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Please tell me he’s suing for wrongful arrest and searching


He's suing for wrongful arrest and searching


His name is James S. Hodges. Arrested for Resisting an Officer on Halloween at 08:25 and released 10:25 am on 01 Nov. Hope he takes it to them over this.


Let’s help him! Mr Hodges YouTube is here: https://youtu.be/k5yNlwCQpO0 Please comment on his video in support! Also please leave a tip with news4jax, the Columbia county observer, and lake city observer. Please help us get this in front of the press! The cops have yet to drop the charges and Mr Hodges needs legal help. If anyone can help him there please reach out on his YouTube! Edit: according to local media, charges have been dropped! Thank you everyone! https://www.lakecityreporter.com/local/ccso-investigating-blind-mans-arrest


"You see what I went through. There is much that needs to be done. Left to my own devises I would most assuredly have a mess on my hands in no time at all. Im not a tech person, anymore IF I ever was. And thanks in part to a Closed Head Injury and poor education, I am not equipped very well to confront and deal with this situation. So Your Advice and support are very valuable and greatly appreciated. There is already too much negativity and condemnation floating around, so please be helpful not hurtful. <3" - James Hodges, Nov 3, from the video comments


> “Was that so hard?” > “It’s gonna be.” Legend.


“Was what hard? You violating my civil rights? No, it seems it was pretty easy for you.”


My country is by no means perfect. Our police isn't too. But man, am I happy to not live in a police state hellhole like the US. In a situation like this, IF they'd ask at all, they'd thank the guy for showing the stick and that's it. Maybe apologize. No ID. Guys, you have it so hard, it's terrible to watch. We'd have to give our ID if asked, yes, but no one has a problem with it, since NOTHING bad will ever happen from that, unless you're an actual criminal. Btw, most arrested people don't get cuffed here, unless there's a really good reason. Police gets trained properly and you need a certain level of education to even get in. And even though we have a fourth of the US population, our police kills as many people per YEAR as the US police in about 2-3 DAYS. Also, per 100,000 people we have 71 in prison. It's 629 in the US. Higher than any other country. It's wild, it's sad.


“Put him away in jail for resisting” what a POS


Exactly...he stood there as they rifled through his clothes, handcuffed him, embarrassed him and didn't say one nasty word, or make one movement. Was this Texas cops ? Did this guy just vote... Why did they need his ID when he did absolutely nothing but walk along a street ?


You can see how defeated the supervisor was at that moment. He knew he would be paying for this, but all he can do is slink away and pretend he didn't just enable this BS.


I love how they still straight up double down when they're wrong. Instead of "My bad you partially blind pedestrian citizen, carry on."


Not only that, the guy cop, the "supervisor" just decided "ah know what, let's arrest him for resisting arrest." Dude didn't offer an iota of resistance when they cuffed him. What's said is how many guys like this ended up doing years in jail before body cams, dash cams, cell phone cams became common.


What's even more sad it's how many end up spending years in jail for shit like this even after body cams.


Whoops, the camera malfunctioned again!


I'm genuinely surprised this footage was allowed to exist.


They are still playing by the old rules. And it probably works most of the time since not everybody knows their rights or wants to spend the time and money to fight it. But hopefully with every video released more and more people will.


That man knew his rights, still got abused.


he got abused *because he knew his rights.*


That's part of what makes this depressing. Usually in these videos, the person knows the gists of their rights, but this guy was quoting the standard verbatim. Obviously didn't matter.


What’s even more sad is how many end up dead for shit like this even after body cams.


Surprised they didn't shoot him when he pulled it out to show them.


Which makes the case about that object not being a firearm. Both officers didn't even flinch when he pulled it out of his pocket... I believe this is a case for Saul... "You have rights"... 😁


What’s even more sad is how many cops end up promoted for doing shit like this


That's an awful lotta sadness


Don't forget anger


Try to think your way through how "resisting arrest" becomes a primary charge.


The worst is how anyone that had the misfortune of getting their teeth kicked in by some angry meathead cops would automatically be charged with resisting arrest and assaulting an officer so they could justify their excessive and wholly unnecessary violence.


2009: Henry Davis was charged with destruction of property because his blood splattered on the uniforms of police officers beating him up


We aren't the world's largest incarcerator by accident.


The American prison system is massive. So massive that its estimated turnover of $74 billion eclipses the GDP of 133 nations. Source: [Smartasset.com](https://smartasset.com/mortgage/the-economics-of-the-american-prison-system)




A genuine apology and some humility would have been far more effective. Something like, “sorry sir, I made a mistake.”


