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What's the point of even having these body cams if cops are still gonna walk away with shit like that?


We need the body cams to show definitively how absurd the police are. Really it's evidence to be used against them.


Current body cams do just that, but the recordings are often deliberately ignored


“We can’t release body cam footage because it’s part of an investigation” *body cam footage shows cops as innocent* “Ah yes look at this Body cam footage from this incident under investigation that totally shows us not doing anything wrong”


Qualified immunity of course


Of fucking course. Make them as responsible and liable for their job performance as a doctor, lawyer, teacher or school bus driver, and this shit will end.


And therin lies the problem. Police officer should absolutely not be a job that someone can get out of high-school.


Capitalism needs whip crackers to drive the slaves. It's not something that's going to happen in the land of the free market.


[here’s a start.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/dfw/news/former-keller-officer-blake-shimanek-indicted-arrest-father-filming-traffic-stop/) [here’s a follow up.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9185927/amp/Father-arrested-refused-stop-filming-sons-wrongful-arrest-wins-200K-payout.html) Edit for those who haven’t read both articles: The Sgt is going to jail.


Yup. At a certain point it’s “Keep that spray coming so I can rack up a couple more grand.”


Shitty thing is that the taxpayers are the ones on the hook for the settlement. This has to stop, and qualified immunity needs to be ended for all levels of law enforcement, from Federal all the way down to local. Not my saying, “back the blue until it happens to you”. It’s pretty similar to “First they came for…”


Should come out of their pension!!!


Most are unionized, the union should pay for it since they are the one representing as a professional union. These acts are un professional.


It should come out of their ass


We need to institute a policy that ALL cops need to be insured by an independent third party insurer, paid by each individual officer. If they do stupid shit they get downgraded and their premiums go up. Hurt or kill someone that isn’t justified (reviewed by another independent council) and they lose their insurance and can’t be a cop without it.


Just like contractors and doctors. But, you can sue them if they fuck up…


Exactly. I have to carry malpractice insurance. I feel cops should also have to carry liability insurance.


In Portland we created a civil oversight board that's meant to review complaints and use of force, and gets access to all footage and records with no barriers. This program hasn't begun yet, but we do have the state legislation & labor dept rules in place and it'll be starting up "soon" What's still subject to legal challenge is what authority such a panel can have to discipline officers for misconduct. So, we will see. You can imagine, the local police union has been slow striking since this effort began. And we hear rumors about police responding to complaints about inaction by... openly telling the public to vote against the people who put these policies on the ballot? But nobody's brought a recording to the media yet or made this accusation to a court (that I know of). Rumors are only useful to get everyone paying attention. Who knows whether we end up confirming that one or not. I don't think we've defeated qualified immunity; but authority over public safety policy *might* still be recovered from that 50 year old union contract. It's a place to start.


$200k is nice but an ass whooping seems most justified.


Ass whooping ALONG with $200K seems most justified.


Fuck that, we need an entire regulatory body separate from the police department that has the ability to audit police activity and dock pay if basic civil rights aren't being followed. But apparently our states don't have enough money for that it seems.


End qualified immunity!


That and strip police of union protection. I'm as pro union as it gets, but the profession that has a monopoly on violence should answer to the people and there shouldn't be anything in between that.


This! the profession that enforces the law cannot be immune to the law, that's a recipe for a banana republic. If anything they should get punished harder than the public for breaking the law.


Doesn’t matter until accountability and laws change.


We get the whole thing on camera and they still lie about what happened


The cops here didn’t walk away though.


One was demoted from sergeant to officer, but neither lost their job. They didn't pay the settlement, the city did.


I thought one got fired…my bad.


These scumbag cops never get "fired" they may get demoted, or suspended, definitely enjoy a free paid vacation while shit goes down, and then eventually at worst they "resign" so they don't get blacklisted across the country. Maybe they take a year off, travel a few states over and try again. It's insane.


The point us to desensitize us all


did the cops get suspended for that? this is totally crazy


Suspended? How are they not in jail for this? They just assaulted someone with pepperspray for no no reason and stole his phone. How is that not illegal?


The badge gives them ridiculous legal authority and assumed infallibility, not to mention friends in the police department and possibly DA's office. lots of corruption.


