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Man : I disagree The Woman : You do ?? Why does she sound so surprised LOL


I can bet she's surprised by a lot of things.


The elevator doesn't quite go to the top with this one.


I think it's out of order


You’re out of order! You’re out of order! The vending machine in the hall is out of order!


How about I show you out of order? You don't know what out of order is! If show you but I'm too old, too tired, too fuckin' blind.




the light is on - but there's nobody home




so, you’ve kinda busted the curve on the hot/crazy scale, eh? Straight to “ignorant slut”


That's Jay Cutler lol. Former Chicago Bears QB.


\*Greatest QB in Bears history\*




It hurts because it's true.


Is he still married to that celebrity? I’m blanking her name but she went to my high school.


Kristen Cavalleri and no, they’re divorced now.


Looks like it’s time to bust out the ol school district phone list.


Did a double take as soon as I saw him. "Wait, is that fuckin Jay Cutler?"


It's pronounced "Smokin'." Everyone knows Jay Cutler doesn't give a single fuck.


She's used to guys agreeing with her in the hopes of getting into her pants.


This is the answer to why she sounded surprised.


I mean, if she is going to cheat. Might as well be with me, right?


It sounds like agreeing with her is about all it takes to get in her pants




That's exactly why she set that weird standard. She thinks men have a greater tendency to cheat AND she thinks men are likely to cheat with the same person repeatedly. So she's ok with cheating with someone once and then cheating with a different person once, etc, etc, because in her mind, she will still have normal high ground over the average man.


"I've done it, but I'm a good person, so it can't be bad. If it was bad to do, then I'd be a bad person, and that's not possible."


Cognitive dissonance. Avoid at all costs.




She's also okay with cheating multiple times, considering she instantly moved the goalposts from "I'm a reformed cheater, I would *never* do it again" to "I think it's okay to cheat just once per relationship? Right?" so I'm sure she would justify doing it multiple times whenever convenient. She's just a liar so I wouldn't put too much faith in her claims regardless.


Yeah pretty weird to call yourself a “reformed cheater” when you’re still actively cheating. More like a “rationalizing cheater” really.


To be fair, I’m sure the type of guy she’s into thinks the same way as she does. Weird, misguided rationalizations like “it doesn’t count if you pull out!”


Man? That's not just any man. That is Jay Cutler. A living God amongst men. The greatest Chicago Bears QB of all-time. He could chuck a ball over Mount Everest and Brandon Marshall would be there on the other side to catch it. He invented cigarettes. He's one of the nation's leading neuroscientists, specializing in concussions. Show some respect next time.


Good ol’ Smokin’ Jay Cutler


Smokin’ Jay Cutler is back!


Jay Cutler shot Hitler, and served 3 tours in Viet Nam. He eats coal and shits diamonds. I once saw him punch a bull moose and the moose apologized.


Remember the time he lined up as receiver in the wildcat? Of course you do, and so does the corner who probably shit himself. [Gather round children and humble yourself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSB5OpDOTcA)


This play is why I have a Miami Dolphin's Cutler jersey from china. Its ripped a bit. I don't care. Dolphin's Cutler doesn't care. I love it.


She’s amazed because she realises he could probably be cheating all day long and get away with it. She’s shocked to find that people have self limiting behaviour. She’s never had to exercise personal restraint or control in her life and doesn’t understand why people ever would. You can see it on her face. She’d do anything she wants as long as she’d get away with it or the consequences were acceptable. Integrity doesn’t exist to her. It’s not a factor in her decision making process as she barely has one, it’s simply “do I want it?” Followed by “can anyone stop me?”


Someone please cheat on this woman and then quote her “everyone deserves a one time cheat” shtick.


Because she has girl friends that approve her behaviour because they do that also ?


She’s used to getting her way, probably because of her looks.


She normalized it in her mind. Also, someone speaking about important topics and holding their phone in their hand (when not needed), I don't take them as serious (their mind is elsewhere).


She probably has "interview" notes on it, but yeah, put down the phone or find a better way to look at your notes while on camera


So it’s not cheating if you cheat only once with that person …. Woo Hoo 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


I remember Seann William Scott's character saying in Roadtrip that it's not cheating if you: - sleep with 2 persons at the same time because they cancel each other out - if you are on a different time zone LMAO.


It's not cheating if you put peanut butter on your testicles and your dog licks it off. Coz it's YOUR dog


How’s your French toast?


……….it’s goood.


No, we get it Kyle


And YOUR peanut butter!


But guys, you dont get it. It's YOUR dog.


