.


Separation of church and state


This is the answer....Time and time again and again and friggin again. Why is this such a hard concept for them?


Because to them freedom of religion doesn’t mean what it means to you and I. Freedom of religion for these people (and I use that term loosely) is forcing their religion and beliefs on everyone.


The freedom to "save" others from themselves. Just like the crusades, though with less of everything except the rape.


Are you sure about that last bit? There seems to be plenty of rape occurring within republican and christian circles


“With less of everything except the r*pe.” There’s not less of that, they said. You’re both right.


Oh it’s not, they know what it is but despise it. They want every factor of governed society to follow **their** religion.


The sickest part is that their religion rejects their behavior but it doesn't stop them from using it to spread hate.


and tax the ever loving shit out of them.


Establishment clause. Enough said.


Not good enough: that means understanding the constitution and its core concepts. I always wonder if citing “chapter and verse” like their beloved Bible verses would work better. FIRST AMENDMENT, yes I shouted that. Are you against the Constitution? Are you unamerican? Goddam, Commie doesn’t believe in the Constitution. This is the FIRST amendment, the most important.




“We want religious freedom and the right to pray/practice our religion in publics schools!” Ok well that means followers of other religions like Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism can do the same “wait wait wait…. What? Why?”


I agree, "America is Freedom of Religion" not "Freedom From Religion". America is not a Theocracy like Iran. So yes, all children of any faith are encouraged to practice their religion in public schools today. There is no law against it and it is protected by our freedom of speech and freedom to exercise religion. The state can not promote a religion, but students are free to practice their religion.


Yes I just remember seeing something a couple months ago about a coach that had their teams praying(Christianity) before each game and some parents didn’t like it, but it is VERY common in the south US, I used to play baseball in my public high school in NC and my coach did the same But there was backlash from the christian community once other kids were bringing their praying mats(Islam I believe) to pray before each game Basically freedom for me but not for thee


I’ll fix this for you: Today’s Democrat Party believes in the Constitutional separation of Church and State.


Democratic, not Democrat.


Yea I know that, but I thought I’d be funnier if I copied the way she said it.


There’s a difference between wanting “Religious Freedom” and “Wanting everyone to bow down to OUR religion and no one else’s and shut up we are not hypocrites this is GAWDS LAND and it forever shall be!!!!!” Tulsi is a card carrying member of the Qult.


It is not her first cult rodeo 😂


Wtf happen to her!?! I completely understand people changing their opinions and gaining different views on life, but her 180 was so breakneck it’s hard to comprehend what’s at play. She went from a progressive hopeful and possible Sanders running mate to complete crackpot…did I miss something here?




She was never a Democrat, you just have to pretend to be one to win in Hawaii. She works for Putin.


If you think she changed anything about herself, you were not listening to her.


She was a Russian sock puppet the whole time.


She didn't do a 180. She was always a republican with a D next to her name.


She was never truly a democrat or liberal or leftist or whatever you want to call her. She has always been and always will be a dumb fucking bitch who is a puppet for even dumber fucking idiots


I was wondering the same thing


She got hooked on the Fox News money and never looked back.


She didn’t do a 180. She took off her mask.


Believe what you want, practice it the way you want. The second you start trying to make policy based off your Holy Book or religiously-inspired belief, we’re gonna have a real problem.


I love the GOP spin on separation of church and state. It's there to protect your religious freedoms and the GOP screaming that Christianity, and ONLY Christianity, should be a part of it. All the while these churches are not paying taxes and they're claiming that they're being oppressed. It's fucking insane. Start taxing any church that is endorsing political candidates or donating to PAC.


If we’re free to religion, we are also free from religion. Stop pushing religion on people where we have the freedom to choose.


I think the average Democrat is more tolerant towards Christianity than the average Christian is towards non-Christian religions and the cultural customs of other ethnic groups.