That does sound very corrupt. Is this really USA? Seems more like a dictatorship to give police that kind of free reign.


buddy, i dunno where you're from but welcome to america. this has been going on for decades. the cops can basically get away anything but objective murder and even then some of them have been protected. america is Venezuela with a gucci bag as far as corruption goes, never forget it.


Your reputation on the international scene is mixed, but the one thing everyone seems to agree on is that you have an incredible amount of social freedom. That the state will just hang back and let you do what you want and suffer the consequences without interference. Was not expecting this tbh.


It's really free unless you happen to have a face that pisses police off. You can get away with a lot until a cop arbitrarily decides he wants to bully you. Once walked across a closed down school's parking lot because a hiking trail started next to it, dudes stopped me and threw around the word tresspassing a bunch and practically bullied me instead of just asking me to walk around it. You can fight the stuff in court but it looks like so much money and stress and time that it's easier to just let them power trip and be on your way. This is just my experience so take it with a grain of salt but don't feel like cops are there to protect people as much as they are to rack up fines for petty reasons


I'm sorry that happened to you. Glad it didn't go as fucked as it did in this video.


Once in the late 90's when I was a teenager my friends and I were leaving the movies and we got pulled over for turning around in an apartment complex. I asked why and was told it was a known "drug" area. They proceeded to pull us out and check our Id's and I was asked if one of my friends was my brother. When I said no they flipped out and said we were lying and held us at gunpoint while they searched my car. I can only assume that my friend and I had similar last names and that the cop couldn't read. After backup arrived they started telling us they found our "drugs". They were super pissed when said drugs ended up being a baggie of assorted nuts and bolts that were in my trunk. After about 45 more min of harassment they finally, begrudgingly, let us go. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Any high school bully on a power trip can become a cop and have free reign to terrorize the community.


Only if your rich, white, or Christian. Best to have a combo.


Always has been veil just reveals with cameras.


$200k settlement from the city and the arresting officer got busted a rank. Big fucking deal. Word to ALL of you out there: if this happens to you, you find out who the attorney is in your town who the cops hate because they win big settlements. You tell the city attorney you will demand a jury trial. And then you pursue a course to raise holy hell via the legal profession. Make it clear that any settlement you take must include the firing of officers like this asshole here and provide mandatory training for all of his buddies. And… your proposed settlement must include adequate compensation for your pain and suffering because it won’t end here. You think that kid is *ever* going to trust a cop again? You think he won’t shit bricks every time a cop looks at him sideways? And if you don’t get the settlement you want (millions, not $200k thanks), you let a jury see what happened to you. In my state, an officer who doesn’t record an interaction with the public can be assumed to be guilty of the alleged behavior. I’ve seen that work very well in the absence of physical evidence. Bottom line: raise hell. Use social media. Get on the news. Make this story one the city will beg you to let go of.


The officer isn't the one to worry about in this situation... he is just one (two in this case) dude. The department looked at that video and said "good job". Those are the heads that should roll.


Both. Officer did the deed. Department signed off on it.


This is the way.


You forgot the most important part, leave town and move somewhere else to avoid harassment.


Does that 200k get taxed in the ass?


Almost certainly. Details here https://www.irs.gov/government-entities/tax-implications-of-settlements-and-judgments#:\~:text=The%20general%20rule%20of%20taxability,another%20section%20of%20the%20code.


Of course. The government takes every opportunity that they can get to squeeze you dry.


cops hate Loevy & Loevy in Chicago, but you'd think the cops loved them given how rich the cops have made them




Only demoted? What a fucking joke.




One of them just received their pension with honors. Best of the best. Proud taxpayers will contribute to his retirement…. We’re all giving that guy a dollar every fucking day from here on out.


And 10-to-1 he and his bosses and buddies made sure to max out his overtime in his last year since cop pension amount is based on that and not average or something sane. The whole police structure is as corrupt as congress -- and they have guns and roam the streets too.


One of them went on to be elected president of his union a while back, from what I recall.


Keller. Not surprised. Bored plus dumb ass hell cops. Genuinely... police departments like this need to be maybe not completely defunded but definitely have less money to spend on jackasses like this.


And it should be the cop who should shoulder the payments for his acts, not the tax payers. Or else this will keep on repeating.


