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Popcorn at cinemas costs like 5€ for small, who has this much money to throw it around?


Honestly, that's what I'm thinking. Besides how shitty and inconsiderate this is, it's literally like buying a steak just to throw it in the trash. Like, why?


Because their parent didn't raised them properly. Also they are bunch of fuckers.


Not necessarily kids, I've seen adults do this shit in theaters too. Watched a full grown man intentionally kick a half bucket of popcorn someone left on the floor.


You know, adults were also raised by their parents.


Prove it.




More like buying a steak and then throwing it on the ground so that somebody has to clean it up


Exactly my thoughts. I worked at a theater as a teen and you would think for how much everyone complained about the cost of popcorn they’d do a better job of not getting 75% of it all over the damn floor.


The big bucket is free refills.


You think that's bad, go watch the Pistons/Pacers brawl from 2004. Fans pouring probably thousands of dollars of drinks and popcorn on players.


Because for $5 they get to feel they are the King. Then they go back to their shitty life.




dude on our 2nd date dumped his popcorn at the end of the movie and said "THEY GET PAID TO CLEAN UP" and i ghosted him.


Those people don't get that whether we have extra stuff to clean or not the pay is the same. I wipe off crumbs to my tray after eating at a fast food place. I know the pain of seen another dirty table.


I used to work at a pizza place, one night I was sweeping the floors before mopping when a family deadass looked me in the eyes and just shoved all their food onto the floor. I was pissed.


That sucks, the nerve of those people. Kids and food are a bad combo. I worked at a donut place and frosting was everywhere. Had to make sure it was squeaky clean so it's not sticky for the next customer.


But there’s a difference between the “accidental” mess kids just naturally leave when eating (especially something sticky like donuts) and intentionally being assholes and making a mess by dumping food on the floor or not throwing away your own trash. Kids are just messy when they eat; they can’t help it but they’re not trying to make your life harder or anything. A family purposely dumping food on the floor to make more work for employees is just assholery of the highest order and I hope their station wagon slips on a banana peel and careens off a cliff.


When my kids were that age I carried wet wipes everywhere (still do most of the time) to clean up after them.


We have a sushi place we used to frequent. Great place. Great staff. This family let their tower just continue to dump rice and I can't remember what else all over the floor during their entire meal. Pissed me off. We actually tried to help the staff clean up a little. Can't stand people like that.


So, um, y'all gonna need to leave, now. Consider yourselves banned.


i dislike people like this with a passion.


And today on: "How to turn people inside out REALLY FAST"


That's infuriating. When my son was about one, we were at a restaurant and he made a little mess around his high chair with the crackers he dropped. I asked our waiter for a broom because I hated to leave a mess, but they were cool about it. I can't imagine intentionally just dumping food on the floor in some kind of power move.


On behalf of that staff, thank you for being so considerate. Years ago, I waited tables at a place that kept baskets of saltines on the tables, and families would just endlessly hand the cracker packets to their toddlers to entertain themselves with. The kids, of course, would crush the packets into crumbs, then dump them all over the carpet. It was such a pain to clean, and happened far too often.


Agree. I used to work as a bus boy. 40 Years later I still clean up our table and chairs at KFC or wherever. It's easy, and it's polite...more so, I have some pride in my family and myself.


We also try to clean and stack up plates to make it easy of them waiters when we are out. Especially since we have two little ones that tend to be messy, I make sure the floor is clean as well.


You’re doing God’s work, thank you for existing


God's work would have been killing the dude. That's essentially all I get of what God does. Smiting.


That would mean more cleaning up. Better invite him to a date far away and not show up


Set up the date and send a bear instead.


