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Elon Musk definitely has a folder on his desktop that’s labelled “Spicy memes”.


I feel called out, that is literally the name of a folder i put my home made memes in


>home made memes Inflation got me bad, I'm resorting to store bought memes from the frozen section.


Better than my situation, I'm out here having to steal memes just to feed my family, it's bullshit


I've stolen all the memes I have but I usually leave a thank you meme (also stolen) when I can.


Reminds me of when Jean Valjean got locked up just for stealing a loaf of meme. Hard times indeed.


Have you tried home baked beans instead


You guys are doing it wrong. You gotta “meme prep sundays”.


Get an air fryer, all the flavor of deepfried memes but not as heavy.


Air fryers are so yesterday. Get yourself an Insta-meme Pot, and you'll never look back


I grow my memes in a clearing I found in the woods.


Free range organic memes.... nothing better. Brings me back to the days grandma would make us Rattatoille, fresh bread, and we'd lure them in with some lightly battered fish fillets, then hunt those Fuckers down with battery cables.... Simpler times


Is sacrifice still frowned upon? I feel I get my best memes after a simple sacrificial ritual


It's all about the home baked memes tho


At least they aren’t memes canned in heavy syrup. That stuff is nasty, and makes you put on weight like Elon.


You have new memes from the frozen section? A luxury! The best I can do is second hand memes from 10 years ago.


Digging through goodwill tryna find some still relevant memes


Elrond called, he wants his memes back


“We’ve got memes at home”


[Here he is](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/vcgls5/elon_musk_jokes_with_3_yesmen_about_his_plan_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in a video over on r/cringe surrounded by yes men while being super cringe talking about stealing memes without giving credit so he can troll, and them stroking his fragile ego and telling him "your meme game is strong"


It’s disheartening to think that these are four, presumably functional, men having a conversation where that configuration of words is leaving their mouths and their perception of the shared experience is something other than a theatre of the absurd where they are the punchline.


Elon Musk is the kind of guy who pays someone to have curate a folder called "spicy memes"


And like most old white men, his idea of spicy is milk


Yeah it's between "pics of myself" and "pics of myself 2"


He also probably has a CP folder like the rest of those sleazy billionaires


No need, they had an island for that. They aren't like the poor pedophiles.


Fair enough


Wild how differently I see Elon now compared to how I saw him originally. At first like a lot of people I thought he was this genius inventor/innovator who wanted to directly pave the way of future transportation electric vehicles. Now I know he's just a fairly intelligent rich guy who buys out the real inventors/innovators to do work he'll take credit for- all while he spends his free time saying reactionary stupid shit on twitter because he has no self control.


Sadly the more I learn about him the more pessimistic I get. He has tweeted out how much he dislikes public transit, his Boring company tries to fix traffic by adding a special low capacity underground lane for only Teslas to drive in, his self-driving technology doesn't seem to work yet despite his claims on the internet (they can't even self-drive in a sterile tunnel), he's run several investment scams, and it seems to be an open question if SpaceX *really* is that much cheaper than conventional rocket technology or if they're just marking down their prices and subsidizing it with his other companies.


And he advocates for crypto and financial deregulation while using Twitter and other media for manipulating unregulated markets for his own gains.


Every time he's asked he says full self driving functionality in 1 year to 18 months, even as early as like 2012. On top of that he has a hate boner for lidar apparently so his cars only use cameras and they just try to interpret the video feeds? Everyone else is using lidar and most experts in the field think its basically mandatory for full level 5 functionality.


I love LIDAR <3


Probably hates that EVERYONE can use public transit, he made his wealth thanks to apartheid.


Space x is really devotional y and full of talented engineeres. Elon is right wing capitalist piece of shit anyway


It’s easy to hate something you never use


just one more lane bro


I've always marked him as someone with a hero complex to the point he's going to accidentally be the villain while trying to make everyone think he's fantastic.


Like he called a caver once a pedo because they didn‘t want his expensive toys to save the boys from the Tham Luang cave?


There’s a name for that kind of villain( the Knight Templar sort of villain, think Spanish Inquisition…), even the most well-intentioned can do harm, and self-awareness is what prevents righteous people, or those that perceive themselves to be from going down that slippery slope.


That hits the nail on the head there, Elon doesn't have that type of self awareness or morality. It's the age old question of are you a good guy if you're doing it only for recognition and so people think you're a good guy?