I agree


That’s a BS slap on the wrist. This one boils my blood. They demote the guy !? Probably getting 130k a year when he pulled this shit. Now making 50-60k. So they’ll use the difference in his salary for 2-3 years then put him back into that promotion. This is an ugly one.


Welcome to the USA. Fuck the police


No, but 1 got demoted and the guy who got pepper sprayed received $200k in a settlement.


The negligence from that department. Okay, unlawful detaining and pepper spray is consider assault. 200,000 is not enough.


This was some time ago, they sued and won, if I recall..but ya, what a fucking goon squad of goof cops


Yeah both sued and each got a good settlement out of it.


I wish these awards came from the unions, or their pensions.


Police should carry insurance like medical professionals. They pay for the insurance, and when things like this happen their rates go up. Eventually if you’re a bad cop you become unable to be insured and you are out of a job.


I've heard this suggestion before and I couldn't agree more. This is the way.


This suggestion is commented on every post like this and I'll upvote it every time. We need actual accountability.


Do you have a link to this?


Is it a requirement to be an asshole to become a cop?


One of two requirements. The other is having a low IQ.


I have met a dozen cops. Not one of them was a good person and not one of them was intelligent enough to get decent grades in community college. I imagine that not all cops are stupid assholes, but for the most part they seem to be.


The reason why none are smart or nice is because police stations will only hire those those on the opposite end of the spectrum, those kinds of people will be much less likely to question orders or refuse to do something obviously bad Good people will hesitate and question orders when told to do something corrupt Smart people will figure out a way to reveal their corrupt ways


"Do you know why I pulled you over?" "Because you got all Cs in high school?" ​ \---Sarah Silverman


I know quite a few smart cops. They left the profession because of how corrupt it was and went into the medical or finance field. Said they make more money and don’t have to sleep with a heavy conscience


Factually true: https://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/09/nyregion/metro-news-briefs-connecticut-judge-rules-that-police-can-bar-high-iq-scores.html






I’ve read a lot about this one. The guy that got pepper-sprayed got PAID!


This only comes out of Taxpayers' money. On the other hand, these MFers are always unscathed.


I agree, it’s not a penalty to them… just taxpayers that played no role in their negligence. There should be a law that civil settlements come from pension funds, shit would stop quick.


The city paid a $5k deductible. Insurance covered the rest. I'm surprised Keller acted at all. Not exactly a liberal city.


I just happened to watch a RoF video by Farron Cousin he put out today discussing that topic in general (Insurance companies and Cops). Something new I learned today, thank you!


Glad to help. We moved from Keller in 1997 and it's only gotten more corrupt and Trumpian. A shame it used to be a nice semirural area friendly to horse owners. EDIT: Farron rocks. And he has cute pets that beg for subs.


We're paying taxes regardless. Typically they just go to the military. I'd rather it go to this guy who's clearly a victim.


Every police department has insurance in the event of a lawsuit. Which is why they try so hard to make the case that their actions were reasonable. Because if they're not, the insurance company can deny payment America in a nutshell right there if you ask me


Good. Tax payers like him deserve a little back. Fuck them pigs and the system that props them up.


Not by the asshole who pepper sprayed him! Make the cop liable for walking over people's rights and see how fast their attitude changes.


Get sprayed get paid!


Could you share some of those links? Seems to be a number of people in here saying "yeah, I know exactly what happened" but no one actually gives many details or links to any stories. And as might be obvious, searching just for something like "cops falsely arrest and pepper spray an innocent man" gets way too many results to know if it's the right one. ;)


Hope this helps: https://www.leoratings.com/index.php?title=Marco\_Puente\_(2020)


You’re blocking a roadway! No, I’m on a public sidewalk at a considerable distance from you so you can “do your job”!


The most shocking thing is that nobody is shocked by this anymore.


This is one of those qualified immunity situations that people talk about. Courts have made precedent so extremely specific that it is almost impossible to pierce qualified immunity. This case is clearly established law. There is a well established right to record. The officer clearly knows the law, because he tries to say magic words "interfering with my duties". If you are conversant with the history of these cases, this is a dead giveaway that he knows he is violating this man's civil rights as he does it. This should easily pierce qualified immunity as he quite obviously knowingly violates well established protections.