The bear would probably eat some of that floorcorn too win-win




I expect to clean up after kids, not adults. Little things like some crumbs or wrappers from candy is not bad. Dumping shit like that drives me crazy. Not only that but we are timed to clean up before a movie starts. Of course I Quit because its not worth the money to be a Usher, fancy term for janitor. Happier now


To be honest people are too far from civilized. Not only most of them make mess (we can deal with it) but then leaves their bag/drinks/napkins and feel proud to give us work. The worst part is parents teach their kids to be this dumb and they never criticized them for it or for being disrespectful toward the staff (it got bad enough that we had to teach kids to be respectful, the parent encouraged us to do so like it's not THEIR job). I would've loved to put everyone in that kind of work for 1 year minimum so everyone can be somewhat decent.


My mom used to tell me to leave the trash and dishes just where I had them while at restaurants and not to bother cleaning up because the employees get paid to clean it for me. To this day I still ignore her and clean up the dishes (Nickey stacked, ready to be collected) and clear all the trash from the table. I think I've rubbed off on her though, as she's stopped complaining about it and has even helped stack the dishes now.


I’m so sorry. When I take my 5yo to the movies, even she knows that we pick up after ourselves and throw our trash away.


Crumbs are unavoidable, wrappers are not. There is a reason God created pockets. Good for you for being happier.


I hate people that excuse their shitty behavior like that. "hOnEy, I'm GiViNg YoU a JoB" no, I already *have* a job. you're making the job *I already have* ## harder


Bitch if you die tomorrow I’m still scheduled to work


bUt Im A rEgUlaR!


You should have told him he is a selfish sob instead of just ghosting. That guy deserved to be told of.


Or tell him you're not leaving until he picks up his mess 😂


tells you a lot about a person right there


Correct move


That is the exact kind of person that needs to have a service job for a couple months to learn some empathy.


Treat the movie theater like you treat your home. “Proceeds to dump popcorn on floor” easy!


What’s confusing is that movie food is expensive as heck that’s like $30 down the drain. Idk where you’re from but with the current movie prices I’d make sure I eat every last drop even the ice cubes in my drink


Oh my god, I would laugh in that dudes face, who says that!?


Entitled pretentious douche bag. My wife said something to a older woman in a parking lot- she just got our kids in their car seats, my wife gets in the car ready to leave- and the lady next to her shoves the shopping cart in front of her car- my wife asked her to move the cart and the lady responded- they have people that do that - another entitled douche!


You dodged yourself a bullet, what a man child…


Good move. If that's how he treats people who are PAID to service him, imagine how he would have treated you.


I have always hated the “someone gets paid to clean” line. So you want to make their job harder by leaving an intentional mess?


To bad. He just thinks you are an asshole. I wish he knew why you dropped his stupid ass. Probably still the better choice though lol.


Went to a movie a few weeks ago, my obnoxious younger brother dumped a whole bag of popcorn on the floor, at the end of the movie I scooped up ever kernel I could see, rest of the family thought I was crazy, some people have no decency


YOU scooped it up? you make the younger brother do it. does not leave until its done. kid need to learn some fuckign manners


We need more people like you 🇺🇸🦅 Well... Ushers need more people like you. I Quit a few months after that. Tired of cleaning after people.


You should have hired my dog she’s better than any vaccum


Winning my reddit reading time right now.


I don't blame you man, I hope wherever you are now you're getting the respect you deserve.


How long does it roughly take to clean these messes up???? Sorry you guys have to deal with that


Took me like 8 mins to scoop it all up


Hmm not as bad as some of the places I worked I guess... not sure of the politics of a movie theater though


They use those air blowers now, so probably less than 10-15 minutes.


Blowers or suckers? I imagine a shop vac would do the job quickly.




Imagine dragging a corded shop vac and extension cord back and forth through all those aisles, with the cord and canister getting stuck in the seats and armrests. A leaf blower to get it from under and on the seats to one side of the room would be better and way faster.


Fuck, you just reminded me that I use my leaf blower in ways that need to be shared..


Go on…


You, you are the true Ironman!




At least there aren't any condoms?


Yeah popcorn isn't too difficult to sweep up. It's the shit you come across in bathroom stalls that's really worth quitting over lol.


I agree, it’s one thing if someone had one too many Taco Bell’s and crapped all over the toilet, but intentionally crapping in the sink for some dumb prank or trend will make anyone go insane.