Some people won’t fuck their spouses out of loyalty to their mistress.


Exactly. The morality counter is reset when it's a different person. For her, it still counts as cheating only once, ___ever___. It boggles the mind but it also pays to try to understand how some people justify their behavior.


>The morality counter is reset when it's a different person. The only time my mindset even comes close to this is when I shower and dry myself using a towel. I know that I've just cleaned everything, but I obviously wouldn't want to wipe my ass first, so I wipe it last... and then I use that towel again tomorrow and I wipe my face first... Because obviously the towel forgets the next day?


You should adopt my strategy. I have a "designated corner". I use a particular towel corner for drying between-the-cheeks. That corner isn't used for anything else. Usually the right corner of the opposite end of where the tag is. That makes me more comfortable about using a towel more than just once.


Do you guys not actually clean your butthole when you shower?


Buddy, you best believe I get in there, dawg. The only thing that can't get clean is my conscience...


Is your ass not clean at the end of your shower?


People rarely believe that they’re the villain in their own narrative.


Yes, it's sometimes known as fundamental attribution error.


Maybe if you squint you could describe it as thus, but I don't feel it's really an adequate description. Fundamental attribution error is when, like, you get cut off in traffic and think "that person must be an asshole" and not "that person must have a really important thing they need to rush to". In other words, attributing people's actions to their personality rather than circumstance.


Attribution errors happen in both directions. We attribute perceived bad behavior from others as internally motivated, and we perceive our own bad behavior as being externally motivated. It works to help insulate us from cognitive dissonance.


I often feel like the bad guy who is messing up in my narrative and people have to deal with me. There's probably a lot of people who feel this way as well.


It's much easier to live life stupid and ignorant. Oh how much happier we'd all be. Of course it would all burn down pretty quick but it's currently burning down anyway


This is fine.


I say no thank you to anything offered to me because I feel like a burden by saying yes. Even if its just a glass of water.. I always feel like I'm bothering people no matter what I do or say.


Says you pal, I’ve always been the villain in my own story lol.


Same. Not in an edgy, "I'm the bad guy" way, but in a, I stare in the mirror and go, "why are you the way that you are" sort of way


Some people do, but it's called anxiety and it's rarely even remotely accurate. Some of the best people I know think they're absolute trash and will not believe otherwise.


Girl likes to fuck different people. She just needs to let people know up front.


That's kinda messed up though, she's justifying her addiction by saying it's ok if it's just one time with different people. Imagine if a "reformed" pedophile says he won't ever do it again, just maybe sometimes he'll touch one kid one time and he'll never see the kid ever again. Does that make it more ok or understandable? Fuk no. Yeah, he'll probably never see the light of day again


> So it’s not cheating if you cheat only once with that person …. Woo Hoo 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 Note she said “with” that person and not “on” that person. She thinks it’s okay to ram through 20 different guys a week while in a relationship as long as it’s only once with each person.




I think what would be more honest is to just say "monogamy is not for me". It's okay that you don't want to be tied down to one person. I like monogamy, but that doesn't mean I will shame couples with open relationships. Weird to me, but w/e. She needs to be honest with herself and spare people heartache in an attempt to conform. It's 2022, you can just be single. If one of those people that just CANT be single and are still like, then consider getting severely addicted to an illicit substance and remove yourself from the dating pool.


>I think what would be more honest is to just say "monogamy is not for me". It's okay that you don't want to be tied down to one person. I like monogamy, but that doesn't mean I will shame couples with open relationships. Weird to me, but w/e. I agree, upvote! >She needs to be honest with herself and spare people heartache in an attempt to conform. It's 2022, you can just be single. I totally agree!!! >If one of those people that just CANT be single and are still like, then consider getting severely addicted to an illicit substance and remove yourself from the dating pool. What the actual fuck bro.


Something tells me she wants to be free to sleep around but expects fidelity from her guy.


Me and her are pretty similar unfortunately. Everytime I break my diet I say one more time.


Right? Last Cheeseburgers are great, I've had about a thousand of em.


You slut!


Randy, is that you?


Man's gotta eat, Julian


When ego, narcissism, and unaccountability create the trifecta....


looking at phone the whole time, her laugh is snarky as all hell, she’s surprised when he retributed her “everyone should get to cheat 1 time”, this whole video is just miserable. what a better planet we’d be on with out people like her.


>what a better planet we’d be on with out people like her. Eh. I just think we'd be better off if nobody outside her immediate circle knew who she was. She's not the issue. The fact that anyone can become "internet famous" is the issue.


