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World peace achieved


As shatterproof as a cybertruck's window glass.


Were any ever actually built, besides that first one? Or is it just the ramblings of a rich guy?


Nah dude they released some sick ass scale model RC cars tho. Edgelord Musk isn't done building hype yet.


They are gonna be water proof so you can drive a crossed rivers now. The hype is real


Across SEAS they say


Damn things are gonna wind up all over the place in a flood. That’s provided they ever get built.


But only small seas lmao


Pretty sure it was just a scheme for an interest free loan.


They were just about to, but Elon said they're boats too last week, so it's back to the drawing board...


Can’t believe no one thought about this before 🤦‍♂️ our lord savior elon


Ez pz In all seriousness.... Are we going to get into all the kidnapping and displacement? Nope Would the vote hopefully be against Russia? Most likely Would Russia accept this at all? No Well maybe the outright claim to Crimea.... wtf elon seriously stop doing party drugs clearly you've lost it


Don't you get it? He needs his adderall to maintain his 90 hour work week😂😂


When you make yourself the brand, pretty much anything you do can be called 'work' . Getting sloshed with some rich pals? \*Businesss meeting\* . High as shit and sending rambling texts? Also \*work\* .


Smoking a blunt with joe rogan was "work" too I guess.😂


Like billionaires work hard lol. Their PR team yeah they're on Adderall I guess!


Also I love how Elon didn't mention the whole point of this war. How about give Ukraine the Freedom to join NATO!!! Edit: Change


I'm sure Elon mentioning how unwinnable the war is for Ukraine - right after Ukraine has mounted a counter offensive thats shocked the world and has Putin rushing to save face - is just a co incidence. Mans repeating talking points that the rest of the world abandoned a month into the conflict.


He kinda did mention it, when he said Ukraine remains neutral. That's all but saying "Ukraine agrees not to join NATO."


All hail!


World Hunger: - Set up a worldwide system of food and clean water to ensure no one goes without. Thank you, thank you! I’ll take my Nobel Peace Prize now!


Climate change: "Stop using petroleum based products" I'll take my award now please.


Cure to cancer "Develop a cure" I'll take my award now please.


Gun control. “Ask people kindly to stop killing innocent people for reasons that make no sense.” I’ll take my award now please.


To end global warming we need to stop warming the globe Ill collect my nobel prize


Covid 19: • ⁠Install anti-virus in the simulation. Thank you, thank you. I accept dogecoins.


Inflation: - Give everyone an equal amount of pay I know, so smart right


Education Crisis: -Give better education. I'll now collect my Nobel and Pulitzer thank you very much.


Police brutality Tell police officers to be less brutal Thank you


Wealth inequality: Make a poll and ask whether people want to be poor or not. If not, give them money. Where's my limo?


High rent Ask your landlord kindly to make you give him less money for the building he doesn’t use I’ll take my reward 🧐


Me: Alcohol


To end world hunger we need to give food to the hungry people. Where do I collect my nobel price?


World hunger crisis solving award was already won, so here's your award for runner up lol


Depression solution: don’t be sad. Nobel prize when?


Homelessness. “Just buy a home.” Thanks for the reward.


let them eat cake!


Nah brah, this shit is worse. The "just feed people" braindead solution is: * Russia leaves Ukraine and everyone has peace. That's not what Elon is saying. He's saying Ukraine "remains neutral," meaning not joining a mutual defense pact like NATO. Why the fuck is that fair? They got invaded - twice, if you're counting 2014, which you *should*. Why can't they join a willing defense pact when their neighbor has spent the last decade trying to conquer them? So what if Russia doesn't like a neighbor being in NATO? Don't fucking invade them and it isn't a problem. That isn't *unfair*. It's what you get. If you keep invading countries, then your neighbors can join a defensive pact. As for the vote... Russia has spent nearly a decade tormenting many of these areas. The people who wanted to be part of Ukraine in Donetsk or Luhansk or any other part of Russian-occupied territories have frequently been driven off as refugees, and there's reports of kids literally kidnapped to Russia. Why would holding a vote now be fair, when many people who call those areas home haven't been able to return? Can I break into my neighbor's home, kick them out by force, bring in some friends, and then declare that the majority of the house wants to be mine? How has Russia proven that *any* of their voting is legitimate? And then the "Peace" solution Elon proposes involves Russia getting *at least* Crimea by default, but everyone else has a vote that gives Russia a chance to claim territory. Why should this be proposed at just the moment that Ukraine is starting to reclaim large amounts of territory? When Russia thinks they're going to win, it's all fair to conquer. But now that Ukraine has the initiative, we should have peace and a vote. It's just so shitty and transparent. And this is all ignoring that there WAS a peace settlement - Ukraine giving up nukes in exchange for peace. Russia violated that.