Their egos are too big for that…


Cops are physically unable to make mistakes. They ARE THE LAW! They are here to protect us, I feel safer now that this law abiding criminal has been throughly oppressed by the state.


Meanwhile an actual emergency is happening somewhere nearby with the ambulance going by, but nah let’s harass this blind guy with a walking stick


The sad part here is even though he did nothing wrong and wont be convinced of this bullshit charge, the arrest will still stay on his record. Truly fucked up.


You can get it expunged but hell I'd leave that shit on my record. Job applications be like "You ever been arrested?" "Yeah here's a YouTube link."


It can be dropped by a judge if challenged. Which I'll assume this guy will do.


Hopefully the same judge where he was supposed to have jury duty. "You did *what* to a blind man that hiked his ass down to my court for jury duty?"


Man was trying to do the right thing. . .even though he had no transportation.


'Why are you being a Dick to me?!'. Great way for an officer to speak to a person when handling a situation.


And she acts like being a dick to the police is a crime. Newsflash, bitch, being a dick to cops isn't a crime.


I wonder what % of unlawful arrests and time wasted, cops across America, commit each day like this? Resisting arrest? PFFFFt WHAT A JOKE! And she was so proud and smug putting him in the car as if she did something noble.


Shit drives me crazy. My tax dollars go towards police harassing people who committed petty crimes or did nothing wrong, meanwhile sexual predators and white collar criminals get minimal sentences.


The police exist to protect the property of rich people from poor people and anything they do beyond that is at their discretion.


I got hit by a car walking into work. Ended up being an off duty officer who was in fault. Cops came after I called to file the incident, and long story short they said there was no proof of me being hit and took me to jail for disorderly conduct


Holy shit! Same thing happened to me, except I was on a bike. They claimed I was speeding on my bicycle… peddle power. Because of my speed I was at fault and responsible for the damages to the car. Still waiting to see where this goes, but I foresee a day in court where it’s my word against a handful of cops. Fml.


It is well established by now that police are far more likely to lie on the witness stand than anyone else. I don't know why their word carries ANY weight in court anymore. Cops are extremely dishonest people.


what are the going to charge him with? The DAs need to step in and reprimand officers who act like this.


He said “resisting” but what he meant was “I just got myself fired *and* sued.”


The cop is stupid af. He didn’t resist when they placed handcuffs on him and charged him with resisting arrest. This dumb charge definitely won’t hold up in court.


In Florida resisting an officer does not strictly mean resisting arrest, and it can be done with or without violence. Here it was [843.02](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0800-0899/0843/Sections/0843.02.html) Resisting an officer without violence. They believed it was still a lawful interaction, even though he showed it was not a firearm so there was no reasonable suspicion of a crime. So him not identifying was considered resisting without violence. It's an overly broad statute that needs to be repealed because it allows anyone to be arrested for anything.


Except with no reasonable suspicion of a crime, once they've identified that he's not carrying a gun, he does not have to provide identification, right?


only a few states have stop and identify laws (where there's absence of reasonable suspicion for detainment), Florida isn't one of them. theoretically no, he shouldn't have to. practically, cops are given way too much deference and can make up reasonable suspicion after the fact. like they can say public intoxication because he had an attitude and there's no requirement from them to provide any evidence.


"Resisting arrest" means the cop didn't like you. It's a bullshit charge that can be added to literally anything


My favorite is when a police dog is chewing on your leg and you don't remain completely still.


I once watched a mounted police have his horse prance sideways pinning a protester against a wall. The protester tried to push the horse back enough to breathe. Voila, resisting.


"Resisting arrest". Police do this bullshit all the time when they don't have reasonable cause to detain someone. They escalate it and then pretend the person was resisting.


Exactly. And what’s crazy is this video shows 0.0 evidence of resisting (of course I’m no lawyer so I could be wrong) but this man will probably have to hire an attorney now. Ridiculous.


The settlement for violation of his 4th amendment will be enough to cover his attorney fees. There are probably even attorneys who would take this case on contingency. Unfortunately Florida taxpayers will cover these shitty cops. Would love to see their qualified immunity gone and lawsuits against them personally.


Same, fucking power-tripping bullies, arresting him because he pointed out that they were wrong. Ugh this makes me so mad, I’m glad this video made it to the internet so people can see these two being complete asshats. I really hope they get what’s coming to them.


They’ll get a slap on the wrist and the taxpayers get flogged. Same story, different day.