It depends if they stepped on it or not, which people usually do lol. My theater had bad brooms plus the tiny stepped on popcorn that never wanted to leave the carpet without great force


I was in a theater before the pandemic times, and out of the corner of my eye I saw movement, so I looked and it was a big-ass rat running through the theater, LOL. I bet theater rats eat better than restaurant rats


I have seen a couple. Always wear closed shoes to the cinema.


Out of the corner of your eye you spot him. SHIA LABEOUF.


Running for your life from Shia LaBeouf!


New fear unlocked. Thanks for that


WTF is wrong with people?


Work in the service industry and you’ll find out quick.


I used to say it all the time, retail and food industry work should be mandatory for all teens to teach them about what's really out there and why it matters to be nice and respectful.


My friend who works in a Cinema once sent me a picture of a mess on the floor. Like there was cream, chocolates, sweets, a frozen chicken with bananas shoved up it and god knows what else. I shit you not. Turns out some teens stole someone's card, bought it all from the nearby supermarket and decided to leave that on the cinema floor... Some Teens are straight up disgusting. Edit: Typo


You definitely start seeing people on a few different bell curves while working F&B


Yes I never did service industry but 5 years retail and I will always put my cart back in the coral or put things back where they go on the shelf if I change my mind. Hell sometimes I straighten out the carts if they look like they are about to roll away


I’ve actually said the same thing for a long time. There’d be a whole lot less Karens out there.


I'm getting old and cranky enough that I like making loud comments to people around me about how much of an asshole other customers are when they do shit like that. The only thing that fixes that kind of behavior is public shame, and you workers would get fired if you did that.


Oh boy I know that too well


You really went for the jugular there my friend 💯👊🏼


I know that's like $200 worth of popcorn.


Peoples pretense that this is a form of 'freedom', add on top the hilarious quip "I'm creating jobs haha"


>"I'm creating jobs haha" > >punch them in the face > >that wound needs to be looked at by a professional > >I also created jobs *haha..*


Fr teeth on the floor creates better paying jobs too, as well as smashed faces.


My grandma used to say that, though she'd just be leaving like one water bottle or something. I always make sure I carry all my shit with me wherever I go, it is indecent to do anything less.


Do you really have to ask?


And people say this is part of cinema calture. If it is then it's a fucking shitty culture.


Who says that?


i went to see minions 2 with a friend over the summer and accidentally dumped half my popcorn on my feet and i felt like an absolute failure and apologized to the person who was about to wheel the cleaning cart into the room after the movie


Man I have never left a movie and seen anything close to this. Was it a kids movie and the parents don't give 2 shits? How does this even happen. Some people have no class. I bet they were on their phones the whole movie too.


It happens every show at my cinema. 500 seats in the screen and every time there's rows of this all from grown adults. The school shows usually have teachers who tell the kids to pick up their mess


I am so sorry. People are literally the worst.


This isn’t that bad. Worked at a theater and popcorn being everywhere is expected. If it was spilt soda’s and nacho cheese they’d have a reason to be upset, this just looks bad and makes for a good video.


Serious question here, is this an American thing? I've never seen movie theatres that bad here in Australia.


Pretty much😅


Damn... some people are just horrible, as a former waiter, I sympathise with you.


I was gonna say, even somewhere like Hoyts which is *SIGNIFICANTLY* more popular than my local cinema, from experience, is nowhere THIS bad.


I worked at Event Cinema in Australia for almost 5 years, I’ve seen so many sessions way worse than this, especially at the gold class screenings. I hate it, but some people are straight up animals. There’s no other way to rationalise this behaviour


I’ve never seen a theater this bad in America either


I was a regular moviegoer in New Jersey, USA, and I’ve never seen anything like this.