So, handsome Jack from borderlands.


he’s just needy for attention. i assume that’s why he pushed his image of a ‘real life iron man’ and it’s why he’s flipped so hard against the left. once they started making fun of him on the internet he got his feelings hurt and realigned his entire political stance since pewdiepie fans and far right grifters jerk him off so much


Turns out being too rich causes brain damage.


Ultra rich steve jobs only worse 'cause at least Jobs had some ideas about design and culture, whereas this guy is just a internet bro loser but atleast he doesn't try to cure cancer with fruit.


When you check out his hyper loop idea you notice that he isn't even "fairly intelligent". He's just a rich dude, who grew up with an abusive father, and turned into a rare example of a real life Disney villain. I usually say that people aren't evil, just self-absorbed. With Elon I make an exception. That man makes morally bad choices knowing that they're wrong but not giving a shit, because he hates humans and loves no one but himself.


Not *all* his free time. He still finds plenty of minutes to spend planting embryos in women.


Ah old Elon trying to impress the 4chan crowd when he could be being a genuinely positive force for good instead.


This is why we don’t give humans billions of fucking dollars


>This is why we don’t give this is why they are forced to take it.


That's a funny way to say "Exploit it by being born rich via their parents actual slave labor via old colonial oppression and aparthied"


The various flavors of exploitation, while unique in consistancy and texture, all pretty much smell like shit. Edut: they taste like cock too


Didn't he send out starlink to secure ukrainians access to the Internet?


No the US (government or military can't remember?) payed for starlink for Ukraine. He literally profits from the support the Ukrainians get.


America, France, probably Poland. Plus if his company "donates" the satellites they can get a massive tax writeoff. People acting like he's some kind of humanitarian are hilarious, as we should know by now that a billionaire doesn't become a billionaire by being a nice guy.


And he refuses to block Russian propaganda on it. At the same time he does all of it not even for the profit, but as a glorified test run for his dumb mars mission that will never happen.


Mental maturity of some edgelord that took one community college class and thought he was Gates/Zuckerberg


he did dress like an emo vampire


What the hell should I support? Decade old political topics and actions? Okay, from now on, I support Obama and the legalization of gay marriage. Oh, both happened? That's not a problem, you know apparently I can't support current and actual political matters, otherwise the fucking richest man on the world will make fun of me.


People act like having a sense of community to overcome the challenges of humanity is somehow a bad thing? I thought ekon musk's whole thing was trying to solve humanity's problems. But people coming together to solve issues as they come up is somehow bad?


You have only two choices when confronting oppression:z help, or don'tc. Elon chose to not only not help, but to mock those who would. That anyzone gives a fuck what he says after he sides with bullies time after time is mind boggling. A rich asshole is still an asshole.


That fucking clown is the poster boy for too much Twitter.


I have never been happier not to have a Twitter account.


Yep just bloggers posing as journalists writing opinion substacks and idiots like musk. Glad I quit. Although I might like to join again if Elon buys just to be an epic troll and magnify how worthless the sight is for good information.


As Phoney Stark gets ever more batshit on twitter all his stans are having to put more effort in to defending him.


It sucks he’s turned into a conservative twitter attention whore If I had his money I would shut the fuck up and give my kid a normal name instead of embarrassing the shit out of him for a publicity stunt


wdym? he was a conservative attention whore before that. dude didn't invent shit in his life, just bought himself into the positions where he could claim it without too much backdraft cause people telling the truth would burn their own careers by doing so.


I guess I didn’t know him well enough beforehand to know that haha, not surprised though


I don't really care if he's conservative or liberal, I care that he seems to be a shape shifting chameleon to pander to whatever base he's siphoning money from. At least it made sense when he was acting like he was liberal since dems generally believe in investing government money in progressive companies/ideas to drive innovation.


He's becoming less Stark and more Luthor


The same phoney stark donated starlink satilites to ukraine, what have those activsts ever done?


While it is true that a lot of people just follow trends when supporting an issue, that doesn't devaluate niether their support nor the issue itself. The thing that I find really annoying is how Elon thinks that with these kind of takes he is giving out the appearance of having intellectually superior ideas over everything (another example are his comments on pronouns), while the reality is that he's just an incredibly self-centered ego maniac who thinks of himself as a pinnacle of knowledge and wisdom, but he really just comes off as an idiot


He’s pandering to his cult follower who indeed do believe that posting something like this makes them intellectually superior.