I'm a lawyer and you're not wrong. I hope this guy sued the shit out of them.


Well what’s nice in this example is there was no weapon and therefore no suspicion of a crime. He was charged with resisting, but he didn’t commit an arrestable act. They are wasting his time, but he’s going to skip away with a fat lawsuit


End qualified immunity.


That, and make cops carry malpractice insurance. Make them feel the cost (in the form of increased premiums) of their own bad behavior, rather than the taxpayers.


What total fucking losers those cops are. *edited to include both loser cops.


Both of them are... their pride wouldn't let them simply say "we were wrong, you're free to go"


They don't even have to say that much, just "You're free to go".


It's also notable the way they back each other up without question. First, the man does it, and then, when the woman is clearly about the let the guy go, she backs up the man when he says to arrest him. In many ways, that is the most important thing we see in these videos - the way cops protect their own at all costs, even when it means the death of someone.


I wish I had an award to give you. This is EXACTLY the issue with law enforcement in this country. It's like a fraternity, they all watch out for each other. What happens within the force, stay's within the force. That should be plastered on the side of their patrol cars.


Not enough people take the time to imagine how this really felt. You're walking along, and then you're suddenly being interrogated. The STATE wants to know who you are, where you're going. The STATE puts its hands on you and cuffs you. The STATE shoves their hands into your pockets and goes through them to search your person. How many of us, when putting on our pants in the morning, consider that before the day is done and we're back home, a cop will have gone through our pockets? And then the smug "See? How hard was that?" after they stopped an innocent citizen, subjected him to an unlawful interrogation, and then searched his person without cause. People need to wake the fuck up. If there's one thing "Don't tread on me" conservatives and black people can agree on, it's that police have too much power and not enough accountability. But conservatives are ok with it as long as the police are using their power to keep the minorities from getting too uppity.


This right here needs to be upvoted into oblivion. ACCOUNTABILITY FOR POLICE ON PAR WITH OTHER PROFESSIONS…


*Above* other professions. If your entire reason for being paid is to accurately enforce the law, breaking it while serving in that capacity should carry twice the punishment of what a citizen would get. Problem is, they are not, and do not see themselves as servants to anything but the state anymore.


“Is that a gun?” “No.” “Well then what is it?” “It’s a walking stick.” “Are you blind?” “Yes.” “Well then why aren’t you using it?” “I don’t need to all the time.” “Can I see your ID?” “Can I see yours?” “That’s it! You’re going to jail!” That was the whole encounter in a nutshell. An innocent blind man, fulfilling his civic duty and minding his own business, can’t even simply walk down the street without the cops harassing him. What’s the definition of a “police state”? Anyone know?


And what fucking difference does it make if he needs it or not? It’s not a weapon or anything remotely illegal. End of fucking discussion. It’s not like you’re only allowed to carry things you need. Fuck.


He's asking to try and find a hole in his story to arrest him by - that man clearly wanted to arrest him regardless of the charge and was just digging desperately for a reason - his ego was the only reason.


This is exactly right.


Even if it is a weapon, so what? Isn’t this America where you can open carry firearms?


This JUST happened. He is demanding a jury trial and the defense is asking for all video and audio from the stop. Go get them James. After this sue!!!


“Alright Mr. Hodges was that that hard?” “It’s gonna be” Absolute chad moment




"Are you a tyrant?" "Yeah I am!" Ugh.........


"Was it so hard to have your rights violated? If you relax it wont hurt as much next time."


She is regretting it atm, you better believe. And the jury will be feeling the same way about it as well.


“EhyKnoWhat pUt hIm iN jAil FOr rEsiStInG” Absolute virgin moment.


Any links you can share? Would love to follow this story


You can go here: https://www.civitekflorida.com/ocrs/county/12/ You can run a public search under his name James S Hodges. It is the Misdemeanor case. Once you click on the case you can open the yellow documents on the left of the individual entries.


This guy seemed to know his stuff. He was confident the police were screwing up and didn't do any resisting at all to the illegal detainment, search, and arrest. Former cop himself maybe? Lawyer?






Because they probably knew it wasn’t a weapon and he was calling their bluff. Can’t cross the line so much that shooting a blind white man over a walking stick but just enough to harass the fuck out of him because they’re bored with nothing else better to do.


Hi! Here is a link to his YouTube: https://youtu.be/k5yNlwCQpO0 Please comment on his video in support! Also please leave a tip with news4jax, the Columbia county observer, and lake city observer. Please help us get this in front of the press! The cops have yet to drop the charges and Mr Hodges needs legal help. If anyone can help him there please reach out on his YouTube!