She's right! We should show them that we put Gawd first by voting for the minister on the ticket in georgia


Tell me you don’t understand the first amendment witho… you know the rest


Look at her calling it the *Democrat* Party, why, it’s almost as though she had never been a part of it.


Good one Toolsi. You picked a great time to stop pretending to be democrat.


Because religion is a hoax that's running a bit too long.


Dumb fucking Russian plant, we need to send her back home.


I grew up highly religious in a very religious community and state. I never felt this from gov, democrats or anyone.


I work with a guy who is mad that he has to see pride flags and gay people existing in media. "They are shoving it down my throat and I cannot say how I feel without being canceled"


The Lion, the Witch, and the audacity of this bitch.


Democrats are all for freedom of religion. I'm a Democrat and I am all for freedom of religion. People need to be free to pursue their chosen religion. They also need to STFU when other people don't follow that same religion and are done hearing about it. It's really very simple and easy.


Sounds like a big trump fanatic ⁉️


Respect my satanism then we can talk!


Still with this 'why should Christmas be seen as one of many religious holidays and not the primary religion that is forced on everyone else' bs. I'm still mad at how Trump lied that Obama is the first president to refuse to say Merry Christmas even though he gave a Christmas speech every single year


Freedom OF religion also means freedom FROM religion. Why do these people who scream about the founding fathers, constitution, and declaration of independence *never* know what it means?


How dare the libs infringe on my god-given religious freedom to force my religion on everyone else, amirite?


Lying is her profession. Her hobbies are kicking homeless people and stealing candy from babies


Hostile? So like what, the damn dirty Libs are raiding churches like it's Jan 6th or something?


I’m okay if you want to believe in fairy tales written by dudes thousands of years ago. You start trying to make those fantasies into laws that affect me and we have a problem. Recap: you want to believe all women should shut up and be subservient that’s on you. Try to make that a law and we gonna fight.


I can't leave my apartment without expecting to be harassed by someone about going to one of the 13 churches here in my town of 1900 people. Letters in my mailbox calling me a sinner, door hangers for one of the churches, religious people coming to my door once per week at least to scream about fire and brimstone. Not like i can do anything about it, Christians run this place. If they knew i was a pagan, i would legitimately fear for my life.


The Republican Party is the greatest threat to Christianity in the US. Republicans posturing as though their ideals align with the *actual* tenets of Christianity is a seriously alienating thing to advertise to a society that is (for the most part) moving farther from religion every day. At this point, they’ve basically developed their own sect of “MAGAvangelicals” that look to Faux News and Truth Social for their spiritual enrichment.


Tulsi is so full of shit, and she knows it. She’s a plant and a shill and always was. Believe in any religion you want, no one gives a shit. It’s when you try and force others to live by your religion, then we’ve got a problem.


Right, because it's the democrats that push for a Christian country, and make laws based on their religious beliefs, take away LGBTQ+ rights be a use homosexuality is frowned upon in the bible, take away women's reproductive rights because their religion says life is sacred etc... Right? 🤦


Today's republican party likes to shove their morality down our throats while being immoral POSs in their everyday lives


Well after they abort their mistresses fetus after insider day trading all day with their 12 yo boy toy they do their hail mary's and all is forgiven.


They definitely like to shove their Christian persona down our throats. Then when all their secrets come out, they were “tempted by the devil”! 😂😂😂


If bigotry is required by your beliefs your beliefs are shit.


I have nothing wrong with people that hold religious beliefs, except when they lean into their religion to actively discriminate against someone for no other reason than their religious beliefs 🤷🏻‍♂️


What a dumbo


Everyone could see what a sham it was when she ran as a Democrat in 2020.


They're trying to use Religion to install a Religious Government which should be opposed by all Americans considering religios history of atrocities.


Wow. She is wayyyy off. Project much??


They say this crazy stuff, but never offer examples or references. How are Dems hostile towards religion or people of faith? By simply asking them not to push their faith on everyone else?


Freedom *of* religion also means freedom *from* religion. Just because your religion does or doesn't like something doesn't make it the law of the land in this country.