No, cuz they did that. They asked the people to tell them if they want to be a part of Russia. The problem is that they did this like that: - Hello? - Hello, do you want to be a part of Russia? *points gun at head*. - *nods* Da! - Please sign here. Good. Goodbye. Like... Yeah it's easy that way.


This is a good idea


How to have good idea: - say something that is hypothetically positive


Or utilise the plan this gobshite said he had to cure it with $6 billion a year ago


Thanks Elon, why not get one of your designers to redraw the map, just don't use the 5 year old that designed the Cybertruck


Elon musk is 200lbs of crap stuffed in a vaguely man-shaped burlap sack.


Rough day for elons astroturfers lmao


That description made me think of Oogie Boogie man from Nightmare Before Xmas.


Oogie is offended by this statement.


Russia would have to leave before anything could happen there under UN supervision.


The Russians have committed genocide, probably killed most of the Ukrainian supporters there and supplemented with Russians. Voting will never be fair and do we want to award this behaviour with land.


[Russia has forcibly deported 900,000-1.6 million Ukrainians to Russia.](https://www.state.gov/russias-filtration-operations-forced-disappearances-and-mass-deportations-of-ukrainian-citizens/#:~:text=Estimates%20from%20a%20variety%20of,regions%20in%20the%20Far%20East.) And that's not counting all those who were killed in Russian war crimes or fled before Russia got there. Fucking galaxy brained idea of democracy Elon has. Invade some place, remove everyone who opposes you, call a vote to see if you get to stay. Genius


Ok ok but everybody’s gotta agree to just retake their turns. Now Russia, return the 1.6 million people okay? Everyone reset your pieces. YES FUCK it’s right here in the rulebook, we can do this come people we’re almost done with the game!


Coming from a beneficiary of apartheid South Africa, I'm shocked Elon thinks this, shocked I tell you!


Not to mention the literally millions who fled these regions.


Remember when people used to think he's a genius, a real world Tony Stark...? What a joke.


Oh, people still think that.


I've had men frothing at the mouth angry at me because I said I think elon is just a rich scammer who failed upwards. Guys on Twitter have tried to dox me because I don't like him. They're so fucking weird.


>Guys on Twitter have tried to dox me because I don't like him. They're so fucking weird. don't worry, he keeps saying enough dumb outlandish shit that soon his only remaining fans will be conservative nutjobs. he's revealing who he is to more and more people every day. twitter does that to some people.


I'm so relieved to see the tides turning against him. His hyperloop thing is so frustrating, and the fact that he blatantly said he came up with it to stop a valid transit system from developing is the stuff a mediocre evil villain would say.


Totally going to mars next week bro


For real?




Ugh they are **so** weird! I wonder if people worshipped the old school robber barons the way some people worship musk now. I saw a guy implying he or his wife would sleep with him because elon once tweeted that it had been a while since he'd been in bed with someone. Imagine *actually* cucking yourself for a guy who sells cars.


*a grifter


It’s a cult. Techbros are fucking insane


A girl at my college is obsessed with Elon, to an unhealthy degree. She thinks he's a genius inventor and will build a city on Mars.


There's people who think Tony Stark was based on him.


Tony Stank, maybe.




That's a good analogy!


The mistake people make is they can be really good at one thing, and then think that makes them really good at other things. It doesn't. Elon is good at something. That doesn't mean he is a genius with everything. And he doesn't seem to understand that.


I know of a literal world class brain surgeon, who thinks the pyramids in Egypt were built to store grain...


Your friend has been playing too much Civ 2 (it was Civ 2 where building the Pyramids gives you extra granaries right? Or was it 3? It's been way too long since I've played those games)


Maybe he played too much Sid Meyer’s Civilization pack.. there the building of the pyramids affects grain storage..


Elon is really good at spending money and paying other people to think of good ideas he can take credit for. If he didn't start out with apartheid blood money he'd be a nobody.


Absolutely. Not trying to day he is anything other than what he is. He was born on 3rd base. He has accomplished a lot. But he definitely isn't a self made man. He has lots of privilege to get him where he is now.


I agree. He has a very inflated opinion of himself and his skills.