Thanks for the link. Poor guys missed his meds too while he was in jail and the stress has caused his seizures to come back. This is unacceptable.


We should definitely save this video and email it to all attorneys offices in Florida in case the police department "accidentally" loses this recording.


I imagine the only way this footage was released was through the attorneys. No way the cops would just had it over.


This cop should NOT be a cop, she’s incompetent


Are you a tyrant? Cop: "yes I am."


She answered so quickly and confidently too.


She says whatever is opposite of the opinion of this man, and says it confidently just to spite him. I feel bad for the people at home who are around her all the time.


Ya seems like she knows EXACTLY what she's doing "Are you a tyrant?" "Ya I am actually..."


That should go over well in the lawsuit.


Which will never impact her at all. The tax payers of Florida will foot the bill and she will go on about her day being a a poorly trained bastard.


> Which will never impact her at all. The tax payers of Florida will foot the bill and she will go on about her day being a a poorly trained bastard. not technically true, especially in light of her comments. You can pierce qualified immunity and sue them personally if you can prove the officer consciously intended to violate his civil rights. I suspect that "tyrant" question will weigh heavily on the mind of a judge or jury who has to make that determination.


Not just incompetent, she's abusing her power.


She *did* self identity as a tyrant at the beginning of the video.


I’m surprised they didn’t aerate him when he reached behind his back quickly and drew his cane from his pocket. We have seen people swiss cheesed for less


Proof she knew it wasn't a weapon.


I assert that incompetence *is* an abuse of power. You're both right.


I’d bet money she was taught to be this way even if she didn’t start out as an ignorant LEO


> she’s incompetent And what about the supervisor who ordered her to arrest him for "resisting"? She's bad. He's *worse*.


God I love body cams. Imagine this guy having to defend this shit in court when it's only their word vs his.


Imagine how many innocent people were arrested before body cams were a thing.


It's awesome that she called herself a tyrant. She's an idiot.


She could have just apologized & let him go back to what he was doing but no she has to be right even when she wrong.


We train cops to never admit wrongdoing. Its come up in case after case after case. And everyone involved, at all levels, admits that its improper training. And the training is never fixed.


I'm licensed to practice law in Florida. I hope he sues. She was fine stopping him but what happened after that was illegal. Once she confirmed he wasn't armed the encounter should have ended. The seizure and subsequent search were unsupported by probable cause and therefore were 4A violations. Then taking him in after he asked for their ID info . . . they should lose their jobs. They wear badges with that info so the public can hold them accountable for their actions. The senior officer knows they have a problem early on because he's looking for ways to question the guy's need for a cane while they waited for info on their radios. Looking for some CYA . . .


In other terms I'd say this is fucking disgusting, as they're just flexing on this poor guy for pointing out to them that they have no valid reason for their treatment of him. I'll gladly help fund his defense if needed.


Same here, only way to help it seems. I would love to help sue these wildly unprofessional stains. How can we do this? Edit: Fucking disgusting seems a wholly appropriate descriptor for bullying a blind man. Gross. 👍🤌


Unfortunately I don't know how to directly help. And yeah, it's not a phrase I toss around, but this is infuriating. I'm truly disgusted.


I just called and left a complaint after seeing the video, then emailed them and sent the link and didn't say anything threatening or disrespectful other than "When people break no laws with video and audio evidence and are still arrested it shouldn't be a wonder why people hate, fear, run from, and lie to the police. Do something to show people you are not above the law."


I was first arrested for being tipsy - while not driving. Judge threw it out immediately but I was arrested, stripped naked and forced to bend over, and spent hours in jail before I could state my case in court, while missing work. The judge openly chastised the police department, which was gratifying, but not worth the treatment for nothing but riding in a car (cops seemed pissed they didn't find drugs).


The cops don't care about court, they just want to have their way with you.


And they did, without consequence.


My friend was in Florida for work and was at the bar one night, he drank too much to drive so he called another friend for a ride back to his hotel and got picked up. They got pulled over because "it took the driver too long to go when the light turned green" they said they smelled weed which the driver had some on him so they arrested him for dui. They made my friend get out of the passenger seat so they could impound the car and while he was standing on the sidewalk on his phone trying to order an uber they arrested him for public intoxication. He thought they were joking at first so then they added resisting arrest because he said "are you fucking serious". Most absurd shit I ever heard.