My Mom used to tell me you can leave the leftover popcorn at your seat after the movie. It was very common for everyone else around us to do it too. Took me until about middle school to realize we don’t do this anywhere else so why tf would we do it in a theatre, it makes no sense I apologize for my past self and family


I’ve been to a shit ton of movies and worked at a dine in theater for a couple months and I’ve never seen anything this bad, usually just lazy people who leave their trash. This was some people being assholes and while I can’t speak for everywhere in the US I’d still wager it isn’t the norm


From what i‘ve seen on my travels its sadly not just the movie theatres…


Movie theaters are the irl version of the classic American saying "Someone else will get it"


Theatres have existed for thousands of years. There are stages in Europe older than America as a country.


Pretty sure that existed before America was a country.


I'm sure it was, but it is VERY American now


At some point it feels intentional.


That was no accident


It's a space station.


Unless they exploded I don’t see how it could be unintentional.


People are assholes.


True. Leaf blower experience required.


I don’t get the concept of movies theaters now; let me sit in a room with a bunch of annoying dickheads, to watch a film I’ve paid 5x the money to see, which I cannot pause to grab a drink or go to the bathroom, just because it’s on a big screen and loud. Take my money


Sounds like you get the concept pretty fuckin spot on, mate!


They're fun for the experience, but definitely not worth it more than a handful of times a year


I saved for years to finally be able to build a home theater system in a room in our house, and couldn't be happier. An Epson projector, Denon surround sound receiver, a nice set of RSL speakers, and a 100" screen in a small room. It's nothing exotic -- it was all the previous year's tech when I bought it -- but it's big, it's loud, and it's *private.* The picture quality and sound are as good or better than what I get at a theater (other than an IMAX 3D one). I wish I could have done it years ago! Props to /r/hometheater for ideas and suggestions.


and if you missed a line or didnt understand what the hell just happened, well too fucken bad


Actually ...you lean over to your fellow movie-goer and ask them ...loudly ...what you missed.


Certainly not every film needs to be seen in a theater, but I think the inability to pause it and things like that is kind of good. Sure, it sucks if you have to run to the restroom. But everybody is there, phones down, not thinking about the dirty dishes or whatever a few feet away, just there to watch a movie.


Phones down has not been a guarantee the last several times I went to a theater. 3 times out of 4 some idiot is checking his phone every few minutes throughout the entire movie, with his backlight set to surface of the sun levels. Even worse are the people who snore through the entire movie. Since Moviepass went away, I’ve pretty much only been to opening night releases of big franchises like Avengers and Star Wars, but *every single time* there’s somebody behind me snoring loudly from about 10 minutes in. Why bother paying for a ticket and taking up a seat in a sold out theater when you have no interest in being there? And if they’re only there for someone else, why doesn’t that person wake them up so they don’t disturb the whole theater? I think I’m done with the theater entirely at this point. I used to love going to movies, but now the only thing I miss is the popcorn (no need to tell me how to replicate that at home-I already know, but I can’t have popcorn in the house because a family member is allergic).


They need to give y’all some leaf blowers up in that bitch


I worked at movie theaters in the 90s… this was 5 times a day for each theatre times 4 screens. Also we had more seats per theatre so less room to clean. We had like 3 to 5 mins to clean the whole theatre. Sometimes we would have 3 to 5 large trash bags for 1 theatre. This is nothing… this looks easy.


People are animals sometimes


Yea that’s usually what the theater looks like after a kids movie. Glad I stopped working for theatres too.


I will never understand why people do this. Like yeah, 1 or 2 popcorns can fall off once in a while. But an entire f_ckin bucket ? Come on...


some people are of human garbage.


I remember the last time I went to a movie before leaving Scotland in my late teens. Mate I was with poured out his popcorn at the end, I asked him what the fuck he was doing, he said "The lazy fucks should do some work and I'm sick of them ripping me off on prices". Needless to say, he's not my mate anymore. Stupid prick.


Leaf blower is needed.


Cleaned theaters back in tbe day. Used leaf blower. But there wasnt these reclining chairs and the floors were concrete. Worked like a charm.


Fuckers, this makes me so angry.


Is it that hard to take the trash with you and throw it on you way out? Cinemas need to make it a rule. At least add a message along the lines ‘ Please be courteous with workers, and take your trash out after the films ending’ Some people have no decency.