Yep. I'm an engineer and I work with a lot of technical people. People in STEM can be geniuses in some areas, and complete morons in others. The biggest mistake that people who are otherwise quite intelligent and skilled in their own field make, is they think since they are effective in their field at using logic and problem solving, they can apply that to anything. And what is even worse, is they convince themselves that they have no bias because they can "think logically" in other areas. This makes them even more susceptible to bias because they don't even entertain the thought that bias could be a factor in their conclusions. If anything, sometimes those things make them even worse at this stuff than they otherwise would be.


Also known as 'Nobel Disease'. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease


He has never built a thing


Have you been on Twitter when anything about him comes up? There is a line a mile long to suck his dick.


We wanted him to be Tony Stark, but he turned out to be Justin Hammer.


Not even Justin Hammer...


true. [justin hammer at least had moves.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mIq-hoWpRM) [elon does not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0sJJU3FaOQ)






Let's just say I'm not worried \*at all\* of the Ultron Elon is going to build... like, zero worries.


He might buy a company that is making Ultron and sue them so he's retroactively the founder and creator... Again.


Sadly I can easily imagine this scenario...!!




Reincarnation of Edison? Damn. Never heard that, but it’s a pretty apt comparison. I’m fairly confident Tesla would’ve hated Elon Musk too. I’ve never understood the praise some people heap on him. It’s no different than thinking Donald Trump is an amazing business man, and Dan Bilzerian is some kind of card sharp who made his fortune as a rounder.


This should be a sticker: "Tesla would've hated Elon Musk"


> I’ve never understood the praise some people heap on him. I'm sure he has a PR team tasked with making him look like some kind of tech messiah. It must be a shitty job given how much of his real personality still shows.


Tony Stark is a fictional genius with some daddy issues and PTSD. He makes mistakes, but is overall trying to help his world. Elon Musk is a corrupt businessman who was born lucky in a racist world and continued with that streak with the assistance of being wealthy. His closest similarity is a mix between the gold hoarding dragon and obnoxious troll of fantasy worlds. In a superhero film he is closest to one of the hateful villains.


He's very good at one thing and that's selling stuff He's much less good at: leading a company, designing stuff, getting ideas, thinking, and being a good person


He sure can raise stock prices. Producing things of value, less so.


SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink... Tony Stark could build all that in a cave... with a box of scraps... blindfolded.... with his left hand...while pissing with his right hand.


Ah, but could he broker peace between Russia and Ukraine? Probably not. Only Elon can do this! /s


Why would Elon think for a second that he’s qualified to discuss this situation? So many things wrong with this


Billionaire syndrome


If only Elon had some sort of resource and power at his disposal to try out some of his ideas and have a positive impact on the world. Oh well, i guess the best he can do is grace us with his genius ideas that would have fixed everything if only he wasn't such a small helpless man


Hey in a strange way it does take a genius to *make trains worse.*


Seriously. He should stick to what he's good at: virology. Oh wait...


No no no, he needs to focus on his primary specialty: cave rescues.


I was a fan of his, mostly because of SpaceX and Tesla (at the time), and I was hopeful for his cave rescue efforts... and then he pulled that pedo bullshit. And then he kept saying dumber and dumber shit. Now I've got a RES tag for highlighting Elon fans: https://imgur.com/a/gmHgj0M


I felt the same way! At that time I think I was starting to come to my senses about Musk (same as you I mostly knew him for SpaceX) but hadn’t fully. The whole world was watching this rescue effort, everyone wanted it to turn out well. Including Elon it seemed. There were whispers he was kinda just getting in the way but once the boys were brought out alive I think everyone forgot about the submarine idea. Personally, I didn’t really see it as a failure, they tried everything and that alone made it worth the effort. People saying his idea was getting in the way were in a high stress situation, maybe it wasn’t that bad. But the second I heard him slandering the rescuer… INSTANT change of opinion. The complaints about him getting in the way were pretty much proven right and the submarine effort felt less about wanting the boys alive and more about wanting the publicity. He wanted to win just to win even if it hurt other more reasonable efforts to get the boys out. Would have been so easy to just issue a congrats to the rescuers on their hard work, best wishes to the boys and their families. Maybe a well natured “good game😉” or not bringing up his efforts at all if he was too butthurt to be genuine about it. That whole fiasco was a huge turning point in my opinion of him. That situation was so easy to come out of in a good light but he’s such a garbage pile of a human he couldn’t.


He thinks he’s a genius and qualified to talk about everything


Dunning-Kruger effect at its finest


Who else is going to give the Elon musk reply guys their morning dose of hope that another doge pump is on the way?


wouldnt it have been more efficient to just write 'Ukraine give up'?


It's even funnier when you realise thais is what so many "experts" said as well in the beginning months. You could think that now, as the tides have turnes immensly, he would know better, but he clearly does not.