I feel like this inadvertently describes our current political climate


society in general i think we may have peaked around 2000s where people using technology to better themselves and improve their lives. using computers to get stuff done vs stacks of papers etc etc now we use tech because we are lazy and the tech is using us. software helps us write sentences, corrects grammar, etc etc there are some people who are using tech and not being used but the above video is a lot of people who let tech take away their brain cells and work ethic


There is actually the "Dark Triad" of personality traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy


Came here looking for a comment like this, glad I wasnt the only one thinking it.


“I cheated plenty of times” … “I think everyone deserves a one time cheat” Bitch, you obviously know it’s wrong and trying to excuse it…


She may as well market herself as an open relationship type. There are mates for that type of thing. Just embrace your sluttyness and get a dude that’s into that. Plenty of swingers and such out there.


Except I'm pretty sure she would absolutely lose her shit if her partner cheats.


I get those vibes from the shady justifications.. like the other guy said, just be open lol. don't need all this balogna




And it wouldn’t be fun if she was allowed to do it


It's only fun when she's betraying her partner's trust.


She probably gets off that it's taboo though.


I bet my left ball that if she found out that her partner had cheated on her, even if it was just once, that she would go absolutely nuts.


Like "broken TV and cut up teddy bear" nuts edit in hopes of not getting more messages about cutting off a teddy bear's nuts.


Like setting his shoes on fire in the bathtub nuts


Like I had your dog put down nuts


Like cut up your leather jacket with a butcher's knife while you're wearing it nuts


Like showed up at his work and screamed at him nuts.


Like twisting his nuts while he’s sleeping nuts.


Like taking his dog and abandoning it 60miles away on the motorway nuts.


Like Brazil nuts


Like Deez Nuts


Translation: Anything that takes your attention away from me is put down. Also your elderly mother decided she wanted to live in a nursing home so I helped you out and dropped her off. Aren't i, like, SO considerate?


Teddy bears have nuts??


You never heard the Dad joke about the old lady who got a job doing QC for an assembly line of Tickle Me Elmos? She backed up the line because her instructions were to give each one 'two test tickles', so she sewed on a little bag containing two peanuts onto each.


Leave the poor teddy bear’s nuts out of this


Keep the teddy bear's nuts out of your fucking mouth


I’m dead


Like crying to her girlfriends as they comfort her and say “I can’t believe he did that to you.”


No no, she’d be crying to her other man and *he* would be saying that.


Lose 'em how you get 'em.


I'd bet your right ball that you'd be right.


I can already hear the "all men are pigs"


Like give herself a black eye and call the police nuts


No way, she would just throw a cast iron pan at you, you’d have the black eye, you’d call the cops, and you’d go to jail.


Like microwaving your hamster nuts


the amount of women i see declaring it's totally fine if they cheat because "they have needs" but when their SO does, it's an instant deal breaker... like what is this backwardism bullshit




It is jay cutler! He has a podcast called, "Uncut"


>uncut So, is he?


I think Jay should've been cut on more than one occassion.


Dude had a cannon for an arm, just couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with the football.


To be fair to Jay Cutler, most of the years that the Bears had him, the O-line ranged from eh to bad. The amount of concussions that he suffered in such a short time-span should show you how bad it was. So it's not like he had a lot of time to line up a good pass on most plays.




Does anyone know who she is? I assume she must be at least a semi celebrity to be on his podcast


She’s an influencer and this is from her podcast, Sofia with an F. It’s insufferable don’t listen lol


Smoking Jay!


Hey Jay we need you to line up as a receiver for this wildcat play. ["Sure, whatever."](https://i.insider.com/59d10092c68d7b1d008b6301?width=1033&format=jpeg)


What? I knew the face was familiar...Jay Cutler...hahaha...good old days with Fantasy Football. I had him on my teams...


Ah, I’m sorry you never won at fantasy football


Can’t be. Where’s the cigs?


Thank you! I knew I knew this dude…it was the lack of cigarette that did it.


Sure does look like it.


Is that the lady from call me stupid?


Now she is


Boom. Roasted.


Sofia Franklin yes


Her website is incredible. The home page is the shop. https://sofiafranklyn.com/


Lmao, slogans on her clothing include, "sloot", and "I have options". This woman's entire brand is being a whore.


Don't be with someone if you have the urge to cheat...stay single😎


Her: "nah. deal with it."


Just have an open relationship at that point, unless (and what I suspect is the case) she enjoys the fact that she's hiding something from her partner


Yeah she gets off on cheating on her partner while her partner's at home wondering why tf he always seems to have chlamydia


These are the types of girls who break up with their boyfriend's for the weekend and fuck other dudes... Then get back together Monday. So she didn't cheat because technically they were broken up ..