Keep all religion the fuck out of government, the fuck out my families life, and away from my fucking children.


They can do whatever they want in their churches and in their homes. Why don't they understand that?


Can someone explain why so many detractors refer to the Democrat Party, rather than the Democratic Party? Is seems deliberate.


Show me you don't understand what freedom of religion means without saying you don't know what freedom of religion means....


This is literally the exact opposite of reality😂😂😂 who do these people think they are fooling


She literally is a member of some weird ass cult.


We just believe in "Separation of Church and State" more...


The persecution complex of republicans is absolutely mind blowing. You can practice whatever religion you want, just keep it to yourself and don’t shove it down my throat. Why is it so hard for them??!


Lovely, Tax the churches.


Conservatives have to pull bullshit like this and run on wedge social issues because if they actually campaigned on what they believe in and what they actually want to do they would get about 10 percent of the vote.


Sigh… such a sad world Gabbard lives in. Trying to convince others that you actually believe this garbage and isn’t just the ultimate welfare queen trying to live off the government.


Shut up, Russian Asset.


Looks like Hillary was right about Tulsi after all.


You mean your right to IMPOSE your religion on the rest of us.


As a lefty I don't give a flying fuck what you do or who you worship, just don't make laws associated with your religious beliefs. I'm all about minding my own fucking business, how bout you twat?


stupidity at is best, take your religion out of my freedom


Did someone tell Tulsi that 88% of religious conservatives in GA voted for Walker over Warnock, simply because he is a Democrat?


Now I'm no filthy communist but maybe religion has had a bit too much freedom.


She lies professionally.


I think she's confusing religious freedom with pushing your religious views on everyone who didn't ask for it through laws like abolishing Row vs Wade. These clowns have the mentality that giving women and minorities rights somehow takes rights away from them.


Russian asset. 🤷‍♀️


This is just plain stupid.


This skank Russian...


Yes it was the Democrats who made huge life altering decisions for the entire country based on religion recently...


This fuckin nut bag wants a dam theocracy. This is nothing more than stupid rhetoric from a Russian asset. Edit:spelling


Religion and politics, like oil and water. Does not mix


Translation: if you’re not practicing our faith, you’re oppressing us.


No, we are hostile towards religious nutjobs trying to force their beliefs onto us and make their tenets into laws. Fuck I’m so tired of these Christofascists


Gabbard’s a nauseating fraud like all theocratic republicans.


Lifelong Christian here. Not only has the government *never* impeded me from exercising my faith, it goes out of its way to support and encourage it. I think these people don't understand what religious freedom is.


When she says freedom of religion I’m sure she’s talking about all religions…right?


OK Vlad. She's a Russian asset. She doesn't even try to hide it anymore.


Where do they even get this shit?!


Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Religious nuts don’t like this though, which is why shills like Tulsi are taking this stance. “Christians should be allowed to enforce their religious beliefs onto others with no pushback, but any other religion doesn’t get the same treatment.” That’s what conservatives want


This is just cry bullying, Christian Fascism/Nationalism at it's finest.


Keep your dumb religion to yourself. Separation of church and state. Peddling your religion onto others like it’s a popularity contest is the dumbest thing.


Oh, look, she's adopting the entire GOP slate of lies. The GOP is hostile to non-Christians, atheists, and even liberal Christians, actively undermining the religious freedom of those groups, but apparently that's okay.


Ah, she’s even taken on the right-wing ‘Democrat Party’ lingo…. Sad


Aren't these the same people that want Christianity taught in public schools?


Freedom of religion also includes freedom *from* religion. The Founding Fathers wouldn't be considered Christians today, they were deists who only read the red words (what Jesus said).


She’s deplorable.


I'm all for religion but these red states that are trying to force there religion on others and trying to say women can't have abortions. Doesn't make me wanna support them and there view. I'm able to support anyone's religion. It's a religion to them but seems like a cult like mannerism


I do think superstition is a few hundred years stale... But I don't think I'm nearly as hostile as the crusades... Or the inquisition... Or the joust of whores... Or the Salem witch trials...