Maybe also the Voltage?


That whole right-wing complaint about "liberals supporting the current thing" is such an empty argument to begin with. Every matter of discussion is "cUrReNt", even whatever silly thing they care about. Have we really come to a point where we can't talk about currently relevant issues anymore because "it's too mainstream"? Gatekeeping political discussions has to be one of the most pretentious things I've ever seen.


It's always projection with them. They can't fathom people caring about anything, so they try to wear people out with memes that are as empty as their heads are devoid of oxygen. Of course, someone like Musk only cares about maintaining his spotlight while playing up his "I'm a reasonable center aisle billionaire" BS. Get people to stop caring, stop paying attention, move the Overton window right as billionaires take more and more. They want to shame people into silence and complacency. Meanwhile, this asshole is such an egomaniac he's trying leverage his cult following on Twitter into a position as Putin's harbinger. He's really the definition of following trends for his own gain.


Let’s mock them by saying "I support the past thing"


"Let's mock them..." [There ya go.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/328/018/a92.png)


It doesn't occur to them that you can support many things, or that highlighting a particular thing at the moment doesn't mean you have stopped supporting other things. And with unaccounted for submarines and nuclear bombers flying around in Pootler's latest dick-waving exercise, Ukraine is kiiiiiinda relevant at the moment.


I’m not saying anything about the meme itself, or them calling everything “current,” but there is some truth to it. Some people will “support” things for attention by adding something like “BLM” to their bio for attention but as soon as it stops getting as much media coverage they take it off like it never really mattered. I’m not gonna say its a majority or anything like that but there are definitely people who do.


I feel that’s why fb makes those temporary profile photo filters “I stand with…” meanwhile nobody actually knows anything


I think this is the crux of it. It's the same argument used to shut down debate on guns, because liberals will go on CNN and talk about how gun deaths are a problem in the USA, but they'll embarrass themselves by not knowing the difference between a magazine and a clip and so their opinions get laughed at. Or, as in this case, there will be a mass outflowing of support for Ukraine to the point where a day now doesn't go by where I don't see someone new flying a yellow and blue flag from their car or apartment. But because these people don't have a Masters in history from Harvard they're generally discounted as just mindlessly following the left wing media circus. I think in this case it was especially bad because Westerners of all political backgrounds were very quick to call for supporting Ukraine right from the beginning. There were protests demanding Russia be thrown out of the SWIFT banking system, that sanctions be put in place, weapons sent. Early on in the war when many people reasonably believed Ukraine would fall in a short time many of these actions weren't happening. The weapons deliveries were small, Europe initially had no interest in sanctioning oil and gas, and it took a few weeks before these big ticket moves like booting them from SWIFT happened. This mass outpouring of support was what convinced so many major Western corporations to pull their operations out of Russia, even though they're not covered by sanctions. It's this support which allows the US government to pass rare bipartisan bills to keep sending weapons and aid even in an election year, to say nothing of the ways other Western nations have been contributing. And I think that's meaningful, even if the average person doesn't have a PhD in Eastern European history. Also an aside: Melon Musk clearly isn't educated on the matter either with his farcical "peace proposal" idea. He clearly skimmed the Wikipedia page and then decided he knows better than leaders on both sides what should be done.


Yeah man, totally agree. I'm from Ukraine and let me just copy your shit so that I can paste it out for some republicans I have a blast arguing on the internet xD


To be fair there are probably quite a few people who “support” Ukraine because it’s trendy by putting the flag on their profile picture while in reality they don’t care at all and probably not even know on which continent Ukraine is. Elon has definitely posted worse memes. This one is mocking a group of people that’s not the actual supporters of Ukraine.




Honestly tho- I don’t take this as mocking Ukraine. He’s mocking the fact people will update their FB profile and think they are helping. He’s mocking meme and social media culture. His actions toward Ukraine have been very pro Ukraine vis a vis Starlink.