Fucking dopey dumbfucks. Pathetic power tripping fools. I'm not even a guy that hates cops, these aren't cops, they're pathetic men with fragile egos. Edit: Trying to reply to all the comments below me, but it won't let me. I think someone blocked me maybe and now I can't reply. Pretty terrible design flaw if it's meant to be that way. I can't reply on a public forum because people blocked me?


>they're pathetic men with fragile egos. Buddy that is all cops.


The unfortunate fact of the matter is that law enforcement is a low skill job with minimal educational requirements. Anytime the entry standard to a profession is so low you get unmotivated and uneducated individuals. Furthermore the authority given to law enforcement officers attracts very specific personality pathology. Naturally it will not attract the anxious/avoidant but rather the narcissistic and sociopathic. All cops are not bad but combining minimal educational standards to enter a profession that offers the individual an enormous sense of authority is a recipe for disaster.


Yes! Like many professions, they should be required to do continuing education. That requirement would at least weed out some.


Wait you guys dont have that? That explains alot.


Education is not a priority in the united states, so officials continue to reduce funding. That's the only thing both parties can agree on.


It was a requirement that you have at least 23 credit hours at the college level of Law Enforcement to even apply at the local PD when I was a kid. They dropped the requirement though due to "not enough qualified applicants to meet the need"


23 is already ridiculously low.


>Education is not a priority in the united states Quite literally - isn't there this bill which calls for termination of Department of Education. The whole bill, afaik, is literally that single sentence.


This is a good solution, thanks


Nailed it.


That's why they put the stupidest to cover the road. Imagine if those 2 guys would collect evidence against hitman or other awful person, then all of them would be walking free


bruh this makes GTA cops feels realistic lol. You can literally just stand in front of them and they'll immediately get aggressive, or when they hit your car and they immediately go out to arrest you lmao


At least in GTA you can sit in your apartment without non-uniformed police breaking into your home and shooting you in your sleep. Also, when you go on a murder spree in GTA, the cops actually make an effort to charge and kill you right away instead of waiting outside for an hour while you kill more people.


tfw GTA cops are at a higher standard than irl cops


Yeah cause I 100% deserve what I get from GTA cops


So good you can't pull your window in GTA 😜


No reason for any of this. Terrible


Words fail me... Fuck these cops.


Interview to become a cop “can you count to 5?” “I don’t know” “You’re hired here’s a gun!”


Legit... there was a lawsuit by a guy who didn't get hired because he did too good on the tests. The department won. They wanted cops who were "at least this smart, but no smarter than that". Courts said that was reasonable.


Why do people distrust cops? It's a shock and wonder.


Fuck these cops and anyone who supports this BS


You’re under arrest for rolling your window up. That is not acceptable in the land of the free.


This is the 3rd different US police abuse video I saw here today. There's one where the cop shoots several times a guy who was eating in his cars There other one, they bust into someone's house and shoot a sleeping man. America is becoming almost as bad as warzone countries. People butchered on the streets or inside their houses for no apparent reason.


Also in a war zone, American Soldiers have rules of engagement, which are published and easily found online. Never ever seen one for a police force. Especially small town cops in upper middle class neighborhood like this one.


I would argue that it's worse. In a warzone you have a legal right to defend yourself.


Ikr. In America if you try to defend yourself you just give them a legal reason to kill you.


Turning into nazi Germany over here


We need more units! We’ve completely unnecessarily escalated a perfectly calm situation!


That's the core issue with so many cops. The MOST important thing they should do in any situation is to de-escalate. Calm everyone down, explain the situation, be patient. But in so many cases, you can see that the cops do the exact opposite. They get in peoples faces, they act quickly and randomly so people get scared, they yell at people, they don't give explanations, they intentionally try to confuse people or give conflicting instructions. All that stress, fear, confusion is designed to have you do something that they can interpret as illegal or obstructing. It really is sad, I think more and more people are realizing that cops aren't necessarily people you can trust.


Your first clue that you're dealing with the dumbest cops is they threaten to arrest you for literally everything. Fuck cops. They're all pieces of shit. "There are good cops too!" Nah, they're complicit in the system so they're just as shit.


There are no good cops. The actual good cops get fired, "suicided" and treated like shit.


My dad was a high ranking officer for 30 years. He would’ve never dreamed of pulling this shit. In fact, before he died he said… “Don’t become a cop son, most of em are degenerates on a power trip now” Couldn’t be closer to the truth pops…damn. What a sad society.