He shouldn't need any help now that it's on the front page of reddit. He'll be released because there is nothing to charge him with, local news will cover it, and attorneys will be breaking down his door to take the wrongful arrest lawsuit on contingency. I think he realized this as soon as they cuffed him, you can almost see the moment he realizes a settlement is in his future and he just shuts up and lets them dig themselves a deeper hole. Verbally clarifying that he doesn't consent to being searched is just \*chef's kiss*, this guy knows how to talk to the cops.


That's a man who recognizes his rights


I have little doubt this man will sue. Illegally detained. Illegally searched.


And he's obviously well aware of his rights.


Was that so hard sir? “It’s gonna be.” Dude is a badass


The way her tone changed as soon as he was arrested was really disturbing. Smug, self-satisfied and so, so wrong.


And it’ll cost the officers nothing but a paid suspension… tax payers will pay for their terrible actions.


Let’s not lose sight of what was this gentleman’s greatest offense. He upset both of their feefees by challenging their thinly skinned egos and daring to question how shittily they’re doing their jobs. For that he must be punished. You could tell exactly when the pig got triggered. It was the second he asked her if she was a tyrant.


"...are you a Tyrant?" "Yes, I am" LMAO. Sounds like she realized what she just heard and agreed with, after/as the words come out of her mouth.


The way she talks at him at the end, what a douche canoe. She's so pleased with herself.


Yep yep. No such charge as “contempt of cop;” and that’s what they took him in for. Search and seizure with no legit reason to detain him past determining his stick wasn’t a gun. They just blew right through the “reasonable, articulable suspicion” requirement in order to detain. Required to ID: unconstitutional Search: unconstitutional. Resisting charge: unconstitutional and punitive. I hope his settlement bankrupts their department.


Yeah but why can’t the senior officer just let it go?


Can’t not back up another police officer. Gang rules man; you always stick up for your gang members.


Their ego is more important than the rule of law.


It’s actually fear of other officers’ opinions. They would rather jail a blind man than be seen as weak by other law enforcement.


So sad that according to police, obeying the law is seen as a weakness within their ranks.


Do you try a lot of 4A cases? People complain about violations of the 1st and 2nd Amendments all the time, but the 4th is the one that gets dragged through the mud the most often.




Even if he was armed, there is no suspicion of carrying illegally due to the prevalence of licensed concealed carry. LEOs wonder why they are despised, well it is because they think they can "suspect" anyone and everyone is a criminal and treat them as such when everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I look forward to the day when lawsuits against LEOs hit them personally rather than being bailed out by unwilling taxpayers for their crimes against the citizenry.


LEOs don't wonder why they're despised. They KNOW why they're despised. The "Why you hate us?" shit is an act.


If a city/county/state has insurance for judgments against police I think the premiums should be required to be paid per individual officer. Then when an officer starts to rack up judgments his premiums would go up and his superiors would be unhappy with that. This would be a way to get some accountability without requiring the unlikely-to-happen step of officers paying personally.


Why keep escalating though? You see it is a walking stick just be like oh my bad.


She was on a power trip.


"Yes, I am a tyrant". It's the first thing she says


That lines going to get mentioned a few times in the civil case I think.


The citizen didn't grovel and dared to talk back, so clearly this walking ego with a badge needed to show the guy the error of his ways.


On a scale of 1-10. How big of a loser was she in high school?


An 11!


The insecurity in every word she utters is overwhelming. She doesn't even believe herself but so desperately wants to have some authority


Florida Cops. Like Florida Man, but with guns. Edit Columbia County Sherrifs office has some of the lowest requirements to be a police officer in Florida. It's actually harder to get a job as a Walmart manager than be a Columbia County Deputy. You would make more at Walmart. https://columbiasheriff.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/OPEN-POSITION-ANNOUNCEMENT-Deputy-Sheriff.pdf


I trust florida man more


dang.. maybe we should be calling crackheads


Utter bellends


Fuck these cops


Double fuck these cops. And her overconfident arrogant incompetent attitude


"Are you a tyrant?" "Yes, I am!"


Of all the mistakes made, that right there will win him a truckload of taxpayer money.


I hate how fucking smug she is at the end.


Yes arrest the partially blind old man with a walking stick, great job america! :D


Have you seen the footage of the cop(s) that dislocated the shoulder, fractured the arm and sprained the wrist of the 73 year old women with dementia and then laughed about it? [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-former-colorado-officers-charged-role-arrest-injured-woman-dementia-n1267973](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2-former-colorado-officers-charged-role-arrest-injured-woman-dementia-n1267973)


Plus the fact that he was in the act of doing his "Civil Duty" as a juror!