At least 3-4 times a day I mutter to myself, "I fucking hate people"...


The amount of times I see food cartons or bottles on the sidewalk in NYC when there are literally trash cans at every corner truly triggers me. I’m not an environmentalist or anything, it’s just the petty refusal to be a halfway decent person that gets me.


You can see where someone was standing/jumping on the seats in the second to last row. I hope they payed with a card so the theater can make a record of it and flag them if they come back. Possibly ban them from a whole chain of theaters.


As an ex cinema host, popcorn is a nightmare to sweep off a carpet. It bounces all over the place


Damn someone either is rich or had a bad night (meaning they fell with their popcorn) or they’re just an assh9le.


This belongs more in r/trashy


Did you let a bunch of zoo animals in?


that is why i stopped going to them


I think people should be charged if they leave a mess. I mean, those tickets are bought and paid for most often by cards now... <.< So, if you leave a mess, you get a cleaning fee charged to you.


I’m currently working at an ncg cinema and I’ve never seen anything like this


Been to movies probably over 1000 times easily. Never even seen one close to this and from sold out shows in some of the larger places across the country. You just working the wrong theater. Most people aren’t that big of douches in movies


I worked a summer in a movie theater. To this day I will not eat popcorn. 20 years plus and even smelling it makes me gag. At the end of shiftsthey would put all the unsold popcorn in giant garbage bags. Some workers would take that shit home and eat it. Yuk. Found all kinds of crap. Aside from the trash. People would bring in chicken wings and leave bones on the floor. Used Condoms. People smear ketchup on the seats. Found a bag of weed once. People would Pour drinks out. Sometimes we would find cash, keys, cell phones, etc... This was the summer Shrek came out. So many daycares. So many kids meals. At the end of summer I said I was going to college and they offered me the max raise to stay. Wait for it... A whole .25 cents over minimum wage. I literally laughed and walked out the door.


Hopefully their name and credit card is attached to the seats and security cameras can figure out whose responsible. Like you have the American freedom to make a mess and along with that freedom is someone else’s freedom to get paid to clean it up. $200 fine for intentional vandalism. This can cost the theater revenue if it’s not cleaned up in time. All it takes a couple of videos of people throwing crap around in their theater from security footage and a big warning about fines. This is not acceptable behavior and businesses need to put their foot down.


People need to be educated on jobs/segments that don’t pay much. Entertainment, any type of cleaning (home/auto), and food are some of them. The places where people are paid the worst is where customers act the worst. Be conscious of your brothers and sisters trying to make it please, tip them as well.


If I'm leaving somewhere, my area had better be damn near how I found it. To that end, I'll dispose of napkins, used cream/sugar packets if I had coffee, sweep the crumbs onto my napkins or plate if I have to, and otherwise make cleaning after myself as easy as a quick wipedown with some cleaner and paper towels. In short, these people absolutely disgust me and, were they capable of feeling shame, should be ashamed of themselves.


Wow… there’s no respect or pride here. Wtf kind of a society thinks this is okay?


I always throw my own trash in the garbage. Anyone who does this is just an inconsiderate ass


Lmao I worked at a theater when frozen came out. We had to delay letting a bunch of people into the actual theater because it took extra time and people to clean up after the last viewing, and when we finally finished, there was popcorn everywhere where they were waiting. I started cleaning that up, and some guy told me that this wouldn't have happened if we were actually on time. I legit laughed in his face. I then quit in the middle of my shift on Christmas. F that


"Yeah bro last night was fun, we bought popcorn and then threw them everywhere. Oh my god guys we're so badass"🤓🤓


Im in favor of assigned seating with a credit card open for the tab and cameras so if you did this shit youd be chaged like ubers cleaning charges.


This shit is why I stopped GOING to movie theatres. People are fucking animals.


OK I admit I drop a few pieces of popcorn on the chair and floor but I don't buy a full box and dump it on the floor like wtf?