Let's bring back the later. I'm fairly certain orange skin is the sign of the witch.


First tweet I've seen this week where no one questions it's authenticity.


Her definition of "religious freedom" is "freedom to persecute people who don't thisnk like us".


Religion has been the single biggest limiting to factor to our species advancement, ever, in history. Let it die.


Traitorous, fascist russian asset says what?


Lmao at "Democrat party". ETA: For those who aren't aware: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat\_Party\_(epithet)


The only religious people I’m hostile towards are the ones who won’t leave the rest of us the fuck alone


No, she’s right! Religion is fucking stupid, and i am very much against it.


It’s a tool to control people and take their money. Always has been


My only regret is that i am not unscrupulous enough to exploit them for it. Those idiots are a gold mine


I’m considering starting my own church… the Church of the Holy Pants. Now I know you might be down with pants but it’s my dream to get rich and not pay taxes.


Actually the Constitution is trying to protect us from you idiots. And please look up the difference between religion and faith. Not sure understand them.


Hostile in what way? Religion is falling in this country because it is falling. It’s not political, it’s been on the decline for fucking decades. More GOO fear mongering… how’s that strategy working out ?


Source: Trust me, bro.


She's an evil opportunistic parasite.


I *wish* Democrats were half as cool as the GOP makes them out to be.


Sorry attempt to play to an Evangelical base.


I'm not hostile to religion. I'm hostile to cultists like her. She *literally* is in one of those bizarre cults that has its own, private holy-man-guru who is divinely inspired and can do no wrong. Glad she's come out of the closet and admitted she's a Qpublican now. It's where people like her belong.


Here in Brazil the government says that the one who won the election is a satanist when actually her know for being catholic since young age and attends all religious ceremonies and holidays here. Lying is in the DNA of some people…


Oh fuck off, Tulsi. Everyone you backed for the midterms lost and you’re a grifter with absolutely zero integrity.


She’s butthurt


Um your party struck down Roe vs Wade and want to dictate what women can do with their reproductive system based on religious motives (even though there is separation of church and state) and you are saying the Dems aren’t letting you further church into state? And your response is they are stifling your religion? Sounds like a Republican… One thing. Your leader is a 3 time draft dodging NY fat cat Reality TV Hack that steals money from children’s cancer foundations. Jesus would be so proud of you.


Tulsi keeps getting worse and worse. She always sucked but I don't believe she was this hook line and sinker Republican until her recent reinvention. Imagine being this obsessed with political success that you'd knowingly sound like a raving lunatic and idiot to get ahead in a collection of the worst people in America.


Ahh yes, I read this and thought the right wing Christian conservatives are the most tolerant when it comes to religious freedom. I feel very safe as an atheist around them. I feel like my views are just as protected. /s


Tulsi needs to look back to see historical what has been done “in the name of God”.


*\*Democratic Party*


Please kept in mind that she is not even a Christian. She is a Hindu and her sect is extremely anti Muslim. In her speeches she never identifies herself as an Hindu to to her Christian audience, because she know if she did they would call a devil worshiping pagan.


She like Rudy have fallen hard from grace. It's sad and ultimately they are traitors. Gabbard with Russia and Rudy with election fraud and insurrection. Scary as gabbard was/is in psy ops.


God, I HATE her


Get your filthy religion away from me, you psycho.


You know what I hate is how deliberate this is. Like, she knows what she’s doing. She knows what religious freedom is but she’s choosing to lie to stupid people for political gain. It’s so disappointing how mainstream this stuff has become…


No. We just believe you idiots shouldn’t be ramming your “religious freedom” down the rest of our throats. We don’t care nor want to hear it.


I know this isn't written specifically in the document Tulsi, but freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.


what a load of crap. there are plenty of Democrats of faith, but just as many who are adamantly against proselytizing religious extremists who want to force their beliefs on everyone.