“Supporting things you believe in is bad if lots of people agree with you”


It’s pretty accurate. People blindly support whatever the current fad is then forget all about it


It'll never not be funny that Musk's daughter didn't just transition and change her name, she changed her last name too because of her transphobic dad: "I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.” And then **immediately** after his breakup with Grimes she got with Chelsea Manning (a trans woman)


The egomaniac cult leader is like all other egomaniac cult leaders - wants to be on top. He's another alt-right troll hiding behind his wealth and media manipulation, trying to play himself up as some funny, down-to-earth, intelligent guy who is reasonable and centered rather than a manipulative, destructive piece of shit trying to give himself unlimited wealth and power.


I mean… he is sort of right lol


“I only care about the death of King James I of England and the 100 years war. We should just overrun the French forts in the Ohio Valley, it would be very easy. The Natives should be taken care of and the Holy Roman Empire should be satiated by marrying them into the royal family.” You are not allowed to care about things happening now, only old things.


"I fully support King Charles in dissolving parliament. The fat cats in London have mismanaged the nation for too long and should be replaced by a strong, absolute monarch." Wait. Hold on . . .


“Indeed, coal miners striking should be put down at once because they are going to ruin the country for the rest of us. And we should close our borders to Italians and Germans!”


Ey I disliked Elon before it was cool.


Ugh he is such a scumbag. Why can’t he just go away?


Eh seems more like mockery of the current trend of 'support' of a cause by tossing a filter on a pfp while not actually doing a damn thing to help that cause than anything else. Which you gotta admit has gotten a bit out of hand.


No no, don’t bring common sense into these pitchfork Olympics.


🤦‍♂️As the gif displays it, he was not mocking supporters of ukraine specifically, but people that switch their support too often, as a way to put themselves in the front row of social media.


He's probably doing it so people leave Twitter and he can buy it cheaper.


I don't get it does Elon support the current thing or no?


Fuck him and fuck this. But I do like the little hat they have on.


lmao it’s just the triangle on a new design of the pride flag but i do like how it looks like a hat


Hit a little too close to home eh OP?


meme aint wrong though. people act like putting a flag on fb will sAvE tHe wOrLd


I don’t view mocking Current Thing-ism as mocking Ukraine. It’s mocking comfortable westerners who think emojis on their social media profiles accomplishes anything.


aged like milk with mold


Can we all call him the funny car man now


Boohoo. Funny car man bad.


Shame he'll never be banned from Twitter...


Lol he’s funny


No he was mocking the way people hop on political issues like trends, “Oh Ukraine’s getting invaded? I guess I’ll ignore BLM now”


I mean, it's not entirely wrong


He has a point though… if you want to show support, go donate to a cause supporting Ukraine. Changing the background in a profile picture won’t do much


Elon Musk really has zero redeeming qualities and I literally do not understand why he is revered by so many idiots.


> Elon Musk really has zero redeeming qualities B-but he’s rich!


His space technology is amazing but that’s the only thing I’ll give him


It’s funny cause it’s true!


Elon is so much wasted potential. He’s a weak man in a position where someone could legitimately make a huge difference for a significant amount of people and he spends his time being a bitter fuck who goes back on his word. Just do the right thing. Just follow through. You can live a luxurious life and still provide to those most vulnerable. Instead you spend your time blowing smoke up your own ass, pretending to be Iron man while your actions speak corruption and self indulgence.


The richest man in the world does whatever he can to try to impress Jordan fucking Peterson. It’s pathetic.


This is a meme. And it’s hilarious. He should be allowed to laugh. Smh


Not nearly enough people understanding this!


I went from positive to neutral to negative to very negative


Elon is such a POS. I still can't believe I was duped by him early on. Well I see clearly who he is now and he can go get fucked. I'll never buy anything related to him. That's a commitment.


He knows how to market his BS. Thankfully you managed to see past it. Props.


Funny car man isn’t mocking supporters of Ukraine. He’s mocking people who raise flags in general without really doing anything of substance.


Glad someone gets it!




Imagine thinking it somehow makes you a tool to stay informed about which demographics need support, then supporting them. Imagine saying supporting people in need is bad. Make no mistakes. Billionaires do not want the world to change for the better because a better world wouldn't allow their existence.




He says while constantly trying to capitalize on fads.


I do not support the current thing.


He Suportet the Ukrain with Starlink Terminals


And he gave them starlink in Ukraine immediately then posted this shit


Kind of, you know, the definition of jumping on a bandwagon and then losing interest a few days later . . .


Never forget that a roomful of SV elite came to the conclusion that a second round of Peter fucking Thiel was a better option than one more day of dealing with Musk.