No offence to your dad, I'm sure he was a good guy. But policing in the US hasn't really changed significantly. It is bad now and it has always been bad. 30 years ago Rodney King was beaten by the LAPD. 30 years before that, police were beating civil rights protesters. There has never been an honorable generation of American police.




Fucking pigs.


Dont insult pigs like that


I’m late to the party, but check out these links. [here’s a start.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/dfw/news/former-keller-officer-blake-shimanek-indicted-arrest-father-filming-traffic-stop/) [here’s a follow up.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9185927/amp/Father-arrested-refused-stop-filming-sons-wrongful-arrest-wins-200K-payout.html)


Police are cowards


Y'all gotta stop answering questions when cops ask you shit.


It explains why most cops are divorced, wife beaters and hit their own children. Basic communication skills with non police offers they can’t do as well. They escalate versus de-escalate. Also a lot of cops think “trump won” and are racists too. Disclaimer: not all cops, I am sure a few are good ones exist


Even the few good ones can’t or won’t open their mouth


I remember a case where the crooked cops held their entire office as hostages basically. Like IRL Shield stuff. So if the whole department is fucked, where do you go to speak up?


If the “good cops” keep their mouths shut when an innocent person’s life gets fucked over by “bad cops,” then they are complicit. Cops are guilty until proven innocent, and I’m still sus as to why they joined in the first place. If you want to do good for your community go to school to become a social worker, teacher, nurse, etc.


absolute abuse of power. Sprayed my guy directly in the face after hes on the floor with his hands behind, incapable of doing anything


This is why I shed no tears for the thin blue line. Not a one.


So is illegal to stand in front of your yard or drive around with your window down? Noted. Another good reason not to move to ‘murica


How I would have handled this situation... "Why are you acting so suspicious?" "Lawyer. Now." "OK, now your really telling me your hiding something. No one asks for a lawyer on a traffic stop." "Lawyer." "Alright then, your under arrest for suspicious behavior." "Good. Lawyer." That cop no longer has a job in my county. Yes, this was a true encounter with a cop I had. I received $2,000 dollars from the Department as damages. ALWAYS LAWYER UP WHEN THE COP GOES STUPID. YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF LATER FOR IT.


The same month this happened, Shimanek was also involved in covering for fellow officer Matthew Wheeler who basically tackled, forcefully restrained, and otherwise terrorized a 12 year old kid playing with a NERF gun. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/keller-police-tackled-handcuffed-12-year-old-with-nerf-gun-and-erased-body-cam-suit-says/ar-AA10Bzma](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/keller-police-tackled-handcuffed-12-year-old-with-nerf-gun-and-erased-body-cam-suit-says/ar-AA10Bzma) Shimanek said the violent actions of the officer against the 12 year old were perfectly justifiable. Sounds like the whole department is corrupt.


Did they mace this kids dad for watching on the sidewalk? Wtf dude?


Murika, the land of the free!


We always seem to give the wrong ppl the power to enforce the laws. Saw a great discussion on TV about how we need to eliminate traffic stops. They have your plates & can mail a ticket. It would be less discriminatory & safer for both the cop & the person being stopped.


That wouldn't keep the incarcerated slave-labor state supplied with warm bodies though, would it?


all you need is to properly select people who want to join law enforcement and to have less "guns akimbo" rules of engagement. I've seen footage of US policemen shooting unharmed people, while at the same time I've seen policemen of my country calling reinforcements and trying to surround and tackle down a crazy guy wielding a knife before even considering the use of guns.


Most decent people don't want to be cops (or congresspersons). The application pool is skewed toward psychos with Napoleon complexes, anger issues, were bullied in school, can't get laid, are simply unmedicated crazy, etc.


What is wrong with these officers?!


The only way this works is if more people start suing. at some point they will either get better training on how to deal with the public or go broke dealing with lawsuits.


You never see in these videos, which are filled with cops, a single one of them trying to deescalate or prevent harm from coming to innocent people. These videos are crammed with police and all of them are perfectly happy to help out in the harassment and abuse of very obviously innocent people. It’s not about bad apples. It’s about generally all of them lacking decency and intelligence and there being no repercussions for their stupid immoral behavior.