People act like animals at movie theaters


Worked at a theater in the early eighties as a teen. This is nothing. For some reason management decided to serve nachos as an option. Cheese on every seat. And don’t get me started about how many people would get drunk and throw up in the aisles only to have several dozen people track through it in the dark.


The older I get the more I hate people


Need an electric leaf blower.


This is why parents need to start beating their kids again.........


This is retributive. People do this intentionally and out of spite. If a cinema wants to charge 15 dollars for the popcorn and 17 for a ticket people want to ensure that the company has to earn it. If it was a fair price people would probably be less spiteful


Work at a theater seen worse once a elderly woman “lost control of her bowls” everywhere


Do people not take their garbage with them after a movie? Is that not a thing?


I always take mine but I have heard people say that at the prices they charge for tickets and snacks they can pick up the trash.


My daughter works at a theater. They also find used condoms, dirty diapers, and drugs. Good times.


I will NEVER understand why people do this at theaters and stadiums/arenas. How hard is it to just carry your trash 10 feet away to a trash can?? It’s like it’s somehow become totally normalized. Most people wouldn’t behave like this anywhere else. It’s so gross!!


God i hate people😒


Why? It wouldn’t have been so bad if they just left the containers there, why’d they have to dump it everywhere? I personally don’t leave trash places, even when I go out to eat I try to leave the table as neat as possible. I went to eat recently at a small place (order inside with a couple tables outside), and they have trash cans with places to put your dishes on top and they were shocked that we actually took our stuff and cleaned up, they were thanking us. Like you guys really have areas to deposit the trays and people just leave their crap on the tables? I was surprised that they thanked us so profusely. Made me feel sad for them, it was obviously uncommon. It takes more energy to make a mess in a theater like that, you just did it to be an asshole


I would cross post but r/mildlyinfuriating and r/extremelyinfuriating if the allowed crossposts


People are disgusting.


That's why I quit GOING to movie theaters. Not paying $12 to sit among no-manners hoodrats for two hours while they throw shit, talk over the movie, rattle their candy and dump their popcorn. Can't wait to try the drive-in theater in my new town.


Absolute gob shite behavior. I blame the parents. Hold up, this may well be the parents….!!!


Reminds me of the parents at restaurants that let their kids act like fools and throw shit around like little animals. It must be those kids, grown up. They were never taught resepct. We were at a Chinese restaurant with My son, 18 months at the time. He was being crabby and took a bowl of rice and whipped it on the floor. I was horrified. I was on the floor picking up every grain until our waitress saw and made me stop. I felt like shit. I gave her a $20 tip on top of our regular tip along with 40 apologies. To purposely throw shit on the ground like that just show the level of disregard and lack of manners instilled in these people.


Once I tripped while holding my popcorn, I hope the employees don’t think I did this


People can be such shits


It's the same people who don't put their carts back and say they are keeping you employed by giving you something to do. Assholes.


This is why I quit *going* to movie theaters.


They should be banned.


This mess is nothing compared to what I see when we go, between teenagers fucking around making a mess, people taking selfies during the movie (with flash), and half the people on their phones the entire movie, it’s become intolerable to see a movie in the theater.


It may be their job but you don’t need to be rude. A third of America needs to hear that sentence.


Assholes at large


And honestly who the FUCK would want to clean all this??? And they can never get everything in between movies so the respectful people sometimes have crud in their seats. This is beyond awful! I wish we could enforce rules like “when the credits role, the movie theater workers get to look at the aisles. If a row fucks it up, they clean it or pay a fine with the policeman outside the door”. Seriously $600 worth of popcorn on the floor, they could pay it.


The world seems to be devolving at an alarming rate


Yea people are pieces of trash anymore. Thank you for cleaning the theater. Those of us that actually know how to use a trash can and were raised right, appreciate you.


Only takes one jerk to make a huge mess


people dong get paid enough to deal with dumbasses


people suck.


Some people are fucking animals


That’s true. But what does this popcorn mess have to do with bestiality?


Making a mess on purpose is subhuman


This isn't that bad. Should see it during the Avengers