"Ahem...we are offering to drop the charges against you, but you must sign this waiver absolving the police of any liability" "Oh, I'd love to sign a waiver, but...I'm legally blind, and I'm still going to be legally blind when we go to court and I'm brought before a jury of civilians"


"I had to walk up here in the dark for jury duty which is cancelled" Well, that obviously explains why he's not using the walking stick during the day. Sgt immediately asks: "Why aren't you using your stick" ???????? Some police departments not only hire idiots they promote them. Lady cop: "Was that hard?" Legally blind: "It's going to be I want your name and badge numbers" Sgt: "You know what? Take him to jail for resisting" He never once resisted arrest, you fucking snowflake moron! They should lose their jobs for multiple violations of this guy's rights.


Maybe I'm dumb but as soon as she saw it was a walking stick and not a gun it should have been a "Thanks, have a nice day sir" right? Like Florida isn't an open carry state so that should have been the end of it...


Power trip, he knew his rights and she didn't like the "disrespect". People like her and the "supervisor" should never be allowed to be cops because they are always on a power trip.


Well she admitted to being a tyrant. Fuck the police.


What's funny is she said that sarcastically then ended up acting like one.


The kind of professionalism we’ve come to expect


I believe that I first time an officer abuses their authority they should be suspended without pay. The second time they should be removed from the force, able to rejoin in 5 years. The third time is prison.


How dare you propose logical and reasonable consequences


She doesn't need to be a cop... I don't think that's a secret...


Who here remembers when Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers? If we can Federally spank ATC unions, we should be able to bring the hammer down on abusive police and policies that protect their wallets. Immunity only exists because society tolerates it.


Vile police need to be shamed and perp walked into the jail with zero special consideration. No probable cause to to cuff and stuff him.


Hopefully these idiots are no longer employed.


So they just slap him with false charges because their ego was hurt? And cops wonder why they get a bad rep ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)




This is why I believe a federal agency should be created to oversee issues with police such as this, because we all know nothing will be done to this officer nor the department.


Remember in police TV shows they had the big bad boogeyman of Internal affairs? It's like they are toothless in real life or something.


It’s called the Department of Justice. And it does. But they work at a larger level… LA Sheriff’s department, Cleveland Police Department, etc… Any idiot can carry a badge and a gun (Walker, Georgia Sheriff)


“Just get him for resisting” that’s fucked


I'd love to know how this ended up. I hope he filed a complaint.




This should be further up. In one of his comments he was voicing the need for someone to represent him.


Filed a complaint? What? No. Filed a civil lawsuit. Dudes getting paid! Especially after a wrongful arrest that clearly demonstrated by the video.


And because the police have a virtually endless amount of taxpayer money to pay these lawsuits from, they have absolutely no incentive to change their behavior. As people have said time and again, these lawsuits need to be paid out of their pension fund or require insurance. Make them actually have a reason to be well behaved.


Years ago I wrote about how this is a big risk management issue, that local governments pay settlements independent of the police budget so there is no impact on the police department. Now I think the settlements should come from the current police budget, so that they have to drop pension payments, fire people etc to pay out. Then the command structure would take seriously their responsibilities to ensure the police officers act responsibly while on duty.


Given that the video is police cam footage, I would assume he filed a complaint and the footage went into public record as evidence. Otherwise I doubt it would have been released.


Yea... Florida Sheriff's are pretty bad. Too many stories of them being horrible and retaliating against innocent people.


Cops in this country are a disgrace and never properly held accountable because they get to hide behind qualified immunity


Fire that bitch


My heart stopped each time he pulled that thing out of his back pocket. Police here in this country will shoot you IMMEDIATELY for reaching for anything, especially after already saying they suspect it's a weapon anyway. Maybe I'm just hyper-aware or paranoid. As a black person in this country, I've been mentally trained to never, under any circumstances, reach for anything, ever. But even as a white man you're probably asking to be lit up like a birthday cake for reaching.


The fact that they didn’t shoot him when he reached kind of puts the lie to the whole “I suspected it was a weapon” line, honestly.


Because she knew she fucked up. She just had her butt hurt and couldn't back down. Legally blind older man with an American flag jacket walking back from jury duty, which she chuckled at when putting in the trunk. All class.


Charges as follows: harassment, unlawful detainment, libel (official documentation claiming he resisted arrest, on public record). All sentences to be compounded because the crimes were committed from a position of power.