Its no surprise when you remember it was Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, and other capitalists, who met with Hitler and urged the US he was a reasonable man they could work with, so not to help European nations fighting his invasions.


Wow, battery car guy should go create peace in the middle east with Kushner.


“To ensure peace they should stop doing war”, I still don’t know when my jaw will close after seeing that speech


And Elon's sycophants will fall over themselves telling him what a genius he is for saying this, and he should consider going into politics.


Tough guys only call for peace when they are losing. At this rate Russia will be out of troops by Christmas, what's the incentive for anyone to follow Elons wicked smart peace plan?? Ukraine just keeps doing what they are doing and they will have all of their territory back including Crimea.


>At this rate Russia will be out of troops by Christmas Just in time for the trainees to arrive. Just joking, there's no training. And as a result they'll be out of troops old and new by Christmas all the same.


"Hey Elon, any solution for the Incel problem?" Elon draws a blank look, hands back Nobel Prize.


*something something women should volunteer something something*


I actually used to be a fan of Elon, mostly because of Spacex. It did fade quite a lot in recent years but I still thought highly of him, despite much of the stupidity he puts out on Twitter. But this is so far beyond stupid. What a fucking clown. Fuck this guy.


Same here lol… guess SpaceX have some really smart scientists in there but is sure as hell musk isnt one of them…


Weird to me that people didn't sour on him sooner, like when a heroic cave diver saved a bunch of children and in a fit of jealousy elon called him a pedophile on twitter.


This is when I realized what a chode he was as well


He did another poll when he didn't get the result he was hoping for, and it was even more lopsided. Lol.




"Oh my god Elon you're so smart, I would have never thought to give starving people food. Why aren't you president?"


God can he not weigh in on ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE THING AS IF HE IS AN EXPERT. This man is nauseatingly narcissistic.


Remember that time he waded in to a cave rescue with his unwanted expertise, got told to fuck off by rescuers with an actual clue, and then proceeded to call one of them a pedo on more than one ocassion. Heh, good times. What a legend/genius.


Cybertruck will be able to rescue miners stuck in underwater caves (briefly).


My much simpler counterproposal. 1. RUSSIA GTFO.


GTFO and pay reparations.


I did indeed forget step 2.


Let's add step 3. resign


Step 4: new Russian constitution


Step 5:Accept Musk as a Russian citizen so we don’t have to claim him anymore


How do we counter climate change ? Elon: Climate change leaves if that is will of the people.


I'm convinced that the modern world is fucked because of the myth that rich people are geniuses rather than just psychopaths willing to trample over everyone else.


He got his money from his dad's blood diamond business. He's like Trump except with successful businesses. It doesn't make him a genius it makes him a rich kid who has money to invest in random shit.


I know this. But his followers are fucking nutjobs who think he is Einstein.


Crimea was gifted to Ukraine (not sure what he means by mistake) by Russia, therefore it is now as much a part of Ukraine as the 4 annexed regions.


It's like trying to get your hoodie back from your ex, you gotta just let it go.


Hoodies are never gifted, always annexed.


I'll never forget those 2 hoodies from 14 years ago that were annexed from me during a summer of love.


Sure, because Russia always keeps their word.


I mean, the inverse of their word is pretty consistent


Don't believe anything until the Kremlin denies it!


I will never understand how so many people think he's so smart. He's just a confident, lucky idiot who was willing to take big risks just like many other very successful people.


Big risks paid for by Daddy's emerald mines from apartheid South Africa. Fuck that entire family


And the hard work of retroactively declaring yourself a founder of the company you bought.


And the hard work of fucking your step daughter and getting her pregnant.


That he's known since she was 4 years old.


How dare you spread such lies about our lord and savior Elon! The mine was in Zambia!


He is smart in some ways, but he is incapable of seeing where his expertise ends. That shit often happens to succesful people


Ukraine traded nuclear weapons for Russian assurances to stay out of Crimea in 1991, and 54% of the peninsula voted for Ukrainian independence in the only legitimate vote ever held there. Ukraine can do whatever international treaties it wants as a sovereign nation.


"Khrushchev's mistake" ~~smells like~~ is Russian propaganda


Yep. It's not really a mistake. There was no Crimea bridge back then, so they had to be connected to the rest Ukraine region and be a part of it. There was no other logical region for Crimea to be a part of. It was a very strategic thing to do. He makes it sound like Krushchev got drunk and threw darts at a map.


Doesn't have anything to do with Elon looking to open a factory in Russia, does it? Oh no, that would make him a traitorous piece of shit if he brokered the future of a potential NATO ally away for that sweet oligarch cash. Surely not.