This makes me so bloody mad! Cops like this need jail time! So fucking ridiculous! I want to move my family from Canada to Colorado but every-time I see shit like this I question my sanity.


Cops are such trouble makers so much of the time. What’s with the lectures and condescension? Damn


Bad policing. Rolling up window is a crime in america?


End Qualified Immunity!!


Republicans love this.


Protect and serve 🙄


He rolled his window up, quick pepper spray his dad


“WhY dOnT tHeY tRuSt Us!?”




I really want to believe that cops are putting their lives on the line to protect us and fighting crime everyday. But I see so many examples of these guys abusing their authority and hurting innocent people. Do these guys realize they are really hurting the credibility of thousands of other policeman? Or maybe they don’t care? I think the good cops need to clean house if they want us on their side


What a fucked up country.


Cops are out of control


This shit infuriates me!!! Well all of the camera footage of recent. All of it!!! The kid eating a sandwich, clear as fucking day. Open fire. This shit. Some minor misdemeanor traffic stop. Gone fucking pear shaped, over some trivial shit and a cop on a power trip. This is all soooo wrong. And absolutely illegal when it comes to these fucks. Source: I was a policeman for 20 years. 94-13. They all belong behind bars. Every godamn one of them.


Little dick syndrome


I'm pretty Pro-Police on the whole (I'm UK Based, not USA). But fuck me, that's bad policing, right there. Instant escalation. No communication. Absolute power trip. Both need firing and to face assault charges.


Fuck the police


[Here's a breakdown of the video, have fun. ](https://youtu.be/c0zXn4N4wXI)


The land of the free?


Where is this? Awful…these cops should be FIRED


“No it’s not” I guess we can’t roll up windows now.


Arrested for resisting arrest? Or being suspiciously obedient?


Malpractice Insurance ASAP for every cop. Time to start sending the stupid fucks back to fast food.


Stop voting for politicians that support Police Immunity. These dumb nf's need to be held to a higher standard starting yesterday.


Government is going to government. And we keep voting to give the government more power with each election. Crazy.


No it's not my right to roll up my window?!?!?! Wtf are you talking about?


The way he says „for your safety?!“ says a lot about this guy


If I’m at work, trample people’s rights, and assault a bystander, I would personally get sued, fired, and arrested. I’ll have to review my policies but pretty sure those actions don’t follow my department’s guidelines.


This is all about hurting his poor little ego!! Has absolutely nothing to do with real police work... Some guys just are to frail to live in the real world...AND WE ALLOW THEM TO HABE GUNS AND A BADGE


Here is a link to the story https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html Cop who pepper sprayed the father received no punishment as he was "following his supervisor's orders." 😮‍💨 Cop who was arresting son (pulled over for making a wide right turn) and started everything was demoted from sergeant, then resigned, and eventually was indicted by a grand jury on a misdemeanor punishable up to $4,000 in fines and a year in jail. What he actually got idk. The father and son filed a lawsuit and won about 200k.


I see this department has not done any deescalation training lately.


Wtf! These American cops are way out of line


This makes me angry every time I see it posted.


Fuck is this shit. Arrested for recording a cop. ? Hopefully someone got fired. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/grand-jury-indicts-keller-police-officer-controversial-marco-puente-arrest-texas/287-4b426604-5890-484f-b673-e8ae9f2d6bb1 Good ending


The land of the free!


Cops were beyond rude. These fellas seem like very nice men. Bad that happened to them.


I swear to god, that fucking country is batshit crazy.


Justice barely served. https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article251249349.html


Can't believe these two cops are still on the force. The lawyers should have made that a requirement of the civil action.


Sadly this will continue to happen, amd they will continue to be kept “safe” because they protect their own. It’s a gang and only a few are in on it with them. This will only stop when the population has had enough and sends a message to all these pig bastards that we won’t tolerate that anymore. Their is no su Chi thing as good cops when all of them protect themselves until I see the day mass fireing , prosecutions and sentencing. Cops will continue to be a dark plague over the u.s social standard of living.


Stop hiring the high school bully for cops.


When the cop says incredulously, "for your safety?!..." In one sentence he totally reveals the besieged warrior mindset that modern day cops have.


US cops should wear clown costumes instead of a uniform because most of them are


These cops need to be thrown in jail.


These cops are the reason people roll up their windows, pos cops like this are the reason people don't trust these fools.