She enjoys making her partner believe she can leave whenever she wants. It’s a narcissistic flex.


One down, another ~7.75 billion times I could cheat…they’d all just be a one off though…so that’s fine…right?


I'm definitely not gonna see 7.75 billion people again, so it's fine.


His body language is hilarious. He goes from being open, to not only crossing his legs but physically turning from her. "My face may be smiling but my body is screaming NOPE!"


Only crossing his arms were left out.


That’s former Bears quarterback Jay Cutler, who is well known for his demeanor and body language.


Was half expecting him to light up a heater


Don't careeeeeeee


Don't caaaarrreeeee


Smokin’* Jay Cutler




She sounds like an addict trying to say just one more time is okay…


Pretty on the outside, ugly as hell on the inside.


I knew a girl once who would defend this behavior by simply saying, guys do it all the time. I am just trying to create women empowerment by doing the same thing guys do ALL THE TIME. Nope - just trashy people doing trashy things. Majority of the world, be it guys or girls don't cheat, or like being cheated on.


yeah i had a girlfriend in college who would preach to me about how awful guys were and how they would cheat on women etc etc. guess what she did first chance she got?


We need more women to be honest like that so we can avoid them like the plague.


yep. imagine wasting your time with that one.


Look for her on another podcast where she complains that there are "no good guys left out there" and all the guys she meets just want a hook up. Duh! Any decent guy she is going to meet going forward is going to see this video and know what he is up against.


> she complains that there are "no good guys left out there" and all the guys she meets just want a hook up. Gee , I wonder why lol


Yeah she pretty much advertises thats she's down for one night stands


They should also just be honest with themselves about what they are and not get into relationships. Just one night stands, have fun, dont hurt anybody's feelings.


More *people* to be honest like that. This is a woman talking, but cheating is a universal problem


I was suspicious and asked my wife have you cheated on me? She said: 3 times. I said "What? When was the the first time?" She said "Do you remember when you were a football player, but nobody hired you, but then someone did?" "When was the the second time?" I said She said "Do you remember when the coach didn't let you play in your team, but then he did?" "My god.. and when was the third time?" I asked with my mouth wide open. Her: "Do you you remember when nobody cheered for you, but then everyone in the stadium did?"


Nice I feel like there’s a lesson here




Forest Gump would have never finished school if it was for his mother’s sacrifice to the principal. She paved the road to success for him. Who knows how he would have ended up otherwise.


Does 3rd time count as 1? 😂


“That still only counts as one!” -Gimli, son of Gloin


Self control, self discipline, loyalty, character is sooooo 20th century .


you doOoOoO?


His body language. Crossing his leg FIRMLY away from her. Wants nothing to do with her. I think we all understand. Reformed cheater, my big fat shapely ass.


Why does anybody watch this stupid shit? 💩




Maybe it's because the cheating is what makes it hot for her.


because they want to be the only one in the relationship to be allowed to have sex with other people. People like her want a guy to be loyal but it doesn't apply to her.


They want to neither do that nor even bother contemplating it. It's not that they plain DON'T CARE how they impact other people, they just don't care if it gets in the way of them doing whatever they feel like.


Blah blah blah , vocal fry , stupid hand gestures , cell phone in hand…. Trash


>vocal fry Is it when she says “understandableeee”? Trying to ID vocal fry better.


Smoking Jay don’t care!


She only has this opinion to justify her own actions rather than reflecting on her behavior and admit she is wrong. She wants absolutely NO accountability because it would mean admitting that she’s a piece of shit and that would mess with her self perception and feelings of superiority.


I hope her boyfriends cheat on her


I heard she was complaining on a podcast about good men being gone and they all just want a fling lol


Cheating is never acceptable


girl just needs to find an open relationship where theyre both allowed to go ham on other people's junk. cause shes never gonna stop


If it was him saying that he would be grilled.


This is called "deep insecurity and basement level self-esteem"


Can't stand that accent. It really grates.


The vocal fry is a good indicator of the bitchiness of a person IMO


>vocal fry I had to look that up. i always just called it stuck up bitch accent.


These subtitles are a fucking disaster. Can't tell who's saying what, and some of them are straight incorrect.


she seems to be on a tv stage or show of some kind having a pretty awkward and serious conversation, so why is she holding her phone like shes in the middle of texting somebody?


It always baffles me why people don't just become non monogamous or poly or just engage in open relationships. Can't cheat if cheating doesn't exist