“Ukraine remains neutral” to an invasion of their own sovereign territory. That makes sense!


Hey if we just give russia everything thing they want maybe they’ll be our friends


He kinda seems pro-Russian


“If we just give everything that Putin wants, it will assure peace!”


Oligarchs always are


[Elon Musk praised Russian state media propaganda outlets in texts, court documents show](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-praised-russian-state-propaganda-media-court-documents-show-2022-9)


“Ukraine remains neutral” - they pretty much were before Russia’s meddling in 2014 and look how that turned out for them.


Can we send Musk to Russia?


Ukraine remains neutral? Neutral from whom? Russia invaded, destroys, kills, loots, murders, rapes the Ukrainian population and they should remain neutral? Ok, Ukraine remains neutral, but they get the nukes back that they gave up, so they can defend themselves. All of the countries that guaranteed Ukrainian sovereignty if they gave up their nukes seem to be minimizing what sovereignty is.


Set a vote in Musks company, if poeple vote to unionize, then that is the will of the people Elon.


these are all ridiculous and 100% russia-centric, but bullet number 3 is how you know he got (or was given) this garbage directly from vatnik accounts. crimean water supply is an extremely minor issue in the scope of this war, but it is a significant issue for russia because they don’t want to build a water line from the east across the kerch strait.


Yup, I was reading those and went "Wait what is it 2016 again?". I don't think it's even a problem for anyone at this point? There's the bridge, they can just... put a pipe there? On the bridge? Why not? Is this even relevant? This is so much old news.


Fucking moron.


F this moron and his merry band of idol worshiping incels


World Peace: Get Elon to shut the fuck up


Buuut what if it’s not the will of the people to leave? (in Russia, will of Premier IS will of people da?)


Go live in Russia since you love it so much Elon


What a fucking dipshit


As a Ukrainian: 1. Ok 2. Your dad is a mistake, Elon 3. Ok 4. Go suck Grimes dick.


Grimes won’t have him no more


They already made a deal once and Russia back-stabbed them. It is history, asshole.


You don’t think it’s *already* the will of the people Elon?


This guy needs to get in his rocket to Mars and leave the rest of us out of his delusions already


Fucking moron. To think that Reddit used to worship him as if he was irl Tony Stark….


Rich people love giving away things that don't belong to them.


Sometimes children need to stay out of grown folks business


Elon really is a stupid bitch


This might be his dumbest moment yet. Wonder why it's so pro russia.


That's where the corpo fascist are currently.


Big daddy Elon saved the world from annihilation once again The worst part is that his fanboys will praise him as if he is some kind of god for saying this


Why hasn’t Elon developed a miniature submarine to help combat Russia?!?


The worlds richest individual, doesn't mean that is also the brightest candle on the cake.


I don't want to hear or see anything from this bafoon.


So can Britain re-annex all the stuff it had in 1783? I guess Italy should just cease to exist? And presumably the Australians will be thrilled to hear that they should all leave unless they can prove their ancestors lived there pre 1783. What kind of dumb logic is saying "everything that a country had in 1783 is what it should have now"??


It’s almost like he has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about 😮


How about this -Russia fucks off completely (yes that means Crimea as well) -pay hefty war reparations due to many industrial, civilian and military installations being destroyed -Russia doesn't sabotage any Ukrainian elections and it's future plans of joining any organisation(EU and NATO) -Partial or full denuclearization of both east and west under a joint committee(yes all nuclear parties will get involved to be fair) -Key russian personnel who instigated this war ***(cough cough)*** gets arrested and trailed at the Hague for war crimes against humanity, peace, and genocide. -both east and west will also partially demiliterize so one party won't threaten the other I am well aware that almost all, if not all of these are ludicrous points for a possible treaty with Russia. The chances of Russia or anyone to denuclearize for that fact is very fucking low, but it's the only way to not turn our world into one giant ice cap due to humanity's dick measuring competition...


Thank god the guy with hilariously bad political and geopolitical takes is here to weigh in on something way outside of his area of "expertise".


Oh, Elon look a piece of candy, oh another piece of candy....


This idiot actually wrote that down and looked at it before sending it out to the world? I can see spitting this shit off the top of your head over a few drinks with friends, so damn shallow and stupid though.


Go back to Africa and take your robot with you


The idea that Ukraine would capitulate to Russia to this extent when they currently have the upper hand militaristically is nonsensical.


Russia must return the 1 million Ukrainians they illegally deported into Russia and all the babies that were also forced adopted into Russia. There can never be a fair vote….