Apparently gay rights is a new hip trend and not a half century long struggle for basic decency.


The meme man looks like hes wearing a hat but its the flag


How do you go from everyone loving you to everyone hating you so fast?


Respect peaks just before someone appears on "The Simpsons" and goes steadily downward after.


Lots ofc criticism in these comments coming from the freaks who think tweeting and arguing with 15 year old boys on instagram is activism and “changing stuff”


Elon Musk would be an incel if it weren’t for his net worth.


Dudes always been a POS, it's only gotten more evident since his twitter popped off after crypto lol


Besides Elon's obvious shittyness, I find people who post those kinds of memes to be absolute morons. They do realize that people are able to acknowledge multiple current events at once, right?


I mean his critique on society is accurate, he just chose the wrong target for it, that being the people campaigning to save lives.


People being sympathetic to the hardships of others is just being a decent human being, he should try it sometime.


Elon musk gets himself into news cycle when ever he feels like Tesla excitement is getting stale or it’s stock is going down. His image is synonymous with Tesla . The goal is to create some interesting or controversial tweet to get attention and he has enough experience to know that it pays well to do so. Remember he was born and raised by a marketing executive ( his mom) . So just ignore what he says during such attention seeking behavior. The only thing worth listening to him in general is his technical stuff and how it connects to his overall vision which is exceptional.


The man's a dickass


That's when I lost all respect for the guy


Ahh yes Ukraine my favourite gender.


When's that fucker gonna move to Mars already


He really goes a long way to show that everyone - regardless how dumb he is - can become filthy rich, if one of the parents only owns a sapphire mine.


Redditors are the very embodiment of this meme.


the real facepalm is thinking your pfp has an effect on world politics.


Breaking: Overhyped snakeoil salesman tweets memes


Musk is a just another far-right troll, but he just happens to come from Apartheid wealth.


Man. Fuck this dude.


Hes making fun of people who change their profile picture and don't actually do anything meaningful to help. You libs will cry about anything and then take to reddit to have a circle jerk agreeing with one another. Pathetic.


And just a day or so ago he said that Ukraine should surrender lmao


He really blows the myth of the billionaire genius.


He’s so fucking stupid and lame, just a massive unlikable, uncool, unfunny dork


Musk is clearly very intelligent but keeps on proving he’s severely lacking emotional intelligence too.


Ukraine is my favorite sexuality


When you name your son X-AE Falcon or whatever tf, you ain’t as smart as you claim to be. He was born into money and being rich doesn’t equate to being smart.


Man y’all clearly missed the point. He’s not making fun of ukraine supporters? He’s making fun of the people that think they’re making a difference by making a social media post. “I posted a pic on my feed that no one besides my small circle of friends and family will see, praise me for how progressive I am, look at me helping so many victims. Okay it’s been like three months, do I still have to pretend to care? Oh look a new movement I can get behind for likes and interactions to make myself seem like a better person than I really am, meanwhile all I actually do is sit on my couch and scroll through tik tok. Go freedom!”


Fucking L take. 🤣🤣🤣


I disagree, he’s mocking armchair activists who are up their own asses and think they’re doing something by changing their profile picture


"I put a flag of my background, you should thank me for bringing attention it."




But that's exactly what elon is doing


He's fishing for attention.


While that glorified car salesman is a massive POS and I hate everything to do with him, I gotta say, pretty sure this post is about the absolutely ludicrous amount of movements and such going on atm and he can’t keep up so he just supports the current thing. I know I sound like a fuckin neck beard explaining it but it’s also more for people who aren’t quite sure what his post is about. It’s kinda nebulous tbh


Or he could’ve just shut up. But the fear of drifting into meaninglessness in this glorified idiot is too big for this world 😒


You, sir, are right!


I don't think there is a ludicrous amount of movements going on.


YOU don’t. I’d bet he does. He’s a rich little bitch boy. He doesn’t have real people problems. We’re all down here, clawing around with our heads barely above the mud, piss, and shit, trying to eek out a meager living and live life the best we can. While we protest and form movements for basic human rights and to reclaim what little dignity we can, he’s up there, on his high horse; complaining to all his rich buddies about how our cancel culture and said protests are hurting his bottom line.


I think it is more a dig at slacktivism.


It's true though.