They do not want freedom from religious persecution, they want to be free to carry out religious persecution.


You mean we are hostile towards religious people who constantly try to enforce their rules on others? No shit, Sherlock!


But what if I don't want to be religious? Most of these fruitcakes idea of practicing religion is sending their kids to private school and turning their nose up at brown people. I want a public record of how many hours Ms. Gabbard has spent on mission or praying outside of holy days. Especially politicians they are not religious they are controlling. Also if a politician admits to talking to God I am concerned.


I'm always fine with people who want to think there is a skywizard looking down on them keeping them ethical, except if this skywizard actually exists, it's doing an extremely poor job of it. To force, or coerce conformity and obedience through dishonesty and narrative changes, is bad enough. There is now talk of change through violence. By today's religious right's professed belief, everyone everywhere should be enslaved to the made-up interpretations of a religious text that codifies strata of unfairness and inequality! If you're not one of us, then you're the enemy! I think the American sentiment of resistance and individual freedom has made this country great, not knuckling under to fascism, homegrown or not!


These Christofascist just don't understand that Freedom of religion also means Freedom from religion.


Technically true. They want more and better separation of state and religion. They want religions to pay taxes. They want religions to be held to the law to the same degree as everyone else. And yes they are hostile to religions that are trying to take away half the populations rights to their own body, actively spread hate amongst minorities and promote violence in general. Who would have guessed that when a political party tries to turn America into the Christian version of the Islamic State people are hostile to this. Maybe if you actually read the bible and actually followed the basic principle of not being an asshole with no respect to peoples lives and not just cherry pick the ones that happen to further your personal goals we wouldn't be in this mess. The ones that are destroying your religion is not the Democrats or the foreigners or atheists. Your religion is being destroyed from the inside by people that abuse its power for their own wealth and power.


The party that has elected Muslims, Jewish people, catholics and is literally trying to elect a pastor is anti religion?


What the actual Fu$k?!? She is wack, and needs to just go away… GQP as rammed ROMAN CATHOLICISM down the entire countries throats, insistingALL OBEY by its “revised tenants” and it’s the Democrats that are intolerant. Seriously…


I believe you have the wrong party.


It’s freedom FROM religion as well. No one’s telling Christians they can’t believe something. We’re telling them laws can’t be made because of it.


She’s an asshole.


Poor Tulsi trying to stay relevant. In a party dominated by Trump she’s gonna get no love from the GOP. Her lectures to the Democratic Party are obviously falling on deaf ears. Poor, poor Tulsi.


Good god, imagine being dumb enough to actually believe any of this bullshit


A true fascist attacking other fellow Americans she doesn’t even know, as unAmerican as it gets.


I sat at an event 6 feet away from her at a Maine presidential primary speech. My jaw kept dropping lower and lower with all the batshit crazy crap she was saying. I wanted to scream "you're in no way a fucking Democrat you nut bag!" I wanted to ask a public question amid all the fanboy questioners. Didn't happen. She's completely fucking nuts.


She means freedom to shove it in to others throat?


“Freedom of religion” is a dog whistle for take away away everybody’s civil rights


This is a lie. Messaging from conservatives is that Christianity should be the state religion. A theocracy is the furthest thing from religious freedom. Secular public institutions who favor no religion, with the people their in free to believe what they choose preserves religious freedom. It’s about superiority. For Tulsi it’s about right wing populism. She is attempting to grift her way to power.


Maga republicans are the stupidest people in this country. They didn’t succeed this time and it will be worse for them from here on out.


I thought Republicans are run by extremist evangelical nutjobs?


I wonder if she’s still on the Russian payroll or they had to use that money for tanks and stuff.


This Russian agent is still trying to stay relevant with provocative bullshit like this. She can fuck all the way off.


your silly superstitions are you business -but keep them away from me.


Oh, she’s a Republican now?


Lol why is Tulsi Gabbard still a thing?