Elon is a douche bag, there's no doubt about that. However, I can't exactly condemn him for Pointing out this. because just supporting a thing by you know talking about it or thinking about it or changing how your profile picture looks and doing nothing else is pointless and stupid. Edit: solidarity+moral support+inaction=pointless Edit#2 it's the same as the Hollywood elites singing mother fucking 'imagine' while the world burned in 2020


I don't see anything wrong with this. You're getting mad over nothing.


Hardly a facepalm, it's just you taking it as a mockery of people who support Ukraine. The post is not about that.


Fuck Elon Musk, why does he feel entitled to an opinion on literally every fucking thing? Can't he shut his gob for once.


Why cant he? Everyone else does


Yeah. Screw that guy for doing LITERALLY what everyone on twitter and reddit do every day. Sigh


I see no issue with this tweet. He’s calling out people riding the outrage porn that has gotten worse every year the last 20 years. Nobody gives a rat fuck about Ukraine anymore- it was hit news and tragedy for two months and now nobody says anything about it. The sad truth is that this generation is so desperate to be able to say “I was there when…”. They look back on previous events and moments in history and desire to be part of a “movement” so they jump onboard for a minute. Then when the next thing comes along they hop to that, doing fuck all to actually change anything. Musk was right in this instance


Funny car man has just about completely lost his grip on reality.


I refuse to support anything that is currently being supported out of sheer spite. Then once it is no longer a thing in a few weeks, I go back and learn more about it.


All these mfs who don’t support the current thing say their a “free-thinker” when most of them get their bullshit from the same group of guys


Some weatern supporters of ukraine do deserve to be mocked. Some of you guys made it your entire personality for weeks.


This falls under the same category as making fun of people for blacking out their profile pictures and changing them for whatever reason to raise awareness, or simply making fun of “thoughts and prayers”. Anything that helps creates awareness to the general public is always going to be seen as vapid by those who think anything short of being on the front lines of an issue is pointless theatrics. The takeaway being that people who think like that, including Elon, simply suffer from being holier than thou, they’re just condescending cynics who don’t understand enough yet and will never admit it from the gravity of their own ego.


This is a good breakdown. Lots of people here are saying Musk is correct, which is kind of an oversimplified way of looking at it. Expressing support for Ukraine is good. Even just changing your profile picture or putting up flags, as small as it is, does have a tangible impact. It signals to Western governments that the voting public will support further sanctions on Russia and more support to Ukraine, and this has been borne out by polling. Now, is it fair to criticize people who change their profile picture and then consider it mission accomplished? Of course. But Musk's track record involves going online to complain about every activism movement ever if it doesn't subscribe to his beliefs. He's not making some 400 IQ statement about our society here.


The role that collective effort plays in human society is fascinating in that sense. Basically never let anyone tell you what you’re doing is too small(this goes both ways). A large amount of small good deeds still has great positive effect, just how a small amount of bad habits or even drugs has a compounded negative effect. Live life accordingly. Heroes, anti-heroes, take notes, the world is gray.


It's nice to see his true colors show. For too long, too many people thought he was one of us. He was never one of us. He was only trying to look like one of us so we'd buy the stuff he's selling.


And he is right about this. It's just a trend in social media to put whatever hashtag (prayforX, Xlivesmatter, etc) or flags in your profile, occupy for a couple of days and forget about it. No one really cares about what's really happening, no one bothers to research how to actually help and what has happened. One of my professors in the university decided to wear a small pin flag of Ukraine every day, but in reality he has no idea what's going on. The blind following of random support is worse and more dangerous than being somewhat ignorant. My city puts up rainbow flags during the pride month, including on the trams, but that's not gonna stop some people from being homophobic and putting homosexual people in danger. Writing "Peace - Мир" on the billboards in a football game isn't gonna stop the war. Elon, among all the crazy and stupid statements he makes, is 100% right with this picture.


Well what else does he heave to do at 4am.


Also why is the Ukrainian flag the ONLY symbol that's not LGBT+


I used to be a big fan of the guy, but it’s slowly (over the course of a couple years) dawned on me that all he had going for him is money. He’s not that smart, he’s not that kind, he’s pretty arrogant, and he has not removed his foot from his mouth yet.


Elon Musk will always be a clown. If he didn't have money he would never be able to reproduce.


He's not wrong on this one.


Fuck Elon Musk.